
i've been hijacked



11-10-2014, 09:46 PM

So, he'd finally found it. The bridge he'd heard so much about. Killian stood stock-still under the glowing moon, staring out over the sands from the edge of the southern side. Smee stood beside him, peering up with inquisitive brown eyes. The marten hadn't spoken of his wishes to his master, but part of him wanted to go back. It was the land he was most familiar with, for one. He also thought that maybe, just maybe, Alessa still wandered there. Smee was certain that if they found her, Killian would be happy again. "Are we going to return?" he asked in his small voice.

Killian looked down to his companion, eyebrows raised. He could hear in his tone the thing he wouldn't say. He wanted to go back to Alacritia. Smee had never seemed satisfied in this place, but Killian knew he'd never tell him that. At least, not as long as the brute was content to remain here. But meeting wolves from the mainland had begun to make him anxious, and apparently the marten was picking up on that. So, should they go back? He wasn't sure. His emotions split two ways. On one side, he wanted to search for the girl he loved, or at least get closure that she was gone and move on. On the other, he wanted to continue avoiding his past there.

He sighed, his eyes closing briefly, before he turned to look up at the stars. "I'm not sure, Smee," he replied quietly. For once, he didn't have his next move planned. He needed a sign, something to finally push him one way or the other.



11-11-2014, 09:49 PM
Setting this after Roman finds Greek, in her current thread with Drashiel. <3

It hadn't been long since Greek had once again joined her, he'd fussed at first, of course. He was ill that Roman had left him, his feelings had been hurt that she'd simply vanished and assumed he'd wait for her. She'd apologized profusely to him, and he'd finally relented. Sometimes Roman wondered, if the sassy fossa was attracted to the power of the crown she held, but she also knew that he was a loyal friend.They'd left the main land of Alacritis to explore. This part of Alacritis had seemed to appear out of nowhere and it fascinated her. She was glad to have Greek at her side, he would wind through her paws occasionally as she walked- and the feel of his fur brushing against her was comforting.

Greek had missed Roman. He hadn't responded well to her departure, nor her return. He felt as if she'd abandoned him- just because things got rough, and though he couldn't imagine her pain... he still resented her leaving. She was keeping a lot of it inside, trying to focus on maintaining her crown- he knew, and he worried for her. His grayish- green eyes would watch her as she stared off into nothing at random and he wondered what was going on in her mind.

Greek was distracted from his thoughts about his companion and master, by a strange scent. "My Queen, I smell another." He would alert her to the presence of a stranger, his tone soft. She nodded slightly, and stepped froward to emerge from the trees.

Roman's eyes narrowed slightly as she saw a strange dark wolf. She didn't speak for a moment, as she stepped into his sight- her eye darting to the strange creature with him. Breaking the silence, she spoke, "Hello." Her words are barely a breath, as she studies this strange male, Greek winding himself around her feet- his coat bristling as he studies the other creature. "Pine Marten." He mutters, and Roman flicks her ear. "...not as pretty as me." He says lightly, giving the strange marten a glare. Roman sighed slightly, and shot an apologetic smile at the small creature, as she waited for a reply.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



11-12-2014, 10:36 PM

Killian could feel the disappointment radiating off of his companion at his lack of an answer, but neither of them spoke of it. They didn't need to. The brute sighed and began lowering himself to a sitting position as Smee came to sit beside him, but both rose immediately at the sound of another. They turned simultaneously to look at their visitors emerging from the shadows of the trees, Killian raising a brow as he did so. The wolf approaching him seemed almost ethereal, alabaster pelt shining in the moonlight, broken only by the strange colored markings on her face. Two purple jewels sparkled where her eyes should be and he wondered for a few seconds if the larger female could be a figment of his imagination, or the mystical sign he had been seeking.

The words of the cat-like creature beside her drew his rubies from her face and caused him to smirk. Smee clearly was offended, his eyes widening slightly before he bared his fangs silently at the thing. Killian chuckled and shook his head slightly. He knew Smee was both prideful and self-conscious. He was adorable and he knew how to use it to get his way, but he also found himself underestimated because of it. Having something that appeared the offspring of both a cat and a mouse insult him was certain to set him off. Killian reach his paw out and batted the marten lightly on the side, reminding him to close his mouth. Smee responded with a glare at his master before hopping onto his back to lounge.

Turning back to the woman and finding himself still very much on earth, he grinned. "Hello yourself," he said with a slight dip of his head. "Is there something you want?" No beating around the bush with this one. He was, quite frankly, getting sick of strangers, and he doubted very much that this one would help further his life in any way. Now he had only to wait to see if she was the type of girl to be highly offended by him, or to pretend to be.



12-11-2014, 05:14 PM

 As she approached, she studied the dark male. He spoke, greeting her with a slight incline of his head and then he got to the point- asking what she wanted. A chuckle pulled from her jaws, and with Greek's silence, she would speak. "What makes you think that I want anything?" Her tone is practically a coo. She would come closer to him, stopping about six feet away from him, and studied him. "Maybe I just want to talk to a stranger." She said simply. A wry smile pulled at her jaws, and she winked at him. "I'm Roman- This is Greek." She introduced, nodding at her companion. Perhaps giving him a name, would push him to have a civil conversation. Greek eyed the pine-marten, and didn't speak again. Roman could only wonder what his issue with pine-marten's were. Politely, Roman waited to see what this stranger would say. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 

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