
Fancy meeting you here


12-06-2014, 02:01 AM

The scent that filled his nostrils was unmistakeable. It had felt like eternity since he had seen his little Ekko, and he wouldn't deny that he missed her. But what was she doing in Arcanum? He spent the day tracking her down, trying to pinpoint her exact location, but so many scents got lost in the snow that it was nearly impossible. Frustration was at an all time high until his verdant gaze finally landed on her familiar russet frame. A boyish grin would lift his lips as he approached. He didn't bother masking his approach, the snow scrunching beneath his paws. 

In the weeks that had passed, his physique had improved. He was back to a healthy weight, bones no longer protruding form his pelt. His muscle mass had also returned, and he once again looked his best. He had spoken with his uncle, who had been rather shocked by his questions, but he now had some insight. His gaze hungrily raked over her as he aimed to stop only a foot from her. What are you doing here? His crown tipped the side in question, eyes bright with a mixture of curiosity and desire.




7 Years
12-06-2014, 02:38 AM

She was still not quite used to this new land, to being a slave to wolves that didn't act the kindest. While they made no move to ever strike her, she could feel that their energy was darker than Sibelle's was. They didn't check on her or ask about her, she was just simply there. So she had taken herself to hide in little explored areas, but apparently today was not good enough. She heard the crunch of paws on the hard packed snow, and kept her pale blue eyes downcast as the wolf approached. But when she breathed in his scent, her head snapped up, just as he asked her what she was doing here. Colten. He belonged to this pack? He didn't miss his eyes roaming against her form, and Ekko's body was set aflame all over again. Her heat scent was still strong, and her need had come back even stronger after their first joining. She had been a little sad that she would never see the russet furred boy again, he was good for one knew knew little. Plus she didn't have to worry about getting pregnant, but could feel the sweet release that only sex could give her in this time of year. For so long she had gone untouched, and now that she had been her desire for another joining burned bright in her eyes.

Realizing that she was just gazing at him with hungry eyes, her graying muzzle pulled back as she half-snarled, half-smiled. "I was claimed by your alpha's as a slave." She said sharply, glad to see that her boldness with him had not faded. He paused about a foot away from her, close enough that their scents collided once more. It had been long enough that none of his scent remained on her coat, and Ekko rose an elegant brow at him. Was he here to fix that problem? To be honest she was glad that it was him, and not Kylar that had come to ease her heat. She had been living in fear that he would come bed her, she hadn't a clue that he only had eyes for his wife. She was used to being cheated over, so why would these wolves be any different? "And what of you Colten, what holds you here?" She asked, her lips lingering on his name.

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12-06-2014, 02:46 AM

For a moment her gaze remained downcast, but as soon as he spoke, her gaze would snap up. He could see the desire that immediately burn into her pale blue eyes that only made his grin grow wider. A brow would lift when she remained silent, hungrily eating him up. So it seemed she had gone home rather satisfied the last time, and she had no forgotten. Her face twisted into a smile that looked more like a snarl. He was momentarily confused by her mild hostility, until she spoke, her voice sharp. She had been claimed as a slave? Her grin would immediately reverse, lips pulled down in a frown while his brows furrowed. He had no idea that his uncle or his wife had claimed his sweet Ekko, perhaps he should talk to Kylar about it, but it was doubtful that Cataleya would be willing to release his friend. His name fell her lips sweetly as she inquired why he was here. Well before, my uncle is the alpha, and my brother is here. But now, you do. Words would steadily become a husky purr. The scent of her heat hung in his nostrils and went straight to his groin. Desire was renewed and with a vengeance. It had felt like an eternity since he had first found himself embedded in her. And now, now he had a better idea of what he was doing, what made her tick. Her would take a step closer, his burly frame towering over her. His grin had not returned, but lust darkened his gaze. It was emotion that was still so new to him, and yet it was all consuming.




7 Years
12-06-2014, 03:03 AM

His smile didn't last long, it pulled into a frown when he found out that she was a slave. Ah, but that was the name of the game. She had always been one, for her whole life. She knew nothing else, she hadn't been able to expand from it. When he was asked what kept him here, she ended up blinking up at him, finding herself having to bite back the tears that threatened to build in her eyes. Damn emotions. Stupid Winter. But she had never been wanted before, not in this way. To actually be wanted and craved, now that was something new. He stepped closer to her, his form towering over her. Instead of shying away like she usually did, her nose sought comfort in his bulky chest. He was bigger now, more filled out. He was hardly the boy she had met all those nights ago, now he was becoming a man.

She could feel the hunger in his eyes, and being used to being the slave and willing one she nuzzled deeper into his fur, placing a soft nip there. She felt that she was able to be more bold with Colten, to come out of her shell more and play a bit of the sexual roll. She never thought that she was much to look at, but she had more experience over Colten. Well, kinda. Being with him was only the third time she had ever been joined by another. The first two had been with the man she thought loved her, and that is when her babies were born, and shortly murdered. After that she was kind of sworn off of it, hiding herself away from everyone during winter. But in Alacritia, it was different. She found Sibelle, who had given her a home. Then she found Colten, and now here she was in the pack that he called home. Letting out a soft sigh she felt her body yearn for him again, none of the anger and hostility there that had been there during their first meeting. Now she was more than willing, almost expecting of it. For such a young man he had an awful lot of angst.

Picking up a single dainty paw she rested it lightly on his own, a whine of pure need slipping from her mouth. She craved his touch again, and was even looking forward to see if he would be rough again. That bite he held on her scruff last time still ran through her mind, the very place tingling now at the thought. She may be getting hold, but she still had a paw-full of years left. She hadn't given up hope, there were still years of fight left within her.

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12-06-2014, 03:17 AM

He knew nothing about her past, nor anything about her, other than her name. But right now, it didn't matter. All that mattered what she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Perhaps when she wasnt in heat they could sit and chat, get to know one another. It briefly crossed him mind if after winter, would she still be drawn to him? Or was she simply using as a means to an end? If that was case, he was be heartbroken when she despised him, but for the moment, he didn't care, she could use him all she wanted.

Her cool nose would press against his chest. Peering down at her, a soft smile tugged faintly at his lips. Desire shot through him when he fangs collided with his flesh, her jaws nipping where her nose had just touched. A low rumble of pleasure would vibrate in his throat. He once again found himself lost in her presence. His body was drawn to her in ways that he couldn't resist. Her tiny paw would lift, pressing against his own as her whine filled his ears. A low chuckle rolled off his tongue as he nipped gently at her scruff. Impatient are we? He would inquire softly, his tones teasing. They had both given in so easily the first time that he felt compelled to draw it out this time, to make her beg.




7 Years
12-06-2014, 03:29 AM
In her mind the tables were turned. She feared that once winter was over and done, that she would hold no attraction to the male. Rejection should be her middle name, she was not untouched by its painful claws. Little did she know that he was thinking the same, that he was worried that she was using him. Ha, it would be laughable of she knew. Ekko was and always will be a slave. She didn't know how to function as a normal never of society. Without someone to tell her to do something, she was just another useless mouth that needed to be fed. But with Colten it was different, he made her feel, something that was new to her little frame. She had been numb for so long, only now was her spirit coming alive.

As Ekko desperately sought his touch, he chuckled and nibbled at her scruff. Toes curled into the earth at the feel of his teeth against her, a simple nod moving her head. Hell yeah she was eager, she was a tickling time bomb for goodness sake. It was so easy to forget his age and she sought his attention like this, none of it mattered. Swallowing hard she leaned her head against him, looking up at those big green eyes. He was being rude, not touching her and just peering down. Eyes narrowed slightly as she boldly met his gaze, slight irritation making her neck itch. She didn't want to play games, but she would follow whatever he said or did. She was jn no way a domineering sort, quite the opposite actually. It all rested on his bulky shoulders, as much as she may hate it.
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12-06-2014, 03:40 AM

If he could read minds, his worries about the future would be nonexistent. But he had experienced such a tragic loss at such a young age, that he had come to expect such things. He expected to let down, to be hurt and punished by life. Thankfully, the future did not occupy his thoughts. He lived in the present, and cherished these little moments that he hoped would become more frequent now that she was part of Arcanum.

She would nod her head in reply, he was no rewarded with the sweet sound of her voice. She would peer up at him, leaning into him, but her touch contradicted her expression. Her eyes narrowed, and he swear he saw irritation in her gaze. He could only imagine that she didn't want to play games, but she didn't complain, didn't demand anything of him. She had long given him the reins. A smirk would lift the corners of his mouth as his neck arched over her tiny figure so that he continue to nip at her scruff, each nip steadily growing rougher, though not once did he bite hard enough to draw blood. Something wrong? He would ask softly in regards to her expression. He had pulled back, stopping his affections to whisper in her ear, his tongue snaking around to caress the delicate appendage.




7 Years
12-06-2014, 03:49 AM
Hurt seemed to be something in both their pasts, but that was on neither of their minds. He stretched forward and bit at her scruff, each more rough than the last. A soft moan creeped out of her lips, shoulders bundling to bring herself closer to him. Buy it didn't last long, he pulled back and whispered in her ear, coating it in a soft kiss afterwards. Something was wrong, he was teasing her. "You're being rude." She said softly, ears pulling back slightly as she placed a rather hard bite on his chest. He was playing with her endlessly, and her body was only craving him more with each soft touch he left of her form. None of it was enough, she always wanted more. Her bodice was basically screaming to be handled, and here he was taking breaks between touches. Of course it was irritating and annoying, but it made each embrace burn that much hotter. Huffing she stretched up on her tippy toes, nibbling softly on his cheek before falling once more to the earth. She was utterly at his command and he still stood still. He needed to learn some manners. Her gut level was not at the point where she would readily show him, but she sure as hell point out his utter rudeness. She wanted to be pleased not teased. They may sound close, but the feeling gotten from both were different. Kinda. Okay maybe not, but still!
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12-06-2014, 03:57 AM

He was rewarded with a soft moan and the bunching of her shoulders as she responded to his touch. Satisfaction swirled in his eyes. But it wasnt enough for her. She would call him rude, and for moment he looked rather shocked. But a devilish grin soon took over. Her ears pulled back and his nipped hardly at his chest, an unexpected but pleasant surprise that pulled a groan up from deep in his belly. He would begin to move, brushing against her side, trailing soft kisses down her spine and across her hips. Rude.. He toyed with the word, letting it roll of his tongue as he watched her. He adorned her hips and backside with nips and kisses, taunting her, living up to his apparent 'rudeness'. Lust coursed through his veins and burned in his gaze. From where he stood behind her, if she had not moved, the scent of her heat was its strongest, potent enough to fog his mind and make him temporarily forget what his ultimate goal was. Please do tell me how I remedy my rude behavior. He murmured softly against her flesh, his voice husky.




7 Years
12-06-2014, 04:07 AM
He seemed rather shocked by her statement, which made a pleased smile grow on her mae. Ha. She got him there. It didn't last long though, her eyes moved with him as he brushed against her side. Kisses and nips were placed all down her backside and across her hips, his words uttered into her fur as a soft moan left her lips. How to fix it? Well he could buck up and fuck her already, but that was not a very lady like thing to say. She swept her tail back and forth, just enough to propel her scent towards him. "Please me, Colten." She groaned, longing for his larger frame to coat hers. Backing up a few steps she tried to bump her rump against his front legs, her scent growing stronger as her desire did the same. She wanted him to kiss her everywhere and touch her until her mind became goo, nothing but ecstasy coursing through her. But that sadly was not the name of his game. She was starting to catch on now, he had seemed to learn a thing or two since their last meeting. He was trying to see how far he could push her until she broke. Ekko had thought she was already passed that point, but it clearly wasn't enough for her lusty boy. Bucking her hips against his lips -- unless he moved them -- Ekko tried to make her body speak for itself. She let out a groan again, her head tipping backwards as her body burned on its own. He was so close... Ekko knew that his rudeness wouldn't end there though, it would seem that she was in for quite a treat today.
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12-06-2014, 06:42 PM

Her tail swept back and forth, stirring up her already heady scent. Her groan was like music to his ears as she pleaded with him to rock her world. She would take a step back, rubbing her rump against his chest, pulling his lips back into a faint smirk. But she didn't stop with her silent demands. Her hips would buck, and with careful timing he would lean back, his tongue lashing out to caress her most intimate spot. The taste of her exploded across his tongue, pulling a groan from somewhere deep inside. Unwilling, and unable, to wait any longer, he would lift himself up onto hind legs, his forelegs wrapping tightly around her hips. He would lean forward, murmuring softly in her ear. Ready? But he didn't give her a chance to reply. Jaws would snap shut on her scruff, pulling her back against him roughly as his hips thrust forward. Pleasure shot through him, sending him into a rough and frenzied pace. He rocked against her, shoving them both of the edge and into sweet oblivion.





7 Years
12-06-2014, 07:36 PM

She bucked up to try and tease him, but he shot it right back at her. Her eyes flew wide as her claws dug into the earth, head and back arching as the intense fire roared through her body. It was the most intense burst of pleasure she had ever felt, it ran through her veins with such a shock that she felt dizzy afterwards. Colten did not give her much time to catch her breath, his teeth bit into her scruff as he forced himself inside her with such vigor. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as he moved with vigor, pulsing and making her feel as if she was about to explode. "Oh Colten!" She called, his name screaming from her lips.


Ekko panted, nearly flopping to the ground after it was done. She had felt like no other, her body still tingling from his quick set pace. Falling backwards into Colten, her tongue lolled from her mouth as she struggled to catch her breath. Her thin coat was damp with sweat, her whole body tingling. A broken sigh worked its way out of her mouth as she closed her eyes, relaxing against his form. Never before had she felt like this, heart pounding right out of her chest. She had never felt so alive before, but now here with him -- she was like a whole new wolf. For once she wasn't thinking about her age or the fact that she was a slave. It was different with his young man. Her back burned where it touched him, it would seem that even though he had more than satisfied her, she still craved more. Always wanted more.
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12-09-2014, 12:18 AM

His name on her lips still echoed in his skull, pulling his russet lips back into a satisfied smirk. He would slip from her back, her tiny form flopping wearily against his own. His legs would fold, lowering them both to snowy earth, the frozen substance cooling his overheated body. His own jaws parted to match her own pant, his breath clouding before him. Satisfaction rolled through, tingling all over his entire frame. Weariness tugged at his bones, his body demanding rest. For a moment he sat in silence, listening to her rapid breaths that were like music to his ears. He would curl around her, not giving her a choice as he forced her into his embrace. Where do you come from? His voice was soft as he peered down at her, his expression hooded, but curious. Now that he was no longer thinking about fucking her brains out, he wanted to know more about her. He wanted to know her story, everything about her. He planned on being a perfect gentlemen. At least until he recovered and his body once more craved hers.




7 Years
12-09-2014, 12:30 AM

His russet form curled around her, and this time she didn't fight to pull away. Instead she pushed her back up closer to him, savoring his heat mixed with the frozen landscape below her. It was an odd contrast, but it felt oh-so-good. Her heat smell was masked by the scent of their sex, it was pretty damn obvious at what they had been doing. It was easy to forget this boy's age, she could be his mother twice over. Shuttering, she shut her pale blue eyes to block it out. She wanted to sleep, but Colten's voice rumbled and caught her attention. Thankfully they were pressed so close together, her deaf ear was the closest one to him. Where was she from? "Not from around here." She muttered, rolling slightly so that her tiny frame was crushed against his belly, laying stomach to stomach with him. This allowed her to look up at him better, pale eyes boldly searching his own. He was obviously from around here, she doubted that he had traveled too much. "I was erm... kept in a pack just off the coast of Alacritia." Her voice was soft, not wanting to admit that she had been a slave all her life. Her story was not one that she wanted to share. Ears pulled back slightly, her arm pulling up to cover the ugly puckered scar that covered the right side of her face.

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12-09-2014, 01:35 AM

She willingly curled against his side, shifting after her spoke so that her belly was pressed against his own and she would look up at him with ease. He was clueless to the fact that she was deaf in the ear closest to him. Her voice was soft, ears pulling back against her skull. Kept in a pack? A brow lifted at her choice of words. You didn't live in the pack?/font> He figured she knew what he meant, it had not gone unnoticed that she said she was kept. Following her words, she would curl up, her leg moving to cover the scar that marred the side of her face. He would immediately frown, his muzzle dropping to push her foreleg down so that his tongue would gentle kiss the length of her scar. What happened? Concern etched into his features as he peered down at her, his crown tipping to the side fractionally. Questions hung in his gaze as he watched, waited, probing gently for information. She was giving so little information, and he so desperately wanted to know more.




7 Years
12-09-2014, 01:45 AM
She hadn't been wise enough about her words, hr had picked up on them right away. The graying woman sighed, just wishing that the earth would swallow her whole that very moment. "Not by choice..." She muttered, hiding her face away from him. It didn't last long though, he gently nosed her foreleg away with hos damp nose, tenderly kissing the puckered scar. Her body thrummed at the contact, body still set on fire from their earlier actions. Her pale blur eyes looked up at his, concern latent in their depths. This was not a fun tale to tell, and she didn't want to speak of everything. "A male did that to me... A bastard who told me he loved me, only to turn around and beat me half to death." Her voice was the softest of whispers, intently looking at his slightly tilted head. Did he understand why she was so afraid now? Why the notion of love was a scary thing? It had only brought her pain. But Colten, he was different. Still young he had not yet seen the darkness of the world, or at least from what she knew. Closing her eyes she buried her head in his read hued coat, just wanting to hide. She hated seeing that worry, the pity that was usually tossed her way. She knew that there was something move developing with this boy, not just mindless sex. It flew deeper than that, and it scared the shit out of her. Her scar still tingled where he licked it, a gesture that she soon wouldn't forget.
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12-21-2014, 11:19 PM

Her voice was nearly inaudible, spoken softly as she continued to hide from him. But she didn't fight when he would brush away her limbs, not allowing her to hide from him. She would confirm that she had not stayed within the pack by choice. Immediately he would frown, concern mingling with anger. And his anger only amplified when she explained how she had received her scar. Her pale blue eyes met his, her voice the softest of whispers. But his anger exploded rather violently. The usually calm boy felt another new emotion. He had never been one to be angry, but this got to him. His hackles bristled as verdant eyes blazed with unspoken fury. How dare someone lay a hand on her. Russet lips twitched in the beginnings of a snarl as the urge to find this bastard and make him pay overwhelmed the boy. His larger frame trembled, stilling only when she pressed her face into his neck. He would curl his body tightly around hers, draping his neck across her shoulders, silently vowing the protect her. He knew already what an awful place the world could be. His mother had been ripped from him far to early, and he had been forced to watch her take her final breaths. After that, he had vowed to never become attached to another soul again, it would only break his heart all over again. But he couldn't deny that feelings that began to form towards the smaller woman. He wouldn't hesitate to protect her with his last breath and he wanted her always by his side. Yet, he didn't know the name of this emotion. Not yet at least.




7 Years
12-22-2014, 12:22 AM

Before the dame buried her face into the boys chest, she saw the anger flair in the young one. Her heart skipped a beat, a seed of fear was planted in her chest. Colten was growing attached, as was she. No matter how hard she had fought against it, she too felt herself growing closer to him as well. She was afraid to lose those close to her, just as Colten was as well. Her body shook as the boy curled closer around him, and she wiggled herself out so that she could look at him. Ekko's pale eyes were starting to fill with tears, the fear making her ears flatten against her head. "C-colten?" she stuttered, searching his face for something -- anything. "I'm... scared," her voice was low, pleading. Ekko's gaze cast away from his face, sniffling to try and stop the tears from falling. "I... I can't lose someone else close to me. I..." she stopped, looking back at the young boy. Did he understand the depth of her loss?

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12-22-2014, 12:53 AM
She would pull back and while he didn't want to let her do, he did, allowing her to scoot away enough so that she could peer up at him. Confusion consumed his features the moment he saw tears in her eyes. His anger was set aside to focus soley on her and why she was so upset. His name rolled clumsily off her tongue, though it was still a sweet sound. Brows would furrow with confusion as he tried to understand. And then it all fell into place. Loss. She had suffered such a loss that it had shattered her, blocked her from experiencing the world simply out of fear of feeling it again. That he could understand, more than she knew. The confusion slipped away, replaced joe with understanding as he simply stared at her. "I'm not going anywhere." He would murmur softly, though there was sincerity behind his words. He was going to abandon her, and he sure as hell wasn't going to be leaving this world anytime soon. He was just as scared as she was. He was unwillingly opening himself up to more heartache, he was allowing the world to worm its way back in despite all the walls he had carefully constructed. She was breaking them down, one by one.



7 Years
12-22-2014, 01:09 AM

His sweet words relaxed her, but the seed had already been planted. She curled back up into his form, tucking herself further into his form. Sucking in a deep breath of his scent, her shaking stilled as her eyes slipped closed. "But I'm so old," she muttered, ears still flat against her skull. There was a large age gap between them, she could be his grandmother. And yet she couldn't deny these emotions that were growing within her. She cared for Colten, more than the old woman would like to admit. Her muzzle was already starting to grey, the colour pulling through the rest of her coat as well. She wasn't the woman that he should fall for, not his first love. She would be rotten in the ground before he was her age, and hated the idea of it. Her fear of losing him was great, but the fear of leaving him behind was even greater.

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