
If i see the light



2 Years
12-01-2014, 03:49 PM

The woman had been absent from the lands of alactria, like a tame zombie she was- unable to register anything around her and completely numb to her surroundings. But now she was back. Her head would remain high, her tail wagging idly against her heels. Where had she been these past few months? She had pushed everyone away, Glaciem... Drashiel. But now it was time to move on, and perhaps this place was the perfect place to start. She had often missed Isardis, always seeing him as a fatherly figure, even with all of his 'wrong doings'. She would hurry along the borders, though not daring to enter. She would inhale all of the scents, until finally coming to the conclusion there was a new ruler. She would stop in her tracks, her head tilting back to call for the alpha. Who had claimed this area? was this the right place for her?


Jupiter I


7 Years
12-01-2014, 06:09 PM
Dial upturns from her newly-finished meal, audits flicking forth. Nuzzling the rest of the carcass towards Mercury to offer him the bones of her share--his favorite part--she wanders away from him. He will join her--later. He always does.

Phoenix pelt proves easy to spot among the pale mangroves that lurk along the outskirts of the territory. Structure holds proud but not overly-so, merely enough to show her stature in her own territory so that she is not mistaken as a commoner. Celestial orbs need only one sweep to take in as much physical information about her quarry as she desires. Her age and battle skill has honed her to be a rapid observer. Soft smile threatens her mouth at the woman's albino pelt--she idly wonders if the lady is related to Isardis. Heart pangs slightly at the thought of the loss of her rose-dusted moon. As proud as she was of his vanquishing of his rival, there seemed to be an obvious void in excitement in the lands with his absence.

"You called?" she inquires smoothly, neutrally. "Jupiter Illiadis, Sol and Queen of Ludicael." Perhaps she sounds almost a little bored of the spiel but it's only to be expected when one has done it for years, now. She seeks to add some spice this time around. "Looking for some trouble?" comes her mischievous inquiry, hoping to tip off the nature of her pack without particularly flat-out saying "hi, we fight."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



2 Years
12-03-2014, 12:23 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2014, 03:35 PM by S'alkrie.)

  It was no surprise that someone would come to her call, as it was something all alphas did. It was rather strange really, being in this position all over again. The first time she was just a pup, having the fortune of Isardis taking her under his wing. He had never severely punished her for her mistakes like he did with some of the others and often praised her on the rare occasion she got to be in his presence, though perhaps that was just luck, or the fact she also bore albinism. There wasn't a day that would go by that she hadn't missed him, and well it was really time to just move on. She had no ties to others, all had been severed. [or so she presumes] and simply sought for purpose. S'alkrie would drink in the woman's appearance before her, her posture, dominance. Which really made it clear she was the queen here. Wasn't she pretty? the girl would stay in silence for a moment longer, before slightly shaking her crown. " I simply seek a new beginning, Alacritis has grown rather boring in Isardis's absence..." S'alkrie wished to follow a strong leader, and would do anything for them. aiding in War, recruiting, anything. " What about you, miss? searching for a bit of danger?" The placid babe would tilt her crown, as she looked at the woman further, she would never have guessed Oberon was her son. Though they both did have the same eye colour.

image by Luisiana

Jupiter I


7 Years
12-04-2014, 05:15 PM
Isardis' name draws her towards the pale female by a single step, eager smirk crossing her features. His calling always revives her with hope for these god-forsaken lands--the fact that he is still remembered in the positive light he earned with tooth and claw forgives some of them in her eyes. "It has," she sympathizes. "Boring--and cowardly." A pause punctuates her words as she examines the albino. "You are one of his children?"

Soft chuckle leaves her lips. "Living is dangerous. I don't have to go far to search." Brow raises slightly as she chuckles bemusedly, celestial orbs briefly seeking rose. "As it seems, danger comes to me." Perhaps the words are a bit... amorous. Flirting has always been a sort of art to the woman whose conscience is forever trapped in a frame of eternal youth. Though her heart will always lie with the black-swathed woman known as Medusa, a wayward odd compliment to another here and there keeps her amusement sated.

"Ludicael has always been a place for new beginnings," she says neutrally, almost a bit nostalgically. Fighting for and claiming her birthplace had begun a new life for her and after many restarted existences, she had now been reborn from ashes by retaking her beginnings here.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



2 Years
12-05-2014, 01:28 PM

The more S'alkrie stayed the more she was realising how much she enjoyed the woman's company, was this best suited to the babes needs? A loyal and fight based pack? Perhaps the only way to find out was to stay and learn more about this place. As the fire pelt woman stepped closer to her, the placid woman couldn't help but tense, though she soon relaxed. Perhaps it was more out of instinct then feeling as though she's in constant danger, but its better to be safe then sorry. As the woman speaks Sals triangular ears would twitch briefly, a sigh slipping her silken lips. " No i'm not, but he had treated me just like any of his other children." If not better then some. S'alkrie would still carefully trace the womans features, the beauty just something she felt she couldn't get used to. Her colour was like no other the albino had ever seen before, and well, it was rather admiring. " Did you know him? He really wasn't as bad as wolves made him out to be, i mean, everyone has enemies, right?" So innocent and loyal she was, Her gaze would hungrily search hers, almost hoping she felt the same way. It brought a small frown thinking about how many enemies Isardis truly had.

A chuckle would slip freely from her lips, Jupiter was right though, it really was dangerous to live. " It Seems you like to flirt with the ropes of danger? I'm sure Isardis would have loved you." S'alkrie knew he liked plenty of women, but there was no denying he always had his favourites. " Your fascinating..." Voice like silk, and yet she'd let her words trail of, before continuing. " And if you have room for another in your ranks... then id love to join. Im sure a new beginning will be for the better." She would flick her tail against her heels, how long had Ludicael been going anyway? S'alkrie heard faintly about it when she was just a youth. " Ludicael.. is that your purpose in Alacritis, to see it grow and become powerful?"

image by Luisiana

Jupiter I


7 Years
12-06-2014, 11:03 PM
The woman's question surprises Jupiter with its naivety, with its innocence. Mind clicks at the opportunity presented by this blind loyalty but she suppresses the urge to rush the switch from the woman being a follower of Isardis... to an apostle of her own. Soft smile touches her lips and despite the thoughts lingering on her mind, it is a genuine one. The most minute of laughs, merely a minuscule huff through her nostrils, departs from her.

"Yes, I do." Tone is fond, but not overly so. She puts slight emphasis on that 'do'--he took victory in his fight to the death and still lives. And has likely moved on to to a more deserving "The majority of this land think that anyone that fights is a villain," she says. It comes naturally now, this analysis of Alacritian psychology. Isolation gave her a hefty amount of time for thought. "They preach peace but peace won't defend the things they love." A pause. Gaze trails away. "Isardis fought for things he loved. And things he believed in. And they hated him for that." Perhaps to others those things may have been extreme to fight for at times but every step he took secured the safety of those that he cared for, as far as Jupiter knew.

The compliment is appreciated but it slides past her like water breezing from oiled feathers. She learned early on to not be too swayed by them and the trait had gotten her far--it had kept her out of the sexual reaches of many, and at times the trait had lured a select few closer. "We didn't get to meet often," she responds evenly. Jupiter likes to believe that he thought at least somewhat fondly of her but cannot be entirely certain with how few times they encountered one another. Each time had been pleasant, though, and that's all that she knew. "There is room for you here. Miss...?" Jupiter searches for the pale babe's name evenly, patiently, before continuing to answer her next inquiry.

"A pack of those who will fight for what they love will always grow powerful," she says decidedly. "My purpose is to rule out Ludicael until the end of my days in the same way that I raised it from its beginning." She still has not decided yet on what will happen to Ludicael with her inevitable death--perhaps if it is strong, she will offer it to her son. Maybe. She is uncertain and only the future will aid her in her decision. "Ludicael will always be powerful."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



2 Years
12-13-2014, 01:36 PM

Her ears would once against twitch at the soft [yet assertive] tone of her voice, and well, wasn't it the best choice to stay here if the woman had also believed Isardis wasn't so... evil? He had served a purpose to protect his family, wouldn't Jupiter do the same? " Perhaps it depends what the wolf is fighting for, " It was true, though S'alkrie often thought that the alactrians where to peaceful for there own good, frowning upon any fights heading there way- even if their was a reason behind it. Would Jupiter make a change to alactria? " Would you fight and defend the things you love?to  those who are loyal to you?" S'alkrie knew she'd be able to defend herself, though the thought of having an alpha who cares was still appealing. Isardis was always busy, patrolling, fighting, flirting... it was no surprise most didn't see him very often, though it really didn't matter. He was gone now. As Jupiter would move onto another topic the placid babe knew this would be her opportunity, and it slipped her mind that she didn't even give the alpha her name. She would shake her head, before parting her rosy lips. " Im S'alkrie... And i'd love to stay here." Ludicael. Was this the time for S'alkrie to grow? " The beginning to the end is a long time to rule... did you win every challenge against you?" S'alkrie always thought alphas where challenged often and one day they would fall. Did Jupiter?

image by Luisiana

OOC: Id love for her to be a warrior, but i won't be able to finish any fights this week coming as i have to prepare for my holiday next saturday! If she needs to prove herself im happy to spar when i come back:3

Jupiter I


7 Years
12-20-2014, 02:15 PM
( sorry for the wait. <3 are you free to spar soon? you don't have to worry about defaults or anything--i have all the time in the world, and it'll only be two non-judged rounds. )

She shakes her head firmly. "Maybe it does. But family isn't something you let go." She'd made that mistake. She'd let her children drift away and now she had no idea where Ananke or Aegira was. Her little girls. They could be dead or injured somewhere and she would never know because she'd been too caught up in making them safe to raise them. And it had all been in vain. The question wakes her from her reverie and her visage steels.

"I have. And I will. I fought a man to the death to defend my children, my family. The Destructions that now lie, cowardly, in the Mangroves I defended for them for years. And that betrayal has cost them their freedom as long as I rule." Voice is hard, cold, unforgiving. Song betrayed her trust and had forsaken everything she'd ever given them. And now they would pay tenfold for it.

She takes in the woman's name and puts it to heart. "S'alkrie. A lovely name." Unique, fitting. Ear flicks at the inconsistency in the woman's words. "I lost Ludicael only to sickness, when I left to quarantine myself to keep the disease from reaching my children and the others in the pack." A pause. "I fought and emerged victorious against two wolves to gain Ludicael. Most of the wolves here came from a faraway land after a volcanic eruption--I have lived here for before them. And they tried to claim my homeland--the Mangroves. So I kept them from it." Gaze wavers in focus as the memories sweep over her. "I killed Kaios to defend Ludicael. And I fought off a male who challenged for Ludicael, also." The woman returns to focus with a small smile. "So, yes. I have."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



2 Years
12-29-2014, 08:55 AM

S'alkrie would watch the queen carefully, the sudden [yet brief] change in expression making the placid babe curious, though she could only wonder what she was thinking about. The orange woman was right, family isn't something you let go easly, and S'alkrie could only wonder what it was like to have them present. The next question would be answered, the little story interesting, though Sal knew this would have most likely have taken place before she was even born, or to young to remember. Who was the man she had bested in battle to defend her children? what kind of threat did he hold upon them? She figured it would be to rude to ask. Her ears would twitch at the talk of Destructions, shocking no doubt. " The Destructions? A family so big, it's a surprise they would cower so easily." Though Jupiter was right to steal away their freedom, but in the future would the pack be able to hold so many prisoners?

It became clear this woman had lived many years protecting Ludicael, and S'alkrie had finally found a home. Though questions remained, like why did the Destructions decide to betray her trust, would be kept aside. Ah, Kaios. So that's the man she had taken down. The lands of alactria where rather dull as of late, but what was it like living here all those years ago? S'alkrie didn't simply want to be a commoner here, she wanted to make a name for herself, so she would quickly speak up before their little meeting was over. " I'd like to request the rank of warrior, to help protect Ludicael." 

Round 0/2 for Rank

image by Luisiana

Jupiter I


7 Years
12-29-2014, 07:36 PM

She snorts in agreement at the woman's response. "Likely because they've never felt the fear of being unprotected and small because of me." She'd nurtured them when they were are their beginnings and most vulnerable, before the rest came and while the pups were only just born. Next words appeal to her brilliantly and the woman grins.

What wonderful therapy she has given to herself. The battles of entry her warriors put themselves through satiate the tingling for blood that consistently plagues her paws. Defenses shift--toes spread, claws seek the earth, bent legs equally distribute her weight. Jaw drops slightly before the upper base of her throat, head and tail aligning with her spine. Neck scrunches. Ears pin and eyes narrow, curled like the wicked grin that draws her mouth taut. Hackles raise slowly as her veins sing with anticipation.

"Very well," she croons. And then, immediately, she lunges.

She seeks to meet the other head-on, trying to close the distance in one solid stride. Right shoulder throws forward, front right paw seeking to remain grounded as she does this. She seeks to slam it into the inner-left side of S'alkrie's chest, hoping to wind the woman. Jupiter's front left paw raises and she distributes her balance as she attempts to hook the paw around the right side of the other's front right foreleg, hoping to catch and jerk the appendage towards her to throw her off balance.

Parted jaws seek the top of the left side of the other's neck, just below the base of the jaw. Lower teeth seek to hook near the front of the woman's throat, but purposefully just short of anything vital. She merely wishes to test the other's ability to defend her vitals--something every warrior needed to know.

round 1/2

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



2 Years
01-03-2015, 09:19 AM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2015, 09:20 AM by S'alkrie. Edit Reason: To put in rounds )
As soon as S'alkrie requested to become a warrior she knew she'd have to prove her place. Instantly, she would set out all of her defenses: Ears pinned, eyes slit, weight evenly distributed, claws dug in ground for more stability, muscles tensed, tail tucked, legs bent slightly, teeth bared, hackles raised, chin tucked. Jupiter would make the first move, and as she did so S'alkrie would attempt to step to her own left, in the hopes of minimizing damage. But the girl was not quite so successful, Jupiter's right shoulder hitting instead against the front of S'alkries right shoulder. The damage wasn't serious, a bruise would blossom later on. Due to S'alkrie moving, she had given Jupiter easier access to her own right forepaw. S'alkrie would readjust her weight on all four limbs to remain balanced, she would feel her queen attempt to swipe her forelimb from beneath her, but S'alkrie would only stumble before  quickly rebalancing herself.

The albino would launch her own attacks. As Jupiter aimed for S'alkries left side of the neck, the youth would attempt to lower her cranium down at the same time, doing so, Jupiter would instead skim S'alkrie's left cheek and bridge of the nose, causing a sting and blood to just reach the surface. S'alkrie would aim to bite down on Jupiter's right shoulder, top set of teeth aiming to pierce the centre of Jupiter's shoulder near the top, while her bottom set of teeth aim to land at the bottom of Jupiter's right sided neck, right next to the shoulder. While doing so, S'alkrie would attempt to raise her right forepaw, aiming to slam it down on Jupiter's right forepaw to hopefully sprain, wishing to cause no serious damage. 

Round 1/2

OOC: sorry if this doesn't make sense, im still sick in bed haha. Pm me for questions on their positions or anything:)

Jupiter I


7 Years
01-05-2015, 04:11 PM
(( I think positioning got a little weird because of the way S'alk moved and the way you took damage. o; Jupiter's right shoulder still hit S'alk's right shoulder but her teeth still grazed the left side of S'alk's cheek, and then S'alk went for Jup's right shoulder. Which feels really weird because with the angling of Jup's somewhat successful attack, I think that would mean she would somehow have to like... get over Jup's head to reach the shoulder? Not a judged fight though so I'm just going with it, haha. Posting right before work so rushing a little, sorry. D; ))

Teeth seek her shoulder and she gives them--as much as she can. Jupiter aims to tilt the shoulder blade inward and shove it as deep as possible before the woman's teeth can do much more than scratch, attempting to gag her with her own target (counter). To throw force into this move, her front paws slide slightly forward as she braces herself, causing the other's claws to graze the right side of her right ankle with little damage.

As S'alkrie's head lowers to reach for her shoulder, Jupiter lunges for the woman's forehead, cocking her head to her own right. Jaws gape as her top teeth reach for the let side of S'alkrie's brow, just above the eye, her lower teeth seeking the same area on the right side of the other's ace. She wishes to show the woman the error of her ways in leaving her head so exposed with the tactic of fear--by showing that if she had wished, she could have easily taken both of the other's eyes.

Toes remained spread, claws seek traction, bent legs equally spread her weight. Head aligns with her spine and tail flags naturally for balance. Neck scrunches with ease and shoulders roll forward. Ears pin and eyes narrow with faux aggression. Hackles remained raised.

round 2/2

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.