
Picking up the pieces



2 Years
12-27-2014, 12:42 PM

Following the curve of the lake, Sindri meandered across Ebony with no real destination in mind. Slowly she was adjusting to being home again. It was hard to believe that only a few seasons had passed. So much was different here. Her mom was gone (still), her sisters were gone, her brother ruled and much, much more. She was having a hard time wrapping her mind around it all. It didn't feel real.

A familiar scent changed the path she was on. Sigmarr. Out of all the changes he was the hardest to deal with. She knew he had faced hard times too, that what he had done he had no choice in doing, but that didn't make the healing any easier.

Intent on finding him, she started to sing softly, "Siggy, Siggy bo biggy banana fana fo figgy, me my mo miggy..." The silly little song brought to life memories of when they were younger. She remembered running circles around her brother while weaving a song around his nickname - a nickname he hated. Did he remember? It felt like so long ago. "...Siggy."

Speaking -- Thinking



2 Years
01-03-2015, 12:18 AM

Pawing at the once still water, Sigmarr watched mesmerized as the ripples drifted outwards before being swallowed by the placid lake.  Spring was here, the ice and snow beginning to melt.  It should feel like a new beginning but it didn't.  Sigmarr felt hollow, like some monstrous parasite had eaten everything inside and left him with a gaping hole where… where he should be.  Even though he was out and back home among friends and family he still felt so empty.  How was he supposed to fill the void?  Was it one of those things that only time could heal?  Sigmarr's left paw slammed violently into the water and he growled.  He hated feeling like this.  Feeling so fucking low….
Head moved to rest across his legs as his eyes closed.  But it wasn't like he could do anything about it.  Sigmarr could not change the past.  The young man let his thoughts drift into absurdity, trying anything he could not to think of what he'd managed to live through.

Siggy, Siggy bo biggy banana fana fo figgy, me my mo miggy...

The little song filtered into his mind bringing back memories of playing with his sister Sindri.  Her spinning around nearly knocking him over, him pushing her in the mud….  Sigmarr frowned.  He was such a brat back then, picking on her when he should've been more protective.  If he'd been a half-way decent brother he'd never have let her be captured in the first place.  Way to fuck it up Sigmarr…. he knew he needed to apologize but where to even start…


Slowly, ice blue eyes opened to meet the mismatched gaze of his sister.  He just stared at her gently for awhile, struggling to pull up the childhood memories, the happy times that occurred before hell.  Sigmarr tried to smile.  "It's sig - MARR….." Why was it so hard to speak?  He supposed he hadn't really had to use his voice.  He was a soldier, he followed orders he wasn't supposed to talk.   All his dreams of glory in battle, they really were the silly imaginings of a child.  "Hey, Sindri…. I think I'm tired of playing war.  Wanna ring around the roses, instead?" His voice was soft and tired.  Did she feel as tired as he felt?
