
Tell me when it kicks in


12-31-2014, 07:14 PM

Dual toned eyes peered curiously at a small, budding tree, white and gray dappled ears turned forward at attention. Perhaps the tree wasn't nearly as tiny as she seemed to think. It was able to survive the cold winter snow after all and now that spring was just beginning to take hold tiny buds had formed on its branches. Even still, it got her thinking. Did it mean trees had children too? What were baby trees called? Was their a name for them like young wolves were called pups? She hummed quietly and thoughtfully to herself before lifting her head and glancing around. There were lots of trees here, all at various heights and thicknesses, although none of them were really as big as some other trees she had seen on her way here. Were they all young trees then? How long did it take trees to grow?

She herself had finished growing not all that long ago. She was now a little over a year and a half old and her lean form had reached only twenty-seven inches. Although she really didn't know that many wolves she knew she was fairly small. That was okay to her though. That just meant it was easier for her to run, which was certainly something she enjoyed. Her mismatched amber and cornflower blue eyes looked around for anything that might interest her or give her something to do. Trees could only keep her entertained for so long after all. They didn't move or make noise and there was no one around to answer her questions about them so she quickly lost interest. She began padding across the landscape once more, wondering how long it would be before she saw someone else. 

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
12-31-2014, 07:25 PM
His topaz and emerald hetero-chromatic optics scanned the perimeter. His eyes were focused on the many different trees and flowers that surrounded the landscape around him. He stood around 32 inches in height at the moment, and was a bit of a tall brute, but due to being a year and a couple months old, he still had a little bit of time to grow until he was fully grown. His ebony coat stuck out as the sunlight glistened off of his shinny pelt, making it shimmer slightly. His double colored eyes were both shining as if they were gems as he stopped near a bush close by to where he had stopped. The red buds that were beginning to bloom, and he could tell that they were rosebuds. He smiled at the small buds, and couldn't help but seem happy when he looked at them. He gave a small sigh and looked around, trying to see if there was someone around that could erase the boredom that he was feeling. When there was not, he walked onward toward a small stream, his tail moving freely as he trotted over to the small body of water for a drink.

The cool liquid ran down into his gullet, thus, quenching the thirst. When he was finished, he watched the small fish run down the stream. His mother, when he was younger before she had passed away, told him about some of the fish and their names. One he could tell was a trout due to the shininess of the scales, and there were also blue gills, pike, bass, and many others. One even playfully leaped out of the water and smacked him with water. He chuckled and shook the water off his face before watching the fish once more. He seemed like a puppy again, even though he was a year old, but he wanted to seem more like an adult, but, knowing that he wasn't, he continued to act like a pup again.


12-31-2014, 07:59 PM

As she padded along she finally came across a stream and she happily drank from it despite the fact that the water was still plenty chilly from the recently ended winter. Oh how she wished she had someone who could explain all of the answers to her questions! Maybe her mother would know... once she found her of course. She had been on the hunt for her for quite some time now, but she couldn't help feeling like she might be partially to blame for not finding her yet. She didn't really stay in any one place long enough to see if her mother actually lived there after all. In a way she floated from place to place without really thinking about it. But now she was determined! She had to find someone who could train her and teach her things and if that someone wasn't going to be her birth mother then she would find someone else.

Suddenly a splash and a chuckle caught her attention, her ear twisting in the direction of the noise before her gaze lifted from the surface of the water to look up and find the source of it. Her gaze rested on a wolf's dark form and her ears immediately perked up with interest. Finally! Someone to talk to! She smiled and her tail wagged excitedly behind her and she turned and trotted toward him. She tried her best to remember all of the manners her mom had taught her as she approached him, but she never really good at those sorts of things. "Hello!" she called, her naturally bright, lilting voice holding a friendly tone. She stopped as she got closer, her head tipping to the side curiously. "How did you get wet? Were you playing in the river? Isn't it awfully cold to be playing in the water? You don't want to get sick do you?"

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
12-31-2014, 08:11 PM
Aeolus was focused on watching the fish, but, he suddenly caught the attention of a year old she-wolf. She had two colored eyes like he had, but his coat was mixed and he definitely was pretty, but she soon began to ask multiple questions. His eyes widened slightly, but luckily he was able to hear the questions and would happily tell them to her. His blue and emerald eyes focused intently on her own as he began to answer the questions she had, his ears erect in case there was any danger that would come their way.

"Well, a trout had jumped from the water and got me wet. I am usually someone who just watches something more than once then goes on their way, but Spring is coming and I want to look at everything that is coming into the world." He smiled and wagged his tail slightly. "And, as for the cold, I'm fine despite the little bit of cold I am feeling right now, and I'm sure that I will not get sick from the cold very often. Though, I do have one question for you: why are you alone? Don't you have a family?" He was not sure if that was a good question, but he would like to know.