
One in the same


11-16-2014, 05:33 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2014, 10:30 PM by Evelyn.)

It was the first time he had left Arcanum since he arrived. But it was also the first time he had been healthy enough to leave. He had begun to put on weight, his large frame steady filing out. His pelt was against smooth and shiny, free of any debris, the mats done. His eyes had begun to fill with life, brightening each day. Ever since the pack meeting, he had taken a new look on life. A much darker one. Anger boiled just beneath the surface, ready to lash out at anything that stood in his way. But a passerby would never know. His russet face was carefully cloaked in an emotionless mask. His skull still hung lower, between his shoulders that rolled to absorb the shock of his massive paws.

His tail hung between his hocks as he walked, drawn by the sound of rushing water. Winter had taken a hold of his home, covering the earth in a blanket of snow. It was light, for now, the snow manageable to trek through. The cold wind bit into his coat, trying to freeze him. But he continued moving, her emerald gaze set directly before him. Ears tipped back against his skull, as usual. Not even the sounds of the river pulled them forward. He was finally a year old, reaching his full height. He was still thin, bones protruding from beneath his pelt, but he was no less impressive.




7 Years
11-16-2014, 06:51 PM

Home was a different place now. She didn't feel like she belonged like she once had, but out of place. Sibelle had changed, and she had children and a husband now. Where did she fit into the scheme of things? She didn't know, and it was getting harder and harder to stick around Solstice. She literally felt like climbing up a tree to keep away from them. Yes they were beautiful and yes they were cute, but it was fear of them being ripped away from her that kept her away. Ekko couldn't help it, the fear of losing them was real. She felt like if she were to get close to anyone that they would be taken away from her. It was as if it was a curse, something that was an infection that could not be stopped. It was easier to cut wolves off than having to deal with their lose, she knew this first hand. So with a heavy sigh, she once again turned away from the willows. She was probably going to wander back in, she was finding it hard to stay away from Sibelle, her sweet, sweet mistress. But now that she was in heat once more, she didn't really feel like being around anyone. Sibelle had joked that she would have cute puppies, and that was Ekko's worst fear. Never again did she want to bare children into this world, not after what happened to her first litter.

Coming to a stop, Ekko surveyed the area she was in. There didn't seem to be anyone about, until the very faint scent of a lone male tickled her nose. Inhaling sharply she looked around, pale blue eyes trying to pinpoint the wolf. She saw the russet fleck not too far off, and blinked several times. Why was his scent somewhat familiar to her? She shook it off, she was probably just imagining it. She could tell that he was young, but that didn't matter. Evil could fill even the youngest of souls, and on this day she didn't feel like dealing with it. He was closer to the river than she, his breath fogging before him as the winter air buffered both of them. She slunk low to the ground, trying to hide her rusted red form among the large rocks that dotted the river bank. Her tail tucked between her legs, hoping to cover the stench of her heat. It was too late to turn tail and run away, he might see her and give chase. So those eyes stayed locked on him, just praying that he would turn the other way and not notice her at all.

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11-16-2014, 07:01 PM

The smell that soon begun to fill his nostrils was undeniable. It was sweet enough to lift his head and bring his ears forward with curiosity. His emerald gaze would dart back and forth, searching for the source. Nostrils quivered, inhaling the heady cocktail, nearly getting high off it. Whoever it was, she smelled amazing. An unfamiliar feeling stirred in his belly, sinking its claws into him and demanding to be sated. He would frown just as he pinpointed the source. A tiny female crouched against the earth, desperately trying to sneak by unnoticed. But it was futile really, her scent was bound to catch anyones attentions. His expression would soften as he tried to look nonthreatening. His mother had taught him manners, and always be polite to a lady. And judging from the graying of her coat, she was old enough to have his respect.

Haunches would drop with a thud, hoping that it would allow her to relax. "I won't hurt you." His deep voice would leave his lips softly, his head lowering once more, trying not look so huge. A crooked smile would twitch the corners of his mouth. "My names Colten." He wasn't entirely sure why he felt like being so vocal, perhaps he simply wanted to ease her worries. From her posture, something obviously frightened her enough to be fearful of a stranger, a young one at that. Broad shoulders would slump forward, his posture relaxed as he watched her with mild curiosity. He tried in vain to rein in the feelings that her scent caused, but she smelled so good.




7 Years
11-16-2014, 07:15 PM

The boy would come up to her, making her sink farther to the ground as she ripped her eyes off of him. She let out a low whine, almost shoving her muzzle into the ground. She feared that he would strike at her for staring, but she was unaware that it was her scent that brought him here. When he spoke softly, she stopped her whine and peeked up slowly, although her eyes did not linger on his face. She felt his heat hit her, and her body betrayed her by liking the feel of it. She cursed her own hormones, yelling at them to shut the hell up. "E-Ekko." She stuttered, almost shaking by how close he was. He hunched over and his soft breath tickled her form, making a shiver run down her spine. Damn this season! Even though the fear was thick in her mind, she could not deny that her body sought after lust. It was a need that only one thing could quell, something that she wished would just go away. Maybe that was one good thing about getting older, she wouldn't have to go through this many more times.

Ekko managed to pull herself up from her cowering position, taking a somewhat seated one. She still did not meet his eyes, even though he said he was not going to hurt her, there was no way to tell someone's heart. "W-what brings you he-ere?" She asked, trying to quell that damn stutter. It was hard though, she was trying to deal with her fear as well as her lust. On one paw she wanted to race away, hoping that she was faster than the youth, and on the other she wanted to bend over and just let him have his way with her. Teeth gritted at the thought, her teeth biting into her lower lip to give her something else to focus on. Maybe she could just entertain this conversation for a few moments before politely taking her leave.

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11-16-2014, 07:29 PM

She would whine, passing her nose to the ground and immediately snapping her gaze downward. His eyes would widen in surprise, ears flicking back briefly. The last thing he wanted to to frighten her. He would scoot back a few paces before lowering his chest to the ground, a subtle sign that he did in fact come in peace. He would flip his hips to the side, allowing his legs to stretch. Her name rolled off her tongue with a stutter. Ekko. Her posture would relax fractionally, only enough to allow her to take a somewhat seated position. Her gaze remained off his face, practically looking everywhere else.

Taking this opportunity, his gaze would would search her face, seeking out first her wide baby blues before taking note of the scar that stretched down her face. Was that the rest she was so fearful? He would lazily inspect the rest of her, her body so small and petite compared to his. Her stutter would bring his gaze back to her face, a shrug lifting his shoulders. Just looking for an adventure. What about you? He would lower his head to his paws, hoping that she would relax a little bit more. Her proximity was suffocating, he would only smell her. It was a scent that would forever be burned into his mind. No had taught him about this, nor what it meant. For once his ears remained tipped forward, focused on her. He was enchanted, unable to help himself.




7 Years
11-16-2014, 08:39 PM

She did not miss his gaze roaming across her form. It caused heat to rush through her body, teeth gritting together even harder. She was trying her hardest not to feel this damn season, Ekko felt like running into the river and plunging herself into it. His hot gaze lingered on her form, and she felt like shying away from the feelings that rose in her. She hated this, so much. Maybe she should just lock herself in a cave until spring came... it might be easier. Letting out a sigh, her pale blue eyes cut towards his face. She wanted him to stop looking at her like that, she was too old and him too young. Plus, she didn't want pups. Ever. She wanted to return to the ground without ever baring more pups. She would be a happy woman!

She saw his shoulders shrug as she looked back down at her paws, his words telling her that he was looking for adventure. A dry laugh left her lips, unexpected to even herself. "Well, you've come to the wrong place. I cannot offer you that, young sir." She said softly, her words having two meanings. She was no fun, and there was no way that he was going to have his way with her -- no matter how badly they both may want it. Ekko's body was betraying her mind, and she cursed herself for it.

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11-16-2014, 09:07 PM

Her laugh caught him off guard. So perhaps she was starting to relax, to not see him as such a threat. He would smirk, a bark of laughter following his. I believe it was you following me. A brow would lift, his smirk turning charming as he aimed to turn the tables of her. After her stuttering, he had not expected such a retort. While he was young, he was not stupid, he got the impression that her statement held several different meanings to it. But he was inexperienced, he had no idea how to seduce a woman, much less an older woman. So instead he chose to see where his boyish charm would get him, not that he expected anything from her. With how nervous and fearful she had been, he was wary of even getting close. It came to his attention that she had ignored his question. Was she running from someone. Nostrils would flare, taking note of the faint pack scent that clung to her beneath the scent of her heat. It wasn't a pack that he was familiar with, and honestly, didn't really care to get familiar with.

There was a brief lull in the conversation that he wasn't entirely sure how to fill, but he didn't want her taking off at the same time. You never told me what you were doing here? His skull dipped to the side, a boyish grin continuing to play on his lips. He was tempted to lean forward, towards her, but he didn't want to frighten her.




7 Years
11-16-2014, 09:41 PM

She had to admit, for one so young he was good at playing it off as innocent teasing. Her eyes once more cut towards him, her heat giving her a bit more boldness with all her hormones raging about in her mind. "Following you? I think not." She said, her voice becoming more strong. That might even be a bit of a smile that was forming on her lips. Oh goodness, this whole heat thing was turning her into a hormonal teenager all over again. Someone just smite her down right now, before this got any worse. She eyes the brute carefully, knowing that he seemed a bit wise beyond his years. This usually only happened when trauma struck their lives, and made her wonder what kind of tale he had to tell. She had quite the mouthful, but there wasn't going to be a delightful little tea party where they shared their sob stories. Perhaps another day...

Colten noticed that she had not answered his question, her ears falling back against her skull. The one that was deaf to the word was facing the river, most of the sound of the water was lost on her. "Just... getting away for a bit." She said casually, no weight to her words at all. He leaned in closer and her own body strained to do the same, to reach out and caress him, to let him explore her body with that cheeky ton- NO! What was she thinking? Blinking several times she realized that she too had leaned in, her nose inches away from his own before she pulled her body back, clearing her throat. He whole damn body was on fire, and her eyes narrowed into slits. Damn this boy and his impish charm, it simply was not fair.

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11-16-2014, 10:14 PM

She steadily grew bolder with each word, causing him become a little bolder. His eyes brows would wiggle suggestively as he made a noncommittal grunt before looking away briefly. When she spoke of wanting to get away, he could agree. He knew what it was like to want to get away, to forgot everything a little bit. And because of that he wouldn't question it. But when she had leaned into him, he would snap to attention. Her nose was so close to his, all he needed to do was lean a little bit more. And so he would, trying to press his nose to hers before she seemed to realize what she was doing and leaned away from him again. She would clear her throat, trying to clear the tension that had formed between them. He would lean back, a shy smile toying with his russet lips. Uncertainty surrounded him. This was new ground that he had no experience in. Perhaps he should talk to Kylar when he got home. He would fall silent, having no idea what to say any longer. He would fidget, strategically bringing himself about an inch or closer. His attention remained intently on her, watching her with faint curiosity in his bright eyes.




7 Years
11-17-2014, 01:09 AM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2014, 01:09 AM by Ekko.)

The boy was silent, not offering a single word to break the silence that spread over them. She just eyed him, her breath catching in her throat at the mass of feelings that overwhelmed her. It was terrible, these thoughts that were running through her mind. The strongest one was playing on repeat, 'If he is only a boy, that means that no pups will come out of it.' Was she terrible for thinking that? Yes. Did she care? Kind of. The need for her lust to be sated was just too great, it was hard to deny her feelings with the boy inching closer to her. Ekko drew in a heavy breath, dagger like eyes daring him to try something. Would she stop it? Probably not. But she would not condone it or make the first move, that was for sure. "You're playing with fire, boy." She hissed, her shorter tail lashing out behind her like an angered cat. She would not push this further, but Ekko was not one to tempt fate.

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11-17-2014, 07:39 PM

She would suddenly become hostile, shooting daggers at him with her eyes. His ears would tip back loosely against his skull. He knew why she had suddenly changed, so he would shuffle back to his original position. She would warn him, her voice a brutal hiss. He knew very well what he was playing with, he just wasn't sure what to do with it. His lips would twitch in a faint grin, as her tail began to lash back and forth. She looked agitated, and yet, she hadn't moved away from, she had recoiled from his proximity. It was at this moment that he wished he knew what to do. He was so young, so naive, he had no idea what to do or what to make of the woman before him. So instead he would allow his grin to grow. Leaning forward again, he would test the waters. A shrug would lift his shoulders in answer to her fierce statement. She didn't seem to mind. You're still here. She couldn't deny that, even if he was playing with fire, she hadn't gone running for the hills. He would fall still, his posture leaning towards, curious to know what she would do. He was treading blind, grasping a straws. But he was enjoying himself, and wasnt quite ready to let her slip from his grasp.




7 Years
11-19-2014, 07:37 PM

The boy was stubborn, clever, and so damn cute. She really wished that she could just tear these stupid hormonal emotions from her, because it was driving her nuts. He leaned forward again, stating that she was still hear. It was true... she could have just gotten up and left. But his breath coated her face, and she wanted more. This was terrible, he was just a child. But it had been years since she had been touched, and her body was on fire. She just wished that he would move closer. She didn't want to make the first move, but he was so close... Her breath hitched in her throat as she stared at him with her angered eyes, her stupid body betraying her. She leaned into him, her small head brushing under his chin. A low murmur left her throat as she forced herself back, eyes darting away from her. This was so wrong, so very wrong. But she loved it. She had to admit it, she was just an old horny lady... Figures that the male she runs into was just a kid, only a child.

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12-05-2014, 08:25 PM

He could see the anger clearly written in her eyes, but she still had yet to move away from him. Her sweet scent was clouding his mind, swirling in his nostrils. It was a heady cocktail and he was quickly becoming drunk. She would lean forward, his tiny crown brushing against his chin. His eyes slide close as her soft voice murmured an indistinct sound. But then she was gone, leaning away from him once more. His eyes would snap open, verdant gems melting into liquid fire. Uncaring, and feeling rather bold, he would scoot closer, but this time he would not allow her anger to phase him. He moved until his bod was parallel with his body and he was pressed flush against her side. She was so much smaller than him, and yet she fit perfectly against him. Tentatively he would lean forward, trailing soft kisses along her neck, his gaze ever watchful as he assessed her reaction. She may have been angry, but she had yet to chase him off, though the last thing he wanted was to have his face eaten for misjudging the situation. A smirk toyed with his lips, his body steadily reacting. His skin was hot, on fire, and instincts screamed at him to take her as his own. But he would never force himself. She would have to tell him what she wanted.




7 Years
12-05-2014, 09:18 PM

Her eyes still glared at him, watching him as he came to her flank. She growled softly, but as he pressed his larger frame against her it turned into a soft moan. Her body was reacting to his, she pressed against him. As much as she hated this, as much as she didn't want this to happen, her body was screaming for release. As he stretched forward and trailed kissed down her neck, Ekko's spine tingled at the sensation as her pale blue eyes slipped closed. It felt like heaven, his hot kisses burning through her skin. She wanted more. Her reprieve to push him away was sinking with each kiss that he placed on her, toes curling as pleasure shot through her body. Her eyes fluttered open as she felt his verdant gaze on her, her gaze pleading. She needed this, her back arching into his kisses. She wasn't going to stop him, not at this point.

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12-05-2014, 10:06 PM

Her glare did not go unnoticed. Even as he closed the distance between them, she continued to glare. Her growl quickly urned onto a moan as he pressed against her. The sound only fueled his desire, made him bolder. She would press into his side, arching her back into his touch. She would look up at him, her gaze pleading with him to give into their desires. But she hadn't spoken a word. A devilish grin would curl his lips. She had been so angry with him, yet now she was so willing. But that hadn't changed the fact that he wanted to hear exactly what she wanted. Say it. He would murmur softly into her ear, demanding to know what she wanted. An odd sense of control swept through him. She craved his touch and he knew it, he was steadily unraveling her control. Yet he wanted more. His would grip her scruff, jaws flexing against her flesh gently. He would crane his neck, pulling at her skin as he rose to all over fours, towering over her tiny frame. His desire hung heavily around him, demanding to be sated. But he grasped at the control he had, feeling as though for once, he was in control of what happened in his life. It was a high unlike any other. A low growl vibrated in his growl that steadily turned into a groan as he inhaled her scent.




7 Years
12-05-2014, 10:34 PM

Her resolve melted, her need for him was too much. It was overpowering everything else, urging and demanding to be sated. His grin said it all, he was growing in the power he had over her. She cursed her weak mind and even weaker body, his words chilling her to the bone. Say it. Could she? Could she really admit that she needed this boy to fuck her senseless? Probably not in those exact words... "I need you." She whispered, her teeth gritting together at the plea in her voice. His breath had tickled her ear and sent another shiver down her spine. She would just need to hide away during this season... As his teeth bit into her scruff she gasped, her head pulling up as he stood over her. Ekko's shorter tail brushed to the side, wafting even more heat scent up towards him. She pressed up against him, his soft moan dragging another one from her lips. She needed this, so badly. Even if she didn't want pups, she didn't care. He was too young anyways, perhaps this was the best thing after all. Breath hitched in her throat, she was so close to getting what she needed. "Please." She begged, her rump wiggling against him.
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12-05-2014, 11:20 PM

Three little words spilled from her lips in a husky whisper. His grin only grew as his eyes ignited into molten emeralds. She would gasp as his fangs gripped her scruff, though she didn't resist being pulled back against him. A moan slipped from her greying lips as she wiggled against him, pleading with him. He was young, to young to worry about any consequences, and definitely to young to learn what he desired in his lovers. She was like putty in his paws, pleading that he take her and send them both into a world of pleasure. He would groan as her rump wiggled against him, shattering the control he was just beginning to get a hold on. His legs would cage her in, his body pinning her beneath him. Her tail had swept aside, her sweet perfume wafting up for freely to his nose. His hips would brush against her own before he would thrust forward. His grip on her scruff would tighten as pleasure exploded through his body. His eyes would slip shut as he lost himself in her body.





7 Years
12-06-2014, 12:13 AM

It would seem that her pleas were enough for the boy, helped along with her pushing against him. His groans shot more and more pleasure down her spine, her whole body on fire with his every touch. He brushed her softly with her hips and she held her breath in anticipation, until he pushed himself within her. Ekko gasped, her aging body becoming alive and awake with the ecstasy that rose within both of them. His bite around her scruff would become harder, her pale blue eyes opening wide as her neck arched backwards. A howl of pure delight left her lips, knees trembling as their bodies became one.


Ekko panted, her whole body shaking after their joining. She needed a drink. But how damn she felt good, and more bold that she ever had. Turning around she nuzzled against the boy, her sweet breath tickling his features. She let out a low rumble, unable to speak as her body still craved more. It had been a long ass time since she had bedded with someone, and now her graying body craved more of him. Sitting her rump on the earth, she let the cool ground seep into her aching muscles, her head resting up against her chest. What was there to say now? If anything at all.

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12-06-2014, 01:54 AM

Exhaustion would have him slipping from her, releasing her from his grasp. Rapid pants broke the silent as her trembling form slide to the ground. She would press her head to his chest so he would curl his larger frame around her. For the moment he was satisfied, but the scent of her heat still filled his nostrils. And she smelled strongly of himself. Unless she jumped in the river, everyone would know just who had claimed her. A satisfied smirk toyed with his russet lips as he examined her face. He still didn't entirely understand his actions, or what it meant, all he knew was that if felt amazing. And he was more than willing to do it again. His legs would stretch out beside her, if she had allowed him to curl around her. The ground was cool, but it felt good against his heated flesh. She said nothing, and neither did he. What was there to say? He had never been in this situation before, he wasnt sure the etiquette required of him. He made a mental note that when he got home to seek out his uncle and ask him, surely Kylar would know what to do and could teach him a thing or two.




7 Years
12-06-2014, 02:28 AM

He curled around her, providing her comfort as well as shelter from the harsh wind that buffered her thin coat. Letting out a shuttering sigh she settled in front of him, eyes growing heavy. He said nothing as well, and she felt no desire to carry on conversation at this point. She was tired, and by the time they parted ways they were most likely not going to see each other ever again. Nuzzling into his russet form she let herself rest her head on his paws, her breaths growing slow and steady as she let herself succumb to sleep. It would be nice to finally have a rest and know that someone was there to look out for her. Ekko had not relied on someone to care for her in a long time, so she let her aging body enjoy the break for once.

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