
Because I Love You



7 Years
10-03-2014, 01:03 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia should have known that finding the Range empty and free was too good to be true. It had felt that way from the start, but after scouring the place to find that the densite she had once shared with her husband and children was still standing she had been more than ready to make their return to the place permanent. And for a while they had been able to enjoy it. Only it was still a free territory and ready for the taking and someone had noticed. The male had been considerate enough to at least let them know of his intentions before they were made official, and though it meant uprooting her family one more time the russet and black woman was still grateful not to be caught unawares as they had been once before.

The journey from the Range and beyond had been haphazard and dangerous, the fact they were still searching for a destination only complicating matters with the terrible weather that had already been raging across the eastern region. Likely it was a miracle the entire family had survived the journey on top of the horrid conditions, but eventually their travels had deposited them in a safe shelter of the Fjord where they waited out the rest of the storm. It took some time, but eventually the wind and rain started to retreat, and venturing out of their shelter became less dangerous. Which Tahlia was grateful for. She had known the end of summer was creeping in close all throughout their journey, and now that they had arrived, she had practically been counting down the days. Autumn not only brought with it a change in the weather - which seemed to mean a lessening of the storms along the coast - but also brought with it her own season.

Restless paws carried her out through the forest, determinedly trotting along a path that had since grown familiar to her as she adjusted to their new home. She had always been one to enjoy water, be it rivers or lakes or oceans, and gratefully the fjord on which their new home sat provided easy access to a small beach that was only a short trek away from the den. She was headed there now, the soft light of the moon illuminating her path and providing her with just enough light to see by within the trees. It might have been minimal here, but as she reached the small stretch of shoreline there was nothing to inhibit its pale glow which turned the sands almost silvery under its shine and cast rippling lines out across the waters. All in all it was a lovely sight.

But the serene atmosphere did not seem enough to ease what she was feeling, and it only made her uncertain. Would he even entertain her wish for another litter of pup? Or would Kailos and Lior be their last? The partially blind woman shook her head, trying again to drive her unhelpful, conflicting thoughts away. They were getting her nowhere, only confusing her even more than she had been from the start. And, really, there was no other way of knowing than to ask. Making herself sit there upon the shoreline, with her back to the water and her gaze upon the forest, she parted her jaws and beckoned her mate, her tail twitching uncertainly at her side while she worked on remaining patient and positive.



11 Years
10-04-2014, 02:43 AM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2014, 02:30 AM by Bane.)
The earth was cool to the touch, Bane's nose withdrawing from the floor of the den with a snort. ?It would now be the scent of home.?He could still smell where Tahlia had lain. Feel the receding warmth from her touch. Such a shame they had to give up his and Tahlia's old den to a pack moving in to the old Seracia lands. A rather cordile and curtious individual Scorpion had been to notify them about taking over the territory. But these three new dens would suffice as a new place to live. The fjord's steeply forested hillside punctuated by fields of rock eroded from the cliffs farther up the slopes were a culmination of everywhere his family had lived it seemed. Seracia's forests. The mountains from the territory of Ebony. The riverside shore where he remained exiled. He was glad the river at the brought some familiarity to the displaced family's fishers. His first daughter Anais and his mate Tahlia. Anais was being kept a very close eye on after her brush with a less than savory male.

Not by him though. Bane was now blind. His sons being told to keep a very close eye on Anais and if necessary retrieve her should she wander away again. Bane still had to give a talk to his daughters about being lone females. And if necessary he would ask Destruction to relay her personal experience with him should the point need to be rammed home.?The godmother to his young and one-time partner had taken a den to herself, the old male having no doubt Anais and Lior pestering to sleep with her and not with their brothers.

Ginglery Bane stepped out of the rocky entrance and deeply inhaled the night air. The world was then painted for him, paws scrapping low across the ground as he tried to visualize how best to reach Tahlia. If it hadn't been for the storm and the fact that they had all been just trying to survive the late summer gale that had ripped up the land Bane would've stolen away his mate for some time to see to her urges. Anais was going through her first season to. But now Tahlia was the one to call for him, the elder uneasy as he wandered through the forest at an cautious pace. Ears and nose guiding him.

And how Bane wished he could see Tahlia standing there along the shore. Just knowing that his mate was by the shore awaiting him at this hour prompted his imagination. The moons glow highlighting her pelt, the gleam in both of her eyes. How he wished he could still see her sitting on the shore through the pines. The old wolf prowled up to Tahlia, nose brushing against his mates cheek as he planted a quick kiss on the corner of her maw. "Hey you." Bane could assume her request just from the scent. A sense of uncertainty plagued his mind of what she would ask him and he didn't know if he could satisfy the itch anymore.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
10-04-2014, 01:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She saw movement through the trees and closely watched the shadowy form's progress, nerves and anticipation warring within her. A part of her, the eager, positive side, was ready to rush forward and greet him and whisper her proposal into an ear to more firmly set the notion there within his mind, but the nervous part, the one that still wondered whether he was prepared for what she would ask, kept her rooted to the spot. Her tail twitched again at her side upon the sands, anxiously displaying her conflicting thoughts. Just a little she shifted her weight upon her forepaws, trying vainly to search her husband's expression for any sign of his own thoughts. Surely he must have known? It was a hard scent to miss.

Still she smiled as he shuffled his way to her and reached out to touch her cheek and muzzle with a kiss, leaning slightly into his touch to prolong it. Sweet and chaste as it was, just that simple touch alone was enough to leave her wanting more, and she turned her muzzle to offer a couple soft licks against his cheek in return. "You know why I have called for you?" she asked quietly, nervously, certain that he did but voicing the question anyway to simply get the conversation started. She was still eager, still with need, but the anxiety she felt made it easier to suppress. She needed to be sure Bane was on the same page with her before she made any suggestions for another litter.



11 Years
10-08-2014, 01:20 AM
Bane inhaled deeply as he sat before Tahlia. The scent of his mates conditioned slightly lessoned by the fact that she remained sitting. His peck on the cheek was returned by her, feeling her tongue rasp along the corner of his maw. Perked ears heard the nervousness, the uncertainty, as she inquired about if he knew her reason for summoning him. And he knew. He had known from the past few days as the signs grew ever stronger in the den they shared. "So. Do you want me to act? To preform the dance again that may yield offspring?" Bane tried to smile, proved some reassurance with those words. Erase his own uncertainty and hesitation with her acknowledgment of what he'd asked. But the old male was still nervous.

Would it still work for them? At his age? He couldn't help but flinch as he brought his nose against hers, thinking the she was farther away. To answer her question. "Yes Tahlia. I know. And already," Bane murmured with a lick on her chin. A deep inhalation of his mate's scent that she was able to conceive young brought back memory's of earlier times when they had stolen time away from their responsibilities to physically bond together. "I wish I felt about it like by the river during the waning days of last summer. Or when the snow first fell. Now I am unsure that this'll work. I don't know if I carry the other part within me anymore. To preform as I once could." He hung his head. Shameful words for him to admit to Tahlia when she was receptive to any advances he could make.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
10-10-2014, 01:24 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She thought his questioning answer was almost teasing and saw the slight pull that gave the suggestion of a smile about his face, one that did not seem to reach up into his single, blind eye. He could not see it, but she smiled slightly at his tone, willing enough to play into the suggestion he had made no matter how worried and unsure she felt beneath it all. After all, it was exactly what she wanted. Another litter of pups. More children to add to their already large family. He had always been so willing to comply, always so ready to answer any pleas that she might have made, but this time felt different.

And he had recognized it too. Her eyes, cloudy grey and deep gold, stared across at him and saw as his nose bumped against her own, something that seemed to surprise him, and she listened as he went on to acknowledge her inquiry again. He did know. About her condition and what she wished to ask of him for a third time. He kissed her chin and her eyes closed, reveling in his touch as she breathed a quiet sigh. But rather than press on, to draw things to the conclusion she hoped to have, he admitted to her his fears, the worries that he had been harboring that were different than her own.

Her expression blanked slightly at his admission. It was not something she had been considering, not something she had allowed herself to think about. Twice before they had produced pups without issue, plenty more times had they enjoyed the physicality of their relationship. It seemed so surprising to her she was not yet ready to even consider the possibility of complications. "But...there have never been complications before. And you were even surprised back then," she stated with a soft, forced laugh, disbelief and doubt both coloring her words, "You cannot know for certain." She tried to convince him, to boost whatever lack in confidence had suddenly overtaken him, but worried this time whether it would be enough.



11 Years
10-18-2014, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2014, 02:40 AM by Bane.)
Bane braced himself for her words and sat back. His lips tasted of her own, the male's head tilting slightly down as Tahlia spoke. And she spoke the truth. Before trying for their first two litters Bane remembered having spoken his doubts, his fears of disappointing Tahlia with a lack of children. But each time conception through the years had brought forth new lives for them Bane's thoughts remained uneasy when it came to Tahlia conceiving. Nervous with the knowledge that one day children simply would not come forth from their union. He hoped he was wrong each time it crossed his mind but couldn't help voice the worries. This couldn't last forever.

"It is true. I do not know for certain. Your right about that. What I'm saying is to not be surprised should this no longer work. I am weak now. My pelt is greying and I've lost my sight. I fear for the healthiness of any offspring this should yield." Bane leaned forward with purpose, delivering a kiss on her lips. A little flick of his tongue intruding into Tahlia's maw as a growl surfaced from his chest. "This will be... slower, than in the past. I'm sorry. But I will do my part in ceasing the restlessness. Just tell me how..." It was the least he could do to be honest with her.

The greying wolf would then began to move, not waiting for objections but instead giving a nip behind the corner of her jaw, a lick along the side of her neck. Gently grabbing her tail in his maw Bane let a rumble bubble up from his chest, faded black forelegs would grip her hips as he settled along her back.


Bane listening to the fjords river and Tahlia's panting from where they stood on the shore, His own ragged breaths given beside her left ear and unseeing eyes remaining closed, the old wolf standing next to Tahlia. Listening to their restless breathes. A kiss was given over her seeing eye. There was the hope that he was wrong, that young would be brought forth from her womb and into a world away from a pack. In a place of peace.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
10-27-2014, 04:40 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia watched her mate with worry and concern, both for him and for herself. Would their line of children end with Kailos and Lior? Four children - five children including her adopted son from Bane's previous litter - was a large family, but to be able to add another one or two to the list would have pleased her immensely. She was sure Bane knew it too, which made her belatedly worry how this might be weighing on him. No wonder he looked so dejected already, so resigned and convinced things would not work. He did not want to disappoint her.

He went on to explain as much as it finally settled within her mind, an understanding of his view of things. And though selfish by nature Tahlia could not feel anger or irritation at the news. Instead, she only felt a calming sense of acceptance and a quiet hope. "I still have every faith in you, just as before," she whispered to him as he leaned in close, the rest of her words dying upon her tongue as he kissed her with an intimate growl. An excited shiver traveled down her spine, followed closely by a trailing of Bane's affections. With easy, practiced motions, he took her hips and neck, and obediently she took the position he suggested to try for another litter.


She might have been able to tell this time around that her husband was indeed aging, but their time together had been no less enjoyable. Patience and understanding had won out for the both of them in the end, resulting in an ease upon her condition and satisfaction for the both of them. Her breathing was unsteady as she felt him slip from atop her and pass along her side to kiss her still functioning eye. The russet and black wolf smiled, feeling considerably more content than she had when she had called to him. Now if only she could know for certain that she carried more pups, new additions to join their family, she would have been even more thrilled. "You give yourself far less credit than you should," Tahlia teased him, nuzzling against his cheek with an affectionate kiss.



11 Years
11-05-2014, 12:29 AM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2014, 02:11 AM by Bane.)
Bane felt it, the smile across Tahlia's muzzle. The pleased voice she playfully mocked him with her nose running through the fur of his cheek, the gentle peck of a kiss as she then withdrew. How he had gotten so lucky as to have her was beyond him, the required factors were something his younger self wouldn't even dream of. To have a solidly built relationship on the basis of trust through the intimacy while in their most vulnerable state while with one another. A broad subject worthy of a few days thought. How he could love. And all Bane would do was think these days, contemplating past actions and the years of his life. He didn't regret any of it, for if it wasn't for his young foolish self he never would've met Tahlia. A female of regal upbringing meeting the marred rogue of a male, the worst kind of pack member in Seracia. But they had both loved and lost. And found kinship in their similar souls. And the path Bane and Tahlia took would always be together, side by side. Either in this life or the next.

His attention returned to his mate and her words, his muzzle reaching out to place itself against her shoulder. "I've had lots of practice." He mumbled. "To." Bane placed a kiss on the side of her neck. "Know." One on her cheek. "Your." Another on the corner of her jaw. "Body." The wolf snaked his head around and firmly pressed the tip of his muzzle against hers. His jaws would part as he tongue would gently intrude, seeking out past Tahlia's lips to graze between her fangs to barely touch the tips of their tongues together. "I know everything about you." Bane could hardly stop teasing his wife ever after they were done. He loved to see her shiver, to hear her rapid breaths. "What gets you going and what you like." The elders shoulder firmly pressed against her own as his muzzle snaked down her throat, pinching the fur as he wooed her. He may have been old, but they had been together for years, and some times, even how he physically was, Bane just couldn?t resist stirring up the fire inside of Tahlia. "What you can't stand." The statement ended with a drawn out and rumbling growl. He knew she liked those.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
11-11-2014, 03:32 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rather impishly, Tahlia chuckled. Bane was certainly right; there had been plenty of practice throughout their life together regarding the physical side of their relationship. At times she suspected him to be even more knowledgeable about herself than she was, and it felt as if he was ready to make a point of that now. Her eyes closed indulgently as he kissed her neck, her heart began to quicken unexpectedly as he whispered a kiss to her cheek, and her breath almost caught as he caught the corner of her mouth and treated them both to another intimate kiss.

Drat him. She was supposed to be sated and yet she felt as if he was beginning to lead her back up again, to excite her and make those needs return in full force. Everything that they had just been through would have been for nothing at that point, possible pups or not. Tahlia would still be right where she had started. And yet he did not let up. He continued to tease and torment her, nipping down her throat, growling in that way that she liked best. She could feel herself reacting to him, the shiver, the deeper breaths, the weak sense she was getting in her legs.

He might not have been able to see it but her stare was accusatory as she opened her sightless and seeing eyes to peer his way, though the hint of a smile about her lips softened the expression into something more playful. She leaned a little more against the shoulder he had placed beside her own, still studying him as she remarked in a teasing tone, the effects of his handiwork just starting to take effect in a subtle breathy undertone, "You seem to have gotten your confidence back."



11 Years
11-18-2014, 01:29 AM
The male wolf pinched the fur of Tahlia's chin with a nip and trailed his fangs along her throat to the base of her neck. Bane gave a devious smile and pressed his shoulder against her until she lay down upon her back. Even as he loomed over her another growl reverberate against her chest as his forelegs slide along the side of her neck. Perhaps he had recovered from the male centered work, even as he propped up her neck with a few inward shifts of his ankles. Or maybe it was the fact that his wife was so vulnerable right now that caused Bane to continue down this path. However letting her be the one deciding on what to do. All she had to do was ask. Wether it would be a whisper against his cheek or the press of a paw against his chest now that he had Tahlia on her back.

And he would tease her all the way until he heard her decision. Tender nips administered as his muzzle roved along the side of her throat till it was just above her shoulder.?"Yes." Bane finally rumbled in response to her question.?"Does the word 'woo' come to mind?" The blind male whispered into an ear. "Should you absolutely need my specific services right now, I won't stop you from having your way with me." Even blind Bane's remaining eye held some of its old weight regarding it's range of expressing emotions. "I've been meaning to ask you something for quite some time actually. Why do you let me do how I do? Despite it obviously being your season.?Not once has there ever been a no to our urges." A strange question certainly for a time like this and it hopefully wouldn't kill the mood. But he was curious. Considering what they had spent the last score of moments enjoying the intimacy of husband and wife rather begged the overdue question.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
11-30-2014, 01:28 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

He made it hard to concentrate on anything other than the feel of his nips, his kisses, his touches against her body. A tingling trail was left in the wake of his gentle fangs, down her throat to the base of her neck. A pleased murmur slipped from her muzzle, thoroughly enjoying the attention given to her and unable to suppress the sound so that he would know. It was so easy to forget that she should have been calmed and satisfied already as she responded to each suggestion he made positively and with growing anticipation. He had been absolutely right; he knew just how to handle her. 
The press against her shoulder was answered with a coy smile, the russet and black wolf lowering herself to the ground and rolling as he asked with him following to stand over her. She heard and felt the growl that rumbled through his chest, shivered beneath him excitedly as she placed a few quick kisses upon his jaw while he cradled her neck. She murmured again, voicing her approval, as Bane nipped his way softly down her throat, her forepaws pressing, almost kneading, into his chest. Yes. His confidence was, indeed, back, and as her eyes closed Tahlia was glad of it. This was the husband that she knew well: suave, self-assured, and oh so good at teasing her. 

A grin spread across her face as he whispered into her ear, his offer of services needless as she was sure he knew very well what he was doing to her. She would have told him so if he had not gone on to pose a new question, one that felt out of place with the direction of their activities but one that she could tell had been roving through his mind for a while. Opening her eyes to stare upward into Bane's face, Tahlia drew in a slow, careful breath as she pondered the question and her answer, knowing the simple truth - he was her husband and she felt obligated to keep him satisfied in every way - was not altogether the whole of it. 
Our urges. That was it, she thought. No matter how much she acted prim and proper, so restrained and strict when in the presence of others and even often around her own family, the most basic of urges still lived within her, needing its own time to be tended to and sated. Paired with Bane, however, those needs never truly needed to be given voice. His own desire, and the subsequent actions that he took to provoke her own to join him, made sure that she was never left wanting. 

As she thought about it she reached up to gently kiss his cheek. "You are my husband," she answered simply, gently nipping downward toward his jaw in her own teasing fashion. "A poor wife I would be if I could not satisfy you." Her forelegs curled, her paws seeking to wrap around him and draw him closer. "But maybe I am just as needy as you and you have not realized it," she added as her voice took on a sultry quality, letting her muzzle trail across his chin to place a tender kiss against his lips, "and if you are through asking questions...I would like to have my way with you now." 



11 Years
12-06-2014, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 02:39 PM by Bane.)
Bane's blind gaze looked at his wife, her murmurs and coos and other satisfied noises playing over in his head while laying atop his mate. The firm press of her paws on his chest as she was further excited by his teasing actions. His question didn't really need an answer. To busy with tending the needs of her season and satisfying the burn. But he kept his ears open as she spoke her reasons, simple as they were. A part of him felt like he already knew the answer but it nevertheless felt good to hear even after so many years together. But she continued, going somewhere different with this. Her legs finding their way behind his shoulders as he settled more on her.

The tone of her voice changing, the feeling of Tahlia's nips trace along his chin to the corner of his jaw causing his whole body to start tingling. Even as he felt her lips against his, Bane couldn't help but press his muzzle against hers. A slight intrusion of his tongue. "And a poor husband I would be if I," Bane gripped her sides and used her as a counterweight while he rolled onto his back. "couldn't satisfy you." The old wolf finished, shoulders wriggling into the dirt of the shore. His head tilted back, blind eye giving a slow blink, forelegs gingerly moving along her shoulders to firmly grip her sides.

A noticeable emulation of how she always held him when they broke away from the traditional way. Bane hoped Tahlia would catch the subtle gesture. The comfortable and exciting weight of his wife now laying atop him as he readily surrendering the lead of their second rendezvous to her. And just like the river next to them the seamless passion of the two wolves managed to match its flow.



7 Years
12-21-2014, 12:56 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

As promised, there was no objection from her husband when she made her suggestion of continuing once again with their activities, nothing to hint to her that it was unwanted or too much. With all the teasing he had been doing, all his carefully directed attention meant to stir her up, it should only have been expected. He knew her too well and used it against her in a way, but of course there was no objection. She enjoyed every moment she had with her husband, every day beside the fjord, every night within their den, every family venture with the kids, every stolen rendezvous alone. He made her life chaotic and unpredictable, but at the same time exciting and worthwhile. 

With a quick roll that took her by surprise - and elicited a sudden laugh - Tahlia was carried along with Bane's movement, drawn from her position upon her back to being sprawled over the top of him. She felt him wriggle slightly beneath her as he reiterated her own statement back to her, the whole sudden shift bringing about an uncontrollable smile that refused to leave her lips as she got her paws on the ground and righted herself so that she could look down at him more easily. His paws gripped against her sides in a way that was reminiscent of the times she had done the same to him and it only further fueled her own desire. 

There was no time wasted. Wanting to satisfy him, wanting to be satisfied in return, Tahlia kissed his chin, his jaw, trailing gentle nips down his neck as she eased into place, and continued to provide distractions as she brought about new enjoyments for them both. 



11 Years
12-26-2014, 04:46 PM
Bane held Tahlia, his chest against her back as the two wolves lazed together. A kiss was placed on the back of her neck, cheek settling against the ground as his chin rested between her ears. He closed his blind eyes with a sigh. Oh how he wished to see her again one more time. The russet and black pelt he'd explored with nuzzles and nips needing to be complimented in several spots. Tahlia would enjoy the attention. The paw that held her began to slowly massage her belly, toes raking and rubbing through the wispy fur. He would let her sleep, and in a few days if she didn't feel a change within her Bane would inquire if they should try again. He snuggled against the warmth that Tahlia offered as the two wolves slept along the riverside.

-Exit Bane-