
Talk to me, brother


11-17-2014, 07:48 PM

It had been so long since he had last seen his brother, since he had spent any time with the spotted boy. But he had told himself that he wasnt going to see his brother until he was fit again. After the pack meeting, he had gone hunting, he had bathed, and started to take care of himself once again. He was determined to make the world pay for his mothers death, but in order to do that, he needed to be strong, to be able. So he had eaten three meals a day, put on weight, regained some of the shine to his pelt, and even had a little more life to his eyes. But his tattered relationship with his brother still weighted heavily upon his shoulders. His brother was the only thing he had left, they had been inseparable since birth. And being forced to keep his distance had been awful, he wanted nothing more than his brothers company again. But today things were going to change. He had caught wind of his brothers scent and had begun to trail after it. He would aim to catch up, a soft bark leaving his lips to alert his brother. He would watch with wary eyes, unsure if his brother was going to lash out at him or not.



11-17-2014, 08:31 PM

The black boy was out on a stroll. He was hoping to meet a few of his new pack mates since he had always been around family for the most part. He was really comfortable with the wolves in Secruta, and he wasn't too shy to meet the ones in Arcanum. But his paws would come to a halt as he heard his brother's bark from behind him. And he stood for a moment before turning to face him with a sour expression.

He had trouble look at hi in the eye, gaze veering off to the left, but he sat down willing to listen to why his brother stopped him. Though, secretly it was all hidden behind that mask. Amarant really did want to speak with Colten, he wanted them to be what they used to be. He couldn't forgive Colten for going off for such a long time before their mother had passed. He never would. So how could Colten forgive him for declaring he hated him and not speaking to him since?

Amarant didn't even think he could forgive himself for that. So he didn't know how to react to his brother anymore.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-05-2014, 08:30 PM

His brother would stop, much to his relief, and return to face him. Neither could hold eye contact with each other, their gazes veering off in different directions. Awkward silence filled the gap between them, and it seemed he would have to be the one to break the silence. He would inch closer, hoping to get close enough so that only a few feet stood between them. I'm sorry. His voice was soft, but his gaze immediately snapped back to his brother, her expression sincere. He had been gone for far to long, leaving behind both his mother and his brother. But he had been lost, unsure of his place in the world after they had fled their home. By the time he returned, his mother was dying, he only got to spend a few brief moments with her before she was gone. It was something he would never forgive himself for. That day rang out clearly in his memories. Including when his brother screamed that he hated him. The words had stung, but he couldn't blame his brother would angry words spoken in a time of grief. He had done so much to deserve it. All he wanted was his brothers forgiveness so that they could move and begin to patch up their relationship.



12-08-2014, 09:01 PM

Amarant continued to look away, feeling his brother's eyes burning into his skull. But really, Colten was glaring away from him too. Only the sound of his voice would draw Amarant's gaze to look into his gentle eyes.

He would keep their eyes connected for a moment, holding a narrowed, hurt expression before coming back off and looking to the floor. But after another moment of that he looked back up at his brother. This time with a softer gaze.

"No." He spat, almost as if he were angry. But his next words said otherwise. "No one could have seen this coming. You can't blame yourself for mom dying."

Of course he didn't think that Colten blamed himself for Maia passing, but he hated himself for not being there. Amarant knew that his brother was sorry for not spending the time they had. But really, he was just overreacting. 

"I'm sorry."

He almost whispered, dropping his eyes yet again. Colten should know why.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-21-2014, 11:26 PM

His brothers expression was one of hurt, clearly expressed on his ebon features. But he couldnt blame his brother, he had failed him in ways that he could never undo. His brothers angry reply had his ears pinning to his skull, muscles tensing, resisting the urge to flinch. His brother spoke the truth. Their mother hide her illness up until the end. And while he didn't blame himself for her death, he blamed himself for not being there more. For spending more time with her. A sigh rolled off his tongue, his gaze dropping. He would stay like that until his brothers softly spoken apology would breach his ears. His gaze would immediately snap up to his brother, ears tipping forward. He knew exactly what his brother was apologizing for. Without hesitation he would close the distance between them, pressing his face into his brothers neck. Relief would sweep through him, muscles finally relaxing, allowing his shoulders to droop. Me too. He would mumble into his brothers fur, staying like for a few moments before pulling back, meeting his brothers matching gaze.



12-24-2014, 04:45 AM

He was surprised as his brother closed the space between them, head held high as his eyes flicked back and forth awkwardly. He hadn't felt this kind of affection... well since Maia had passed. But it sure didn't feel like that.

All that was really on his mind was how he had just demanded his brother to not be sorry, but he still was. He didn't want anyone to be sorry other than himself, though Colten saying so is what cut the immortal silence between them. So it did need to happen, Amarant just didn't see it that way. 

Gently he tapped his chin on his brother's shoulder a couple times, letting out a weird chuckle before backing up to look at him with a neutral smile.

"So, uh... Arcanum treating you well?"

He asked not sure what else to say. The boy himself hadn't been too busy, he had just spent some time with Kylar and other than the meeting he had only met one other wolf. He thought. Oh well, there was always more time and wolves to go around.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-24-2014, 04:54 PM

His brother would tap his shoulder gently before pulling away. An awkward chuckle would slip from his brothers inky lips, pulling his own lips into an uncertain grin. The conversation was awkward, everything was awkward. But he wanted that to change, he wanted things to go back to the way they used to be. I can't complain. What about you? His haunches would fold beneath him, his verdant gaze resting on his brother. Would things ever go back to the way they used to be? He certainly hoped so. He would slowly relax, steadily feeling at ease in his brothers presence. Perhaps one day things would be easy between them again, they could chat without awkwardly smiling at each other. Russet audits tipped forward in his brothers direction, looking attentively at the ebony boy.



01-02-2015, 12:22 AM

Could they ever be the same? It could take years for the both of them to get over this. mainly Amarant for holding such a grudge on the boy. If only something drastic could happen to make things easier...

Amarant would follow Colten as he sat, and though they both held a huge face of awkward, Amarant had his ear pointed as straight as they could possibly go, listening intently  to his brother's few words. It was weird hearing his voice again, and even more weird responding. But the boy could handle this much.

"Can't either." He copied, "I've been fishing with Kylar... And I met another lady from Arcanum."

His eyes moved down to his paws, dragging one along the surface of the soil. He wasn't so sure what else to say, he was normally pretty good at keeping up conversation. That or talking someone's ears off.

"And Cat... She seems pretty stiff." He followed with another chuckle, hoping his brother would understand what he was talking about.

Walk "Talk" Think