
talk to me honey, if you think it's funny


05-19-2013, 09:45 PM

Not a simper lingered on the man's lips. He'd just gone through the most difficult situation he'd ever faced in his years of life. Being a King was rough, but being an ex-lover was ten times more difficult. Especially when your previous love could not remember anything and spent her time trying to seduce you. Gerhardt had resisted, but not as firmly as he probably should have. He had a feeling she'd be back. Her heat was this season and would last for a long time, without her memory - it was unlikely for her to go after any other male but him. Gerhardt heaved a sigh, his head and tail hanging far lower than a King's should. He was extremely discouraged and distraught. His tail did not swing behind him as it usually did. He knew just where he would go - to the lake. Gerhardt took an extremely slow pace, meandering through the territory. He'd been on the complete opposite side, so it would take some time. However, Gerhardt had a feeling that time was exactly what he needed.

Amethyst eyes would lack their luster as he reached the shore of the lake, slipping into the watery depths without much care to the weeds and plants that clung to his fur. They would wash away anyway. At this point in time, it was probably best if he didn't look good. Gerhardt kept his head above water, sinking in neck-deep. The lake was incredibly cool at this time of year, and chilled him to the bone almost instantly. It was a good kind of chill, though, and he welcomed the numbing feeling it gave him. If only it could numb his heart too. The King snorted for a moment as a bit of water flowed into his nostrils, threatening to drown him. He expelled the rogue droplets quickly and continued to paddle - staying in the same place only a few yards off shore.



05-20-2013, 12:51 AM

Paws would fall, perfectly patterned to the earth. One obsidian pad after the last. her bodice would twine, weaving and twisting, back and forth with every subtle movement she made. Golden orbs flickered about the familiar territory, it was becoming commonplace for her to venture around the land. The wound on her leg healing quickly, efficiently. Fur had already covered the scab, in Elphaba's mind, it no longer existed. She wasn't sure what Seracia was becoming to her. No evil had befallen her since she had chosen to sign over her life and her loyalties. No evil descended upon her, no fanatics screamed their hatred merely because her flesh and fur were of a different color. ...Home. The word was consistent in the back of her head but she wasn't sure she was ready to deem it as such. Home was a word in a fairytale, a place that made one feel safe, loved, protected, it was something special, something unique, something you could get nowhere else. She wasn't sure is she was bold enough to deem Seracia as such... but the thought lingered.

Soft splashes, barely audible, would attract her attention. She wasn't fond of water. It dragged down her pelt. Her fur was fine and long, the weight of water dragged her down. She didn't like anything that dragged her down. Regardless, she would pivot, turning towards the sound, curiosity flaring to life in her belly. Winter was rapidly approaching, who in their right mind was taking a soothing dip in the lake? Her pads would pause, halting her at the edge of the tree line. She watched the head dip beneath the water as the wolf took one step too far, but just as fast they were paddling and amethyst eyes were revealed... Gerhardt.

There was something in his gaze, something dark, something sinister, perhaps not in a malicious, vengeful way, but in the realm of self loathing. She recognized that look, had seen it every time she chanced upon her visage. She moved first to turn and leave, he seemed like he needed his space, his time, but his last words reverberated through her skull. You are amazing. No one complimented her, she had rarely ever been offered a kind hello and he, a king no less, had called her amazing. It perplexed her. She was hated and hunted, and beaten and bruised... but she was more than just a receptacle for torture, at least in his eyes and after a short brief moment of indecision she would reveal herself, stepping out from the trees and gliding from the trees.

She wasn't sure what to say, but her mind flew a million different directions as she drew closer, releasing a soft chuff, to alert him to her presence. She would recline to her haunches a fair distance from the water. She didn't like the wet substance, nor did she wish to see her own reflection. No reason to add her own self loathing to his. Golden eyes would train upon him and her face remained unreadable, but as her jaws fell open to speak, her tone was considerably softer, genuinely concerned.

"Gerhardt. The water here is ice and the weather is no kinder, you will catch your death if you linger in its grasp." She tried to smile, soft and gentle, not wishing to nag him but to see to it that he remained healthy. He was her number one priority as a citizen of Seracia, she was concerned because he was her king... or at least that's what she kept chanting to herself. She would quirk her head to the side, deciding to add a touch of humor to her words, to hopefully lighten whatever darkness plagued him. "It will be difficult to eliminate the pesky bull if you are issuing commands through a clogged nose."



05-20-2013, 08:34 PM

The thought that swimming this time of year might in any way be considered a bad idea had not come anywhere near the functioning part of his brain. Gerhardt Mathias was simply doing what felt right, what felt good. The numbing sensation of the water - which should be thought of as a dangerous thing - was everything that he needed and desired at this moment in time. He lingered in the same place, allowing the water to flow over his bodice freely, every inch of him tingling with sensations and feelings of numbness and emptiness. He would have to remember this soothing feeling for the next time an ex-wife with no memory came back in heat hoping to screw his brains out. He let out an audible snort at that thought. He doubted that could ever happen twice.

A chuff would alert him that someone was nearby, but he ignored it. He doubted anyone was seeking him out at this time, though a nagging feeling in his scruff told him he was being watched. The sun had not yet risen high enough to warm the water, and so it continued to cool him as he turned instinctively when her voice mingled in the autumn air. Elphaba. In her own way she was calling him a fool for being in the water, though he didn't blame her. He was a fool - in more ways than one. Flicking an ear back at the thought of leaving his own personal detox, Gerhardt reluctantly moved for the shore. Powerful legs would bring him up onto the bank, dripping wet and now shivering due to the cold air. He shook, being careful to spare her from any stray droplets, and then marched listlessly toward the woman, catching her joking comment as he did so. "Clogged nose or not, his day will come." Words were direct and venomous, without a single hint of anything good. The King was in a bad place emotionally.

Gerhardt rocked back onto his haunches, still damp but no longer dripping. "What brings you all the way out here?" Of course she could have been coming for a drink, though it didn't seem so since she hadn't taken it yet. Perhaps she'd been looking for him, or heard him go into the water. Whatever the case, the King was rather glad she was here. The events of the past night had shaken him up physically and mentally, and he was in desperate need of a conversation - even an innocent one to distract him from reality.



05-21-2013, 01:43 AM

Elphaba watched, golden eyes flickering to watch his fur that floated absently at the top of the lake. The King seemed utterly lost as she approached, giving seemingly no care to her even being present, her eyes would narrow, hardening, face falling into a neutral expression as she studied him. His eyes were not a vibrant amethyst, they were hollow, distant, devoid of seemingly all intelligent life. His mind was elsewhere, venturing to lands, to places she had never quite been too and for a long moment, she allowed him this, merely watching, eyes flickering to the trees, looking for danger. He was in no state of mind to defend himself. A snort would fall from her nostrils she had never before been a guardian. Seracia was full of firsts. Finally she spoke, her words seemed, at least, to snap him from whatever darkness plagued him enough to give her a scrap of his attention.

He would rise from the icy depths of the stream, shaking his pelt and slowly padding towards her, she did not miss the icy chill to his words, the raw venom that pierced through his larynx at the thought. She stiffened only slightly, that tone bringing up far too many unpleasantries. She forced herself to stay, to wait, to listen. Something told her that despite the mangled web of emotion that seemingly oozed from his bodice... that he wouldn't hurt her, that he wouldn't take out his aggression on her. That was leaps and bounds for the darker fae. She didn't trust anyone and she tended to slink away from conflict. Her muscles twitched but she held them still. He wouldn't hurt her. She kept the mantra strong in her skull.

"As will the end of all of us at one point or another, as always you have my claws and teeth." Just as the last words escaped her, she would smell the very, very faint scent of a woman upon his fur. It was near gone having been washed away by the water. She wondered if this woman had caused such distress in the king? She would not ask, if he did not offer it freely. She wasn't here for her, which, of course, made her blink dumbly once, twice and then again as he asked for her buisness on this side of the territory. Finally her mask would return and lyrics would answer.

"I heard the water shifting, I was curious as to who would choose a bath on one of the coldest days we've had thus far." She would pause, hint at his shivering and hesitate. She wasn't good at this kind of thing. Warmth was a bit of a stretch for her. "My den is not so far if you would like to get out of the chill? Its well large enough for several wolves." No one else, had yet been invited into her den, granted one of Ghosts babies had stumbled and discovered it by accident, which in turn had brought a rather hostile mom, but the incident smoothed over and once Ghost had calmed the two had almost come to a silent understanding of one another, a far stretch from friendship but a start never the less. It was dug into the ground, shielded by the trees canopy from the rain, it was dry and warm, well more than efficient at warming up the King. She waited patiently for his response.



05-22-2013, 11:53 AM

Every color amethyst eyes would fall upon seemed darkened considerably more than normal. Gerhardt heaved a sigh, feeling the chill of the air buffet his frame. He hadn't given much thought to how cold he would be when he got out of the water, though he was realizing now how much of a fault that had been. He really was a fool. Vision sought the vacant spot between his paws as he curled his tail protectively around his haunches for added warmth. She would comment back on his icy tones, and immediately he regretted his harsh tone with her. Just because he was upset and distraught did not mean he needed to burden her with his troubles. "And you, mine..." he would respond in a calmer tone than before. The King most certainly owed every ounce of his strength to his subjects, and would dole it out in surplus if it were necessary.

A period of time passed in which the King suspected she were determining just why she was this far to the edge of the territory. He didn't take much note of it however, as he was currently drowning in his own thoughts between cursing himself for taking a swim. Finally her answer would come, a welcome relief to his own self-loathing. "Why, your fool King of course." Another biting comment, though this contained a much smaller dose of venom. The spite was directed at himself - and he hoped that she wouldn't take offense to his foul mood. Had it been anyone else he would have forced himself to hold his tongue, but the man felt relatively comfortable with Elphaba and was confident that she would be able to forgive him of his ill lyrics. Everyone had their bad days, right?

She offered him use of her home for a source of warmth, and Gerhardt nodded involuntarily - whether by a shiver or otherwise. A smile ghosted on his lips. "I would be grateful for that if you wouldn't mind a bit of company." Legs stretched as he pushed himself upward, feeling the chill take over the parts that had been momentarily warmed by his position. He would follow her if she allowed it, or take his leave and find one of his spare dens for warming himself.



05-28-2013, 01:52 AM

Golden oculars studied him intently. Every slight twitch, every subtle flicker, every last movement of his behemoth frame was taken note of. Troubled, upset, distressed... perhaps all three? Tension rolled off of him in viral ways, she could damn near taste it upon the air. Her tail flickered behind her, coiling around one haunch before flickering to do the same to the next. It was a subconscious movement. Something she did when she was nervous. She was accustomed to wolves coming at her when they were this tense, usually to relieve pressure. A reciprocal for the pleasures of heartless souls. It made her tense, but she forced her limbs to lock in place, for her maw to grow unreadable. She trusted Gerhardt, she had given him her loyalty that day on the border and he had done nothing but prove that her decision had been made in good faith. She would trust him now, even if her instincts begged to differ. His response came quiet and calm, almost an apology. She wouldn't comment, she allowed him to sort his scattered thoughts.

Her eyes would narrow at his own self depreciation and an unreasonable amount of rage coiled within the confines of her chest. In the blink of an eye, she was on her pads, stopping mere inches away from his maw. She didn't touch him, she didn't show any signs of aggression, but she had certainly popped his bubble for personal space. Her head was craned up, he was taller than her but not horribly so. Golden eyes filled with fury and something not quite identifiable, her jaws fell open and the lyrics that fell from her tongue were cold and rough... soft, Elphaba did not yell, but they were harsh enough to demand attention. "You are a great many things Gerhardt, but a fool is not one of them. I know not what has caused such inner turmoil within your head, but do not let it mock the whole of Seracia, nor you. You made this patch of dirt and trees a home. You brought peace to the lives of all the wolves that live here, you hold their loyalty and their respect in your paw. You are amazing Gerhardt. Do not insult yourself or the rest of us by speaking any different." She would throw his own compliment right back at him and just as fast as her boldness had come, it vanished and she quickly recoiled backwards, eyes falling down and away. "I have over-stepped my stature. Forgive me."

She fell to silence as he followed her to her den, guilt coiling in the heart of her belly. Her tongue had been too harsh, her words to bold. He had not asked for her opinion and yet... it made her... furious that something had brought such doubts upon the only wolf who had ever seen her for something more than just a mistake. Gerhardt had earned and deserved to be treated like a king. She didn't care whom or what had emasculated him so, but she wanted to destroy it, to eradicate the problem. First, however, she needed to see him healthy, which meant not allowing disease to sink into his bones. They reached her den quickly and with a toss of her head, she beckoned him in, reconfirming her invitation, before she slipped inside.

Coiling her limbs beneath her, she landed with a soft huff upon the cool stones, golden orbs watching as he entered her living space. For a long moment she was unsure of what to say but with a soft expulsion of breath she steadied her nerves. "Your company is always welcomed here, you needn't ask." Much softer, much less intense, and almost apologetic, it was clear guilt was still gnawing at her from her previous display of raw honesty.



05-31-2013, 02:47 PM

Calling himself a fool was something he was not fond of doing, nor something he had really thought about for quite some time. The only other time he'd thought himself a fool was when he'd turned and left Adette. Why was it that she brought this dark part of himself into the open? What was it about her that could unsheathe something he fought so hard to keep hidden? A growl threatened to rumble in his chest, but he forced it away by swallowing abruptly. As he did so she would chastise his self depreciation and immediately he regretted saying it. Jaws parted to speak but he was cut off as she quickly apologized. He shook his head silently before mustering the courage to speak. "Never apologize for speaking the truth." Words had a seriousness to them, one in which a gentle but firm order was given. He had made himself a fool by calling himself a fool, and by calling him out she was doing her job - whatever that may be. He watched as she backed away and began to lead him to her den, and he followed silently. Suddenly he regretted taking her invitation.

He followed her almost obediently, and with a dash of her head he waited until she was safely inside before he slithered in after her. It was roomy enough for them not to have to lay too near each other, so as the King entered he made himself comfortable, his back to the entrance. "Again, I thank you for your hospitality. You are truly going above and beyond." It wasn't common for the King to find himself in the dens of eligible women in his kingdom, nor was it common for them to invite him in. By doing so she had demonstrated her allegiance and her genuine kindness - two things the King was happy to know of. Gerhard rested his head on his paws, angling his vision toward her. "I suppose I owe you an explanation for my mood." Although technically he didn't owe her a thing, the King wasn't one to act foolishly and then not give a viable reason for his attitude. She didn't deserve this from him, so at least he could offer her the reasoning behind it.

"You are aware my wife and I split not long ago," He paused, a sigh hovering just behind his teeth. "I received word the day after we parted that she had attempted to kill herself - I attribute this attempt to our demise." As if that wasn't bad enough, that was only the beginning of the King's tale. "Upon hearing this I was taken to where her body supposedly lay, but when I arrived it had been moved - supposedly still alive." Ah yes, the plot thickened. "Adette was harbored and healed in Valhalla, and I thought things would return to normal." Boy was he wrong. "She returned in the past few days, with naught but a fraction of her memory. She is a blank slate, and recalls nothing of her past." The sigh finally slipped from his lips. "She left after I gave her pieces of her memory back, but returned the next morning and stayed all day. We talked, and it was nice. She was heavy with her heat and began to try to seduce me. It took everything I had, but I refused her. She left, vowing never to return." He was through, for now, and signaled it by allowing his amethyst eyes to close while he pondered on his thoughts.



06-03-2013, 12:42 PM

Her words had come harsh, brash, and to the point, almost cold in their deliverance, it had been a jerk response a trigger, her pseudo-father had always known exactly where to press her to make her lose her silent demeanor, he understood her anger was a vehement wrath, something that could not be contained once unleashed and it had given him all the more reason to punish her, she had learned to bite her tongue, sometimes hard enough to make it bleed but she had grown tired of giving him such satisfactions... but Gerhardt calling himself a fool had unleashed her aggression so quickly, that she hadn't been prepared to clamp down on her thoughts and despite herself, she had chastised him. He had not been angered by her words but the guilt gnawed at her something fierce. The walk to her living quarters was silent the tension in the air near pliable.

"There is no need to thank me your Grace, as I have said, so long as you rule here, you are free to come and go as you please." Her tones were a great deal softer, alleviating the atmosphere if only slightly, it would be the king who sighed and broke the tension by offering an explanation. Elphaba said nothing, allowing him to gather his thoughts. She never would have asked for him to tell her, but she wouldn't deny the story either, and what a story he would spin for her, shock and slight disbelief would flicker in the depths of her eyes. For a long moment she was silent, allowing him the peace of mind he may have needed.

Her thoughts swirled, she wasn't good with this comforting sympathizing crap. She had no idea what to say or what to do. Did she offer his sympathies? No... that seemed heartless, and probably wouldn't make him feel any better. Did she reach out to touch him? Gods no... that was the last thing the poor man needed, if words and touch were useless than what could she give him? A breathless whoosh of air would escape her lungs and drawing in a sharp gulp of air, her lips would part to speak. "There was a wolf amongst my sea of white who stood out, perhaps even more so, than myself. Her beauty was something to be awed at, her fur immaculate, gorgeous and no matter how vain she sometimes grew her heart was always in the right place. " She had spoken to absolutely no one about her but for some reason she deemed it appropriate to speak of now. "For some reason I cannot fathom she choose me to be her best friend, she dragged me everywhere with her, healed my wounds, attempted to lessen punishments distributed to me, she made herself an outcast, destroying her flawless visage to stay at my side. Her name Glinda. When I told her my intention to leave she demanded to come with me, made me swear that I would take her. The two of us were going to explore the world together, make it our own." She paused for only a moment, pain flickering in the depths of her emeralds before it would decipitate just as quickly. "In the dead of night I stood over her, but I couldn't wake her. I knew that if I was vacant from her life that they would love her, adore her, her beauty demanded it. If I left, if I vanished from her life I knew she could have everything she ever dreamed of, she didn't need me, she never needed me, I only held her back and so I left her. If she had come with me I was subjecting her to evils she had never had to face and I couldn't... I couldn't be that selfish." She looked away, staring blankly at the wall, not truly seeing it but needing to look somewhere then those piercing amethysts. "The last I saw she had been made their Queen, married to noble blood and from what I gathered, adored by all."

She fell silent for a moment and drew in a large breath, her eyes drifting back to the King. " I miss her... I miss her more than I care to admit. But I know in my heart of hearts, that I did right by her by letting her go. I never knew you and Adette, nor your relationship, I cannot speak on its behalf, but I can say that sometimes letting go, no matter how badly it rips you to pieces can bring wonders that you would have never dreamed of otherwise." The oddly hued dame would fall silent, her cranium falling to rest between her forelimbs. She was perfectly at ease now, tail drifting through the air, eyes sharp and focused but no longer biting. She had spoken her truths and perhaps a bit too much, she didn't know if such a story would help or hinder, but she had tried and she had given a piece of herself that no one else had ever been graced with, albeit he knew nothing of such things... her breath would even out and she would fall still, simply enjoying the peace that had settled around them.



06-09-2013, 08:26 PM

Tail curled protectively around his rump as he allowed his chin to rest on the earth he was lying on. Some part of him regretted telling her his story, as it revealed more of his personal side than he usually showed to his subjects. Then again, Elphaba - though new - was clearly not a normal subject of his, she was a friend - a true friend. It had taken him this long to realize it, but he would certainly not soon forget it. Ears swiveled forward like satellites as she lapsed into a story of her own. He hoped she didn't feel obligated to divulge such inner thoughts and feelings to him just because he had. He would never want to guilt her into such a thing. He listened to each word as it spilled from her lips, knowing that every phrase probably pained her as it had pained him to spill his own guts. He didn't somehow understand how it linked to his own tale, but he would listen intently all the same - if anything it was serving as an excellent distraction.

But then she went on to explain just how it worked into what he'd said, and the King felt himself feeling like a fool once more. He shook those feelings away, though, and resolved to believe that she was simply wise beyond her years. "That is quite a tale, and it made me realize that I did the right thing - even if it hurts like hell right now." And it certainly did hurt like hell. He felt like his heart had been trampled on by the very bull he intended to eradicate in the coming weeks. A smile ghosted across his lips. "I am glad you found me before I froze myself to death. I can't believe I went swimming in the onset of Winter. " He wouldn't make the mistake of calling himself a fool in front of her again, though he genuinely felt like one. He rested his head back on the stone floor and felt his body slowly warming to it's usual temperature. Gerhardt would be sure to think before he went swimming again.



06-21-2013, 02:44 AM

Elphaba told her tale with flourish and when she was done she fell quite still and silent. Guilt gnawed away at her heart like some starved rat, that part, had never gone away, but she knew... she knew if Glinda thought she was still alive she would come looking... and she would bring the whole God damned pack with her and Elphaba... for all of her strengths, couldn't handle that, she knew she couldn't handle that. She had attempted to strip away all the evils done to her, it wouldn't do anybody any good if they returned. She didn't expect Gerhardt to say anything, she didn't expect him to do much in answer. He had offered her his story and she had returned the courtesy with her own and... in her own way, gave him her advice. Was she wise? Not really, just knew what it took to see the best outcome, no matter what pain it might cause her later. She could relate to his suffering in a completely different way.

He would agree with her and she would say no more, she wouldn't insult him a second time, she had, in her own way, offered him comfort in the only way she knew how, being blunt and to the point. Golden orbs flooded with some odd emotion as he agreed with her words. They weren't candy-coated but they were truthful and perhaps, that was merely what he needed. "I believe... perhaps, attempting to anger the bull once more might have been a wiser option than the waters, you can't outrun pneumonia I'm afraid." her voice was a low rumble, attempting to bring a soft bit of humor to the rather somber atmosphere. "You are welcome to sleep off the cold here, I can treat you to that but if you fall ill, God help you if it's my nursing abilities you will have to rely on."
