
hold onto me...


12-23-2014, 02:25 PM
They were getting restless, she could tell. Tossing and turning and pestering. Oh so pestering... It needed to be remedied, it needed to be fixed so this night she would do just that. Slowly she would roll onto her belly, the chill of the night air seeping in through the cracks of the den before she would reach down and nudge at the little balls of fluff nestled into her belly. She hated that they liked to cuddle, it made her too warm pressed between Nova and them... But the tiny demon would lift herself, horned best silent as she moved to the mouth of the cave and looked back at them. "Come with me." It was a command, words soft and yet hard at the same time as she stepped forth from the den and into the cold. She had waited for the cover of night to take them on their first excursion out, didn't want them to be spotted just yet. "We need to be very quiet, any noises and the monster might come out and get you..." Her voice was a hushed whisper, head lowering so she could make eye contact with her children to show them just how serious she was. They would listen or they would be staying home...



2 Years
12-23-2014, 03:22 PM

The tiny green bud would snuggle closely to her snuggle buddies, even if some of them decided that they would rather not be such to little ganja. The tiny thing was rather affectionate and even more oblivious to the apprehension to it. She couldn't help but love the other wolves she lived with. Mommy, daddy, tox and nec were all she had and she adored them all despite any abuse they might offer. The good natured child would sleep peacefully until the sudden touch of her mother would suddenly draw her back into consciousness. Her head would fly up as she blinked back the sleep from her bright red eyes as her mother would serve a command. She would never disobey her mommy, so without a second though the little dime sack would bound after her look alike. Though she would feel a bit of nervousness in her stomach as she crossed the threshold. She would eagerly come to her mother's side, especially as her words brought talk of a monster. Ganja was usually a rather quiet girl, but when her brothers got to being loud and rough she usually followed along suit. Fear would restrict her now, but she wanted to be brave for her mother so she kept a distance from her source of comfort. She would nod in agreement as her mother sought her eyes, determined to keep herself safe from the mothers.



12-23-2014, 07:58 PM

The blue menace stirred. He rankled in quiet discontent of being awoken before his own time, but he was far too young to truly become irate. Instead he stood, paw landing on some errant piece of flesh that lay in his way, and shook the dirt from his pelt. "Yes," he agreed in short form. Clumsy limbs went wherever they pleased and he brushed past his sister with a small shove, easy enough to be brushed aside if anyone were to hold him accountable for it. As he attempted to brush past her and charge first and foremost from the den, he smirked. He was the firstborn after all, it was his right to see the world before any of the others. Toxin didn't really have the words or emotional depth to understand his feelings towards others, but he knew enough to understand that they were less than pleasant. Ganja was... too pleasant, and it annoyed him, frustrated him, made him want to bite her. And Necro was just weird. All he really wanted was to get away, so he tried his hardest to sprint for the real world with all the speed he could muster.

"Think" "You" Thoughts


12-24-2014, 04:26 AM

A head poked out after his two siblings, looking around the world a little. He had been able to sneak a peak here and there, but now Dione would demand them all to come together and out into the large world ahead of them. 

He was only a little late to respond, he liked to think it was to "look after his other siblings" and be sure they were safely out. Though he was the youngest, maybe it was normal to think that way. Instead, when his mother stirred in the den he would only open his eyes to awake, but quickly go back to his dreams until he realized that the others were leaving him. In fact, when their mother ordered them to come, a thought came to his mind; I don't need to come, just a little more sleep.

But he was after them now, eager to make it to the woman's side in hopes of not getting eaten by this so-called monster. His legs were still wobbly getting used to his ground, but he made it beside the rest of his family, excluding his father of course, without taking a fall.

And silence took his form as he no doubtly listened to his mother's every demand.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-24-2014, 10:00 AM
The would come like rats dancing after the pied piper, following sombrely out of the den as Dione beckoned them. She had told Nova her plan for this night but he had said nothing, no protest but no agreement either and for that reason he would stay home this night. She would move them into the cold, watching Ganja and Necrosis follow tentatively behind before Toxin would dart from the den and attempt to sprint. Eyes would immediatly narrow, a coil of rage bringing her blood to a boil within her. Lips would curl back as she would slither after her eldest son, taking note his escape towards the boarder. Dione had settled her den close to the boarder for work purposes, it made it easy to roll out of bed for a quick patrol. She would jerk her head, motioning for her two more docile children to follow before slender legs would cut a path through the snow for them to follow. Toxin was slower, the deep snow slowing him down as well as the fact that, though the largest of her children, he was still just a child. She would let him run, let him burn off the energy but as the drew near the boarder a mere minutes later haunches would coil and launch herself forward. She would look to bound forward and land stop her blue pelted child. "This..." she would hiss. Head lifting to look at the fog rolling out of the forest before them. "Is where the monsters live... Do not go here, their queen steals children and bathes in their blood in hopes to be eternally young and beautiful. Those who live here help her and would love to snatch up ones young as you..." Words were a warning, a hiss as she remained standing above her eldest child casting meaningful glances back at her other two children.



2 Years
12-24-2014, 10:27 AM

Not first from the womb but first from the den Toxin wouldn't let her forget it as he shoved past her and out into the world. She would be displaced, once by Toxic which would bring her closer to Dione's side, but then a second time as her mother leaped away after her errant brother. The travel would be much easier for the green pup as their mother had already broken through the snow, Ganja and Necrosis need only follow her to where Toxin was escaping. As he caught him Ganja would catch up, easily with enough time to catch the warning she would so easily give them. Her eyes would grow wide as she looked out over the snow and into the sketchy looking forest. Ganja would have not a single problem keeping away from those woods. She would shake involuntarily as she looked on, still too stubborn to latch on to her mother for comfort.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
Extra large
12-24-2014, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-24-2014, 12:34 PM by Áki.)
The darkness of night swaddled him like a blanket, tendrils of cool mist swirling around him as he moved quietly through the forest. The eeriness of the forest was comforting to him, and he found solace in the silence that encased him. Careful pawsteps carried him forward, his gait deliberate and quiet, like a hunter stalking his prey. This forest was heavily marked, though the scents were less numerous than he expected; there was certainly no pack that lived here, though it did seem that someone considered this sinister place theirs.

With ease he would make his way toward the edge of the forest. The last thing he wanted to do was fight -- though he was quite unafraid of protecting himself. A huff of air escaped his lips as he dipped his head to the ground, his crimson gaze searching ahead of him, struggling to penetrate the thick fog that hung over the earth.

The faint scent of strangers came to him as he found himself at the edge of the forest. Through the darkness he could see them. They were nearly fluorescent, glowing green against the pale moonlight. Áki was interested in these strange-pelted wolves and he found his eyes sparkling with fascination. Slowly he would make his way closer, his posture guarded and his muscles tensed. He had only made out a few words from the largest of the group -- perhaps a parent of some sort? -- and he had no idea as to the nature of his nighttime gathering. "Hello," he would call from a distance, unable to help but feel a sense of fascination toward these oddly-colored creatures. His voice was gruff and deep, heavy with an strange northern accent. Head would tilt slightly as he studied them, venturing to take a step closer.

table by argent/neffs



12-25-2014, 01:21 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2014, 01:25 PM by Toxin.)
His head long charge was soon interrupted. His mother's lithe form would careen over his own and display in savage discipline. Her tone was harsh, though no more so than he had grown used to in his few short weeks of life. His eyes narrowed and he recoiled, ears pinning as he listened to her foreboding speech. Monsters? Well, he certainly didn't want to be eaten, only... He was so bored. "Yes Mother," he mumbled, and spun on his heels, attempting to escape her reach and return to his sibling's sides. At least if he was with them he might be able to get one of them between his own blue frame and his mother's crushing jaws.

To the young male this seemed like a very good plan, and he was quite proud of himself for thinking of it. He skittered around Ganja's hind end before sitting down with a thwump. He had never really wanted to cross the border anyways, he convinced himself. He'd only wanted to cause trouble, and it had worked, so that meant that he'd won. The snow was cold, he realized belatedly. It came halfway up his body and his eyes narrowed, miffed that he was not large like his father. "Mother. When will I be big? This snow is stupid." His words were choppy and mumbled in the way of children but there meaning was clear. Toxin was quite unhappy with this predicament, even if he would get rebuked for whining. He was so entranced by his misery that he did not notice a stranger had appeared among them.

"Talk" "You" Think


12-29-2014, 02:19 AM

The boy finally caught up, listening to Dione after she had caught Toxin and spoke of the monsters that bathed in blood. He too, just as Ganja, would look at the forest with a terrified eye. He inched toward his sister, her being the closest in an effort to be safer. Maybe use her if a sacrifice if needed!

His eyes followed to his mother which barely eased his soul, but the voice of another struck his ears that made him cower. His ears perked to the location of the voice, but not too long after, his legs bolted to Dione and plopped down under her stomach. All in one motion, sliding even, he came to the ground just under his protection, front paws covering his nose almost as if he was shielding his eyes from the horrors to come.

Was he going to die today? Of course not! Dione was here to save him. Of course, screw the other siblings. He would gladly push them in the way.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-30-2014, 01:13 AM
Her errant son would be reigned in with both force and words, he would pin ears to skull and obediently listen to his mother before slinking back towards his siblings who were a bit further away from the boarder then Dione who stood with her toes on the edge. Ganja would no speak but there was understanding and even a trickle of fear there. Good. She wanted them to be afraid, fear was the strongest teaching tool one could use after all. Toxin would speak after a moment, asking her about when he would be big and about the snow. "You will be big once I have trained you enough. The snow will be gone before then anyways..." She would say dismissivly, words trailing off as she turned her head away from her children and towards a scent that slowly drifted towards them, masculine and distinctly rouge. He would appear and only Necrosis would seem to notice, diving under the protection of her stomach and dropping paws over his face.

A strange mixture of rage at his cowerdace and pride over the fact that he knew she would keep him safe coiled in his belly as she regarded him for a moment before turning attention to the male who slipped from the shadows. Tusks? Head would tip, hair drifting over ruby gaze as she took in his red tribal markings and the bones sprouting from his lower jaw. "No fear children, he is no monster. He is one of us. Look at the red on his legs and the bones on his jaw, no monster has those..." She would say, lowering her head as if to remind them of the horns she had stop her head that they had far too often used as stepping stones to climb her face as younger pups. She would turn her attention back to the stranger after giving her children as much comfort as she would ever give them. "Greetings stranger. What brings you here?" She would speak, curiosity evident as she studied him. So there were others out there like her...



2 Years
12-30-2014, 11:19 AM
Bright red ruby eyes would widen as the girl took in the stranger as he made his approach. She would regard him like that for only a few more moments before hiding behind her mothers hip. She would hear Dione's words as she tried to soothe her children, convincing them of their safety in this tusked man's presence. He was not a monster.

Convinced but not ready to leave the safety of her mothers side Ganja would peek from behind the large green she wolf, more curiosity than fear playing on her features as she watched this stranger and listened to what her mother had to say to him.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
Extra large
01-05-2015, 08:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2015, 08:18 PM by Áki.)
They were a strange brood of children, and he cast his gaze upon them with an obvious interest and slight wariness. One didn't seem to notice him, too caught up in his own whining, while the other two looked a bit startled and even a bit afraid of him. Áki would keep his distance, peering at the strange-colored wolves through the thick darkness, their pelts shining like something from another world, glimmering from beneath the moonlight. Upon further inspection, he noted the woman's horns as she tilted her head to the ground, as though revealing them to him. A faint smile would dance over his lips, amusement shimmering in his eyes.

"I can assure you that I am no monster," he spoke again, his voice deep and laced with kindness, despite the natural hardness of his tones. It was strange to see another so strange; he'd always thought himself one in a million. His parents had not been tusked, nor had he ever seen another wolf with tusks, and though this woman's were on her head and looked a bit different they were far too similar for him to ignore. "What a beautiful family," the brute would comment sincerely as he took a step closer. They were all quite unique, far from normal -- and he found his smile widening slightly.

What brought him here? He was a wanderer; a roamer by nature, not one accustomed to settling in one place for long, and the strangeness of this forest had enticed him to explore it. "I am but a wanderer," he would explain briefly, finding no need to dwell on what had brought him here -- he was significantly more interested in the group before him. "My name is Áki. What are you called?"

table by argent/neffs



01-09-2015, 03:25 PM
Tox jumped when the stranger spoke. He whirled on tiny paws and let loose a squeak. Where had he come from? He was scared, but he wasn't going to run away and shame Mother like that. He had those weird things coming out of his face, he wasn't like anything else Tox had ever seen. The boy narrowed his eyes, trying out an intimidating glare. He better not try to hurt his family. I mean, his siblings were stupid but they were his! "What a beautiful family," the stranger said, catching Toxin off guard with the bit of praise. His voice sounded odd, and his name was weird too. Toxin turned to look to Dione, wondering what Mother would have him do.


01-11-2015, 05:40 AM

Dione would insure that the man wasn't a monster. And though he had these strange things growing out of his mouth, and a color other than the green and blue Necrosis could see, he was just frightened by the fact that he was coming to bathe in his blood.

Trying to make himself more presentable, for the sake of his mother, he would sit up and slowly scoot out just below Dione's chin to look up at her after eyeing the stranger. He didn't want to look at him too long, he could have turned to stone! He would stay quiet just as his other siblings had, but he was very curious as to what Dione would call themselves. His name had slipped his mind...

Walk "Talk" Think