


11-27-2014, 01:34 AM

                    she is the elated, the triumphant! a vindictive carnage queen whose desires have been slaked by a gored cretin, bastard life the precious trophy left to fester within a poisoned womb. and while her abdomen does not yet swell with the promise of prospective children, the phantom queen can discern the alterations of her own bodily functions, knows that the future generation of elysius tyrants flourish beneath her rugged exterior. and their parasitical nature does force the deity to flee the premises of her own cryptic domain without forewarning to her carmine beauty, ravenous tendencies reigning supreme to logic as the elysius allows for her own famine to direct her across the threshold of an unknown realm -- haphazardly. though the tyrant’s vigilance is intensified with her insatiable predatory instinct, celestial gaze relentlessly surveying her foreign { and verdant } surroundings in search of her hidden prey.


Rune I


5 Years
12-01-2014, 04:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think 
Rune was waiting, watching the three wolves who sought positions of greater power within the pack and hoping that they would prove themselves. He was tired of the responsibility being balanced precariously over his shoulders alone and knew it was high time that someone stepped up to assist with the everyday little things that kept the pack functional and structured. It was the only way that he was ever going to start taking notice of the packs around them, packs that seemed so willing and curious to get to know his. It irked him when they showed up on his border, seeking his audience, though he knew it to be a necessity that came with his job. It did not in the least, however, mean he had to like it. 

Thankfully the last of those visitors had already been gone some time, allowing him adequate focus to give to his pack and the nerve wracking task of allowing those select few leeway enough to try their hand at taking the reigns, and all the while through it he intended to observe. Not only did they need to have a good mastery of the skill for which they wished to represent, but they needed to be active, involved, and the only way he was going to know of their participation for certain was to see it first hand. His black paws carried him quietly and calmly through the prairie though his pale blue eyes were pointedly searching. This was the area Colman would likely be found, monitoring the movements of the herds as they traveled through. Keeping a close eye on them was going to be even more necessary now that the wintry months were soon to be upon them. Everything needed to be perfect to make it through the winter season. 

But it was not Colman that he found here, padding confidently and carelessly through the prairie seemingly from its borders. The wolf's frame was not of the same cut, not quite so large and not nearly as colorful, its entirety covered in a singular shade of silvery white. Familiar with each of those who called themselves a Secretuan, Rune knew without needing to sample the wolf's scent that this was no comrade of his. This was a trespasser. His relaxed bearing instantly changed, his frosty blue eyes narrowing and his shoulders tensing as he changed course, his pace speeding up to intercept the intruder. He growled a warning as he hurried to cut her off, tempted to keep running until he ran right through her though he made himself stop short and stand authoritatively before her, a glare that was practically a sneer wrinkling across his nose. "You've come to far, trespasser," he growled, holding his ground between her and the rest of his territory and refusing to give an inch. No more would he allow trespassers the luxury of wandering into his pack lands as if they were welcome here. "Turn and leave. Now." 


12-02-2014, 05:34 PM
ooc; just in case anyone else decides to throw their characters in here, and since i didn't mention it previously, no one should be able to identify art as pregnant since she hardly knows herself/doesn't show. thanks!
                    abstract gaze pinpoints his chiseled form before his indignant approach, broad skull lowering defensively over her inflated breast as a tentative smirk warps velveteen lips -- wryly. and the elysius tyrant does halt in her stride as the belligerent fool dares barricade her makeshift path, intending to pause a mere foot away from where the brute had so defiantly rooted himself -- as if to ensure she remain immobilized. yet the phantom queen is unwavering in her newfound resolve to violate this apparent “sovereign’s” desires, a singular brow quirking with feigned curiosity as he demands her retreat. “oh?” the deity queries as he imprudently labels her, brows furrowing minutely upon her mutilated forehead with the subtlest hint of contempt. for this world is hers, and such possibilities of invasion are simply absurd.

mismatched gaze darts haphazardly about the premises of their surroundings in search of cowardly lackeys that sought to furtively assault the tyrant queen, frigid pupils only falling stagnant upon the brute’s own glacial gaze once she’s made certain that the stakes are fair. “-- and if not?” is the inquiry that streams from frayed lips, vocals laced with the faintest drop of poison, of danger! and the deity’s rugged musculature begins to flex beneath taut flesh as she prepares for the anticipated combat, eyes simultaneously glazing over with malicious intent as her pupils bore holes into the king’s own.



12-02-2014, 07:51 PM
The woman was not far behind Rune, having wanted to speak with him of her children, of her fate, and the fate of her brother within Secretua. She wanted to also thank him, to let him know that his kindness was truly appreciated, and all he had done for her would be repayed in nothing short of the purest loyalty. Akemi was alone at the moment and it seemed that was best for the moment. For as the woman neared The Guardian she heard another voice, and single eye would fall on the face a scarred woman.

A fire sparked within. She was not afraid of this female, nor of fighting. Her own body bore signs of loss -- lack of ears, a right eye, a tail, and facial scaring of her own. The tiny creature didn't care how big the foe, didn't care how the odds were. Her lip would lift in a snarl and Akemi would move to stand near Rune, lifting her head.

"Then I will personally make you leave, wretch. These lands belong to Rune, so clean the gunk out of your damn ears and heed his words. Leave this place and never return." Lightning flashed in her single remaining red orb. If it was a fight this woman wanted... Akemi would gladly spill it and her own to defend this place.



4 Years
12-07-2014, 09:39 AM

Chancing upon the scene, Warja approached from the stranger's left side. Curiosity painted her features, the expression quickly discolored by scorn as she caught on to what was happening. So this wasn't a new member, but a trespasser. Honestly, the arrogance of some wolves was enough to make her want to bash her head against a rock. Or someone else's head. It didn't necessarily have to be hers.

Regardless of what she thought of the fae, Warja decided diplomacy was still an option. Akemi's words were inflammatory and so the young medic adopted a readied stance in case talking failed. "Ma'am, these lands are indeed claimed." As if she didn't know that already, but blatantly calling the white lady a trespassing cunt probably wouldn't convince her to leave without conflict. "Perhaps we can escort you to the border? I'd be happy to point out the scent markers along the way."

Speaking --Thinking

Rune I


5 Years
12-08-2014, 11:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think 
There was nothing cooperative about the wolf that had blatantly disregarded his borders to invade his home, the sanctuary he had created for his family. She did not show the slightest bit of respect for his authority as an alpha, even with him being the very same alpha of the lands she had stupidly crossed into, and made no attempt at appeasing his wrath because of her foolishness. Instead the manner in which she lowered her head was merely one of defense, the look within her two-toned gaze one of challenge, and Rune felt his aggression rise. Once already he had been challenged within his borders, and once was plenty more than enough. 
The answer the woman provided to his clear statement that she was not welcome caused his frosty eyes to narrow darkly, for the growl that he had quieted upon arrival to sound again deeply within his throat while his nose wrinkled at her disrespect. Oh, he had half a mind to charge her right there for her insolence, to attack with no forewarning, no questions asked. Did she think him some weak-kneed, would-be king, a worthless coward who would shrink away at the first sign of conflict? And who the hell did she think she was, assuming somehow that rules, that boundaries, did not apply to her? As she settled her body into a stance more suited for battle, however, his perception altered. Maybe trespassing had not been this scarred creature's intent. Maybe picking a fight had. 
He wanted to take the bait - gods, did he! - but that felt like conceding, giving in. Still, as Akemi showed herself at his side - had she arrived somewhere during his confrontation? - throwing about threats as readily as Rune wished to act on them, he felt himself tense restlessly. As the would-be Sentinel of the pack, Akemi had a right to step in and defend Secretua from invaders, from trespassers and thugs, but he had happened upon this one first. And with his authority challenged to his face, he felt he had more right than anyone to answer it. 
From the side, his daughter approached, her unique coloration identifying her before anything else could. Rune stared at her as she too addressed the troublesome rogue, sensing the undercurrent of irritation and offense in her careful words that lacked in obvious provocation. As much as he would have rather she not dirty her paws throwing herself into skirmishes along the borders of Secretua, he was glad of the way she was willing and ready to defend her home. At the same time, however, he wished she was not here. 
The responsibility the burly wolf felt for his pack was great, and that which he felt for his family even greater. Seeing his daughter voluntarily intercede a rogue on their borders was bold and brave, qualities he knew well made up part of who his little spitfire was, but it was also a dangerous endeavor. And even despite Akemi voluntarily tossing her name into the running for the bid for Sentinel, he hardly wanted her to endure more scars and physical loss than she already had. No, to protect them, as their Guardian, friend, and father, he wanted to initiate the fight himself. Before they could be targeted by this rogue spoiling for a confrontation. 
"There are no options," he growled, "you will leave." He bared his fangs with a wrinkling of his nose that narrowed his vision and offered protection to his eyes, his dark striped tail lashing once before evening out to level with his spine. Just as the insubordinate intruder had, his posture changed, each leg squaring off against the others to render him perfectly balanced while the muscles of his body tensed, preparing for the inevitable. With his neck arched and chin tucked to protect his throat, the dark line of fur on his spine rose as his hackles did, his shoulders rolling forward to bunch fur and skin there along the base of his neck. His paws that itched to propel him forward into the scarred female directly across from him flexed and his toes gripped at the earth, finding purchase there before he finally let himself act. Like a spring released, he allowed his bunched hind legs to propel him forward in an attempted leap to draw nearer to his target before him. 

His momentum he coupled with an attempted shove to the center of the silvery wolf's chest, turning his upper body to the left so that the brunt of the force behind the impact would be dealt from his right shoulder. Conscious of how close this placed his face and neck within reach of his opponent, the grey Guardian made sure to keep his eyes narrowed with the skin bunched around them in a silent snarl and his ears pinned against his head. He kept his chin, head, and body low and legs spaced, braced, for balance, toes still gripping for purchase upon the ground. His tail, still leveled, moved with him in a rudder-like motion to help steady his movements, shoulders still rolled forward, while he attempted to reach down at an angle with opened jaws and land a bite upon his opponent's upper right foreleg, aiming for his lower jaw to catch the inside of the leg and his upper jaw to dig in across the front. 

For the Right to Drag Artemis Off Secretua Territory
OOC: Took him long enough to make up his mind what he was going to do. xP Rounds are only tentative, can be changed to more or less however Aly likes. Rune won't stop the others from jumping in, but he wanted to attack first. 


12-09-2014, 04:15 AM
                    triangular ears careen atop a descended crown as the intrusive cacophony of bystanders breach her auditory system, diligent pupils pinpointing each daring nymph in turn as they arrive to the aide of their king. amusement flits across her abhorrent countenance in the form of a warped smirk that the elysius directs towards the apparent superior, a singular brow quirking upon her forehead to likewise enhance the wry expression laden upon her facial features. for she is intrigued by the fact that the approaching duo lack so much faith in their monarch that they must collaborate when confronting a lone invader; perhaps he is too incompetent a sovereign to best another on his own and requires assistance. “a king who cannot fight off one intruder on his own is hardly worthy of his crown, no?” the deity ponders aloud, tones entirely neutral -- almost cordial -- despite the malicious intent of her vocalizations. however! their sincerity remains dangerously conspicuous.

but hark! the indignant ragdoll is so abrupt in her petty threats that the tyrant queen’s attention does waver, mismatched eyes immediately locating the imp’s own carmine gaze as if to provoke into action. for it appeared to the elysius that this unimposing lackey had lost much more than she had gained -- likely due to her misfortunate possession of an ignorant tongue. and the phantom queen has more than half a mind to pry it from the insufferable chasms of the nymph’s skull; however, it is the domineering speech of the woman’s king that once more ensnares the elysius’ rare attention. for his urge for physical brutality is nearly palpable, and she { carnage queen! } will be the one to sate the carnal desire that plagues him most.

violet and silver gaze ravages his masculine physique as his stance shifts to accommodate an overwhelming lust for combat, the faintest trace of victory evident in her glacial stare -- for she has successfully goaded him into battle! and her own defenses fall into methodical play as the metaphorical gauntlet is cast downward, the promise of bloodshed thick within the air -- stagnant. skull remains lowered over her broad chest cavity and horizontally aligned with the notches of her spinal column as her ears sew against the contours of her crown, chin tucking precariously to the curvature of her neck as her hackles bristle along the length of her spine and her eyes narrow to violent slits. weight shifts evenly between limbs that have been both spaced equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity as her digits flex and splay atop the grassy turf below, nails simultaneously grappling the ground to offer the deity with better traction and balance. shoulders roll forward and skull draws back slightly to bunch the excess flesh of her neck in a protective halo around her precious jugular veins as the elysius’ lower jaw unhinges from its counterpart, lips likewise unfurling to expose the serrated incisors assembled beneath. finally, the tyrant tightens her abdominal muscles and tucks her tail tightly against her stomach, certain that she isn’t far along enough in her pregnancy to harm her unborn yet cautious all the same. for the king’s subservients may prove so cowardly or uncertain in their monarch’s ability that they could, prospectively, tag-team against her in a ruthless bloodbath. regardless, the phantom queen has no intention of vacating the king’s dominion without committing her own brutal act of sheer defiance.

had the deity not been so engaged she might have sneered at his offensive tactic; with a mere foot of distance lingering between king and tyrant { and accompanied by their head-on angle }, a detrimental frontal assault is merely improbable. and due to a lack of gathered momentum and an insignificant weight difference between she and her adversary, only a light bruise is left to blossom upon the exact center portion of her forechest as a result of contact with the brute’s right shoulder blade. yet as the elysius observes the descending of her opponent’s skull toward the upper portion of her right forelimb, she seeks to drop her own right shoulder blade in hopes of aligning the jagged point of the aforementioned shoulder blade with the male’s gaping jaws so that she may attempt to thrust it into them and against the teeth of his top jaw. her intentions are to thrust her right shoulder blade into his parted jaws not only to jar the mandible in its socket to potentially prevent further effective usage throughout the duration of their fight, but also to hopefully extract or break a majority of the teeth lining his upper jaw [counter attack, damage to rune’s bite pending].

in synchronicity with the attempted shunt of her right shoulder blade into the king’s mouth, the elysius seeks to use the position of her adversary’s lowered skull to her own advantage. slavering { and ravenous } jaws hope to extend towards the king’s countenance; specifically, his right-sided countenance [rune’s right]. with her skull tipped slightly to her own right, the tyrant attempts to pierce through his right eye with her top incisors whilst her mandible seeks to latch upon the area approximately three inches to the right [rune’s right] of her opponent’s right eye. she intends to permanently blind his right eye with the attempted clamp of her jaws -- a suitable punishment for his transgressions against her. meanwhile, the deity allows for her own left forepaw to elevate from its position atop the earth { as her balance shifts between her three grounded limbs to accommodate the loss of stability in the fourth } before she attempts to slam the left forepaw onto her adversary’s right forepaw with the intentions of fracturing its toes. and although the elysius cannot directly place the positioning of her opponent’s targeted right forepaw due to the slight tilt of her skull, she can only assume it is within range of her assault because of their head-on positioning. however, whether or not her presumptions will prove fruitful has yet to be seen.



attacks -- attempt to shunt the point of her right shoulder blade into rune’s mouth and against the teeth of his upper jaw in hopes of jarring the mandible in its socket to prevent further effective usage and hoping, also, to knock out or break the teeth of his upper jaw. simultaneously attempting to tilt her skull to her right in an attempt to pierce his right eye with her upper incisors while her lower jaw seeks to latch onto the outside of rune’s right-sided face, located three inches outward from the right eye. attempting to slam her left forepaw on top of rune’s right forepaw in hopes of fracturing his toes.

injuries -- light bruising to exact center portion of chest, pending damage from rune’s bite.

notes -- confirmed by mouse that rune is approaching art head-on and that rune’s weight is 136 pounds, which is 6 pounds heavier than artemis { hence why i mentioned an “insignificant weight difference!” } also, in my previous post i stated that art was attempting to halt a foot away from rune and it wasn’t denied in rune’s post so it’s correct to assume the distance is, indeed, a foot between them! good luck mouse <3




4 Years
12-09-2014, 07:19 PM

More words were exchanged, the vagabond parting with veiled words that questioned Rune's worthiness as a leader. Her comment struck Warja was a cover for insecurity. Equally pleasant, th young medic simmered back, "If you are afraid of the wrath of a pack,"--which was a familial structure whose defense rarely weighed on the alpha's shoulders alone,--"Willing to defend itself then maybe you shouldn't be so eager to trespass." Perhaps common sense wasn't so common after all. Then again, 'arrogance' was nothing but a kind label for 'stupidity' so it was possible that the fae was lacking in more ways than one--a likely assumption considering her woefully battered features.

Her father was the first to act, flying into action and racing to engage the fae head on. A split second behind, Warja set her defenses in preparation of her own assault. Her eyes narrowed and her ears flattened immediately as her hackles rose. She slid into a battle stance--her stance widening over bent knees and splayed toes as her tail rose and her head lowered to bring her spine into alignment. Black lips curled to reveal brilliant white teeth that parted slightly in salivating anticipation. Tension ran the length of her body, muscles coiling as she decided on a course of action.

Her mind made up, Warja surged forward. Having stopped several feet in front and to the left of Artemis upon arrival, there was plenty of space between the two of them to build momentum. Nails digging into the ground, the young medic moved to propel herself at Artemis' left side. The aim was to come at the front of her left haunch at an 80 degree angle. At the last second she rolled her right shoulder forward in an attempt to drive the side of it into the patella of the vagabond's left hind leg. Her intention was to drive the small bone out of place and cripple the limb. At the same time her right forepaw would quickly rise [her weight redistributing to accommodate the movement] and then equally speedily rocket downward in an attempt to crush the toes of Artemis' left hind paw.

To complete her attack, Warja's neck would snake out as she sought to reach under her opponent's belly. Jaws flung wide as her head rotated to the left in an attempt to bite into the patella of her right hind leg and crush it between her teeth. Much like her assault on her opponent's left patella, the aim was to damage the right kneecap beyond repair.

Round ONE of TWO

Speaking --Thinking



5 Years
12-10-2014, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2014, 11:25 PM by Evelyn.)

It is time. She had followed after her ivory temptress to this familiar territory, as she knew what devious plans her paramour had brewing within her twisted mind. It was time to stir up some excitement in the world of Alacritis, and what better way to start than deliberately trespassing into someone else's home? Their plan to cause havoc was delicious. Slowly the carmine nymph would trail after Art's lingering scent, and as the woman crossed over the borders of another pack, Fia would stop and wait. Hiding beside a large bush she would conceal her carmine pelt from the members of the pack, but surly they could smell her toxic aroma. A few minutes of time would go by before a sound would be heard off in the distance, and she knew it was time to spring into action. 

She wastes no time crossing into the territory, Macro, her wolverine companion, trailing after his master without hesitation. The duo approaches the scene with caution, every step Fiamette takes is silent and calculated. Then, the group comes into her volcanic view. Artemis has attracted a lot of attention, in fact there is a little crowd that surrounds her now. The Sovari tenses as she watches a grey male take a daring step toward her lover, and instantly her defenses fall into place. She will be ready to assist Artemis in her feat.

Volcanic orbs narrow into slits, her ears fold flat against her skull, her lips curl to fully reveal her fangs, her muzzle scrunches into a vicious snarl, and her nostrils quiver as the tension between Artemis and the group intensifies. Hackles raise along her nape and spine, her chin tucks to protect her precious throat, her head drops to align with her spine, and her knees bend slightly to better center her gravity. Her shoulders roll forward, her neck scrunches to better protect the sides of her neck, her weight evenly distributes between her four limbs, her tail raises to align with her spine, and all of her toes splay and flex to get a good grip on the earth. With all of her defenses set into place, she feels it is time to assist her paramour in her battle. After all, this would surly turn into war.

Her eyes would fall upon the male who makes a charge toward Artemis, and immediately the woman would aim to erupt from her position, the power that had been coiled within her back legs propelling the nymph forward. At first her sights are set on the old man, but as another bystander makes a move toward Artemis, her attention is instantly ensnared by this girl, and within a few seconds, her target has been selected. Marco bounds after his mistress, the wolverines defenses set as well, his emotionless black eyes hungrily examining every inch of his new victim. He thinks of a good attack to assist Fiamatte, and decides he will go along with whatever his master decides to do first.  

The woman aims to intercept her opponent before she can can reach her precious paramour. In order to do this, the nymph attempts to close the distance between herself and the girl, her attacks already formed in her devious mind. The girl seems to be going for Art's back legs, so Fiamette aims to slam directly into her right side (thinking this is her exposed side since fia is coming from behind art) where her rib cadge meets the crease of her right armpit. She aims to use her weight and momentum to jut her left shoulder outward and slam it into this crease, her intentions being to severely injure the girl by causing severe bruising by breaking a few ribs. In sync with her attempted body slam/shoulder jut, she splays her jaws wide open and cocks her head slightly toward her left, and she attempts to bite the center portion of the right side of the girls throat. Top fangs aim to pierce the flesh just below her right ear, and her bottom jaws aim to sink into the tender portion of her bottom center throat. She aims to not only viciously bite the woman's throat with an open mouth bite, but she aims to attain a tight grip on whatever flesh she manages to grasp, and violently jerk her head from left to right to cause severe tearing and create an open wound. She also hopes that by attaining this area of the woman's neck, she will not be able to turn her head toward Fiamette to bite her.

In the mean time, Marco has made his decision. As his master makes her move, he makes a move of his own in sync with her calculated movements. As his master bounds forward and toward the woman's right side, Marco swerves toward his left, his eyes locked on the gastrocnemius tendon's region in the girls back right leg.  He makes a sharp turn to turn his muzzle and body toward the woman's heel, and he coils his strength into his back legs, and releases it in an attempt to launch himself into the area between the girls hock and lower thigh. His front legs extend outward, his long and razor sharp claws aiming to grasp flesh so that he can attach himself to her back leg. His right paw aims to wrap around and grasp the flesh right before her knee, and his left paw aims to grasp the flesh on the center inner part of her thigh. His claws aim to sink into her flesh as deeply as he can manage. In sync with his attempted grasp, his jaws splay open and his head cocks toward his right, and he aims to directly bite the woman's  gastrocnemius tendon. He aims to sink his long fangs directly into the tendon, and with a swift motion he aims to jerk his head backward to cause severe tearing of the tendon, which he hopes will cause permanent damage to her back leg to not only cripple her, but render it useless in this battle. 




Attacks: Fia is attempting to use her weight and momentum to slam into Warja's right side, her left shoulder is jutting out to slam into the crease where her ribs meet her armpit. Aiming to break ribs and bruise this area. In sync her jaws open and she attempts to bite the center portion of the right side of Warja's throat, top fangs going below her bottom ear, and her bottom fangs going into her bottom center throat. She aims to attain  a grasp and jerk her head from side to side to cause tearing and an open wound. Marco: Attempting to latch onto the back of the girls right hind leg, launching himself at her and extending his front limbs outward, aiming to grab onto her by using his sharp claws. In sync he opens his jaws and aims to bite directly into the gastrocnemius tendon, then grasp and pull his head back to rip it with his long fangs. He aims to cause permanent damage.  Tendon shown here:

Defenses: Third para

Injuries: None


12-13-2014, 06:28 PM
Akemi was not the only one to come back up Rune it seemed. Soon, the black and white healer known as Warja would appear, urging the woman to leave with her own words much kinder than Akemi’s own fiery tongue. The tiny wolfess could care less how it was done, but the white woman would leave, so help her, or she would be escorted off the territory by force. A bit further back from Rune and Warja, off to her leader’s right, the female would hold her ground as she waited to see what would unfold. 

Akemi would make no move to assist Rune in driving the female away, though Warja would. If he needed assistance she would gladly give it, but Akemi knew a wolf could not be coddled and their ages, and certainly not an alpha. If he was not willing to fight for his home, his pack, then he would not have deserved her respect. But Rune took matters into his own paws, fighting for his own honor as well, and the female felt her respect from him grow.

The damaged femme wasn’t foolish enough to let her guard down either, as Rune made ready to fight the woman with his daughter. The trespasser was one wolf, yes, but a wolf could have allies. Family, friends, whatever. Akemi was not one to believe that a fool would simply cross into territory so willingly alone. No, it was as if the white female with the mis-matched gaze sought a fight. 

Akemi’s gaze would fall on an approaching figure, eating up ground as she neared the fight. A blur of red fur -- a wolf far closer to her own build -- and a smaller black furred beast beside her. The thing rushing alongside the nymph is not something she knew the name for, not that it mattered. By how it ran Akemi assumed it to be an ally of the wolf and it seemed both were rushing to the aid of the white trespasser. Seeing as how they were approaching from behind the first wolf Akemi knew that in order to fight them she would need to bypass Warja {who was before her.}

The tiny female would spring into action, adjusting her body to the right as she made her go at the new opponents. The red woman, having not been at the scene right at the start, had more ground to cover than then Akemi would herself {*see notes}, though the smaller female could not hang back and just wait for her to approach. The red nymph and her lackey were foes and that was all Akemi knew. To her left Rune and the trespasser were clashing, Warja having closed the distance on their opponent {Artemis} and was launching her own attacks. Akemi sought to weave just around the other Secretuan woman, drifting to the left again in a tight maneuver to try and cut off the path of their newest opponents.

The defenses that were naturally drilled into the damaged woman were set into place.Her left eye was narrowed, brow furrowed and lips cheeks lifted to give minor protection to her face. Her hackles were raised along her body, shoulders rolled forward the moment she broken into the run. The female’s weight of a minor fifty-five pounds was distributed across her four limbs, aiding in balance. The woman’s head was also instinctively lowered, chin tucked to protect her throat. Akemi’s core was tightened, single orbed gaze falling to the smaller beast as she rounded Warja’s rear.

Warja might see the red nymph and be able to launch a counter, but the black beast, however, she likely wouldn’t. Akemi’s intended path now put her in path of the beast, just enough to throw off his attack due to her angle around Warja {which has her on a slant “\” facing Fiamette’s left haunch roughly}.

The black creature was smaller than his master, but still large enough to have plenty of force behind his lunging attack. If was more than half her own size, causing pain to shoot through her left foreleg as he collided with that rather than successfully making his attack land or Warja’s body. The right side of the creature’s chest was what struck her, his head now underneath her body, and with enough impact that Akemi was sent back peddling a couple steps, carefully placing her paws to readjust her balance.

The adrenaline from the fight was what allowed Akemi to push through the pain of what was to be a severe bruise from her mid to lower left foreleg, something that would make it painful to walk on for a few days once the adrenaline was gone. Akemi’s jaws moved to the left, taking a step forward, as she sought to grasp the flesh of the black beast’s upper back and deliver a harsh warning bite. With any luck the creature would slink away after it’s failed move so that way the two damned female wolves who were causing issues could be taken care of. Then it would leave with it’s master and Secretua would be free of these pests.

Fight:: Akemi vs Fiamette {and companion} For Proction Of Warja / Removal From Secretua

Rounds:: One of Two


*She is hoping to bite down on his upper back {on Marco’s right} in a moderate to severe way. It is not a grab attempt, but more to encourage him to back off from the fight.

Defenses:: Left eye narrowed, brow furrowed, cheeks lifted, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, weight distributed, head lowered, chin tucked, core tightened

Damage:: Severe bruising to mid to lower left foreleg from Maro’s body slamming into it.

Notes:: It is mentioned that Fia waited in a bush outside the territory {“crossing into the territory”} and once “a sound would be heard off in the distance” she moved into action. Fia was not there when the fight initially started and I do not feel that it is very realistic that she would get so close without being noticed {and it is also too convenient to cover that much ground just as a fight starts to protect your lover}. This is why my post is written as it is. 

This is nothing against you personally Ais, just to be clear. I’d feel the same about anyone jumping in this way. It’s not fair to the other players regardless of your wolf’s relationship to another.

-Also, I didn’t have a way to check how large Marco was, however I was told by a friend that wolverines are between 12-18 inches and I would guess, being a male, he would be on the larger side of things.

-When I think of how sharp Akemi is turning around Warja I pictured how dogs in obedience trials need to turn their bodies around upright poles and wave in and out. The turn is made to be tight. 

Fight Diagram:: Rough Positions. Arrows show the direction they were facing originally.

Rune I


5 Years
12-16-2014, 06:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think 
Contact was felt between his shoulder and the intruder's chest as his initial attack hits its mark, but there was no sense of accomplishment in the feat. Only a short foot of distance separated them and, combined with her mass being a near match for his own, there was no give on her end. She held firm against his shove and as his jaws reached for her upper right foreleg her shoulder moved to intercede. Rune had been so sure of his bite that there was no hesitation in his motion, no caution to his speedy reach, but he was not fast enough to evade her counter attack wholly. The majority of his teeth were missed by the drop of her right shoulder, but the right side of his jaw was struck almost directly, the moderate jarring sensation rattling his molars and causing an ache nearly instantly. 

His narrowed eyes watered as he clenched them shut, ears pinned and skin still drawn loosely about his eyes with his upper lip pulled back, but even through the blur before his eyes closed he could see her reaching toward him, her jaws seeking the right side of his face. Balancing his weight between his four paws, lowering his center of gravity as he bent his legs slightly, his head attempted to drop low away from her lowered shoulder with his own shoulders rolled protectively forward and his chin curved to protect his throat, the bite to her right upper foreleg abandoned, and instead he quickly attempted to lift his head with raised hackles to meet and butt into her parted jaws. In one motion, he tried to turn his face toward his left and bring it toward a downward angle, hoping to move the bony curvature of his skull into the woman's bite instead, and lift his head upward quickly to smack into her jaws hard enough to jar them and possibly disorient her with the force of it regardless of the impact it would have on himself. 

Unsatisfied with merely that, as he lifted his head upward he lifted his left foreleg in the same motion, balancing his weight between the other three legs while gripping at the ground with his toes and claws to assure his footing. Assuming her right leg would still be in relatively the same place as he had last seen it planted, he let his muscles tense and brace defensively, tail flagged out behind him for added balance, and attempted to strike out with his lifted left foreleg, hoping to catch the middle of her leg at the joint to strain it or compromise her balance. She appeared to have a similar idea as he felt her own paw come down upon his right, not quite centered but catching his two rightmost toes on that foot. Pain flared, a partial confirmation of her attack. Without testing to know for sure, he was semi-confident at least the outward one was fractured as had been her intent, though the one inwardly beside it may only have been moderately jarred. 

For Right to Drag Artemis off Secretua Territory


12-18-2014, 02:07 PM
                              the insipid conjectures of the monochromatic youth to her left fall upon deaf ears; surely if the deity possessed even the slightest iota of trepidation towards this pack’s “wrath,” she would not have lingered within the midst of the unimposing trio. alas, the elysius remains wholly unperturbed by such unfavorable odds, a wicked smirk yet stagnant upon frayed lips even as she glimpses the babe’s [warja’s] abrupt charge from her left-sided peripherals. such cowardice is predictable to the tyrant queen, yet as the intoxicating aroma of her carmine beauty filters through velvet nostrils -- accompanied with the familiar cacophony of stampeding paws coming in from behind her -- the deity’s amusement piques. undoubtedly, her lurking consort sought to aid her in the inevitable annihilation of this meager pack; they would defeat the trio together and operate as an effective unit { or so the arrogant elysius believes } -- like they should. though, of course, since fiamette desires to intercede the monochromatic youth before she is able to impact artemis, the elysius remains temporarily unscathed of warja’s previously attempted assaults [refer to notes].

and the elysius’ defensive stance is solid, unwavering to the best of her own ability: limbs spaced equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, weight evenly distributed among her grounded limbs, toes splayed, and blackened nails biting into the earth to retain traction. shoulders are rolled forward and her neck remains scrunched to safeguard her jugular in layers of excess flesh and fat, skull lowered slightly over her breast and aligned with the notches of her spine where her hackles are dutifully raised. slavering jaws are gaping, lips unfurled before ravenous incisors that urge for usage and her chin is tucked precariously to the curvature of her neck. mismatched eyes are narrowed and glazed with malevolent intent, triangular ears sewn against the slopes of her crown while her abdominal muscles tense and her tail tucks, unmoving from her vulnerable stomach. none shall be granted leeway to her precious cargo today -- lest they sought a union with an early grave.

the source of the elysius’ focus [rune] manages to evade the brunt of her attempted assault, right shoulder blade impacting the exterior of her adversary’s right-sided jaw as opposed to her intended target betwixt his jaws, causing mild irritation to surge through her vindictive psyche as she inflicts minimal damage to the king. similarly, her adversary eludes her ruthless attempt to gouge his right eye as his skull abruptly lowers and tips downward to present her with the broad surface of his crown, her own jaws immediately clenching shut to abandon their first failed offense. and as her opponent seeks to forcibly lift his skull in an attempt to strike his exposed cranium against her jaws, so the elysius straightens her own jaws { having previously rotated her skull to her own right }, allowing for her skull to tilt backwards in the slightest to redirect his attack to the area underneath her chin. pain courses through the area directly beneath her chin { and along the underside of her lower jaw } as the king’s skull successfully impacts the center portion of it, moderate bruising immediately flaring from the epicenter of the collision as a dull ache in her mandible grows prominent. yet a cocktail of adrenaline and fury forces the elysius to strive for savage retaliation, a guttural snarl reverberating within the depths of her larynx.

and as her left forepaw slams down upon the outermost digits of her opponent’s right forepaw, the deity does not seek to remove her left forepaw from his partially-captured right forepaw. rather, the toes upon her left forepaw clench as she attempts to forcibly pivot her left forepaw slightly to her own right, seeking to not only apply further pressure to the ensnared toes of his right forepaw in an attempt to break them and grind them into the dirt, but dually seeking to slice through the connective “webbing” tissues of his toes with her nails -- overall striving to render his right forepaw useless. in synchronicity with this attempted assault to the king’s right forepaw, the elysius’ jaws yet unhinge with murderous intent, striving to extend towards the pinned right ear of her adversary { likely exposed due to the tilt of rune’s skull to his own left } where ruthless incisors will attempt to grapple the center portion of the ear in hopes of prying it from his skull. she aspires to see the king BLEED, after all, having been -- thus far -- denied such a gory privilege throughout the duration of their battle.

meanwhile, her opponent’s left forelimb manages to strike the exact center portion of her right forelimb in a peculiar kicking motion, mild bruising immediately blossoming from the point of impact along the front of her forelimb. vengeful as she, the deity thus seeks to utilize the jagged point of her right shoulder blade in a second assault, attempting to align it with the bottom portion of the natural groove located between rune’s left shoulder and leftwards chest where she will attempt to shunt her right shoulder blade with the prospective { and hopeful } force to damage the connective tissues or moderately bruise the area. she does not care how victory is achieved, but she aspires towards it -- aspires to liquidate this king so that she may aide her carmine beauty in eliminating his subservients.


attacks -- attempting to apply further pressure to the ensnared toes of rune's right forepaw, hoping to break the toes and slice through the connective webbing tissues of his toes in hopes of rendering the paw useless in their fight. simultaneously attempting to pierce through the exact center of rune's pinned right ear with her incisors in hopes of prying it from his skull. attempting to shunt her right shoulder blade into the bottom portion of the natural groove located between rune's left shoulder and leftwards chest, striving to damage the connective tissues or moderately bruise the area.

injuries -- [ first round: light bruising to exact center of chest. ] moderate bruising to the underside of her lower jaw, light bruising to the exact center portion of the front of her right forelimb.

notes -- in reference to warja's attacks, i actually can't respond to them yet until it is known whether or not fiamette's attacks would prove successful, since she aimed to intercede warja before she reached artemis + whether or not warja intended to continue her attacks if fiamette is attacking her. since i can't make assumptions on these, that damage can only be pending. also! it was confirmed by mouse that rune was attempting to "kick" artemis' right forelimb.



4 Years
12-19-2014, 10:56 PM

Using her peripheral vision, Warja catches the advancement of both Akemi and the second intruder. For a split second her mind stalls as she weighs her options, but in the end, she decides to put her faith in Akemi, the wolf who wishes to be Secretua's Sentinel. Instead of dissuading her from her chosen path, the approach of the wannabe villain only pushes her faster. Intent on reaching her target, the young medic continues with her original attack against Artemis. (Possible damage pending to Warja's right shoulder should her (Warja's) attack land.)

The second intruder is fast, but not fast enough. Fiamette's attacks land a split second too late to alter Warja's assault against Artemis. Unperturbed by the coming assailant and aided by countless hours of training, Warja outpaces Fiamette and because of this (and possibly her position under Art should her attempt to run under her be successful, which would put Warja's neck out of Fia's reach), the red gremlin's attacks don't hit their intended targets. Instead, Fiamette's shoulder slam lands in Warja's flank between her right hip and the last of her ribs. The move jolts her hindquarters to the side and the young medic is forced to sidestep to save her balance – an action that distributes the blow and lessens the extent of the damage. Heavy bruising to the upper external abdominal oblique of Warja's right side is Fiamette's reward. As for her efforts to bite and twist, they succeed. Her open mouth bite grants her purchase over the loose skin covering Warja's rib cage scant inches below her thoracic vertebrae, managing to ensnare a portion of skin and fat that spans three ribs. Between her teeth, Fiamette's prize bunches and ruptures, resulting in a moderate bite wound.

The wolverine's attack is largely thwarted by the quick thinking of Akemi. Unbeknownst to Warja, the aspiring Sentinel takes the impact intended for her hind leg and while it is unlikely that the small creature's biting attack is unaffected by Akemi's interception given the extent of it, some amount of damage is still possible but can't be accounted for at this moment without assuming responsibility for Marco's movements. (possible bite damage pending)

With much effort Warja pushes through the pain. Very aware that she is letting her security rest heavily on Akemi's shoulders, she focuses on the original trespasser. Through all of this Warja's step doesn't falter and she makes the snap decision not to let her attacker's grip change this. Instead she continues forward – a move that doubles as an attempt to break free from Fiamette's grasp and as the beginning of the young medic's second wave of attacks. Attempting to come in at a 70 degree angle in relation to the front of Art's right hind leg (a change in degrees courtesy of Fiamette's shoulder slam) with the intention of continuing her attempt to glide under Artemis, Warja moves to drive the front of her right shoulder into the kneecap of Artemis' right hind leg in the hopes of obliterating the joint. Simultaneously, her right forepaw descends in the hopes of stomping the digits of Artemis' right hind paw (her weight redistributing over her remaining three paws) into the dirt and damaging them irreversibly.

A split second later, Warja fixes on her third and final target. Her jaws part as her head lowers. The young medic tilts her chin up and to her right, her neck simultaneously arching as she attempts to sink her her fangs into the outside of Artemis' right thigh with the intention of severing the vastus lateralis muscle and rendering the limb useless.

Through all of this Warja's defenses either adapt to protect her from the forces working against her or remain solid and unshakable. Her eyes are narrowed, lids lowered and brow scrunched to protect her eyes from harm. Charred ears lay flat against her skull. The young medic's lips are curled and her nose wrinkled to expose parted fangs. Beneath her, her legs are bent at the knee to allow for flexible reactions and her stance is wide, her weight distributed evenly to accommodate her most recent attempts to cripple Artemis. Muscles are tense – Warja's body held rigid and defensive in anticipation of the retaliation that she knows is coming. Along her spine, the young medic's hackles are bristled and lend her the appearance of a disgruntled porcupine. The toes of her remaining grounded paws are splayed to complete her unshakable balance. Her head is lowered, the vertebrae sliding into ridged alignment up until reaching the base of her tail; the appendage is curled down and rests snugly against her belly.

RUNE, WARJA and AKEMI versus ARTEMIS and FIAMETTE for VARIOUS REASONS (Warja would like them to gtfo tho)
Round TWO of TWO

Speaking --Thinking

The Judge


12-23-2014, 06:22 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2014, 06:22 PM by The Judge. Edit Reason: shitty spelling )
Due to Fiamette not posting in the allotted time, Fiamette is disqualified from the battle and must either, flee, pass out or surrender.

The fight will continue.  The next 3 days to default start at the time of this post.  Thank you.


12-23-2014, 09:26 PM
The red woman and her melanistic beast proved to be just another annoyance against Secretua. The tiny, damaged wolfess couldn’t be sure if the damned black furred creature’s jaws found any purchase or not, minor or otherwise, but she hoped that with her own body used in protection he didn’t get to taste any of Warja’s blood. Akemi’s can see the red beast {Fia} make contact with the younger wolfess {Warja} out of the corner of her eye. As the black creature falls back, hopefully with enough to rethink coming back to this land, Akemi adjusts her angel by side stepping and shifting her front to the left, back to the right, continuing to be alongside Warja at more of a parallel angel to her right {and focusing towards Art’s left hind leg / Fiamette}.

The red damsel has connected her attacks in the time that Akemi spent dealing with her companion, and the tiny woman {Akemi} feels defenses slip back into place. She is jarred, still a bit shaky upon her legs, but she will not leave this fight. She will not abandon her comrades against these foes. Head aligns once more with her spine, chin tipped forward to protect her throat, despite it being an unlikely target at this point. Hackles remain raised, her good eye narrowed back into a slit. Shoulders were rolled forward, and, ignoring the ache within her front legs she would distribute her weight across the four limbs once more. With a tightened core Akemi prepared to lung at the red nymph, only to find the other woman making a hasty retreat after landing her bite. Perhaps she has realized that intruding was not such a good idea? Or maybe a dizzy spell was getting to her. Either way, Akemi cared not, and aiding her comrades in driving back the white dame as well is her primary object now. If the other rejoined the fight so be it -- she’d have to get through Akemi to get back to Warja.

Brow furrowing and cheeks lifted in a snarl Akemi would turn her focus upon the older intruder’s {Art’s} back left leg. The tiny beast would throw her weight forward, aiming to launch herself at the appendage in a lunge. Her front left paw aims to slam down upon the back left paw of the damsel. Her goal is to severely bruise, perhaps even manage to get her claws between the webbing of the paw and slice into it. Jaws seek a more tender target -- the area of flesh that connects the intruders lower side and stomach with her leg. She cares not if she gets a hold, only to deal as much additional damage as possible.

Fight:: Rune, Warja, and Akemi vs Artemis, Fiamette {and Companion} for Various Reasons [Main Secretuan Reason -- Make The Intruders Get Out]

Attacks:: “Her front left paw aims to slam down upon the back left paw of the damsel. Her goal is to severely bruise, perhaps even manage to get her claws between the webbing of the paw and slice into it. Jaws seek a more tender target -- the area of flesh that connects the intruders lower side and stomach with her leg.”

Defenses:: Head aligned with spine, chin tipped forward, hackles raised, good eye narrowed, shoulders rolled forward, weight distributed, tightened core, brow furrowed, cheeks lifted

Injuries:: Severe bruising to front leg from stopping Marco’s main attack to make his bite less effect / not hit at all.

Notes:: Alright, so unfortunately since I can’t get a hold of Ais and my limited time frame to respond to this {considering I leave on a three day trip at about seven am on the 24th / tomorrow and I’m already sacrificing sleep to respond to avoid defaults} I will need to assume that Marco backed off [being a companion who would only have one attack regardless] and Fiamette fell back as well {possibly passing out, but again, no idea.} I have a feeling that this will likely hurt me do it being a conditional and all but again, with little choice unless I want to default I’ll need to incorporate that. Also, since Fiamette defaulted and I can not say for certain Akemi’s bite upon Marco was effective or not I’ll need to leave that part vague as well.

The area of Akemi’s bite is here -- Clicky. I sadly don’t have the best ref of it, but when the leg is a bit more spread there is that area of flesh that connects it to the body that is more loose and that is where Akemi’s intended bite is going.

Soooo sorry for the crappy post but... xD; It's something.

The Judge


01-04-2015, 12:28 AM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2015, 12:29 AM by The Judge.)

Rune | Warja | Akemi vs Artemis (Fiamette - default)  for Removal of Trespasser

Round 1

6 for clarity: -2 what angle is he approaching Artemis at?  -1 what portion of his right shoulder is he hoping to slam into Art? -1 what is his goal in the bite to the leg, is it for a grip or just to tear flesh?
10 for powerplaying. none seem
8 for defences. +1 for each seen
5 for attack. +3 bite +2 shoulder slam
10 for injuries.First round

Round one Rune Total: 39/50

8 for clarity:-2 in what order is/or how is Art adjusting to lifdt her left paw?  To slam the tip of her right shoulder blade into Rune's mouth she'll likely need to either lift her right leg or crouch down to align the tip.  
9 for powerplaying.-1 Artemis would likely have received deeper bruising if she just stood and took the attack.  Mass is mostly relevant towards balance it doesn't equate armor
10 for defences.+1 each seen
7 for attack.+2 shoulder throw (maim attempt unlikely due to close distance and not throwing her body weight into attack) +3 bite +1 maim attempt +1 paw slam +1 maim atempt -1 clarity
10 for injuries.first round

Round one Artemis Total: 44/50

6 for clarity:  -2 "Warja's neck would snake out"  be more specific is she bending down, tilting her neck in some way? shifting her whole body down? -2 where is Warja seeking to place her jaws on Art's right patella?
6 for powerplaying.-2 "having stopped several feet in front and to the left of Artemis" sorry but the distance either needs have been stated in a previous post or agreed upon by the attackee. -2 "At the last second" watch this phrase, it assumes you've already closed the distance
10 for defences.+1 each seen 
8 for attack.+2 shoulder throw +1 maim attempt +1 paw slam +1 maim attempt +3 bite +1 maim attempt -1 clarity
10 for injuries.First round

Round one Warja Total: 40/50

1 for clarity:-2 "adjusting her body to the right" who's right? -2 "drifting to the left" who's left? -2 what angle is she approaching Fiamette at? -1 where to Fia's left haunch is she facing the front? the back? -2 where on her left foreleg did Marco's chest strike.
6 for powerplaying.-1 "Warja having closed the distance" don't assume even if the wolf is not yours  -3 you need to attempt to intercept Marco's attack as it was not meant for you
7 for defences. +1 each seen
3 for attack.+3 bite
10 for injuries.First round

Round one Akemi Total: 27/50

Round 2

1 for clarity: -2 how did he move to try and avoid Art's shoulder?  -2 what part of his head is he trying to butt into Art's jaws -2 which curvature how is he angling his head? I can't visualize this motion.  -2 what portion of his left foreleg is he tryng to ram into Art? or is it a sweep? -1 it's up to you to decide your injuries, there's no need for things like maybe
8 for powerplaying.-2 watch excess movement he's dropping his head tilting it down then curving it up to meet art then moving it at a downward angle it's hard to follow
10 for defences.+1 each seen
2 for attack.+1 headbutt? (-1 clarity) +1 leg swipe? (-1 clarity)
8 for injuries.-1 light bruising to shoulder -1 moderate bruising to jaw

Round two Rune Total:29 /50

8 for clarity: -2 what portion portion of his left forelimb strikes her?  What sort of bizarre kicking motion?  Rune failed to specify so you need to. 
9 for powerplaying.-1 Rune was aiming for the joint, did it succeed?  
10 for defences.+1 for each seen 
7 for attack.+1 attempt to worsen damage to paw +3 bite +1 maim attempt +2 shoulder throw
8 for injuries. -1 moderate bruising to jaw -1 bruising to forelimb

Round two Artemis Total: 42/50

3 for clarity:-2 where on her side did Fiamette's attack land you say below the thoracic vertebrae but more toward the center? front? back?  -1 wouldn't Fia's shoulder slam move the angle to greater than 80 degree?  I'm a bit lost on the angles here -1 you need to lift your paw first before attempting to slam it down -1 where on the vastus lateralis is she aiming?  I'm getting mixed google results but it seems to be a fairly large area -2 how is she angling her jaws in this attack
10 for powerplaying.none seen
10 for defences.+1 each seen
5 for attack.+2 shoulder throw +1 maim attempt +3 bite -1 clarity (maim not given, I find it a bit unlikely she could saw through that whole muscle in one bite)
6 for injuries.-2 heavy bruising to obliques -2 moderate bite wound

Round two Warja Total: 34/50

4 for clarity:-2 where did Marco's bite land and how much damage did it do?  I know this was a mess. -2 how in relation to Art's hind leg is she angling herself? to the front? side of it? -1 which side is she attacking?  obvious I know but you must specify -1 you need to pick a reason for the attack and stick with it if she's just planing to rip flesh then say so
10 for powerplaying. none seen
8 for defences.+1 each seen 
4 for attack.+1 paw stomp +3 bite
8 for injuries. -2 moderate bite [judges damage] 

Round two Akemi Total: 34/50


Rune: 68/100
Artemis: 86/100
Warja: 74/100
Akemi: 61/100

And those fighting in the next round are...

Rune, Artemis and Warja! Akemi must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Rune: light bruising to shoulder, moderate bruising to jaw

Artemis:  moderate bruising to jaw, light bruising to forelimb 

Warja:  heavy bruising to obliques, moderate bite wound

Akemi:  moderate bite wound to leg, 1 ooc week to heal



Anyway, thank you to the other judges who helped me with some trouble spots.  This has been a learning experience for us all.  I'm way too tired to do detailed notes for everyone however I do have an announcement so....


The fight will continue between Rune, Artemis and Warja in your current positions.  The continuation of this fight will have ONE round but it will act as a continuation of this fight.  As such it will act as a "third round" and injury deductions will be in affect.  If you have pending damage from this fight make sure to address it in the next "round".  Thank you.  Also the 3 day deadline to post starts from the time of this judging.

- By [Lunarcat7]

Rune I


5 Years
01-07-2015, 01:03 AM

Walk | Talk | Think 
The top of Rune’s skull connected with Artemis’s chin, sending up a blossoming sense of pain that radiated from the uppermost point of his head and out across the top of his skull from the force of the collision. Admittedly it was a poor move, causing his senses to rattle a bit as the initial shock of it nearly disoriented him rather than his opponent, but he was glad that it had struck. It was only unfortunate that she refused to move her own left forepaw pinning his right forepaw to the earth, and used his inattention to further inflict harm there. He felt her attempt to dig her heel into his already fractured and bruised toes, felt the joints strain under stress as she twisted her foot, and was sure the second toe from the right, beside the outside one she had initially fractured, was fractured now as well. Her own toes flexed, her claws digging painfully as they attempted to wedge between his toes and into the soft flesh there, and in response he attempted to curl his own toes tight together, trying to make it as difficult as possible for Artemis’s claws to reach the webbing and inflict damage as desired since he likely could not remove it under her weight.

His opponent was quick as she simultaneously tried to reach across his lowered skull in order to grab his pinned right ear, and with it exposed as his senses quickly – though not quickly enough – began to come back to him her teeth found their mark. Searing pain flared from the bitten appendage, momentarily blinded him, but at the same time it sent him into necessary action. Through narrowed eyes, his gazed fixed upon the woman’s ivory chest and throat, and with an attempted twist to tilt his head to the left, aligning his jaws appropriately for an optimal grip that likely placed more strain and stress upon his fragile right ear, Rune tried to part his jaws and attempted to reach forward and bite at the base of Artemis’s throat from his position with his head beneath hers, intending for his lower incisors to fit just off-center to the left of the midline of her throat and his upper incisors to connect on the outside of her neck for him to try to pinch off her airway and finally get her attention.
Using the same forward momentum from his attempted forward assault, he attempted to quickly draw his weight forward on his right side. Attempting to turn his shoulders so that the right shoulder protruded forward and the left was drawn slightly back, Rune tried to slam his right shoulder and weight forward into Artemis’s left shoulder while she moved in the opposite manner. He intended for the turn to place the leftward side of his chest in the path of her shunting shoulder rather than the desired wedge between his left shoulder and chest, and hoped to strain the joint as well as bruise where his right shoulder connected with hers. If he was lucky, he hoped it would throw some of her weight off of his pinned right forepaw. Trying to further his luck at unbalancing her, Rune attempted to quickly slide his left forepaw across the ground and into Artemis’s, attempting to shove at her paw slightly back and outward toward her right and possibly move it enough to weaken her balance and give his right shoulder attack more room to potentially unbalance her.
Throughout his attacks, Rune maintained his defenses. His lips were drawn back not only as he tried to bite his opponent but to bunch the skin around his nose and eyes, and his eyes were narrowed to offer the best protection to them. His ears, despite Artemis’s assault on the right, remained pinned against his skull, whatever good it did him now. His shoulders remained rolled forward, gathering the flesh there about his neck and particularly with his assailant’s own fangs so close, and his dark hackles were raised protectively along his neck and spine. Though beneath the attacking jaws of his intruder, Rune kept his neck arched protectively to save his throat, or as best as he could at the angle of his own attempted attack. His core was tight, his muscles braced, and his weight distributed evenly between both hind legs and his right foreleg, as they were the only stationary limbs upon the ground. Each were bent to keep his center of gravity low and his claws dug into the ground for purchase while his tail flagged outward and slightly to the right for balance.

For Right to Drag Artemis off Secretua Territory


01-08-2015, 07:57 PM
Ooc:: Um, so since my mind won't let me not do this post and message Lunar to clarify I'm just kinda going to write it as is regardless. But as a heads up Luns, I didn't say that Marco bit Akemi. I was going into detail from Lazuli's post how Marco might have still bit Warja despite Akemi trying to block his attack since his head was between her front legs. I'm not trying to be a biddy or anything... my mind isn't right lately so please just bear with me and this, okay? It also looks like Art took no bite damage... ? [I'm guessing that would be determined by Aly's post for the third round] so I'm not sure if any of Akemi's attacks landed either and so this is just... super messy. e.e


The world around her suddenly started swimming. Akemi wasn't sure what had happened... There was the pain in her legs, from the wolverine crashing into her. Everything else just started to fade. Blackness crept in on her vision, she ended up stumbling back, whether attacks went through or not. Her body felt hot. Dizzy... what... was going on? Akemi would give a shudder, her legs giving out beneath her as she collapsed to the ground. Consciousness fading from her form, the fighting figures, or rather their super blurry forms, fading into the darkness. The tiny, damaged woman was out of the fight, slipping into the hold of unconsciousness.

-Exit Akemi via unconsciousness.-


01-09-2015, 07:33 PM
ooc; if this seems like alot...that's because it is. XD sorry! had to respond to four waves of attacks soooOOO prepare thyself for an incoherent mess lol.
                    the cacophony of W A R dwindles around her as her carmine beauty relents from battle for reasons untold, leaving the elysius to fend for herself against this negligent trio. but the tyrant’s unyielding pride and will for defiance prevails despite such adversity, the attentiveness toward her surroundings piquing due to her innate tenacity to survive and CONQUER. and the monochromatic youth descending upon her left side { and dangerously close to her abdomen } is something that the deity is unwilling to disregard because of the compulsion to protect her unborn children; and as warja lays waste to the distance that separates a tyrant from a child, the elysius is quick to slide her left hind limb approximately six inches forward to serve as a barrier between warja and her underbelly. thus, the youth’s right shoulder blade is unsuccessful in its endeavor of annihilating her left hind patella and, instead, impacts the outer, meaty portion of the elysius’ left thigh, just inches behind the targeted patella. the youth’s gathered momentum is enough to knock artemis’ lower half approximately fifty degrees to her own right and away from warja, moderate bruising flaring from the point of collision as the elysius pivots with warja’s added momentum in an attempt to lessen the damage to her left thigh and create distance. fortunately, this shift in position { brought about by the youth’s own assault } prevents warja from gaining access to the deity’s right hind limb or from sliding beneath her, and warja’s jaws snag the flesh two inches beneath artemis’ left hind patella to create fourth-of-an-inch-deep lacerations that bleed minimally; yet no grip is obtained due to artemis’ involuntary movements away. similarly, warja’s right forepaw is unable to crush all of the toes upon the tyrant’s left hind paw because of this involuntary movement away, but rather, heavily bruises the outer two toes of artemis’ left hind paw as the youth stomps into them.

but the youth is ruthless and a secondary assault upon the battered tyrant is quick to commence as the girl attempts once more to dive beneath artemis’ left-sided abdomen in hopes of receiving access to her right hind limb. however, because of the aforementioned shift in angles between the tyrant and child, accompanied by the maintained barrier of artemis’ left hind limb between warja and her underbelly, warja is denied her aspired path. rather, the youth manages once more to strike the elysius’ left hind limb, driving her right shoulder blade against artemis’ left hind knee-cap as opposed to the right. because of a lack of gathered momentum, however, the joint does not s h a t t e r upon impact, but heavily bruises instead, taking the appendage relatively out of use. furthermore, warja’s right forepaw once more stomps into the elysius’ left hind toes, this time successful in fracturing the outer two toes and heavily bruising the inner two. simultaneously, warja’s lower incisors pierce the inner portion of artemis’ left thigh upon the center of the vastus lateralis muscle whilst warja’s upper incisors pierce the outer portion of artemis’ left thigh upon the center of her vastus lateralis muscle, creating puncture wounds of about a fourth of an inch in depth that sends sharp pangs surging throughout the elysius’ interior and renders artemis’ left hind limb useless { in sense of motion; she can still apply weight to it, though with great pain } throughout the remainder of this fight -- not that she had been utilizing it to assault in the first place.

because of the change of artemis’ initial position and warja’s current preoccupation with her left hind limb, the ragdoll’s [akemi’s] assault upon the tyrant’s left hind limb is wholly unsuccessful [realistic dodge, refer to notes]. and the ragdoll is the first to relent upon the opposing side { her bark being evidently worse than her bite }, leaving the tyrant to the king and his dainty subservient -- and all of her hindering wounds. yet she is too defiant to back down from the current challenge and stabilizes her defensive stance once more, truly adamant in her conviction that her injuries will not factor towards her eventual defeat at the paws of multiple. with narrowed eyes, pinned ears, gaping jaws, splayed toes, bent appendages, raised hackles, tightened abdominal muscles, a tucked tail, evenly-distributed weight among her grounded limbs { and even the immobile left hind limb despite her pain }, gripping claws, rolled shoulders, a tucked chin, a lowered skull, a scrunched neck, and curled lips, the elysius plots to destroy.

her jaws successfully ensnare the king’s right ear; however, it is uncertain as to whether or not she has been victorious in her endeavor of prying the ear from his skull. regardless of her achievement or failure, as rune’s own jaws maneuver towards the base of the deity’s throat, she relinquishes her grasp upon his ear, allowing for her mandible to unhinge from its counterpart as her gaping jaws pursue a different target. and dull pain radiates from the base of the elysius’ right-sided throat as rune’s lower jaw latches slightly to the left [art’s left] of the midline of her lower throat whilst his upper jaw latches onto the base of her right-sided throat and an inch above her right shoulder; however, due to her scrunched neck and rolled shoulders, rune merely manages to plunge his incisors half-an-inch deep into excess rolls of flesh and fat and does not debilitate her breathing. with his skull positioned once more beneath her own and tilted to expose his right eye, artemis pinpoints the epicenter of her prospective assault and allows for her neck to arch upward { her chin now sewn tightly against the curvature of her throat } while her skull tilts down and to her own right as she aims to pierce the king’s right eye with her upper incisors while her lower jaw seeks to hook beneath the corner of rune’s right-sided mandible, desiring to not only permanently blind his right eye, but hoping to receive a commanding hold upon his right-sided countenance.

meanwhile, it is the king’s right shoulder that forcefully strikes the front of her own left shoulder blade, causing moderate bruising to blossom immediately from the point of impact as her left forepaw slides off from atop his right forepaw after having inflicted appropriate damage to his toes, reinstating her balance upon all fours. and it is uncertain as to whether or not her own right shoulder blade [from the previous assault] has successfully collided with his flesh; regardless, the deity will seek to further harm him as best she can. utilizing her own right shoulder blade once more, the elysius allows for her right forepaw to elevate from the ground { as she distributes her weight evenly among her remaining limbs } before attempting to drive the blade against the outer portion of rune’s left shoulder, seeking to not only bruise the targeted flesh, but duly hoping to hinder his balance with brute force and applied weight. and in quick procession, her elevated right forepaw will attempt to stomp into the king’s left forepaw in hopes of fracturing his toes, hoping to time this stomp as the king’s forepaw sweeps beneath her own -- where her right forepaw is absent and unable to be swept out from underneath her.


ATTACKS -- arching her neck upwards and tilting her skull down and to her own right, attempting to gouge through rune's exposed right eye with her upper incisors while her lower jaw seeks to hook beneath the corner of rune's mandible, seeking to blind and receive a commanding hold upon his right-sided countenance. striving to shunt her right shoulder blade against the outside portion of rune's left shoulder, hoping to bruise the area and potentially hinder his balance with applied weight and force. seeking to stomp her right forepaw into rune's left forepaw as it sweeps beneath her right forepaw.

INJURIES -- { round one: light bruising to center of forechest ; round two: moderate bruising to underside of mandible } moderate bruising to outer portion of left thigh, inches behind the patella. light lacerations to left hind limb, two inches beneath the patella. heavy bruising on inner two toes of left hind paw, fractures on the two outermost toes of her left hind paw. heavy bruising to left hind knee cap, moderate puncture wounds to the inner and outer areas of her left hind limb, located on the center of the vastus lateralis muscle on either side. [the added wounds upon her left hind limb are severe enough that artemis will not be able to move the limb throughout the remainder of the fight, but she will still apply weight to it despite the pain.] shallow puncture wounds to lower throat, moderate bruising along the front of her left shoulder blade.

NOTES -- i used a realistic dodge on akemi's attacks for two reasons. one: warja knocked artemis' hips relatively out of the way/out of range for akemi unless she changes her trajectory, which she is no longer able to do since she has been eliminated. two: warja is currently occupied with artemis' left hind limb, where akemi had aimed to attack, so i don't see how it'd be possible for both of them to attack the same area at the same time. also, warja's attacks mainly depended on her getting beneath artemis and gaining access to her right hind limb, but since she wasn't able to, i figured i needed to address the attacks anyway -- in reachable places -- which is why warja's attacks hit art's left hind limb instead. sorry if that's complicated to follow! x..x confirmed by mouse that rune was attempting to sweep artemis' right forepaw. oh, and this is what i used to locate the patella bc i'm pretty bad with wolf anatomy lol, so when it says warja struck "behind the patella" i mean how it looks on this chart.



4 Years
01-10-2015, 08:16 PM

Warja's first attack against Artemis earns her moderate success and because of this, the meaty outside of her [Warja's] right shoulder bruises modestly after making contact with the meaty outer side of her opponent's left hind thigh, several inches shy of her intended target. It matters not – the fight continues.

Her second attack, while missing her target entirely, grants her more success. The bony forward-facing part of Warja's right shoulder makes contact with the patella of Artemis' left hind leg and much like her first attack, this earns her [Warja] a bruise along the point of contact. Given time, this new ache will blossom into a moderate bruise – its worse off state given thanks to the lack of padding over the bone in her shoulder. Her bite attempt and toe stomp were both successful, each accomplishing a satisfying amount of damage.

Blood seeping from her opponent's wounds coats her mouth with the bitter taste of copper. Unlike some who find pleasure in tasting the blood of an enemy, Warja does not. It's a good sign, but nothing more. The flesh between her teeth gives her an idea and inspires her next round of attacks. Attempting to maintain her grip on Artemis' thigh, Warja seeks to worsen the wound by applying more pressure and rapidly jerking her head from side to side. Her goal is to create irreparable damage to the muscle and render the limb permanently useless.

Hoping that keeping the limb immobilized will aid her father in his efforts, Warja decides to use her position to their advantage. Attempting to maintain her grip on Artemis' left hind paw, the young medic sought to shift her forward weight entirely over her right forepaw in the hopes of grinding all four of the toes on Artemis' left hind paw into the ground and damage them further. Those that weren't fractured she sought to fracture, and those that were, she sought to break further. Artemis wasn't, and forever wouldn't be, welcome in Secretua. Warja wanted to make that loud and clear. No one was responsible for her wounds but her. It was her own egotistical pride and stupidity, and nothing else. If she believed otherwise then she was double the fool, blind to reality and a type of conceited that Warja couldn't begin to fathom.

Her stance wide, Warja's knees remained bent in the hopes of lowering her center of gravity and making her position unshakable. Her toes splayed (except those on her right forepaw) to better her balance, each nail digging into the soil in the hopes of grounding her further. She tucked her tail in the hopes of keeping it from harm. Along her spine, Warja's hackles stood straight and tall; a protective barrier keeping her from harm and making her displeasure known. Her shoulders rolled forward to loosen the skin at her throat and shield it from harm. Her eyes remained narrowed and her ears remained pinned for their safety.

Round ONE of ONE

Speaking --Thinking