
painted realities


05-26-2013, 09:23 PM

Galileo wasn't huge on wandering, honestly. He had always been a bit intimidated by the wide world out there, but that didn't stop him from being curious about it. When he had chosen to wander off from his den, it had taken a little to escape the watchful eye of his mother, who had not yet forgotten the death of Asheni, but then he was free! Free to explore the world! Galileo intended to take full advantage of that; to explore as much of his homeland as possible for the youngster. So he had set off, multicolored tail held high as he bounded along, trundling through the snow as best as he could. His mother might very well be coming for him shortly, but until then, Galileo wanted to explore as much as he could.

There was joy in the blue eyes of this youngster as he made his way through the snow, leaving a distinctive trail of pawprints behind him. It would be easy to follow him, and some part of him was aware of that, but Galileo wasn't sure what he could do to hide the pawprints. So instead of worrying, he leaped along happily, coming to a stop only before a large rock that jutted up from the snow. The pup sank back on his haunches, examining it for a long moment before he leaped onto it, almost slipping right over the edge once more. But he managed to stay put and look down on his domain with a grin on his lupine features.

A yipping howl escaped the youngster as he proclaimed his dominion over the entire kingdom before him. It was his! All his! And though his howl was far from the strong thing that it would surely be one day, Galileo had poured his heart into it. He was proud of it! Just like he was proud of the lands that were 'his.'



05-27-2013, 11:21 AM

Pericles had already been up to trouble, the usual adventurous side of him making him stray away from the den. Mother always told him to stay close, and if he did wanna play then let her know so she could watch over him or another pack member. She was napping though, and so he had taken this chance to go have some fun.

The pup bounded through the snow with his tail held high, wagging behind him. Jaws were open, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. Turquoise eyes scanning the place, running over the few trees and over the blanket of snow on the ground. His brother were sleeping, so he had nobody to play with but he had a feeling in his gut that there was someone out here somewhere that he could have some fun with. And it was that thought that caused a grin to form, his gaze falling upon small paw-prints in the snow. Someone can play with me after all! She beamed, paws carrying him in the direction the tracks went.

It take long before Pericles could see a figure standing upon a rock, immediately dropping himself low to the ground. Carefully he moved out of sight before the boy had a chance to look in his direction, hiding behind a rock that was just big enough to hide him. He quickly started to cover himself in snow, that way he could sneak up on Galileo without him noticing.

Once he was done with that he slowly ad carefully slipped out from behind his hiding place, paws moving carefully over the snow, inching his way towards the other pup. For being a pup Pericles was able to cover himself pretty good, if scanning the place you wouldn't see him, but there was a problem.... He forgot to get his tail.


For Azzykins! Coding by Andy, picture by Ocena <3


06-02-2013, 09:08 AM

There was something to be said for standing on top of a rock when you were a pup. It gave you a vantage point above everyone, which was something that Galileo had never experienced before. It made him feel big; it made him feel strong. It made him feel like his father, and he liked it. His father, the proud Chief of Glaciem, who protected everyone. Who lead the pack with pride and strength and, well, it was an entrancing fantasy. Galileo stretched slightly, lifting his head high and stilling his tail's enthusiastic wagging as he turned to survey his surroundings.

And that was when he spotted the plumy tail of . . . Pericles. A smirk crossed Galileo's features and he crouched low to the rock upon which he was perched, and threw himself to the ground, aiming to bowl Pericles over with a happy yip. "Gotcha!" Galileo called out as he flung himself at the other pup, laughing happily as he did so.

He had a long way to go before he was grown up, and that was just the way that Galileo liked it.



06-02-2013, 11:52 PM

He tried keeping his breathing low, paws moving slowly and carefully. He was trying to stay as quit as possible, trying not to give himself away to Galileo. He actually thought he was being sneaky, that the other pup did not see him. He was wrong though because the moment he had thought that he felt weight land on him, and a voice. No you don't! He barked, nipping playfully at Galileo before jumping to the side, quickly shaking the snow off then hopping up onto a rock. Catch me if you can! He laughed, jumping off the rock and bounding away through the snow.


For Azzykins! Coding by Andy, picture by Ocena <3


06-07-2013, 05:26 PM

As soon as Pericles countered Galileo's happy statement, the other pup was rolling away and Galileo was sinking towards the ground, crouching down and emulating how other wolves hunted as carefully as he could. Ears flattening against his skull, Galileo surveyed Pericles, trying to decide how best to 'attack' him. He needed a weak spot, something that Pericles didn't do as well that he could capitalize upon. Now, that might have been extreme for some pups playing a game, but Galileo was far from the most average of pups. is lineage included mighty warriors, after all.

As Pericles bounded through the snow, Galileo slipped forward. He didn't bother to stay low to the ground, as he clashed against the snow no matter what he did, but instead, Galileo focused on moving quietly, each pawstep careful against the snow that carpeted the ground. He twitched his ears and then launched himself forward, aiming to slam into Pericles' side and hopefully knock him off balance and maybe even to the ground.

"Tag!" Galileo trilled out as he leaped aside, diving to escape whatever Pericles would try and do next. This was a good game, the pup thought to himself with a joyous waggle of his tail. The normally quiet creature opened up a good deal around his 'siblings', even the ones like Pericles who weren't true siblings. They had all essentially been raised together, after all! Most of the world might have frightened him, but his siblings did not. And slowly but surely, he was growing less intimidated by the world around him.
