
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife (Goliath)



2 Years
12-09-2014, 09:00 PM
Oh deer - we'll see how this goes xD

Kick. Splash. Kick. She struggled against the water of the ocean as she pushed her way towards an island that she knew well. The flower had to be there. The mystical flower that would save her mother had to be on the island that Laria had so affectionately named for her mother, not knowing it's true name. She slowly dragged her saking wet bodice onto the island as she started to run across the soft sandy shore towards the center. She had to find it. She was driven by the impossible task for the flower did not exist. She would not give up looking for the flower. She would die trying to fight it if that was what it took. Perhaps had family already thought that she had passed for she had not returned with the cure for her mother. She was so mission oriented, she had failed to recognize that she had not eaten for some time. She was light headed and she was falling ill from her constant search. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept or eaten or drank water.

She started to notice her ailments too late. Her heard ached and it continued, intensifying with every heartbeat. She started to feel herself wobble as she fell to her knees before collapsing to the ground and loosing consciousness altogether. What she needed was saving, but she knew better to rely on such a foolish thing. No, the gods were out to get her and therefore they would send her no savior.



7 Years
12-09-2014, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2014, 05:28 PM by Goliath1.)

With such an air of elegance, both shocking for this behemoth animal, though surprisingly fitting for him as well, he moved with grace through the shallow waters connecting the small silver island that coasted so near to the main branch of this tropical setting.  His gaze would linger forward, the great brute showed immense poise and stoic grace as he walked so slowly amidst the shallow, still waters, the salt water causing his skin to tighten a bit, though it was a welcome relief from the lack of rain that had not fallen, failing to replenish the brute's ratted coat and mangled figure.  Thick mane would coat against his shoulders as they pushed slowly one after the other, stirring the soft sands beneath him to carefully flutter about his massive feet, and then settle somewhere behind his trail he so carefully laid out.

Small wakes would wrinkle around his chest, his dial carried low while his lips would hardly ever break the waters surface though only momentarily as a miss-calculated step would cause him to slightly stumble and the bull ring within his nose to caress the still waters, lifting it slightly back out it would drip until dry.  As the shore approaches he felt his gaze close and he surfaced like a shark upon dry land, so elegantly and with a silent effort.  Shaking the droplets as best he could from the majority of his figure he felt the need to push forward into the relief of the island trees, in order to shade his coal colored frame from the sun cascading above, though it's time to set was near, it had always been the warmest time of day.

With a gentle sigh the great brute licked the remainder of salt water from his nose and base of his chin, pink tongue tingling with the heavy taste of salt, causing his bull ring to shimmer.  He hadn't managed to fall into step very far before the scent of another washed across his senses, flooding his nostrils with a pungent call for attention, though he was in no hurry he pursued towards it's origin with heavy steps, already tired from today's ordeals.  His mind wandered with thoughts of his evening plans, though they were cut short when he managed to look upwards only to see the collapsed dame not far before him in a small crevice surrounded by perched ferns and draping tropical plants.  With such casualty he moved towards her, leaving droplets of water to caress the sands beneath his belly and hinds.

"Speech" Thoughts



2 Years
12-09-2014, 09:37 PM

Laria's breathing was slightly labored as she remained motionless on the sand. She tried desperately to move her muscles but her commands were not reaching the ligaments. Her mind was screaming to let her out of the paralysis that was unconsciousness state she was trapped in. Slowly, her mind started to fade off into a distant land against her will. She needed someone, anyone, to help her. She'd be forever grateful if someone did... perhaps her mother would aid her. In her mind, she saw all of them standing there. Birch and Éowyn stood at the back of the party as they towered over the rest with the exception of her agemate brother Sequoyah. Aithusa and Kilgharrah stood in front of them, poking at her with their paws. They looked back to their mother and her dearest mother shot her a smile. She was standing, walking, and talking! That was more than she had done in over three months before Laria's leave. "Laria, my precious daughter. Remain strong - promise me you'll remain strong." The hallucination grew as Laria nodded, giving into the state as she responded, desperate to hear her mother's healthy voice once more. "Mother, you know I'll never give up." The voice was cracked and desperate. Laria attempted to stand before realizing what had happened. Her mother and her had switched places. Laria was too weak to move, her hoarse voice fading out fast. She was the one who was dying but at least her mother was safe and sound. With that knowledge in mind, Laria gave into the numb state of darkness and painlessness. Would a savior truly grace her?



7 Years
12-11-2014, 05:45 PM

Droplets of salt stained water sunk down each patch of stuck obsidian hair as they clung to each other desperately trying to hold the liquid to his body. Hugging close to his figure, though hardly causing the thick hair to slenderize him in the least. The silver sands below him had yet to fall into their eerie night-time glow, though they were still obscenely pale regardless of their origins, perhaps stained by the sun early on in life above the waters edge.

With a heavy sigh the brute pushed forward, droplets staining the sands and large grassy stalks turned slowly into tropical ferns and beautifully drooping vines falling from bent over palm trees as though they had been trying so hard to kiss the sands that they ended up growing into such an angle. Taking a moment to gaze at the strange foliage, the brute allowed his golden optics to finally land on the collapsed fae before him, his mind had been captured long enough by his surroundings, and with that, he had nearly stepped upon the dame's toes sprawled to unplanned into the semi-shadowed sands.

A growl began to creep up from the behemoth's throat, though not in a threatening manner by any means, he harshly blew out the remainder of arm from his lungs as his flaring nostrils caused the bull ring in his nose to flex and shine in the sunlight, snot and liquidized breath dripped from the ring as the boarish brute starred softly at the fae, attempting to smell wether or not her life had been taken, or let alone no longer present. Upon realizing she was in fact quite alive, the heavy male took a few more steps past her and searched rather quickly for a specific herb, nostrils flaring to capture it's scent he quickly found the common root and pulled it into his jaws, unbothered by it's bitter taste and sour aftertaste, he chewed endlessly until the greenish liquid seeped from his jaws. In silence he walked back towards the fae, only to place the matted warm ball of saliva and nauseating smelling root onto her nose. Casually he waited over her for a few silent moments, salt water continuing to drip upon the dame's face as he did so. Saying and doing nothing more, he waited with a stoic and rather un-impressed look upon his face. Both unable to walk past this burden, as well as unable to leave her.

"Speech" Thoughts



7 Years
12-11-2014, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2014, 05:47 PM by Goliath1.)
oops! double post action..