
The Devil In Stitches


05-10-2013, 05:09 PM

Desdemona would watch as Nnoitra followed along beside her. The massive ivory beast spoke no more to the older male, she had said all of which that needed to be spoken and now she needed to address her people. She was drenched in Kaiens blood, his stench wafted from her coat without question. She supposed it was fitting for a pack as ruthless and cold as Tortuga. The blood seemed to be a testament, a solid piece of indisputable evidence that she was now Tortuga's Queen. She would pace through the uneven territory with Nnoitra falling into step beside her. She imagined he had more than enough thoughts whizzing through his head. He understood the gist of what she had done and he agreed with her ideas. That would be enough, at least, for now, later they would converse in more detail, after they had dealt with the masses, after they turned Tortuga on its axis and watched the world spin.

The clearing she choose was a small area devoid of trees, a chunk of the mountain jutted out in a rocky mess, just large enough for her and Nnoitra to comfortably perch upon. It was good enough and it would suffice. Her massive ivory pelt would scale the rock and with a jerk of her head she would offer the place beside her to Nnoitra. Her eyes glanced at the rough terrain of her home, what would her mate think? What would he say? She would need to speak with him privately later. Her teeth would grind together as she prepared herself for the chaos that was short to erupt. Jaws splaying wide she would let out a loud roar, a summon that demanded no hesitance. Every last one of Tortuga's members would show or they would be exiled. Far too long had Tortuga been complacent, Desdemona was going to change that.

She remained standing, a sentinel soldier, unmovable, unreachable as the wolves rolled in, she noted various states of shock, disbelief, and curiosity as they observed both her and Nnoitra, but Desdemona would wait, eyes dark and unreadable as her people filtered in from all reaches of the territory. She would wait with utter patience, muscles rippling with anticipation until all of Tortuga's inhabitants were settled before her. never one to dally, she would speak without hesitation.

"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Desdemona. A short few hours ago I challenged Kaien for the right to rule Tortuga, the fight was supposed to attend with minimal injury, halfway through, Kaien submitted, he did not wish to return to Tortuga when half the pack shunned and hated his very existence. He asked me to end his life honorably and I headed his final request. Kaien is dead, he has been buried upon the Battlefield." She would pause here, allow that news to settle amongst the crowds. She waited until the cries had died down before continuing, shifting her weight carefully.

"I intend to leave for Valhalla come the morrow. Tortuga is a pack of neutrality, an alliance, a compromise must be made. For those of you who thirst for blood I stress this point indefinitely, I will not have any of my pack members jeopardizing an alliance. Do not make a pass at another pack that could result in a war. Neutrality means stable and indifferent. If we continue to upset the balance between the packs we will fall to war, I for one have had enough bloodshed to last me a lifetime. If you attempt to sabotage this balance it will be met with dire consequences." Complacency and indecision had reigned too long. Desdemona would not falter in her decisions.

"As for ranks... Nnoitra will rule beside me. He has proven quite capable of leading Tortuga and the vast majority of you enjoy and respect him as your leader. Things got accomplished when he led and I see no reason to seek another when he is so readily at my side. The rest of you, from this point on, are stripped of titles and ranks, Morphine included. In two days time Nnoitra and I will host a tournament. Everyone will be on an equal playing field. No favorites, no exceptions. You will prove yourselves to Tortuga and earn your ranks. Seconds will be chosen. From there a series of challenges will be presented and the rest of the ranks will be distributed from there. Nothing is mandatory but if you fail to attend you will be ranked as a Crucion, the equivalent of a slave. If you are pregnant or are otherwise indisposed you are excused from these games, providing you let one of us know ahead of time." She would pause and flicker her massive cranium towards Nnoitra, allowing him the chance to speak.

(((OOC: I realize all of you are gonna want the chance to speak, but please allow Nnoitra to post next! If you would like to have a one on one thread with Des just go ahead and start it up and send me a PM with the link! Thank you!!!Everyone has one week to reply to this <3333)))




05-10-2013, 05:43 PM

The male padded along swiftly next to the larger female. News about Kaien's death was shocking, and then again it wasn't. Most seemed to have viewed him as incompetent and of late Nnoitra had too. It was almost depressing in a way to hear his adopted son was gone from the world, but it was expected. Tortugans were merciless. They needed a strong ruler and it seemed as though Kaien just wasn't quite enough for them to be happy. He could live with that factor. Had Desdemona not challenged him Nnoitra would have stripped him from his rank and taken it back for himself. He had indeed done a better job at controlling the masses. Things had gone to hell after the volcano though, so it was partly the blame. Regardless Kaien had failed in reigning in the members, he had paid for it in the end.

He took the crown Desdemona offered him with an air of confidence. He would rule beside her as her equal and together they would mend things. The problem with Valhalla needed to be fixed. That and the problem with Kaios had to be fixed as well. So many issues needed to be addressed and Desdemona and himself were stuck finding solutions to Kaien's messes. It was a hassle, but he would be happier once Tortuga rose from the ashes to be powerful once more. Kaien had tainted the name, but it would mean something again once they were through.

She took her place upon a rock and Nnoitra followed, sitting next to her just as proudly as she did. He was used to such appearances. To him they were everything and it was one he held even while Kaien ruled. It came natural to him now. Almost second nature as he waited for them to come. Come they did. One by one, or by pairs. It did not matter. Either way they did come and then they listened. Protests were sure to come, but not until he had said his piece.

Head raised as he observed them all. Two-toned blue gaze would look at new and old faces with an air of indifference. It was different being their Alpha, but familiar. A nice touch that he could enjoy before he died. He was certain an heir would come up for Tortuga now. Perhaps then a change in power would work properly instead of failing like Kaien's had.

"I expect you to treat her with respect. If you have problems voice them and they will be handled. Any form of blatant disrespect to her or myself like you displayed with Kaien will be punished severely. Tortuga will rise from the ashes and will rise in power again. You all will be expected to participate in any events, otherwise obvious consequences will take place as Desdemona has stated. No one is to initiate fights with Seracia or Ludicael or Glaciem either. The situation with old members leaving and still causing problems will be handled. Until then enjoy the change or get out."

Voice remained cold and neutral. For once he was completely serious. No jokes in his tone or jesting. Nothing was amusing about this. They would take them seriously, or they would suffer. End of story. No if's and's or but's.



05-10-2013, 05:58 PM

The sounds of a call rang in the old Brute's ears, it was for a pack meeting but not a call from Morphine, nor Kaien. His ears laid back in curiosity, what had happened. Ears coming up to normal position he made his way to the call. The voice behind it was familiar but he was not sure about that. Tail swaying with each step, the brute walked with a hobble. His black eyes soon landed upon Nnoitra, and yes he was correct the call came from Desdemona her self. The brute came into view he was unsure as to what was going on. Yet he would still lend his ears to the words that both Desdemona and Nnoitra would have to say. The smell of Kaien filled his nostrils, it was coming from the dame's pelt, she was covered in his blood. So that is how it is, Ulrike knew that being soaked in another blood meant, fatal wounds, and death.

Maybe his hunch was wrong and that was not the case, but surely it was. Ulrike stood up, he did not want to sit, this was a topic not to take lightly and he knew that. As she spoke his ears pointed foreword, then resided upon his skull. Not for aggression but sorrow, the old Alpha was indeed gone. Ulrike Listened on some more as she mentioned fixing things with Valhalla, that was a good move, and she gained brownie point with him on that part. Things kept moving on as she continued to speak, she spoke of a tournament to decide on ranks. Ulrike liked this he did indeed, this would give those with the skills and determination a chance to get the rank they deserve.

Next Nnoitra spoke, his words were simple stating to listing to her and if have any questions address them to him. Ulrike found all her terms reasonable, and he did like who she chosen to be secondary Alpha. Once Nnoitra seized talking Ulrike gave Desdemona a slight bow of respect before he spoke. "Desdemona, your actions that you addressed here are wise and i believe will benefit the pack. I welcome you in as my new Alpha just as i welcome Nnoitra at secondary. It is tragic for Kaien and i would like that the pack give a farewell call out to him. I know it is a bit old transitioned, but i think that you shall see it as to he dose deserve a fair well call. Just like everyone, and every creator deserves when they pass." Ulrike finished speaking he hoped that she would accept a pack fair well to the Former Alpha.



05-10-2013, 06:09 PM

Someone's voice rang throughout the pack lands. Tikaani was not sure as to who it was, but this seemed urgent and she knew that It was one of those times that she needed to make her apperance. Weather or not she speaks or stays in the shadow, she needed to show up. After all she was apart of this pack and her full support was needed. Padding lightly to the call she came up in a area that she had not explored yet. Interesting it was and the female on the rock next to, yes Nnoitra. Tikaani took a seat and listened to what they had to say, she herd that Kaien was dead, and now the female, Desdemona, is new Alpha, and Secondary was Nnoitra. Tikaani did not say anything, she sat there and listened till they finished speaking. Her eye watched as the others seemed a bit wiled up about the sudden new.


Ezekiel I


05-10-2013, 07:11 PM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


his feathered ruffled by prospect and opportunity lost, ezekiel's mood was fouled. his gut churned not with hunger but desire for gluttony, thoughts poisoned by his picky tendencies. they had buried the bastard he had planned on plucking a few bones from. oh, the nerve, oh, how it would not serve! a dark speck in the sky, gliding on midnight-topped wings specked at the edge of each feather with silver, the bearded vulture sought some sort of revenge. for him to waste his time salivating over a short-lived battle and the events that took place afterward as he did, and then be denied of his reward was preposterous! this she-devil--desdemona, if he'd heard correctly from the lady in white--would pay, no doubt!

the petty lupine beings had been fighting over something, as usual, and with revenge thick upon his mind, he decided to seek the source.

before departing, he had dropped to the ground to clutch the femur of a previously passed creature in his claws, and had rubbed it thoroughly upon the fresh blood spilled on the ground. then, he had done what he did best--stalked. shielded by the cover of low autumn clouds, the scheming avian had followed the triumphant murderer to her pack, and in turn, to the meeting that she'd called. he slowly spiraled down above the congregation, beady black eyes set intently upon the events beneath, beak parted slightly as his tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth. yes, it was here that he would sow the seeds of treason.

from his aerial orbit above them, well out of striking range but thoroughly in hearing range, his maddened cackle echoed out over them, as dry as the bones that he feasted upon. voice grating in a screech, a rhythm emerged in his rhyming words, body occasionally sharply altering directions in flight to put emphasis.

"deception, deception,

you all fall to lies,

not at all seeing

the wool over your eyes!"

it was here that the seemingly-crazed bird flung the bone forth amidst them for inspection. he was doubtful that any of these stupid creatures had any way of realizing this was not a bone of their freshly-deceased alpha, as it was a nearly congruent sized specimen, and it was mostly-unmarked by any chips. it was a relatively recent example, so it had not yet experienced the marrow deterioration of an older club should they decide to break it apart. besides, the thing was so thoroughly covered in wet, fresh crimson that it was difficult to see many specific details of its existence, as well.

"this bone, you see,

torn from his flesh--

mutilated by desde,

who murdered him afresh!

"and look, look,

no dirt on my claws!

only the blood

shed by her jaws!

"how don't you see it

you blithering fools?

following so blindly

like her good little tools?

"is this what you want?

to be weaklings--be sheep?

to be birds sitting to wait

to be killed in their sleep?

"well good riddance to you

if you believe in her lies!

she'll ruin the pack

and fraternize with spies!

"what am i but the messenger--

come to save you all?

stop standing, and do something

before your affiliation falls!"

his frenzied gliding paused as he stared down at them with disgust in his features, wings beating to steady his flight.


05-10-2013, 09:35 PM

Another pack meeting? Wasn't there just a pack meeting? The young wolf listened to the call of the Alpha. It was foreign. This wasn't Kaien or Morphine calling. Something changed. Paws carried her on at an easy lope to the source of the call. Coming to a stop at the end of the clearing, the young she-wolf looked around her. Others had already arrived. Emerald jewels sought out her parents and siblings familiar faces but none could be found. Odd. She was here before her mother. Place upon a rock sat two pale wolves. One foreign femalem her ivory pelt soaked in the blood of another, there was something familiar about the smell that mingled with her own, and a brute. Why was she soaked in blood? She didn't know either of them. She hoped her momma would show up soon to explain it all to her. Taking her seat, tail wrapped around her paws, audits pushed forward, waiting to see what was to be said.

The dame wasted no time in speaking, first introducing herself. Desdemona. What happened to Kaien? It didn't take long for the answer to be spoken. Ears laid flat against her head. But he had led the pack. Still being young, she didn't fully understand the politics and what was going on. All she knew was that her Alpha was dead, and this woman was her new Queen. More words were spoken. Valhalla. The name was familiar, having heard many times. It seemed as though this woman planned to patch things up with the other packs.

Nnoitra. Gaze shifted to the brute. His name was familiar. Momma used to tell them stories of when she first joined the pack and he was the Alpha. So he was back? Ruling once more? But this time beside this woman who calls herself Desdemona. When ranks where brought she began paying extra close attention. She was still too young to have any great rank, but one day she would. The rest of you are stripped of titles and ranks. Browns shot up in surprise. What would that mean for momma? She knew that her mother was the second highest ranking Commander in the pack. The tournament would be fun, but her momma was too old to fight anymore. What was going to happen? She began to grow nervous, shifting her weight from shoulder to shoulder, glancing anxiously around her mother.



05-10-2013, 09:52 PM

Eyes fluttered open. The dame had been sleeping, trying to regain some of her energy back. But the foreign howl that called for the pack disturbed her. This wasn't Morphine or Kaien calling. This was another wolf. Where were the Alphas? She rose to her paws, confusion entering her expression. She broke into a trot, as she was near by, but was nonetheless anxious to get to this pack meeting. To see what wolf had demanded their presence. Coming to the clearing, eyes first laid upon Nnoitra. And then the pale woman beside him. Blood soaked her ivory pelt, a familiar scent mingling with her own. Kaien? She looked around, others had already arrived, including her daughter. Taking a seat beside the identical looking she-wolf, Secret sought Nnoitras gaze, alarmed. She didn't understand. And she didn't have to wait long. Desdemona. The name wasn't familiar to her. She was the knew Alpha? But Kaien...? Was dead. Shock glittered her features. He submitted to her? Part of her wanted to believe this wasn't true, but it was seen the young brutes eyes when she had last met with him. He had grown tired of fighting his pack for their respect. Sadly, it came as no surprise.

She listed, glad that things would be patched with Valhalla, and war wouldn't be hanging over their heads. However what the dame said next, brought a rumble of disagreement from her. Stripping the entire pack of their ranks and titles? Daring. That certainly was the way to not make friends. A tournament to get your rank back? Some of these wolves, including herself, had their rank since Nnoitra had ruled the pack. And now it was being taken from her? There was no way she'd be able to compete with someone younger. And Nnoitra was backing her up. Already she was growing wary of this new Alpha. While she did have good plans to create peace and rebuild Tortuga to the pack it once was, she had a feeling it was going to be a long and rough road to get there.

She knew that she would have to speak to Desdemona after the meeting was over. Her body wouldn't stand up to anymore strain. No matter how much she wanted it to. She desperately wanted to be around to watch her kids grow up. Lyrics of others filled in as background noise, while the dame thought. So far only one seemed to be objecting. A bird at that. Odd. He spoke in strange ways, but was clearly trying to start something within the pack. But would Viri or Morphine show up and all hell would break loose? Eyes drifted to her daughter beside her. She would do well in the pack, she was young, had room to grow and excel. And would her two boys. Where were they anyways? She looked around for Vixe and Rune, but they hadn't yet shown up. They would both be in trouble if they didn't show up, or showed up late. As for Kylar. She had no idea where he was, and their children would soon be asking questions about their fathers whereabouts. And she only had difficult answers to give them.

"Talk here."

Loki 1


6 Years
05-11-2013, 11:32 AM

Loki glided through the trees as a foreign howl pierced her ear drums and ensnared her mind. Emeralds that she deemed her eyes slid open with annoyance. Today was a day when company seemed a waste of time, energy and space and who was this creature that summoned them all to hell. With a snarl curling ebony lips the dame would rise, uncharacteristically slow and with a snarl she would slip from her concealed den and out into Tortuga. She was getting real damn sick of these meetings... or maybe that was just her heat making her irritable.

Even the silver tongue grew silent and still as her gaze descended upon the two whom had obviously called the meeting to order. Her ears pinned back against her cranium, great... dames. More ways to interact with other people. Absolutely lovely. Had she been a lesser creature she would have sneered, Loki was getting up there in age having just turned seven... but that didn't make her useless, at least not yet. The rest of the speech was garbled and lost to her. She couldn't give two shits who steered the boat as long as they weren't stupid enough to smash into the rocks. With a grunt she reclined back on her haunches, and waited for the chaos around her, to erupt.



05-11-2013, 11:48 AM

Luce was starting to show, her abdomen distended and heavy, dragged her down. The weight of her pups. The pups she was determined to see to birth, determined to raise, determined to watch grow into something beautiful, powerful, shifted restlessly within her womb. They would be better than her, better than Neo. They would exceed all expectation and they would be great. Luce could do this. Luce was strong. She had taken to eating from the pack supply of food, not willing to jeopardize her youth for the exertion of a hunt. Lounging in her den she knew... she knew she would be raising these pups alone. Valhalla would not return her Neo. Neo didn't even know that she was pregnant. The dame would huff and lay her head back against the stones... as a howl shattered her dream-like state.

The silvery hued fae would grumble, but rose, never-the-less to her feet. Slowly trotting through the territory to arrive at the pack meeting. sapphire eyes narrowed as they gazed upon the blood soaked ivory warrior. She stood massive, her size intimidating, the blood making her all the more feral. She had never met the woman before, but had seen her multiple times... what was this? They would speak and Luce would quiver, eyes widening at all the turns of events, shock, anger, satisfaction, aggression, they all curled in the depths of her belly. Excitement that Kaien had been dethroned along with Morphine, satisfaction that something about Valhalla would be done... but that was quickly replaced by irritation and no she would not wait to voice this privately. With a sneer she would bark, vocals carrying. "And what of Neo? I carry his pups within my womb. Will the two of you forget him as well?" She would demand an answer, neo may not be the problem of the kingdom, but Luce was selfish, she wanted him back.



05-11-2013, 11:51 AM

((Shortness D: just need to get a post in here before replying to Shrap))

Her walk from the Delta had been slow, head hung and lips curled in distaste. The news morphine had given her leaving a foul taste in her mouth. Her queen was banished? She would burn Tortuga to the ground if that was what Morphine desired but no... For now she would bow her head to the new queen and accept her. No one could or would ever know of her plan until it happened. So when the howl for another pack meeting was loosed black lined eyes snapped in the direction and teeth snapped at the air. She hared change, sometimes she could accept it when it would benift her as when Morphine had taken the throne with Kaien bu another leadership change was not something shefelt comfortable with. Today she would kiss the queens ass, she would play nice and make her believe that Vi would serve her unconditionally. Tomorrow, hopefully, she would rip the bitches heart out and bring it to the true queen.

Expression was somber as she approached the scene, already a fairly large gathering but still no Ky. Was he dead? Whatever worries she had had about her brother were ceased as Des began to speak, detailing what had happened with Kaien and then carrying on to speak of an alliance with Valhalla. Expression was kept neutral, ears pricked in feigned interested as she seated herself by Secret with a short nod. She didn't few right, even as a beta to take her place beside Nnoitra and this new bitch that called herself queen. She was glad Nnoitra was leading beside her but what was the point of being here anymore? What was the point of bothering to be in this pack who claimed to take in everyone and anyone who now wanted anyone who wanted bloodshed gone? Nnoitra has accepted some sketchy characters back in the day, ones even Vi had been unsure of and had allowed them to cause some trouble and now they would align the self with Valhalla? Fuck if she wanted to be in a good or neutral pack she would have joined Valhalla in the first place...

And then came the show stopper. They were all stripped of their ranks.

Lips twitched, a hint of a snarl showing on her expression but it was tossed aside almost instantly. No, that would be saved for later. "It's good to see you back on the throne Nnoitra. And Dessemona... I will do what is needed to prove that I deserve my old rank" she said easily, head tipping politely after she spoke. The bitch had to die. But now wasn't the time, Vi had to hide her time, wait it out and play the good little lap dog until it was time. It was then that the bone dropped the the sky, fresh blood covering it as she struck the ground before the new queen. Wide eyes turned to the queen and she looked at Secret questioningly. "Say it's not true... Have you left Kaien's body to rot under the sun? To be packed apart by vultures?" she asked, voice more shocked and horrified ten rude or demanding. How dare she! She held no love for Kaien but for him to be left to rot was wrong...



05-12-2013, 03:20 AM

The girl hardly cared for politics. She would miss the white wench that had ruled. She didn't know the silver brute, but neither were big losses to her. It didn't matter to her who ruled. They gave her a home and a place to sleep and take refuge. She wouldn't argue over that so long as it was given to her. She was too crazy, too far deranged to care about much else. She enjoyed her little fixations and desires and that was about it. It was a world that revolved around her and her pretty little body. Her own amusement was what mattered most.

She'd listen attentively though and yet none of it was fully intriguing. Instead she focused more on what they looked like. Both new Alphas had pretty bi-colored eyes, the female more than the male, and as far as the announcements themselves went and the shocked looks on everyone's faces at the rank changes, none of it mattered. Instead she looked to the bird that suddenly came and spoke in rhyme. Amethyst eyes lit up as she stared upon the scavenger with a pleased look. A soft giggle left her vocals as he finished his speech. How clever!

"Took his bone have you?! Do tell do tell! Is it tasty love? Did you enjoy his flesh? Is his bone a delicious prize love?!"

The girl cackled gleefully. She didn't care if it truly was the ex-king's bone or not. He provided amusement to her and she enjoyed it. It riled up her blood and made it sing for her. Automatically she liked the foul creature, even if he was annoying the rest of them and outraging them with his words. Fun! Oh how it was fun!



05-12-2013, 07:40 PM

A powerful call echoed through the land, echoing sharply in Xhen's perked ears. She had yet to meet the rulers of Tortuga, but hoped that Viri and Secret had made mention of her. Without hesitation the female directed herself toward the stranger's call, large paws hitting the earth with ferocity as she broke into a run, unwilling to be late to a meeting. At the least, she hoped the members of Tortuga would look upon her with an absence of dislike -- not expecting much more, by the way Secret had described the creatures to her. Rapists. Murderers. Outcasts.

As she drew near to the gathering, Xhen found a spot nearest to Viri to sit, though kept a respectable distance from all of the Tortugans. Her yellow eyes swept over the wolves, noting that they looked exactly as expected. The one who stood as Alpha was a rather large bitch ... certainly larger than herself ... and she regarded her with emotionless eyes, though nodded in simple greeting. A male about her own size stood near the Alpha female, a silver-furred brute. Most of the wolves were rather large, and she noted that not one single creature seemed to express anything like joy. The largest of the group, the Alpha, spoke, explaining things. She had one a spar against the former leader, taking his life; they were to remain neutral; the male at her side would lead; all were stripped of their former ranks. Most of it meant little to her, and she shifted on her paws as she waited. Even the wolves who commended her victory -- apparently her name was Desdemona -- showed little joy.

Attention suddenly shifted to the bird overhead, an ugly vulture that circled the gathering of wolves. Slight curiosity crept into her gaze as she averted it upwards to the creature, who was chanting some kind of nonsense rhyme. Or was it? Further reflection, as she perked her ears atop her large skull, revealed a surprising connection.. he seemed to be talking about Desdemona. Deception. Lies. Even vultures seemed more concerned about politics than she did! The revelation brought a slight smirk to her face, barely turning the corners of her dark lips up. The expression was fleeting, and disappeared before it was noticed at all.


05-13-2013, 09:15 AM

She hadn?t been a member long, and the last pack meeting she had attended she had been a rouge. This time she would attend a meeting as a member of Tortuga. Curiosity ate at her, as she worked her way towards the summoning place. What was going on? She worked her way towards the summoner, at a steady pace.

At the edge of the clearing, she paused but only momentarily before walking out into the clearing, head held high. This would be her first time meeting her pack-mates, and she had always been told that first impressions were the most memorable. She scanned the clearing as she entered, noting the different members and noticed with a slight bit of shock that Desdemona was standing on the rock, with another male. This pair was different than the last that she had seen at the last pack meeting.

She sat away from her pack-mates, close towards the front but not close to any of them. She hadn?t had the time to meet them, nor the inclination too- yet. She raised her head, to watch the pair, and listen to what they had to say.

Desdemona?s words were interesting, and cast an interesting light to her interest in Tortuga. She had met the wolf once before, and had gained something akin to respect for her. She didn?t know the male r that stood beside her, though that would soon change. The other wolf, Nnoitra, spoke words to reinforce Desdemona, and right after other wolves spoke. She watched the exchange with a careful expression and forced neutrality and relaxed expression. Every word soaked into her, as if she was a sponge, she would remember everything.


05-13-2013, 12:41 PM

Something was off that day. Demonio had awoken to find his mate gone. Her scent was still fresh inside their den but there was a sinking feeling inside his gut that he couldn?t ignore. His mind had automatically jumped to the worst case scenario, the events of her last solo outing replaying in his head. He could see her beautiful white pelt bathed in blood, her forelimb nearly torn to shreds. A shudder ran down his spine as he rose from his resting place, shaking the horrible memories away, stretching before he padd4ed out into the sunlight. The gorgeous morning welcomed him, the golden sun rays bathing hi in warmth. And yet the beautiful landscape did nothing to take away the nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach. Dual hued jewels lowered to the earth, gaze examining the remnants of his woman?s departure. Crown dipped towards the brown dirty, nostrils flaring as he tasted Desdemona?s perfume. It smelled just like her. There were no traces of her heat from several weeks ago nor the stench of any kind of injury. And yet there was just something off. It was mid-morning and she had not returned. If it had been a hunt surely she would have returned already. Had Kaien called her out to perform some pack duty that he wasn?t aware of? He hated not knowing things, especially when it was about his angel.

And then a howl split the air. He would recognize her voice even if they were separated for decades. Asleep or even dead, the ivory knight would always recognize Desdemona?s voice. Her sweet melody rose into the atmosphere and yet there was a new tone to it. The intimacy of a call meant just for him was not present. Her son was commaning, the tone belonging to someone in power. But why would Desdemona make a call like that? She was a warrior like himself. Calls like those only came from his king Kaien and the white woman he had seen at the pack meeting only days ago. But there was no mistaking the call of his woman. She was reaching out to all the members of Tortuga, which meant his presence was required. What the hell was going on? Why was Des acting like she was an alpha now? Unable to deny the call of his love the alabaster brute set out to get some answers to his questions.

Powerful limbs propelled the large brute through Tortuga?s now familiar terrir4oty, his gaze sweeping his surroundings, muscles of steel rippling beneath his angel-like visage. The same question circled his mind over and over: what was going on? First Desdemona left without warning and then she?s calling out to the Tortuga wolves as if she were an alpha. Nothing made sense right now and there was nothing that frustrated him more than not knowing things. His gate was purposeful, a swift jog, nearly bordering a flat out gallop. He wanted to get to the gathering first but he knew that wasn?t possible. Most likely there were going to be other wolves before him. Surely they would all be just as confused, but none so much as him. A few days ago in his mind Kaien had been the only alpha. And then at the last meeting he?d discovered that Kaien was sharing the power with a woman he didn?t to be mated to, something he didn?t quite understand but would not question. And now there was the possibility that his Desdemona was the new Queen of Tortuga. He needed answers and he needed them now.

The scents of other Tortugans filled his nostrils as he approach4ed the designated area, the place where his woman?s call had originated from. As he had predicted others had arrived before him, their expressions reflecting the confusion they were surely experiencing. As his gaze briefly roamed over his present packmates, the voice of his angel broke into the quiet clearing, demanding his attention. Icy and maroon gems flickered to the rock cropping at the opposite side of the clearing, Desdemona?s beautiful figure perched atop the rock, her usually pristine bleached coat matted and dark with blood. Ice filled his veins, rooting him to his spot in the shadows. An experimental whiff told him it was Kaien?s blood. His woman was covered in the King?s blood. The King?s blood?But why? His attention returned to her as she began speaking, introducing herself before explaining that she had challenged the King for his throne and halfway he?d submitted, asking that his life be ended. And Desdemona had complied. The king now laid in the battlefield, the love his life having taken his place. She?d challenged Kaien?.without telling him. The ice in his veins melted as his heart began to beat harder against its cage. She?d left him without a goodbye to challenge the King and now she was here, assuming his rule. She?d gone and done something that was going to affect the entire pack, including him, without telling him. She never mentioned anything, never asked him what he thought about it. Just up and woke up and went to do it. Just like that. How long had she been planning this? Why hadn?t she included him in her decision or at least warned him about it?

She continued on saying how she was going to Valhalla because she intended on making an alliance. She spoke of how no one was allowed to attack any other wolves from others packs for the risk of insuating war. She turned to motion to the old brute at her side, the one who was going to rule at her side. An old man at her side. Was she forfeiting their mateship for him? The organ in his chest beat at a frenzied pace, anger, confusion, rage, hurt rushing through his veins. His jaw clenched together, daggers gritting together, frame tense with unease. She continued on to say that she and the old man called Nnoitra would hold a tournament to see who would get what rank. The current ranks that anyone held no longer mattered. Demonio was nothing now. His world was pulled out from beneath him. Desdemona had killed his King in battle and taken his place. The ivory knight was stripped of his warrior?s title and now he had to fight for it or else be demoted to a slave. Nothing made sense anymore.

He watched as she motioned for Nnoitra to speak, the apparent new alpha once more. Where the hell did that leave him? A reddish tint outline his gaze and he had to look away, had to focus on something else. He felt so betrayed. She?d around behind his back and done something unthinkable. And now what? What was going to happen now? Frankly Demonio didn?t care right that moment. The emotnions flooding his system were too chaotic. He wanted to rip something ,like those coyotes he?d dispatched after they?d attacked Des. He wanted to leave, to leave his angel to her duties and go off by himself. To do what he didn?t know, he just needed to be away from her. Demonio clenched his jaw tight, forces unknown to him keeping him rooted to the spot in the shadows. He knew Desdemona would notice him but he would not acknowledge her. He couldn?t look at her right now; he just couldn?t. Bi colored gaze remained trained to the earth beneath his claws, his attention no longer on the meeting as he tried to control the waves of emotions crashing through him.

OOC: I got really good muse for this haha

Talk like this


05-13-2013, 03:44 PM

Oh the woes of the distastefully lazy! The ache of young bones that didn't wish to move! The plight of the sinfully sloth. Grinner rose to his legs slowly with a yawn loud enough to wake the dead. He took his time going to the meeting, there HAD just been one after all, there wasn't anything terribly important they had to say that they hadn't said before. He was sure their shining star of a leader was simply going to greet them in person rather than send his bitch to do the dirty work. Slowly the black and rust colored wolf made his way to the new meeting place, stopping first at a creek to drink and then at a rabbit hole for a snack. His morning routine went uninterrupted as usual, and when he finally felt the desire he meandered to the meeting ground and-oh. That was unexpected. In Kaien's stead there was another, dripping in blood that smelled of Tortuga's favorite little bastard. He liked the girl already. He had seen her around Tortuga but had never had the chance to properly introduce himself. He listened intently, standing at the edge of the meeting place, just barely hidden in the shadows if not for the flash of white going down his back. She confirmed what he had already assumed; Kaien was dead, and she had taken their place as their leader. She went on to explain that they would remain neutral, boring, and that Valhalla wolves were off limits. "No fun allowed." A voice sang in his head. There we go. Something interesting. a tournament. Oh what a joy that would be to watch....Wait....He'd have to participate wouldn't he? He supposed it was worth voicing his concerns "And what of us who are not skilled hunters or brutish fighters. Surely Tortuga still has a place for little ol' me~" He purred, tail swaying lightly as his mocking tone broke the silence.


Rune I


5 Years
05-15-2013, 11:19 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

The voice that rang across the territory was unfamiliar but commanding, not that of their Vecaan Kaien or even Morphine but holding enough authority within it to give the youngster pause. Whatever their reason for calling sounded important, otherwise why bother at all? But shouldn't it have been either of the Vecaans to summon a meeting like this, or at least someone recognized as holding a high rank and regard throughout the pack? He stood hesitant, considering, before finally turning and urging his gait into a quick trot to reach the location of their meeting all the more swiftly. Just to be safe, perhaps attending wouldn't be such a horrible idea.

He was glad he had made the decision he did. When at last the mountainside that the wolves had gathered upon came into view, he could see that many of their pack had already arrived and were gathering around to stand either isolated or in small groups, mingling with those familiar and tolerated faces that hey knew of. Spying his mother and sister among the masses, Rune quietly and carefully made his way to join them, saying nothing though both were spared a glance as he took a seat and let his attention be captured by the wolf who spoke to them.

Unsurprisingly, it was neither Kaien or Morphine, but a new wolf, one who called herself Desdemona. She stood tall and stately, large and intimidating even to him, especially covered in blood as she was. Learning that it was Kaien's blood that she wore, the youth's frosty blue eyes widened slightly though the stoic look about his face remained relatively unfazed. Kaien was dead? Morphine demoted? It took him a moment to realize that the leadership change was final and done with; Desdemona and the wolf known as Nnoitra would rule then now instead.

None of what followed held any particular importance for him - he was still young, not even a year - but because he was interested in the goings on of the pack and what might eventually be expected of him when he did come of age, the lanky grey pup listened. It seemed he would be missing out on a chance to prove himself this time around, but if this wolf was going to make an attempt at changing things now there was no telling whether he might end up having to undergo something just as trying. But as he glanced around, particularly at those family members he sat beside, he could tell the news was not taken well. At least in this sense he was glad to be a pup; his rank would not change at all.

A glance overhead as a voice gratingly called down to them had his blue eyes fixing themselves on a bird overhead as it danced about aerially, calling down to them in an almost singsong manner that was about as annoying as it was helpful. He dropped something into their midst - the item lost to Rune because he was not near enough to see - but from the vulture's goading lyrics he was sure he could guess what it was. The news the bird offered seemed to settle just as badly among the pack as had the news about the ranks, but not wishing to add in his two cents, which he had none to give presently, Rune merely sighed quietly from his muzzle and turned to glance at his sister, mother, and aunt, curious as to their reactions and any opinions they might offer within the collective group of their family.



05-17-2013, 10:15 AM

The girl would be one of the last to arrive to the pack meeting. The howl that came from the jowls of the unknown intrigued her and Him. It wasn't Kaien or Morphine, so who was it? It wasn't Viridiana, her father, or Secret either. So who was this wolf that called the pack with such authority? Curiosity became overwhelming so she headed towards the meeting place. The majority of the pack had arrived. It was surprising to see how many had shown up. Normally most had the gall to be so disrespectful that they did not show. Upon speculation golden hues studied those who sat perched upon a high rock to view who had called them together. One was a gigantic female of proportions unseen to her before now. The other was Nnoitra Jaeger. Where was Kaien? And Morphine?

She would sit by her father and lean into him softly as she listened as the new Vecaans' words. Kaien was dead and Morphine demoted. Booted from the pack and not allowed to return. Such a change of events was surprising. Something inside of her was pleased by it though. Two years of age. She could now fight for a rank and prove herself to at least be a warrior. Kaien hadn't been a favorite of hers either, but she had respected him and Morphine as her Alpha. She'd been smart enough to see Tortuga was failing. Would this new leadership be helpful to the pack? Or would it destroy it? She wouldn't dare voice her opinions on the matter out loud.

"Why not love? Surely you have SOMETHING to say?"

My lip quivered. His silence had been more appreciated. Her mouth remained closed seeing as it wasn't the time to argue with him. Instead eyes shifted towards the bird that made himself known to the rest of Tortuga. A smirk splayed across her lips as he dropped a bone covered in blood? Was it truly Kaien's bone? It was a possibility. The scavengers words were interesting. His rhymes causing an uproar in a few wolves. Especially the ex-Beta Viri. Golden pools then shifted to Desdemona evaluating her and giving her an accusatory stare. Had she really left him to rot?

"Does the bird tell the truth? Do you lie to us. Or does the bird lie?"

"Speech" "He speaks"


05-17-2013, 02:21 PM

She had heard the call. There was no missing it. The only thing that brought her to this meeting was the curiousity as to why it wasn't Kaien or Morphine calling. She was one of the last few to come sauntering into the meeting, most of the pack had already gathered. A strange white dame stood before them, demanding their attention. Dual colored gaze drifted to the brute beside her. She didn't know him either. She sat down, looking around herself, an almost bored expression on her face. The pack had been falling to pieces around her, she hardly even stayed within the borders anymore. Last she heard the pack was on the brink of war. If that happens Tortuga would be done for.

Kaien was dead? That would explain why the woman was soaked in blood. Treaty with Valhalla. No fun. Everyone is stripped of their ranks. That was bound to piss some wolves off. She didn't really care, she merely a warrior, nothing special. Audits twitched in annoyance as a strange looking bird began to squawk. Something about lies and deciet. He bounced around with a bloody bone clutched in his grasp. Gaze slide from the bird back to the new Queen. Was it true? But a better question was did she care? No not really.

OOC- not sure if I'm keeping so Im posting with her just in case.

Walk "Talk" Think


05-21-2013, 01:51 AM

Desdemona would watch with steeled two toned eyes as her new pack came before her, she wasn't attempting to seem arrogant, merely superior. She needed these wolves to understand that she was serious about becoming an Alpha and she would not be easy to budge. She needed to betray utter confidence and pride, even if she didn't completely feel as such. Nnoitra spoke little, merely backed what she had already stated, he seemed to understand that if these wolves were to accept her... she would need to first appear like she could command them with no help. It was wise both on her and Nnoitra's part.

She braced herself for the onslaught of voices, protests, cries of retribution and demands for rank and surprisingly, very few voices erupted through the crowds, save for the annoying vermin that swiveled overhead. Ears would pin pack and a sneer would tug at her maw, but nothing was spoken about the creatures words...yet. She needed first to address their concerns, she imagined she would be meeting with quite a few once the meeting was over.

The majority consensus was accepting, or at least willing to give her a chance, the time of day. She saw flashes of anger and aggression across the faces of a few, if they had a problem, she would be more than willing to talk with them. She planned on solving problems, not creating new ones. Ulrike would be the first to speak and she would dip her head politely in easy thanks for his words. It was difficult for Desdemona to control her temper at Luce's biting words but regardless she would answer them in a smooth, rumbling, baritone.

" Neo's acceptance here never should have been rewarded. He was brought here solely for the purpose of creating conflict with Valhalla. If he wished to leave its borders, he should have first spoken with his own Alpha. When I speak with Valhalla's king, I will discuss him, but I will not risk the packs unity for one." Her words were apologetic, but harsh, making her point clear.

Grinner's voice would reach her next and now she would smile, it was small, barely visible, but cackling with mischief. "I still expect you to compete in one of the games Grinner, I want to see what you can do, but for now, I am granting you the title of a new rank Anubi, a group of specialized executioners." The word specialized was stressed severely, insinuating more than a few beheadings. She planned to hand over any and all punishments to the twisted mind of the male, she had heard a great deal of him.

Xenios voice, would be the last to join the mob and Desdemona would listen as she questioned the already gone birds accusations. Her eyes would land upon the woman, locking and holding her gaze. "The bird speaks lies. I have buried Kaien beneath a fresh patch of upturned soil, directly beside the small pool of water in the battlefield, if you question my word, by all means, go see for yourself." That was all the woman would comment on the stupid bird.

" The tournament will begin in a few days time. I shall call and you will answer. The games will determine everyone else. For now... you are dismissed unless Nnoitra would like to add anything."



05-27-2013, 06:38 AM
OOC: Sorry for the tardiness of my reply. Just coming off absence.

The earth toned pelt of Esperance would ripple as she moved through the pack lands. Her ocean hued gaze observed the flora around her as she moved. Her presence in Tortuga had never been static, too busy was she searching for those she knew before. However the leaders had called and wishing to remain a part of the pack Esperance would travel to greet them.
As she walked on to the meeting grounds Esperance looked at those gathered, only vaguely recognizing Nnoitra and Ulrike. Yes she was late but as she listened to the others it became clear that a they were all under a new, stricter rule. This didn't bother the fae one bit as she'd never really knew the previous Alpha. Studying Desdemona and Nnoitra, Esperance would smile. She had a good feeling about them - for anyone who insisted that everyone prove themselves through combat gained a fraction of her respect. The rest would come with time. As the meeting came to a close Esperance would remain behind, one of the last to file out. She wanted to glean as much information about the new Alphas as she could before heading to prepare for the tournament.