
Come now (rav, illaria, kier, taur)


12-03-2014, 04:43 PM
She move with purpose through her home, not bothering to stop until she reached her destination. Her head would tip back, a call echoing from her lips as she summoned her children and brother to her. She fought to calm the rage that burned in her chest, it was an up hill battle to hide the pain and hurt that stung and had cut so deep. But she needed to put on a brave face for her children. Tuareg knew everything, but she trusted that he would not tell a soul. She remained standing, her body stilling as waiting for her children to arrive. She had much to tell them, and little time to do so. Just being here was enough to put cracks in her control. Her verdant gaze would flicker to the brother, sadness etching into the corner of her eyes. How did her world get turned upside down so fast? What had she done to deserve such a fate? A sigh rolled off her lips, her gaze dropping to the ground as she tried to find some patience to wait for her children rather than racing off and scooping them up before leaving. 



1 Year
12-03-2014, 07:21 PM


Ravenna hadn’t known the force that had taken her mother away but Ravenna had hated it. If she ever knew for certain what it was that had stolen Sibelle away thoughts of revenge would swirl insider her, as it was the girl remained unmoved by vengeance, only loathing for the unnamed thing that had taken her mother. Still they were working through it weren’t they? Innocence of age blinding her to the fracture within their group, no amount of glue could put them back to the way they were.

The fracture was growing though… in ways Ravenna could not even see yet. She could feel the emotion in her mother’s call, though she could not place it and despite herself she found she wanted to answer it quickly. The usually stubborn girl did not hesitate to lift herself to her paws. Neither of her siblings were in sight but that did not deter her. Ivory paws carried her swiftly to her mother.

The emotion was thick in the air and the poor girl could only frown as she approached the russet woman. "Mama?" She’d ask a slight whimper weaving through her voice. There was no knowledge of the “other woman”, no knowledge of what her mother had witnessed, only a fear. In the back of her mind she registered that her father was nowhere to be seen, the only other wolf the blue brute she knew not, and with that knowledge a kernel of dread was planted within her. 

Walk "Talk" Think



12-09-2014, 01:53 PM
Keiran hadn't kept up well with his mother's fate, but had done his best to stick to his sisters closer in order to make up for it. The brute thought of his parents as strong, they were leaders after all, right? But there were times when Sibelle had been gone a while back and... things had been different around Solstice for a little while. The boy was just too small to really put a paw on when that had happened.

He would trail after Ravenna, following his sibling a little while back in order to wait for Illaria as well. The babe would stop just before the russet woman, the only thing stopping him from joining his sister a bit closer was not knowing who the very large, very scar covered brute beside her was. He would frown at the man, an ear flicking back as wondered just who he was and what he had to do with their mother. But if he was here, then he had been called too - and so he would trust him as his mother seemed to. "Mom? Is everything alright?" He would question, finally stepping forward to stand beside his mother, his nose nuzzling one of her front legs.


12-12-2014, 01:23 PM

Ravenna would arrive first, her concern evident. A small smile lifted her scarred lips as she reached to nuzzle her daughter. "Everything is ok, don't worry." She would lick the top of her head before turning to Kieran, who also seemed to sense that something was wrong. She would in turn nuzzle him, looking behind him, expecting to see Illaria, but she never came. A frown would pull down at her lips. "Where is your sister?" She would ask them both, looking between with concern. "We are going to go visit some of my other family for awhile. Your uncle, Taurig, here has a son who rules a pack not far from here. And my other brother, Falk, has his own family nearby as well. Do you want to go meet some of your family?" She would peer down at them both, smiling gently. Torn ears tipped forward, her attention focused on their young faces. She couldn't hide this forever, her children would bright, already taking note that something was wrong. But how could she tell them when her own wounds were so fresh and raw.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
Extra large
12-12-2014, 07:41 PM
He arrive with haste at his sister's call, knowing that the time for them to move on had come. Crucifix had sealed his fate when he'd allowed that other women to come to him and now Sibelle, with what he hoped to be a strong resolve, was putting a plan in motion. Her first priority, as his would be if he were in her place, was her children. He would stand quietly beside her, bumping her gently with his shoulder as a silent show of affection and support. He was going to help her through this, no matter what. Enough with letting his family down, especially his own siblings.

Tattered ears would come to attention at the sound of a smell female voice calling out to Sibelle. Milky eyes would turn in the direction his nose told him the child was, wishing that he could see what his niece looked like. He was sure that she was beautiful, just as he remembered his little sister to be. It wasn't long after his niece appeared that a second voice would pipe up, this one baritone in it's sound. His nephew. That made only two pups. Where was the third child? His sister would notice this as well as she questioned the location of his second niece, but it seemed she was nowhere to be seen. Had Crucifix taken his niece without telling Sibelle? Cobalt hackles would bristle at the thought as his sister began to speak, explaining to his niece and nephew that he was going to take them away to meet the rest of their family, either with their half aunt Roman, their cousin Valentine or their Uncle Falk. He would nod quietly at the children, giving them what he hoped to be an encouraging smile. What would they think about leaving their father? Did they understand that they needed to be with their mother? He could only hope so