
stand tall little soldier



2 Years
Extra large
12-23-2014, 05:03 PM
The tall boy would make his way over the terra that was the red forest, his bright red eyes alert as he devoured the earth beneath his paws. Mismatched ears would swivel curiously as he took in his home, still trying to memorize every path, tree, and hole that gave way to the air above. He'd take in a large breath to his massive lungs as the cold air swirled about him, the eventual release bringing about a cloud of fog to surround him.

The day was early, and the sun was just beginning to cast its rays over the ice earth. The Armada boy would hardly pay the cold any mind though, he was built for this weather and enjoyed the freezing temperatures. Not that he knew much else. He wanted to know what was out there, what the world was about. But he felt like he hadn't quite gotten his base yet. He wasn't established enough to set out and seek those that might teach him. First he would exhaust the recourses closest to him. His moms, the many family members that took residence within Regium. He only wished that he had his father to look to, but it seemed he was gone now.

A sigh would filter from his lips as he came to a halt upon a little knoll within the snow covered forest. He felt lost, like he was with out a purpose. Old enough now to really start deciding what he would do with his adult life confusion was all he would grasp at. He needed someone to guide him and show him what he needed to do.

Athena I


9 Years
12-28-2014, 02:21 PM

Her boys were growing up so fast. It was hard to comprehend sometimes that they were already getting into their sixth month of life. It was even stranger to think that when she was their age she had left Glaciem to go exploring. Luckily it didn't seem like any of her boys were striking out on their own just yet, but it was almost frightening to think that they had the potential to do just that.

She padded through the pines with those thoughts ringing in her head, spotting one of her biggest sons up ahead. He was one of the most intriguing to look at out of all of her sons with the splashes of white marking his form. Out of the four of them he was the only one to show any of their grandfather's coloring. He truly looked like an Armada through and through between the slate-blue coloration that covered most of his body and the splashes of albino-white.

Athena padded up to her son who was already well on his way to being taller than her. She was convinced that he and his brother Tiburtius were going to be as tall as the pines before it was all said and done. Athena stopped beside him and smiled, lovingly placing a lick on her son's cheek. "What's on your mind, Bacchus?" A mother knows when something is wrong with her children and she could easily tell from just a glance at her son that something was gnawing at him.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Extra large
12-28-2014, 02:57 PM
He would stand tall, and alone as he looked out over the forest like it might hold some answers for him. Still as the forest he would stand there until the sounds of disturbance would catch his attention. Elegant features swiveled quickly so his ruby gaze coud more easily catch the sight of his mother. He'd find himself smiling at her approach, his tail moving slightly behind him in obvious pleasure at her presence. He was already close to being taller than her, but he hadn't quite reached that pinnacle yet. There was obviously still much growing to be done. The boy would lean into his mother's affections, finding he still very much enjoyed her touch. He wasn't too big for momma's kisses just yet.

She would ask the question that he himself needed to ask on more than one occasion. It seemed sometimes that all he harbored up there was amass of confusion and uncertainty. He would look away from the woman who birthed him, finding himself defeated enough to recline back onto his haunches and look quite a bit dejected. "I.. dunno momma." He'd start, leaning into her shoulder, "I feel so los sometimes... especially with dad gone." Too much time had passed since he'd seen the older male. No one had really stepped up to take that place for him. Bacchus needed a strong male lead to follow.

Athena I


9 Years
01-02-2015, 04:22 AM

Her dark-tipped ears would flick back with worry when her son sank down onto his haunches and leaned into her shoulder at her question, worry creasing her brow even more at his answer. A small pocket of anger that had been growing in her gut was sparked at that, all of it completely directed toward Vereux and his disappearance. She had searched for him long and hard and the only two solutions that she had come up with was that he was long dead somewhere or had completely left the continent of Alacritis. If the first was true then she certainly did not find his body so she hard quite a hard time believing it. That only left her with the latter solution which only served to make her even more furious at him. He had stuck around just long enough for his children to get to know him and then took off without a warning or word.

Of course she hid all of these feelings of hatred from her children and even from Amalia for the most part. She wanted each of her boys to remember their father fondly or at least as fondly as they could given the situation. She didn't want to be the cause for any hatred they might have for him. Instead she quietly rested her head on top of Bacchus' and pulled him closer with a sigh. "I know, my dear. I know. I feel lost too. I can't tell you how lost I've felt... But I have you and I have your brothers and Amalia. All of you are so precious to me, just remember that. You and your brothers are my big men now." She pulled back enough that she could look into his eyes and smiled, hoping that he knew just how much he meant to her.

Eager to get onto a happier topic, her eyes lit up with an idea and she smiled. She knew that if Bacchus was anything like she was when she was a pup or if he was like any of the pups she had dealt with in the past he would love to do anything the grown ups did for a day and would love a chance to be useful so she told him, "Would you like for me to show you how to hunt a little bit? Maybe we can find some dinner while we're out here, hm?"

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Extra large
01-02-2015, 09:11 PM
He didn't know how or why his father had gone, but Bacchus too had searched for him, one reason he had disappeared for so long. Though like Athena the boy had come up with no answers. The disappearance of his father might forever be a mystery, and he would not hope to one day reunite with him. He'd been abandoned. He didn't know that he hated the man, but there was little good will towards him anymore. His mother would refrain from grieving about his sire, instead she would allow him to see how similar his own situation was to her own. She'd explain how precious he and the remaining part of the family were to her, and he found comfort in those words. He'd sigh softly, leaning into her touch and taking the words to heart. Momma always knew what to say it seemed. He had to start being a man now.

She'd pull away slightly, her dual colored eyes resting on his own. He knew she meant what she said, though it was likely the magnitude was lost on him. He'd find himself smiling as her face lit up, his ears would perk as he tilted his head. As the words fell from her lips he felt his tail start to thump erratically. Yes, this was the day he'd been waiting for. Real hunt training and not dumb luck. "Please, mother!" He would say, a bit more excitement in his voice than he'd intended on revealing.