
Hang me up on your wall to keep me out of trouble



5 Years
Athena I
01-08-2015, 12:00 AM

ooc: Just gonna say she's been den bound for a while with some kind of sickness cause idk xD

The sun felt fantastic on her coat. It felt like she hadn't seen the outdoors in ages, but finally she felt well enough to be out around the others again. She had keeping herself sectioned off from the rest of the family, not wanting them to catch whatever she had. She wasn't entirely sure what she had, but it hadn't been pleasant. She sat on the top deck of the large structure that Lel had moved them to, the sun shining down on her monotone coat and the cold breeze ruffling her fur. She sighed contently and closed her ice-blue gaze while she simply enjoyed being out in the early spring day. Of course it was still cold out since they were in the north, but it wasn't as frigid as it had been recently.

Opening her eyes again she glanced around, wondering where her kids and mate could be. And Callisto. Her dark ears flicked black at the thought of the dark woman that had given birth to her children's half-siblings. A sigh passed her lips and she brushed away her train of thought. Not now. No, right now all she wanted to do was see Lel and Lian and Zola. She tipped her head back and let out a howl, calling any of them that might be around to come spend time with her. As her call faded into an echo she glanced down at herself, realizing that in her sickness she had lost a good bit of weight. In fact from certain angles you would think she was just skin and bones. She quickly shook out her fur and tried to groom down where it was stuck up in some places. Jeeze, she was a wreck.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
01-09-2015, 07:52 PM
Zola and he had been off practicing their hunting skills, finding quickly that their teamwork was much more successful than hunting alone. He enjoyed the added time he got with his sister as well, knowing how well they worked together was even better. They were obviously nowhere near an expert level, but after flushing a few quail from the snow-littered grasses they had enough for a couple of mouthfuls for their parents.

Though he wished to bring back their hard won catch he still felt an urge to down the meal that he and Zola had caught together, he might have to if he hadn't heard his mother's call from the den. Instantly abandoning temptation the pale boy would take off after smiling slyly at his litter mate. He had the quail in his jaws, holding it like the prize that it was he would lead the way to their mother.

Navigating the ship had become second nature to him, easily he would wind through the hallways and different rooms to the deck where Jian stood. His black tipped tail would wag excitedly as he approached her, dropping the measly bird at her feet. "Ma! Are you feeling better?" He would question after greeting her, moving forward to nuzzle her.


01-09-2015, 09:11 PM

Zola would wag her tail at the quail they had caught. She noticed Lian's temptation in to eating it and catching more for their parents. It wouldn't be too hard if they worked together, but before he could take a bite from it a familiar call would send the two with a more than excited reaction.

Jian was back on her feet again.

Lian would pick up the little meal and look back at Zola with almost the same expression she had, maybe even more grateful than her. And she would follow after him a little slower since she couldn't run as fast as he could. She probably had a better sense of locating their den, it was basically her sanctuary. If she ever felt any kind of true danger, she could spot it's scent from a million miles away.

She would follow her brother up the ship and onto the deck, she wasn't too familiar with the deck herself but she knew how to get up here. Lian had already dropped his prize at their mother's paws when she had finally caught up. And quickly she would run over and brush up against her leg like she was still just a tiny little pup. But she was well over that size and probably pushing her mother over. She wouldn't realize how much skinnier she was until then...

"Are you ready to stay with us again?"

Gods she hoped so... Maybe Jian could understand the way she felt about the little demons...

Walk "Talk" Think