
Give me a reason to believe (Cyg)



5 Years
Extra large
12-12-2014, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2014, 08:35 PM by Taurig.)

He'd only been back for a few weeks, maybe a month or two, and already the drama was ensuing. At least this time, the drama wasn't coming from his own demented father hell-bent on ruining his life. That had pretty much taken care of itself at this point. The drama that was he now involved in had nothing to do with him for once. It was Sibelle's drama, but of course since she was his blood, her drama was his drama. Her husband Crucifix had nailed the last nail of his coffin. His sister had stumbled across him when he was entertaining another women and much to the man's luck Taurig had stumbled across his sister after her alleged husband had fled the scene. Now he and Sibelle were taking his niece and nephew away to live with some of their distant family. Who they were going to stay with was yet to be determined. Of three options of Roman, Valentine or Falk the cobalt titan was leaning more towards his younger brother. He very vaguely remembered Roman, but just that she had been on Isardis' side and that already brought about a dislike towards her. He had just recently seen Valentine again for the first time since having left him at the island and it wasn't exactly the warmest of reunions, so he wasn't sure how his son would react to having his cousins go and live with him. Falk seemed like the best option of the three. He only wondered if Sibelle thought so too.

Setting aside his worries for his niece and nephew's future, the beast would wander away from his sister's lands, needing to get some fresh air. It was the middle of the night, of all times of the day, that the man's paws decided to carry him away and away they carried him. He wandered for what seemed the entire night until his paws decided to stop. Ebony muzzle would tip upwards, scarred nostrils flaring as he took a gulp of fresh night air. Crisp air would fill his lungs upon inhalation, a calming breath slipping past his kissers as he allowed his skull to return to its former position. Milky eyes would stare out blankly into the never-ending darkness that had become his life, tattered audits moving every so often listening to the soft sounds of the night. A cool breeze would sweep in, ruffling the man's cobalt fur as he stood in the darkness, unaware that he was surrounded by magnificent oaks.




5 Years
12-13-2014, 04:16 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2014, 04:20 PM by Cygnet.)

It had been ages since another had crossed her path.  Those that had were short-lived acquaintances, many of whom she had yet to see again, though their meetings were brief, she felt an air of contentedness in the idea of remembering each and every one of them as such, no matter the individuals print they left upon her.  She had been witty, sweet, and above all grateful during those times.  You can't possibly believe her life of solitude was in any way filled with fulfillment and passion for it wasn't who she truly was, yet, at the same time the ivory doe had never truly bothered to bring herself into a pack, perhaps now would be her time to do so.  There were many in the area and so few to her taste.

A bitter feeling fell over the doe, and her once shimmering, flawless pelt of ivory and transparency was now flat and frayed in many areas.  Dull and unyielding it would speak more of her independence than words ever possibly could.  Though, she had learned to pay no mind to it until she would reach a proper place to cleanse herself, oh... How she dearly loved to do that, rest and relax by a pool of mirror stained waters, and long dreams.  With a sigh she brought herself back to the real life, her lavender optics, both dull and tired would land before her, suddenly a bit of brightness caressing their soft gaze as she found a sense of peace and solitude radiating from the great oaks surrounding her.  Their elderly souls caressing her tired frame as she slowly walked through, slender figure curving around grounded trunks and brush littering her pathway.  Silently she would move, long slender tail would balance behind her, and she would continue to observe her surroundings until an interruption would occur.

Lavender fell to her right as her delicate, long dial would twitch towards the same direction, another? It couldn't be already? With an unhopeful sigh the elegant doe pushed through a small brush crevice, dial lowering to shield her eyes from branches over-head.  Tired paws would sink into a bit of soft, cold mud allowing an ignored shiver to caress her spine.  With curiosity her ads swiveled over her dial, taking in every noise they could, returning their information back to her with ease.  Un homme? She allowed the words to rake across her mind, recognizing the scent of a male directly before her. Though with the wisest of decisions, she kept her distance for now, she knew he may be able to hear or see her, so she would observe his reaction from afar.

"Speech" Thoughts