
A little walk away [Lian]



5 Years
12-13-2014, 06:34 PM
Vitus needed a break. From what, though, he wasn't sure. He didn't know why he felt this overwhelming feeling in the den, or why he needed a break, but all he knew was that he did. So, the first chance he could, he fled. He slipped from the den when his mother was out looking for a father he only heard about, and amalia was doing her thing away from the children. He slipped away from them and left out on his own through the snow and the cold. It didn't affect him too much, not as much as it had before his fur had come in. Being a child of the north he was almost forced biologically to grow the thick coat of fur he had, it was his only way to survive in the cold that seemed to hold this region of alacritis in it's grips. At least, that's what Vitus knew so far.

He moved through the snow, leaving the smallest of pawprints behind. His eyes stared straight ahead, the deepest of green and red cycled together. He moved with a purpose but no direction, searching for a place where he could rest his feet and sit in the silence he so loved. The light danced off the snow at his feet, his eyes squinting at the brightness. He hated the light, hated the brightness that hurt his eyes, but he needed out of that stuffy den more than he needed to see without the spots in his vision. His face was void of any emotion, as was so usual, and he continued to move as quickly as he could possibly move. 

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



2 Years
12-14-2014, 06:54 PM

Rarely would his paws carry him to other territories, but today he'd found himself traveling father than usual. He didn't feel right leaving Zola alone for so long, as well he hadn't told Lel where he was going. He didn't want his sire realizing he'd run off, or thought he'd run away. Still Lian was curious, he wanted to see what else was out here. He was made for the winter weather, with a thick coat and large paws he would navigate over the frozen North with ease. The black thet surrounded his eyes would help to act a sunglasses to the terrible glare of the snow, he felt rather suited to his environment as he came across the scent of another wolf. It wasn't often he met those outside of his family circle, so he would pursue the stranger eagerly.

The darker boy seemed to be the same age as him, though he was covered in the scent of pack. Lian was a rogue, he didn't need some king telling him what to do! Though he did submit to his father's harsh rule. He'd speed up, trying to get beside the fleeing boy, "Where you going so fast?" He'd question between breaths.




5 Years
12-16-2014, 06:44 AM
Vitus continued his speed, though he had yet to know where he was going. All he knew was he had to flee this anger, this dark feeling he couldn't name. Rejection, the first blossoms of hate? Or perhaps he just couldn't handle his mother's sadness. His siblings must be feeling it too, he subconciously reckoned. That was why they felt so distant to him....right? With a huff he continued to move, only beginning to notice the burning in his lungs from the pace he had adopted. But he had to move, had to keep going, to find a place that wasn't so dark. He had no idea why he felt this way, nor could he name any of the emotions he felt, he was far too young and far to inexperienced to understand. Yet he still felt them, and he did as any child would in his position: he ran. He fled.

The panting breath shocked him from his thoughts, wide eyes turning towards the pup as he nearly stumbled. Catching himself quickly he shook his head, faltering in his pace before finally stopping and shaking his head. It was when he heard the stranger's voice that he realized where he was, how far he had gone from the den, and how he was running...running away. But not forever, right? His siblings, his parents...mother, they needed him. He was made to be their shadowed knight, to be their silent cliche as that was. With a curled lip he turned towards the child, the stranger that seemed close to his age. A part of him was grateful to the stranger for the interruption, if he hadn't Vitus could have ended up territories away before he finally collapsed from exhaustion and would be lost, unable to find his way home. But another part of him was angry, was mad, his fire flared and he couldn't name why he was so angry. He just felt it burn deep in him, his sparks shining in his green rimmed red eyes. A snort of air puffed from his nose, misting in the air as he continued to stare at the stranger. But he didn't speak, not a word pulled from him. He merely stared.

"Burn Baby Burn"
[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



2 Years
12-16-2014, 02:16 PM

He didn't mean to make the other boy stumble, but had he fell there was no way he wouldn't take the credit for it. Even though he didn't fall on his face Lian would cause the other wolf to slow to a stop, a good sign perhaps that Lian would get his curiosity sated. However all he would get was a rather dissatisfied expression as the other boy pulled up his lip. He could see an anger burning in the darker boy's eyes but that wasn't about to stop Lian from continuing his contact. He was Lel's son, nothing out here could hurt him. So he'd easily take the time to stare right back at the strange boy, his own aqua blue gaze becoming stained with cold tendrils of ice as he bored his gaze into the opposing heterochromic wolf. "What? Got a staring problem, punk?" Lian would goad, taking a couple of steps forward. "What are you gonna do?" He'd say deeply with as much malice as he could throw into his voice.




5 Years
12-16-2014, 03:48 PM
Vitus continued to stare, if only in an attempt to intimidate the child. But where he believed he had the intimidation of an adult, of a full bodied wolf with the muscles and the power to back up his stare, he merely had puppy fur and a burning fire of anger in his belly. His brows creased before he broke the eye contact to look past the stranger, wanting to get to where he was going...wherever that was. But at least this was a distraction from the emotions that swelled in his chest, at least this was another direction for his anger to turn.

Instead, he turned back to the other child, raised an eyebrow as he stepped closer and spat those words with a malice Vitus couldn't understand. There was so much he was unused to in this world, so much he had yet to know, and it was harder now that his family seemed so withered and broken. (or, had they always been this way?) He smirked at him before raising his lip to show his childish canines, and yet he continued to keep the words silent, within himself. He didn't even growl as he took a single step back to lower his head, his toes bracing against the floor of the earth. It was instinctual, and imperfect, he had no one to teach him a proper stance...he believed. He merely stared at the boy, a cocky smirk upon his maw and his eyebrow raised as if to return the question back. Did he have the walk to back up his talk?

"Burn Baby Burn"
[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



2 Years
12-16-2014, 04:47 PM

Lian wasn't afraid to stare back, if this kid thought staring was fun then Lian could do it right back, even if the other wolf decided to break eye contact. Lian would grumble, his irritation turning into a deeper growl. He'd finally get a reaction, albeit not a verbal one like he'd demanded. However the darker pup would back up, evening his stance to say everything to Lian. "Oh I see.." He'd growl, his own eyes narrowing as he lifted his lips back in a snarl to reveal his own puppy canines. He'd lay back his ears as his shoulders would instinctually roll forward as he tucked his chin. His paws had found their stance with ease, distributing his weight evenly as he lashed out his tail for balance, as well as showing his dominance. "You wanna fight then do ya?!" He'd roar as he bent his limbs and flexed his stomach hackles raising even higher over his back as he tried one last round of intimidation. Deciding that no matter what he wanted to show this pup who was boss. He should have answered his question in the first place. "Well, that's what you're getting!" Another growl would fill his chest as he felt the power build in his legs, with no warning he would go to leap, pushing with all his might into his back legs. He'd want to propel the bony tip of his left shoulder into his opponents chest, he'd aim right for where the other's heart lay beneath. Lian would want to part his jaws as he made the leap, opening them wide as he would attempt to place his top jaw around Vitus' muzzle right after the darker boy's eyes, while the lower jaws would aim to grab where his left rear jaw meets up with his neck. Lian wishes to grab hold and attain control over the other boy's ability to bite.

Lian v Vitus for Dominance round 1 of 2?




5 Years
12-16-2014, 05:19 PM
He smirked his way through the boy's intimidation, eyes shining as he countinued to stare. Lips remained pulled back to bare his canines, muzzle wrinkled under a silent snarl as he narrowed his eyes. His ears swivelled back out of instinct to protect the audits from prying teeth, and his shoulders rolled the puppy fat along the back of his neck to protect the tender flesh there. His head remained low as he analyzed the child, his tail swishing behind him as he braced his stance and bent his kness, pushing the most of his weight onto his hind legs. Yet, the child continued to try to intimidate, falling into stance in his own loud and boistrous way. Vitus could laugh, and maybe he was in his head, yet he quirked an eyebrow, waiting for him to make the first move. He was almost unprepared at the leap, the suddeness that was the attack, but his instincts were sharp and he insantly swivelled his hind end around to the left, turning just enough in the split seconds he had before impact, and he would thrust his own shoulder up, hoping to make impact with the sudden exposed throat of the boy as he went for Vitus' muzzle. His paws slid against the ground before he corrected himself, sliding a paw closer to the child to brace himself against his weight, his tail swishing in an arch away from their bodies in an attempt to steady his stance. A groan rumbled from his throat at the impact, and he knew his flesh would bruise. His shoulder would ache for days, he knew, if it made impact with the boy's throat. Teeth that had intended for Vitus' muzzle had he not moved sliced into his skull, shredding the flesh along his cheek and the top of his skull, too close to his eyes. The blood insantly spilled, slipping through his thick fur and smelling like copper in the air. A fear suddenly erupted in him, further fueling his fire as his eyes narrows and his teeth curled even more. Blood, his blood... He moved to lower his head, to get away from the prying grip of the boy before he could get a better handle. He didn't move to bite, didn't make any other move than to brace himself against another attack, hoping his shoulder would do as much if not more damage than his childish teeth could. His fire rages through him, and this boy would feel the brunt of his anger. He would know Vitus' dominance, his strength and power...the power he was born with to protect his siblings. 

Vitus vs Lian
For Dominance
1 out of 2

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



2 Years
12-16-2014, 06:20 PM

Vitus would react in turn, his body swiveling slightly as Lian made his leap. With narrowed eyes and agape jaws he'd feel his shoulder collide with his opponent's the combined force causing rather awful bruising within the limb. Lian's adrenaline was pumping hard though, and he would barely notice the blossoming pain. He'd plant all of his feet once more, distributing his weight again as his jaws made contact with Vitus' face. The satisfying taste of blood would do little to quell Lian's thirst for battle, Vitus would duck his head, Lian would try to rake his teeth over the flesh as he pulled away to increase the damage, but in the end his jaws would be freed.

Lian would seek to gain control again, just like his father had taught him. As Vitus lowered his features Lian would open his jaws and reach for the boy's scruff. He'd wants his top jaws to take hold of the left middle scruff wile his lower jaws were meant to meet the right center of his scruff. Lian would also aim to take his right paw and strike at the other boy's lowered head. He'd aim for his left eye, hoping to wound it and make him remember his defeat here.

Redistributing his weight on his remaining three legs the Leone boy would bend his elbows to help keep his center of gravity low. He'd align his tail with his spine to help with balance as well as dig his remaining claws into the dirt. His hackles would remain standing on end as he tightened the muscles within his abdomen, the last defense of his soft underbelly.

Lian v Vitus for Dominance round 2 of 2




5 Years
12-16-2014, 06:32 PM
Vitus was mildly disappointed that his impact did little to hold off the boy's snapping teeth, did little to knock the wind from him, or to disorintate him in any way. It was in this disappointment that Vitus felt teeth suddenly latch onto his scruff, his eyes narrowing further as his jaw clenched in a silent snarl. Distraction was not a good thing during a fight, he understood. The moment he felt those teeth latch on, felt the skin tear and his blood pour once more, he dropped down towards the ground, bracing his limbs squarely against the ground and putting all his power and strength into his. His shoulders would brace as he threw himself upwards, into the clenching jaw of the boy, with as much power as he could muster, hoping to dislodge his grip or, perhaps, cause greater damage to the jaw bone. The paw he hadnt noticed in the moments he reacted to the bite slashed across his cheek, the nail dangerously close to his eye. The pain swelled, blossomed like a rose upon his cheek, his eye watering and vision becoming blurry in protest to the pain. He snapped his jaws before the paw could retreat, hoping to clench around a delicate ankle and pull and clench with all his might to do damage to the young child. All vitus saw was red, all he felt was the flames of his anger, all he knew was he had to win. His legs would brace against the ground, knees and elbows bent to keep his balance. He kept his shoulders tense, his scruff bunched whether or not the stranger child kept his grip, his lips curled and his head even with this shoulders as best as he could to protect the vital throat. His tail swished behind him, steadying his balance and waiting for another attack, another hit, another move...something.

Vitus vs Lian
For Dominance
2 out of 2

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]

The Judge


12-17-2014, 01:42 AM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2014, 01:52 AM by Evelyn.)


Round 1

10 for clarity: All clear to me!
8 for powerplaying.  “with no warning he would go to leap, pushing with all his might into his back legs.” This needs to be attempted. Also there was no distance set between them so it can make it hard to tell if this would be possible or not. -2
9 for defences.  eyes narrowed, lips snarling, ears back, shoulders rolled, chin tucked (next time please say what its tucking to, like chin tucked to chest), weight distributed evenly, legs bent, hackles raised, muscles clenched. (I didn't count the “...he lashed out his tail for balance...” Because it either needs to align with spine or tuck between the legs. This doesn't specify either.)
4 for attack. Left shoulder to chest +1, Bite to muzzle plus hold attempt +3
10 for injuries.First round

Round one LIAN Total: 41/50


5 for clarity:  “insantly swivelled his hind end around to the left” How did he turn? Stepping? Spinning? -1 “and he knew his flesh would bruise.” How severe is the damage? Minor, moderate, severe? -2  “shredding the flesh along his cheek and the top of his skull, too close to his eyes.” Again, how severe? -2
9 for powerplaying. “he would thrust his own shoulder up” Needs to be attempted. -1
5 for defences. Lips snarling, eyes narrowed, ears pulled back, shoulders rolled, bent legs
3 for attack. shoulder slam to throat +3
10 for injuries. First round. Moderate bruise to chest -1(determined by judge), moderate lacerations to left side of face -2 (determined by judge)

Round one VITUS Total: 32/50

Round 2

6 for clarity: “...rather awful bruising within the limb.” How severe is this wound? -2 “Lian would try to rake his teeth over the flesh as he pulled away to increase the damage.” Where on his face? -1 “He'd aim for his left eye, hoping to wound it and make him remember his defeat here.” Wound it in what way? A scratch? A bruise? -1
6 for powerplaying. “...Lian would open his jaws and reach for the boy's scruff.” Must be attempted. -1 Vitus' shoulder slam to Lian's throat was not mentioned in your post. That would do some serious damage, as well as stun him. -3
7 for defences. eyes narrowed, weight distributed, making up for tri-pod state, legs bent, tail aligned with spine, claws dug into earth, hackles raised. (Didn't count tightened abdomen, as it does nothing to defend him at the moment. The only reason why I counted it last time was because he was jumping. Next time just state that all muscles are tensed)
2 for attack. Bite to scruff +1, trip +1

3 for injuries. Severe bruise to left shoulder -2 (decided by judge) Severe bruise to throat, slight and temporary damage to the vocal cords -5

Round two LIAN Total: 24/50

4 for clarity:  “The moment he felt those teeth latch on, felt the skin tear and his blood pour once more...” How severe? -2 “slashed across his cheek, the nail dangerously close to his eye.” How severe? In what way did it damage him? Which cheek? -3 “He snapped his jaws before the paw could retreat...” What paw? -1
6 for powerplaying. “he dropped down towards the ground,” Must be attempted -2 “as he threw himself upwards” Must be attempted -2,
5 for defences.  eyes narrowed, legs bent, shoulders rolled, lips snarling, head aligned with spine.
3 for attack. Bite to front left paw, attempted hold and pull +3
4 for injuries.  Moderate bruise to chest -1(determined by judge), moderate lacerations to left side of face -2 (determined by judge) minor bite to scruff -2 (determined by judge) minor bruise to left eye -1 (determined  bu judge)

Round two VITUS Total: 22/50


LIAN: 65/100
VITUS: 54/100

And the winner is...

Lian! Vitus must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. Lian now has dominance over Vitus.


Lian:  Severe bruise to left shoulder will take 2 OOC weeks to heal. Severe bruise to throat, slight and temporary damage to the vocal cords. Bruise will fade in 3 OOC weeks, and during that time Lian's voice will be hoarse, and talking a lot will hurt.


Moderate bruise to chest will take 1 OOC week to heal, moderate lacerations to left side of face will take 2 OOC weeks to heal, and will scar if not seen by a healer, minor bite to scruff will that 1 OOC week to heal, and minor bruise to left eye will take 1 OOC week to heal, and during that time the vision will be blurry in that eye.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Kat:

Good fight! Solid first round, and then you slipped up on the second. Watch not saying how bad wounds are, such as minor, moderate or severe. Also, defensive are an easy 10 points, don't let that slide by! If you want a list of defenses just skype me. Try to go for more varied attacks as well, and don't avoid a players attack! That blow to the throat would have done some good damage, as well as stunning him for a bit.

For Arin:

I think that this was your first fight here? I know that you are knew to the system, so good fight! Also kudos for playing an inexperienced fighter! Same for you on most of Kat's points, watch the clarity and always be specific about what part of the wolf you are trying to attack. Those defense points are an easy go, if you had all 10 there it would have been a closer fight! If you want a list of defenses just skype me. Watch specifying how much damage you are taking as well, as well as attempting any movement that your opponent might be able to stop. So your rump swing in your first post was fine, because that did not alter your opponent. However, lowering your form without an attempt is not good, because Lian could have tried to stop him from going down. If you have any questions please feel free to skype or PM me!

- By [Evelyn]



2 Years
12-17-2014, 03:57 PM

Vitus would drop as he felt his jaws close around the loose scruff, again biting hard enough to draw more blood. He would grin darkly, finding that he was not so victorious as the feeling of teeth within his paw. He would cry out before growling deeply and ramming forward, wanting to finally get his opponent on the ground. As Vitus fell Lian would stand over him, breathing hard as he would finally become aware of the pain of his encounter. He would refrain from putting his wounded paw on the ground as he looked down at the loser of this fight. "And stay down!" He would say with a bit of effort, accentuating with yet another growl he'd glare at the other boy. "Are ya, gonna tell me what you were doing now?" Had the darker boy told Lian in the first place it was unlikely he would have attacked in the first place.




5 Years
12-17-2014, 04:22 PM
The impact with the ground was like a bucket of cold ice dumped over him, instantly putting his fire out. All anger wisked away and he was left with nothing....nothing but disappointment. He laid where he fell, paws flexing against the ground and nails scrapping the earth. He had failed...he had lost. In a small spar, he had failed to this child. How could he defend his siblings if he couldnt win. How could he make sure they were safe if he failed. Red rimmed eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he clenched his teeth, feeling pain thrumb through him. He groaned under his breath before slowly pushing off the ground, turning his head away from the stranger, blinking as blood slipped through the thin fur along his face, along the contours of his eye and cheek but he still didnt say a word. His eyes slowly glanced towards the child before he huffed and shook his head, lips curling just barely but without.the bite he originally had. All there was was disappointment in himself, he didnt care about this boy anymore, didnt care to face him. He won after all.

"Burn baby burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



2 Years
12-18-2014, 01:16 PM

He was the victor, but it sure didn't feel like it. He ached all over and his throat really hurt. Kindly he'd allow the other boy to stand up, still waiting for some kind of verbal answer, but it seemed none would come. Even after he'd shown him up he was still unwilling to reveal his secrets. Lian would growl again, tired of this stupid wolf. He coud even lok him in the eyes after he'd lost, what good was he anyway. "You're useless," He'd announce, unable to quit talking it seemed. Irritated he would turn, using his back feet he would kick the dirt and snow back at the loser, finished with his presence. Lian would stalk off, back to his ship with his family. He had to tell his father of the victory he'd achieved.

