
What you got



1 Year
12-15-2014, 12:31 AM

Sarka rested among the snow easily, even though her head stuck out like a sore thumb from the rest of herself. The small brittle girl was cold, but she was used to the feeling. By now, her fear had grown rather than vanished, without a home she wanted to just be okay. She knew though, that would probably never happen. She was way too weak for that, she'd go to Regium and try to seek help to better herself in life. She had cried over her mother, but now she felt like just crying over herself. She was scared of her father, how was that even a thing?! She huffed a little, her little cyan eyes looking towards the Regium territory.

She was a year old now, Sarka was making her own decisions. She was certain her family wouldn't be happy but what else could she do. There was a lot in this world she didn't understand and a lot she didn't want to understand. Leaving the dark behind her, the small girl shifted a little raising her head. Maybe something would come to better her, though she highly doubted that. 

?I speak?





5 Years
12-16-2014, 06:32 AM
 As each day went by Vitus got more and more restless. His siblings seemed rather distant to him, and his heart panged at the rejection he felt. At such a young age he couldnt name these emotions, these pains, yet he felt them. The anger that would become a friend in his later years had already been lit, burning solidly in his belly and pushing him further from his home. His siblings, his family, his mother and father...the ones he was made for to protect, it was all falling apart before his eyes before he could even begin to see it whole and proper. It hurt him, every time his mother ventured out in search of his father, but he could not yet understand it. Amalia made the home feel warm at times, still, but he continued to miss his mother. With silent steps he moved through the falling snow, his eyes dead set upon the ground beneath his toes. The red and blue burned with anger, and yet they shone with unshed tears as he practically stomped through the solid white. There was no play for him at this time, no desire to run and raise his body temperature against the unyeilding cold, his fire kept him warm enough.

He didn't look where he walked, though he stared, unseeingly, at the snow as if he could burn it away to expose the grass he had been told of. He didn't notice the odd black skull of the girl several seasons above himself untill it was nearly too late. His paws skidded to a halt before he even blinked, staring at her with shock across his face. Green rimmed red eyes stared with wide eyes at the girl before he took a few respectable steps back and lowered his head in apology. Yet not a sound made it from his lips. Silence was a friend he wished to keep for a while, because it was only in silence that he could work out his flame and think through these emotions he couldn't yet name.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



1 Year
12-16-2014, 06:40 PM

A small form would bump into her, making her heart rate quicken for a moment. He seemed to dip his head in apology, though it only made her a little bit more flustered than usual. She looked around for a moment, her jaw slightly open, where was his mom and dad? Having something smaller than her was a bit, stranger, but it didn't bother her the least bit. Although she was still small for an adult wolf, despite being a year old now. Sarka still felt like a pup herself, but she had never really acted like one, too afraid of the world really. The girl plopped down on her belly for a moment, she tried to smile at the boy.

She herself was a mute, so him not speaking did not bother her at all. It indeed gave space for thinking, and she saw actions easier to deal out her emotions than words. She lifted up a paw and pawed at him a little whining slightly in a question of whether or not he was okay. Her tail flicked from side to side, something about him just made her feel a little safer if anything. 

?I speak?





5 Years
12-18-2014, 01:45 AM
He stared at the girl, red rimmed green eyes shining with a curiousity as he tilted his head. She almost seemed to accept his apology so lightly and without a word. He was fine with that, though Vitus was a much better listener than speaker...especially since he didn't speak at all. It was a subconcious decision. He knew he could speak, he could make sounds, he just decided not too. A boy of the shadows, he strived in silence where his mind could think clearly. Words got in the way, but a lack of them seemed to cause trouble as well. He merely stared at the girl before a small smile spread across the deep blue of his fur. Dual toned eyes seemed to shine in happiness as she slipped onto her belly and pawed at him, enough that he stepped back just slightly and nodded his head. He didn't know the exact nature of the question, but he could tell her concern towards him, and his nod was as much as he knew to do to tell her that he was fine, safe, whatever her question was.

With a slow movement he moved onto his belly aswell and stared at her, tilting his head and swivelling his ears forward. It was nice, he decided, to be in her company. She seemed to care about him, for his well being after he so rudely bumped into her. It almost hurt, in a bittersweet way, that this stranger made him feel more at ease than he den did currently. With a distracted mother, and siblings that seemed distant. (Vitus could easily be overthinking, though, which was a downfall to his silence). With a gentle sigh he settled his head on his paws and watched her, tilting his head just slightly in a question before glancing around, wondering why a young girl like her was alone out here in the snow. He was a lot younger, and alone aswell, but he was only a territory or two away from his it was okay. He assumed, at least.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



1 Year
12-22-2014, 12:57 AM

It took a mute to understand a mute, it seemed. Sarka was the same way as he was, she could make sounds perfectly fine talk when she really wanted. Sometimes she had to talk, otherwise others just didn't understand. Even when she didn't want to. So not having to, it was a relief she had only dreamt of as she looked at the smaller pup. She didn't know how to handle children really, but Sarka didn't know how to handle anyone. She was scared, timid, herself, didn't like causing trouble for others when she felt she was a failure. As he questioned her being here, a small shuffle of a shrug left her shoulders. She wasn't quiet sure, but she could smell Regium on this boy. That meant they were also pack-mates.

It'd be dangerous for a boy this small to be out here, she could feel herself shiver. She was one to say that though, she was brittle herself. Sarka sat down to reach his level tilting her head to the side for the moment. Was he lost? She knew she easily got lost when she was that little. Though, he still was a lot bigger than she had been at that age Sarka remembered it. He'd grow to be bigger than her, and maybe she could stick around to see when that happened. She let out a small whimper, wondering if he needed help home or not. 

?I speak?