


01-09-2015, 12:33 AM
Alright, so a note. I spoke with Tea about Theisinova's bands and she had been accepted before the no band rule had been put into place and would get reaccepted with them. If there is a major issue with this, however I will edit her appearance to get rid of the bands. Thank you.

Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 22

Character's Name: Theisinova Cathal
Character Age: 1 Year
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 27"
Appearance Description:

Theisinova is a smaller she-wolf, much like her mother before her. She’ll come to stand at twenty-seven inches when fully grown and weigh in at 77lbs. This will make Nova just a bit larger than her mother overall, though not a particularly threatening wolf. Her muscles will be very lean and light, though her legs will be a bit longer and more muscled than the rest of her body. Her muzzle will also be shorter, with a lightly curved body that hints at her feminism. All in all her build is very similar to her mother’s own, save for her size being just a bit bigger.

In terms of her coat Nova has a shorter than average coat, making it harder for her to stay warm in colder places. This girl will favor the warmer months of summer, sticking closer to the south where she was born. She carries herself with both a bit of caution and pride, with head held high, though her gaze follows just about any wolf. She is, in fact, born blind in her left eye, a milky film covering the seagreen color that it would have been otherwise.

As for the rest of her coat Theisinova’s body is a base of a creamy tan-brown. Golden-cream coats her undersides, while tan can be found covering her face in a mask, much like her mother’s own, her right leg which ends with the base coat color, and a band of the color on her front left leg. Her left paws are both white, the only trace of her mother’s main coat on her body. Her tail tip, ears, and bridge of her nose are a dark tan-brown than the base coat, adding a couple more markings to this femme’s body.

[Image: theisinova_by_reflectedmemories-d7oi6c9.png]

Proof of Purchases: //

Slot Tracker [21/22 In Use]

-1st Character Slot [In Use By Sequoyah Cypress Dominique-Netonya]
-2nd Character Slot [In Use By Akemi Miu Hróðvitnisdottir]
-3rd Character Slot [In Use By Allen Walker]
-4th Character Slot [In Use By Arietta]
-5th Character Slot [In Use By Biull Latchme]
-6th Character Slot [In Use By Forbidden Destruction]
-7th Character Slot [In Use By Einarr Akemason]
-8th Character Slot [In Use By Ellis Cathal]
-9th Character Slot [In Use By Emery]
-10th Character Slot [In Use By Félicien Ambroise Desgroire]
-11th Character Slot [In Use By Hypnos Olympus]
-12th Character Slot [In Use By Kar Savvil] First Paid Slot
-13th Character Slot [In Use By Theisinova Cathal] Second Paid Slot *HERE*
-14th Character Slot [In Use By Lior Carlier] Third Paid Slot
-15th Character Slot [In Use By Naoise Sorrell Savvil] Fourth Paid Slot
-16th Character Slot  [In Use By Pamela Arrow] Fifth Paid Slot
-17th Character Slot [In Use By Ritsuka ‘Legend’ Alaric] Sixth Paid Slot
-18th Character Slot [In Use By Svetlana Xanilov] Seventh Paid Slot
-19th Character Slot [In Use By Thanatos Adravendi] Eighth Paid Slot
-20th Character Slot [In Use By Shrike Destruction] Ninth Paid Slot
-21st Character Slot [In Use By Arisu Xhorian] Tenth Paid Slot
-22nd Character Slot {OPEN} Eleventh Paid Slot


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