
TOO SICK TO PRAY }solstice challenge



2 Years
11-28-2014, 12:56 PM


Meinx had followed her leaders from afar, itching for a fight. She was growing more irritable, her fathers death now lingering heavy upon her shoulders. Her pace would hurry towards the battlefield, where she would see the challenges had already begun. At least she had a front row seat. But before she looked upon the fight, or fights rather any further, something else would catch her eye. Another Solstice member [Aerndís]. She seemed eager and desperate more then anything else, and what was even more pitiful to see was that Valentine, the king and son of Cataleya, would lower himself down to her for simple 'pleasure'. Didn't he know the spite Arcanum held for them? before the woman was given the chance to leave, Meinx would attempt to block the way, a wicked grin plastered upon thin lips. " Your so pitiful to watch, little dove. What, can't you wait and support your leaders... or are you to interested in fucking the arcanum queens son?" Her voice would remain challenging, defences set. Valentine may very well Not Be getting what he wanted from the solstice creature.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



8 Years
11-28-2014, 01:25 PM

Qanik's intent gaze had maintained a watch over the assembly, alert to interference by the Arcanum wolves in either battle, so she did not miss the appearance of the young alpha Valentine and a member of her own pack, nor the conversation they'd made no effort to hide. She couldn't wholly approve of one of the pack's members wandering off for sex when the pack could use them, but Qanik made no move to interfere. Valentine had been polite and reserved when she had spoken to him, and she didn't believe him to have any ulterior motives with the Solstice girl - or anything more than what all young men had on their mind at that age. But when an Arcanum wolf moved to block their way, speaking to the Solstice wolf with such disdain, Qanik knew she must step in. Dignity wrapped around her like a cloak and cool anger written clearly in her expression she stepped up to the foolish young Arcanum wolf. Her head and tail were held high, pelt bristling, the whole posture one of aggressive dominance. "You will stand aside and leave them be, hooligan, or you will be learning a rather harsh lesson in respect." She'd had enough of these Arcanum wolves - she would not sit back and let them push her pack members around.

Qanik vs Meinx for Dominance

Round 0/?



2 Years
11-28-2014, 02:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2014, 02:06 PM by Meinx.)


Her gaze was completely set upon the woman, before suddenly another stranger came in. Meinx would watch them both, though the old woman had caught her attention.  She was smaller then Meinx also, though by now she knew that height didn't always play a part in a wolfs success. " Then i suppose you'll have to move me aside." Did Qanik wish to go through with her punishment? She would snort, the beta knew she still had much to learn in combat, and though she had pride, she wasn't afraid of loosing, for she was still a youth, needing much to learn. But in her mind, she thought she could win, but did this woman have more experience? She had the first move if she truly wished to teach Meinx a lesson. Though her attention wasn't on her king and queen, the beta had no doubt they would conquer and win with their own skill.

Qanik Vs Meinx Round 0 of ?

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.

Aerndís I


5 Years
11-28-2014, 03:29 PM

Aerndís had started to follow the handsome male when some wormy little slut opened her stupid little mouth.  Well… Aern had wanted a fight and there was no question the lavender-eyed woman probably deserved it.  A sick grin spread across the gladiator's maw.  "Ohhhh I wasn't aware the poor wittle prince wasn't able to make his own decisions.  Does he need his baby girl's permission to live his life?  Or is he merely his mothers pawn?"  She doubted very much that the handsome male was merely Arcanum's puppet.  He seemed quite capable of making his own decisions.  "And why the fuck do you care?  You his nanny or something…. girlfriend maybe?  Stand back love.  I'll show you how a real woman pleasures her man."

Yet it seemed the youth was not inclined to move except by force.  Aerndís moved to face across from Meinx, eyes drifting to Qanik for a moment.  Well, good to know there was another wolf in Solstice with some backbone.  "That's quite alright, I can take her.  I don't know the alpha pair as well as you go support them.  Leave the trash to me."

With a smirk, the goddess readies herself for the time honored tradition of battle.  The thrill of violence makes her blood run hot and she thirsted for pain so sweet, for new scars to add to her growing collection.  Ears pin tightly to her skull as she aligns her head and tail with the rest of her spine, chin tucks against the curve of her neck while her abdomen tenses with anticipation.  Hackles bristle down her back as her shoulders roll forward, neck scrunching back to push fur, fat and dense muscle over her vitals.  Eyes narrow dangerously as her legs spread equidistant apart equally distributing her weight, limbs coil and bend, lowering her center of gravity.  Snow-dipped toes spread as her claws dig into the earth.  Maw parts, showing ivory fangs as she snarls.

Muscled limbs flex and uncoil as Aerndís launches head-on at Meinx in an attempt to close the distance between them.  She attempts to position herself just slightly to her own right in order to line up the top part of her left shoulder blade with the base of Meinx's neck in the center, right above the sternum as she aims to collide her shoulder with the other woman's windpipe, aiming to cause severe bruising to cripple her opponents breathing or at least knock the breath from her.

Fangs dart straight forward, as she aims for the other woman's nose, head tilting just slightly to her own left.  Aerndís attempts to dig her upper canines into the flesh right behind the top of Meinx's nose, her bottom canine's seeking to dig into the underside of Meinx's lower jaw about an inch from the front.  Aern's goal is to snap Meinx's foul jaws shut for a moment, shredding the woman's delicate nose in a brutal attempt at disfigurement.  She knows it's unlikely she could gain a solid grip.

Weight shifts to her back legs and right forelimb as her left forelimb lifts off the ground, already partly raised for the shoulder throw, as she aims to slam her left forepaw onto the toes of Meinx's left forepaw, aiming to sprain or even fracture the sensitive digits.  She will teach this whelp not to meddle so freely in affairs that do not concern her.

Aerndís vs Meinx for MAIM  (removal of nose)

Rd 1/?




2 Years
11-28-2014, 05:50 PM

After the initial lunge the fight would unfold onto chaos. As she attempted to counter his attack with one of her own it would force him to change the movements he made. Her lunge would cause his paws to miss their initial objective, instead brushing against her shoulders. The movement of them brushing and falling down he would change. He would move to bring them subtly closer to him again, attempting in the process to wrap them both sides of her head, just behind her ears. He would attempt an almost bear hug, spreading his back paws in the process and distributing his weight in his back legs to strengthen his balance. His tail would flare out behind him acting as a rudder to compensate for any movements he made at the front of his body.

His muzzle that had gone for her left ear would subtly change directions before that attack could land, moving as his paws moved. As her muzzle attempted to come up at his neck his own muzzle would go down to meet her. He would be aiming just above her muzzle, with his jaws parted he would attempt to latch his teeth about her left eye instead. It would be his attempt to gain a hold about her left eye and attempt to shove downwards at the same movement. In doing so he opened up a part of his neck for her attack, if she followed through her lunge and allowed the attack on her eye to land she would be able to moderately cut the front of his mid-neck with her teeth.

His ears where still folded to his skull, his shoulders still rolled, his eyes narrowed, his hackles raised, neck scrunched, muscles tensed when her chest collided with his own as she attempted her muzzle attack, causing him light bruising against the parts of them that touched, through mostly the mid lower chest would absorb most of the collision. As she began to shove against him he would dig his hind paws into the earth and push with the muscles of his back legs. He would also arch his back to strengthen his position and, twisting subtly to attempt to get his left shoulder against the right side off her throat. If he was able to get it to land he would dig in and add it to the push of his hind legs. He would attempt to hult her push if his attempt went through, because if his shoulder was able to conect with her throat her pushing against him would be also to push her neck further into his shoulder

Crucifix Vs Cataleya for Falk/Ekko Round 2 of 2

Defences: Spreading back paws to even balance, distributing weight, tail flared behind him, jaws parted, claws dug into earth, ears to skull, shoulders rolled, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, neck scrunched, muscles tensed

1: Attempting to wrap both paws about her head just behind her ears
2: Changing attack on left ear to instead go for left eye. Jaws parted he would attempt to gain a grip on her eye with his teeth and push down
3: Attempting to shove his shoulder against the right side of her throat to defend against her shove

light bruising to mid lower chest
Saff's attack on Cru is pending damage because of my counter attack

Ooc: im kinda confused in that you stated in your previous post that they where directly in front of each other




2 Years
11-29-2014, 09:29 AM


 Meinx had been ready, and as soon as the older woman disregarded Qanik, Meinx had set out her defense: Eyes slit, ears pinned, weight evenly distributed, knees bent slightly, crown aligned with spine, claws gripped into ground for more balance, tail tusked, hackles raised, chin tucked, muscles tensed and teeth bared. Meinx would watch carefully as Aerndis would make her way towards her, slightly to her own right [Meinx's left.] At the very last moment, Meinx would aim to step to her own right , in the hopes of missing the attack to her neck. But the beta wouldn't be quite so successful, instead Aerndis's attack landing and bruising the front of her left shoulder, which would cause Meinx discomfort later on. As Meinx aimed to sidestep to her own right [like 2 feet/paws], she would aim to also shove her left shoulder forward, in the hopes of hitting Aerndis's  left shoulder at the front, hoping to bruise, hoping to meet the opponents own attack with a shove.  Due to Meinx shifting, Aerndis's attack didn't land as intended. Instead of snapping down on her lower jaw and nose, it would instead skim and nip the centre of Meinx's left cheek.  This is because Meinx had moved to her own right slightly, just enough to avoid the serious injury but not enough to come out clean, blood would seep out of her cheek slightly, but Meinx would do her best to ignore it. Meinx would quickly distribute her weight on all four paws once again, hoping to remain balanced. Though her jaw attack was unsuccessful, as Aerndis lifted her left forepaw, it would slam down onto the left side of Meinx's left forepaw, which would cause pain to shoot through her paw slightly, which would sprain slightly.

Meinx would then go forth with her own attacks. Meinx would aim to tilt her head slightly to the right, her  jaws would aim to snap towards the left side of Aerndis's face, top set aiming to pierce her left eye, while the bottom row of teeth would aim to snap down on the left side of her opponents jaw, hoping to blind the woman and also limit Aerndis's movement. Meinx would also aim to unbalance her opponent, hoping to lift her left forepaw and swipe her opponents own left forepaw from beneath her, hoping to knock her of balance. Meinx would quickly distriubute her weight on all three paws as she aimed to unbalance Aerndis. Her adrenalin would kick in, ignoring the pain from her cheek and left forepaw, though she knew she'd soon be feeling the injuries after the fight.

Meinx Vs Aerndis for MAIM (blinding to left eye) Round 1/2

Im happy with Saff judging? also pm me for questions! good luck<3
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



2 Years
11-29-2014, 02:57 PM
[dohtml]" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="30" style="width:600px; border:none; background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat; border-radius:25px;  background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#535a53">

The challenge had not fallen on deaf ears. But a sense of dread and pure fear seized her small body to the point she refused to move. She had been out hunting, but had yet to find anything in the cold of this winter day. But hearing that howl had her freeze mid-step and her mind flash back to the day Vir had challenged for Seracia. A whine spilled from her lips in worry. Would she lose another home to a challenger? She prayed it not so. Crucifix and Orchid had offered her a life, a chance of being normal and not alone. She did not want to lose what she now just realized what was so precious to her. Brilliant green eyes that had been wide with fear grew hard and determined. Shaking herself out she ran back to Orchid's den. If there was a challenge, blood was sure to be spilled. She gathered all she could in a large leaf and reeds before carefully picking it up. She didn't know where Orchid was but maybe the older woman was already heading her way to the battlefield. With a deep steadying breath she marched to the battlefield.

The smell of the battlefield could not be masked not matter what one did, nor could the scars and stains in the earth be covered. She paused for a moment, a shiver running down her spine. Should she call for Vir? She at least might want to know what was going on. Placing her bundle of herbs down she tossed her head back to call for the red woman, her friend. In truth Rohini just didn't want to left sitting alone here, she wasn't sure if her nerves could take it. After her brief call she made it the rest of the way to the battle. The first thing she noticed was both Cru and Sibelle were locked in battle and Orchid hadn't made it here. She frowned slightly and sat down where she could watch both fights and keep an eye of the others. She had a bad feeling, whether if be from the two pairs of fighting wolves or the blue male and the three females off to the side.



Orchid I


5 Years
11-29-2014, 08:29 PM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2014, 08:29 PM by Orchid I.)

Alpha challenges often became a seething mess of pride, young bucks needing to prove themselves and general chaos that unfolded around the challenge of the Alpha's. For this reason the healer would calmly wait on the sidelines, out of view a little distance from the challenge as she listened intently to the noises and waited for the moment she would be needed. Her apprentice, on the other hand would have a different idea. She would hear the girl call out in a soft, sweet and familiar voice. Her call came from the battleground, and the healer would stiffen, before letting out a soft sigh.

She would of course, immediately make her way closer to the battleground, having been not far in the first place it would take all of a moment to step into view and make her way immediately to Rohini's side. She would give the girl a fond, gentle nuzzle before standing guard beside her. Her posture was defence over the younger girl as she scanned the wolves about them before asking in a calm, sure voice “Are you taking note of the injuries dealt to Sibelle and Crucifix?” she would ask, turning the moment into a lesson – if nothing else, seeing this battle purely as a healers point of view might help ease Rohini's worries about being around others, battling others, for that matter.





4 Years
11-29-2014, 11:00 PM

It was simply curiosity that had led the dark woman to the battlegrounds. Fights were powerfully commencing as the militant observed from afar. The scents and vibrations were a delicacy to her senses. She had to get herself closer to the marvellous display. Her eyes spied a lost ebony soul, a boy known as Amarant. Swift and cautious paws carried the shadow-like female towards the boy. She held interest towards him, another young specimen to raise in the art of war. She rested her sickening gaze on him before observing the field of battles once more. She gave a venomous purr as wicked lyrics danced from her languid lips. She flashed a grin, overwhelmed by such thoughts.

"Unsettled disputes." Those were the two words that summed up each and every fight in the field. The Arcanum Chancellor and Queen seemed to be paying Solstice a little revenge, while others wolves had found their own arguments to transform into mindless rages. Every creature was somehow involved. Her narrowed burning eyes scanned for an opponent and a fury to call her own dispute. She was more than warmed up, every inch of her body craving the pounding sensation. All she needed was a spark to set alight.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]

The Judge


11-30-2014, 10:11 PM
Default to Sibelle

Due to Kylar not posting in the allotted time, Sibelle is the winner and remains ruler of Solstice.

Kylar must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.


12-01-2014, 12:38 AM

The chaos of battle erupted around her. The sounds of angry snarls and cries of pain, it fueled a high unlike any other. The desire of her heat pooled in her belly and spread through her veins like fire. The high of adrenaline only amplified that feeling. They would collide, her chest meeting his own, the bruise moderate, nothing more than a nuisance. His forelegs would lift again, this time aiming to wrap around her. He would successfully wrap his forelegs around her upper neck, just below her skull/behind her ears. She would continue to drive herself forward with the muscles in her hind legs, jaws remained splayed and her crown remained tipped to her left. Her right foreleg would lift, her weight redistributing across her remaining three limbs. She would aim to drag the claws of her right forepaw across his lower abdomen, the more vital the area at better. She hoped to only startle him with her claws aiming so close to his most prized possession. 

His left shoulder jutted forward, pressing against the right side of her neck, though it did little more than leave behind a light bruise. Following her attempted strike to his belly, she would try to rear up, her hind legs bending deeper and spreading wider to support her weight and center her balance. Her goal was to push heavily against his chest, hoping that her position against the lower part of his chest would give her enough leverage so that she could push them both up as she tried to rear. She hoped that the movement would continue to drive her open jaws forward so that she could grip his upper throat, around his windpipe. She sought a grip that would suffocate him into submission, though it was tempting to go after a grip that would end his miserable life. Again her upper jaws sought the right side of his throat and her lower jaws sought the left side of his throat. Her aim to continue her forward momentum would cause his jaws to deflect off her forehead, and obtain a grip on he scruff near the base of her skull. Light scratches would be left across her forehead, immediately drawing blood, though they would heal without issue. Moderate puncture wounds would form at the base of her skull/top of her scruff.

All the while defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, skull level with spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed, and her tail straight and aligned with her spine.


ATTACKS: trying to scratch at his ween/belly, trying to rear up and push her jaws against his throat again

DEFENSES: 3rd paragraph

INJURIES: light bruise to the ride side of her neck, light scratches to her forehead, moderate puncture wounds to the top of her scruff/base of her skull.


Aerndís I


5 Years
12-01-2014, 05:20 PM

The women collided, Meinx’s shift to the right [Aern's left] caused Aern’s left shoulder to collide with the front of Meinx’s left shoulder as Meinx threw it forward.  Aerndis hissed in pain as moderate bruising blossomed across the front of her own left shoulder from the collision. Meinx’s rightward movement also caused Aern’s jaws to miss and instead snip into the flesh in the center of Meinx’s left cheek and fail to get any sort of grip.  At the same time as her jaws snipped into flesh Aern's left forepaw came slamming down to earth, just catching the left part of Meinx’s left forepaw.  The instant her paw hit the ground Aerndis redistributed her weight and bent all four legs dramatically, almost as if she was going to bring her belly to the ground, her weight shifted mostly to her back legs and right foreleg as she leaned slightly to the right, trying to avoid her opponents hungry jaws.

As she moved sharply downwards Meinx's upper fangs cut into the flesh an inch above Aern's left eye, leaving moderate cuts two inches long and a quarter inch deep. Meinx's bottom fangs landed an inch above the corner of her left-sided jaw and sliced straight upwards two inches, also a quarter inch deep.  Aern felt Meinx's left forepaw wrap behind the wrist of her left foreleg as she swiped the paw out from under the Solstice femme.  Thankfully, with Aern's weight shifted to her right side she did not fall.

Backlegs spread wider, Aern's tail streamed out stiff behind her for balance as her weight shifted to her back legs.  With a thrust Aerndís attempted to lift her upper body and curve it slightly to her own left.  Her jaws shot upward as her head tilted to her right, aiming to latch around Meinx's throat.  Her upper canines seeking to land just below the corner of Meinx's left-sided jaw, Aern's lower canings seeking to land just below the corner of Meinx's right-sided jaw.  Aerndís sought to obtain a grip to crush the other woman's windpipe or at the least get her in a strangle hold and choke her out. 

As she launched up and forward, her forelimbs lifted, her right forelimb seeking to drape over the back (dorsal side) of Meinx's neck right across the middle, both for stability and to help pull the other woman down into Aern's hungry jaws.  Her left forelimb lifted wildly as she attempted to slam her claws into Meinx's right eye, hoping to puncture the sensitive tissue and cause blindness.

All the while she worked to keep her defenses in place.  Ears remained pinned to her head and eyes narrowed.  Her back limbs coiled and her tail flagged out behind her, aligning with her spine for balance.  Weight spread evenly on her back limbs.  Back toes spread wide, the claws digging into earth.  Her shoulders rolled forward, abdomen tightening to help with her balance.  Hackles remained raised, her lips pulling back from teeth from open maw with a snarl.  It was time to end this.


Aerndís vs Meinx for MAIM [removal of nose]

Rd. 2/2

I was thinking Nyx since she's not really involved. I'm not sure if Saf has any more attacks planned in this thread, she might be busy.  xD Eve offered too in the cbox.  Do you have my Skype?  Let me know if you don't and I'll pm it too you I'm not sure I have you.



2 Years
12-02-2014, 01:54 PM


 So quickly would it become brutal, but Meinx had no time to think upon it. The attempt to sweep her opponents paw did little to no effect, while the bite to her left eye also didn't hit where intended. instead top set of teeth landing just above the left eye, while her bottom set landed just above the leftsided jaw. The taste of blood was bittersweet, though Meinx was unable to get a grip. Quickly, Meinx would try to keep all defenses in tact. Tail tucked, ears pinned, eyes slit, weight even distributed, muscles tensed, hackles raised, claws digging into ground for more grip, knees slightly bent, teeth bared, lips pulled back, spine aligned with crown. Meinx would readjust her weight onto her back two limbs before aiming to rear up, attempting to wrap her forelimbs around Aerndis's neck aiming for  the middle. As Meinx attempted to raised upwards, Aerndis's bite attack would instead land in the centre of Meinx's chest, just missing the neck. Around an inch deep wound would be left, but Meinx would block out the pain.

Aerndis's left paw attack to Meinx's eye also wouldn't be successful, as meinx had shifted upwards upon her two back limbs. Instead, her right paw would hit the right side of Meinx's shoulder in the centre, causing scratches around half an inch deep with bleeding just surfacing. While her opponents right forelimb would also hit along Meinx's back in the centre due to Meinx's repositioning, which would cause light bruising. Meinx would aim to close the distance between them with a hug motion, Meinx's forelimbs aiming to close in on her opponent and limit Aerndis's movement, aiming to secure a grip around the middle of the neck. Meinx would tilt her crown slightly to the left, before attempting to launch her jaw attack. Her top set of teeth would aim to puncture Aerndis's right eye, while her bottom jaw would aim to puncture her opponents left eye. Meinx hoped to blind the woman before her. 

Meinx Vs Aerndis for MAIM [blinding left eye] Round 2/2

Im happy with Nyx judging this:)
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



12-04-2014, 07:02 PM
OOC: Shtiya is currently 23"

The boy had followed behind his mother, warily keeping his distance from the gathering wolves. Normally he was one for meeting everybody, but something about the place they were congregating made him nervous. When the fighting got intense Shtiya ran and hid under a snow covered scrub bush. His curiosity kept him from hiding his eyes, and being unable to turn away, stayed glued to the spectacle as it unfolded. To an extent he understood what was happening; the big mean brute was picking on Sibelle. For what exactly, he didn't know, but he knew a bully when he saw one.

The fight ended in Sibelle's favor, but the boy wasn't satisfied with the results. The big mean guy needed to apologize for the not nice things he had said and for picking a fight. Feeling brave, Shtiya slunk out from under the bush on bent knees and made a beeline for Kylar. "Hey," he barked, hackles lifting, eyes narrowing and shoulders rolling forward as he stalked towards the giant. "You're mean! You should say you're sorry!" His ears flattened and his lips curled as he tried to appear intimidating. He wanted him to be actually be sorry and not just say the words, so with punishment on his mind, the boy began to run towards Kylar in an attempt to approach his left shoulder at a 150 degree angle. His tail flew out behind him, becoming level with his spine and his toes splayed, nails digging into the ground to help propel him forward.

At the last second he reared up on his hind legs and attempted to wrap his forepaws around Kylar's left foreleg just beneath the elbow. Simultaneously, his head tilted to the left and his small jaws parted as he attempted to sink his fangs into the elbow of Kylar's left foreleg in the hopes of chewing it off and beating him over the head with it until he was sorry.

Round ONE of ???



12-06-2014, 01:01 AM

Amarant would squint his eyes with a lift of his brow as Cat was off on an attack too. She was distracted by whatever the hell was going on here, she didn't answer his question. Hell was breaking loose here, it was one fight after another. Although there was a few things mentioned on each other's tongues, the boy didn't pay much attention to them. But the violence wasn't anything that would scare him off.

Just as he was to look around and see all the damage being done, he took eye to the woman that he backed away from to give her the seat. He scooted his rump over to her, she was the only one around him that didn't seem to be fighting. She was rather tiny, and her demeanor matched with it. He tilted his head and thumped his tail on the ground a couple times to try and cheer her up. If only he knew that she was taken hostage and that Cat was being challenged for her freedom. Of course, there was no way in knowing how he would act. Shun her or show her kindness.


He tried to get her attention over the uproar. Hopefully no one would come after her next, he'd be alone then. He didn't even realize Kylar fall from his match in all this.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
12-06-2014, 01:49 AM

Chaos burst around her, fights breaking out between all the wolves that gathered. She couldn't even focus on anything around her, not even when Crucifix spoke of fighting for her freedom. Nothing fazed the poor little woman, fear pounding in her chest. Her heart beat fiercely against her rib cage, threatening to break free entirely. Pale blue eyes couldn't seem to lock into one thing, so she hung her head and just gazed at her paws. That was, until the sound of a thumping tail beside her was heard. She had hardly noticed the little guy as he settled beside her and Cat, slightly behind. She didn't look over until he barked at her, greeting her even. Eyes grew wide as she looked over at him, trying to blink past all the fear that was swirling around her. She didn't really like to get close to pups, but at the moment a small conversation was a god sent. She could focus on that, even if she didn't like speaking a lot.

Now that Ekko was able to look at up -- up at him -- she realized that she really was the tiniest wolf alive. Perfect. "Hello," she called back softly, noticing the scent of her new home drenching his fur. Was he a child of Kylar and Cataleya? No, couldn't be. He had spots on him, a trait that neither leader bore. Interesting...
[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]


12-08-2014, 08:02 PM

Her wide, burning eyes made the boy tilt his head again, lift an eyebrow even. But after her own greeting, he left her gaze and looked around at the continuous fighting. His pupish grin still kept to his maw. He wasn't happy about all the violence, but he sure didn't feel threatened. Maybe he didn't understand the woman's own reactions. So far no one had come after her but he hadn't seen her encounter with Solstice's queen. He didn't even know there was a relation.

"You don't have to be scared."

His neck twitched to the others fighting before coming back to her. He acted like she was younger, he knew she was older than him but maybe her size just made him think she was much younger than she was. He was only trying to be friendly of course, maybe Kylar wouldn't much agree. Or Cat, if he even knew the woman was a slave. At this point, he wouldn't care.

Walk "Talk" Think

The Judge


12-31-2014, 08:43 PM

Crucifix vs Cataleya for Falk and Ekko's freedom

Round 1

10 for clarity:seemed clear to me
6 for powerplaying.-2 you need to attempt to approach Cat straight on -2 you also need to attempt to close the distance
10 for defences.+1 for each seen 
4 for attack.+2 paws on head +2 nip
10 for injuries.First round

Round one CrucifixTotal: 40/50

6 for clarity: -2 I'm a bit confused how Cat's moving, she's launching forward yet all feet are on the ground, also she may be 4" taller but she's attacking as Cru rear's up and since he's up and back she'd likely need to rear herself to get at his throat.  -2 what part of her chest is she hoping to slam into Cru?
8 for powerplaying.-2 Cat needs to attempt to collide her neck with Cru's chest.  I  know it may make sense given her forward movement but as Cru did not attempt a chest slam you can't assume too much of his movement.
10 for defences.+1 each seen
5 for attack.+3 bite +1 severity of bite attack [suffocation] +2 chest slam
10 for injuries. first round

Round one Cataleya Total: 40/50

Round 2

2 for clarity: -2 what part of his jaw is he trying to connect with the eye? -2 how is he angling his jaws for this attack?  -2 What is he shoving her with?  His jaws? you need to specify. -2 how much damage did Cat's chest slam do?
7 for powerplaying. -2 Cru's attack did damage to Cat it's too late to take your first attack back, better to consider it it's own separate attack and maneuver from there  -1 minor pp "if he was able to get it to land etc." be careful not to assume to much.
10 for defences.+1 each seen
4 for attack.+2 paws +1 bite [-2 for clarity] +1 shoulder pinch
7 for injuries. -1 light bruising [judges deduction] [-2 bite wound, judges deduction for pending damage]

Round two Crucifix Total: 30/50

8 for clarity: -2 what is she hoping to push into his lower chest, I can guess but you have to specify, sorry.
10 for powerplaying. none seen
10 for defences.+1 each seen
5 for attack. +0 claw attack +3 bite +1 severity of bite attack [suffocation] +1 chest slam [-1 clarity]
7 for injuries. -1 light bruising -2 moderate bite wound

Round two Cataleya Total: 40/50


Crucifix: 70/100
Cataleya: 80/100

And the winner is...

Cataleya! Crucifix must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.  Falk and Ekko remain in Arcanum's custody.  [yes I know Falk was set free already this is for technicality]


This is so overdue I'm not sure if it counts if you'd like it added just Skype me.  A lot is also waiting on pending damage.


Better job this time around Sea!  Skilled as always Saf, pretty much everything is listed in the deductions I don't have anything poignant to say beyond sorry for the wait! xD

- By [lunarcat7]

The Judge


01-05-2015, 04:02 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2015, 04:18 PM by Evelyn.)

AERNDIS vs MEINX for MAIM (Removal of nose vs blinding to left eye)

Round 1

9 for clarity: “in an attempt to close the distance between them.” So I did a lot of thinking on this and talked with another judge, and its hard to say if her chest slam would cause that much damage without knowing the space that was between them. Even if you just said “small gap” or “large distance” so that I have more of an idea. I don't like to assume anything. -1
10 for powerplaying.  None seen.
10 for defences.  Ears pinned to skull, head aligned with spine, tail alined with spine, chin tucked to chest, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, eyes narrowed, legs spread, legs bent.
8 for attack. Shoulder check to chest +3, bite to nose, maim attempt +4, paw slam +1
10 for injuries.First round

Round one AERNDIS Total: 47/50


4 for clarity:  “...bruising the front of her left shoulder...” How severe is the bruise? In Aerndis' attack, she was aiming for a severe bruise and knocking the wind out of Meinx, meaning that there was a lot of weight behind the attack. It would most likely be a severe bruise to her left shoulder. -1 “...she would aim to also shove her left shoulder forward, in the hopes of hitting Aerndis's left shoulder at the front, hoping to bruise, hoping to meet the opponents own attack with a shove.” Is this a shoulder slam, a shove, or both? A bit confusing on how you worded it. Also with their close distance, the shoulder throw would do very little damage, if any at all. -2, “..., blood would seep out of her cheek slightly...” so is this a minor wound? Moderate? -1 In your post, the way that you worded the movement was very confusing. It made it sound like Meinx moved a lot more than you maybe intended to come across. -1 “opponents own left forepaw from beneath her...” What part of the leg are you trying to pull at? Ankle? Top of the leg? -1
9 for powerplaying. There is a lot of movement in your post. So she side stepped twice, did her shoulder attack, a bite, and then a trip. The way that you worded it also made it sound like she side stepped three times. -1
10 for defences. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, weight distributed, legs bent, head aligned with spine, claws dug in ground, tail tucked, hackles raised, chin tucked to chest, muscles tense.
6 for attack. Bite to left side of face + maim attempt +4, shoulder check +1 (lost points for clarity issues), leg pull +1
10 for injuries. First round. Severe bruise to left shoulder (decided by judge), Minor bite to left cheek (decided by judge), sprain to front left fore paw,

Round one MEINX Total: 39/50

Round 2

10 for clarity: All clear
10 for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defences. weight distributed, legs bent, tail aligned with spine, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, toes spread, claws dug in earth, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, lips snarling.
8 for attack. Bite to throat + grip attempt +4, claw slam to right eye + maim attempt

7 for injuries. Moderate bruise to left shoulder -1, moderate cuts above left eye -2

Round two AERNDIS Total: 45/50

8 for clarity: “While her opponents right forelimb would also hit along Meinx's back in the centre due to Meinx's repositioning, which would cause light bruising.” She wasn't aiming to hurt with her leg there, she was trying to balance herself. I mean you can take the damage if you want, but it wasn't intended. -1 “Meinx would aim to close the distance between them with a hug motion..” With them now both reared up, there shouldn't be any distance between them. -1
10 for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defences.  tail tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, weight distributed, muscles tense, hackles raised, claws dug in earth, legs bent, head aligned with spine.
4 for attack. Bite to both eyes + maim attempt +4
7 for injuries.  Moderate bite to center of chest -2, minor lacerations on shoulders -1

Round two MEINX Total: 39/50


AERNDIS: 92/100
MEINX: 78/100

And the winner is...

Aerndis! Meinx must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. Aerndis is successful with removing Meinx's nose.


Since it took so long, all damage will be healed.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Lunar

Not much to say, great fight, and good attacks!

For Luis

You need to watch your clarity, I found myself having to re-read your post a few times to try and understand what you were trying to say. Watch your wording, its very easy to get mixed up! Also I would say try for more solid, original attacks. For this fight it felt like you were re-using Aern's attacks against Meinx. So too much movement in the first post, and not enough in the second! If you have any questions, just PM me.

- By [Evelyn]