
never mess with fire or you could just be burnt


05-26-2013, 10:04 AM
victory such bitter taste, and yet so sweet upon the crimson tongue, as the sheer taste of her opponent would run, still warm, down the banshee's ravenous throat. her breast would heave in sheer frenzy as they would pull away, her slithering tongue caressing the line of the bloodied lips as such stinging ache would every so often peel the form of her maw, shattering it into a thousand wrinkles of ire. Since yesterday it happened; victory ran in her veins with the chaotic triumph.

she was a fire-breathing creature, a lost soul of sheer distraught, bathed in the boiling fires of hell itself, brought back by demons from her penitence, if only to torture those that had dared put her in such misery. Striding forth to the borders the strong pistons thump the ground with the elegance a woman should behold; restoring the free sensations the siren had brutally be snatched away of. It was time to put the past behind and start a new; to stop clasping those ivory fangs on the innocent and start using them against the worst. Siobhan had it all. The beauty and intellegance. For her to just waste it all away on a pitful night. But now, she will use it to her side and seek what she's looking for. A home.

the days, no doubt, had grown quieter as they passed. once the air had seemed dim, and thick, and asphyxiating against her curvaceous sides as the weight of this entire land would seem to rest upon each bone of hers, weakening her muscles, clouding her brain. It was just illusions. Illusions can get the better of most. But not Siobhan. Now now. Slightly out of there lands she'd wait for a soul to seek her out. The scent of waxy rose petals would lead the way.


05-29-2013, 02:25 PM

Distracted was an understatement when it came to the young prince's state of mind lately. He'd managed to shirk off just about every responsibility that could possibly come his way, and had been very despondent. Most - he assumed - would think it was just his teenage years hitting him hard and fast, but in reality he was regretfully counting down the days until life as he knew it was over. His wedding was creeping up on him like a puma, threatening to pounce and rip out his throat. Well, that wasn't exactly a positive way to think of things, was it? He shook his head violently as he slipped from his makeshift den in the forest. The meadow was just to his left, but he didn't feel like going there and having to dodge the black bull his father had warned him about. That creature needed to die, and Maverick wanted to be a part of his funeral.

The darker side of the boy had emerged ever since he'd fought Frino, and he had a feeling it wasn't planning on retreating anytime soon. Lip curled up into a feigned snarl. He liked the tougher side of himself. He only wished Syrinx could see him now. Syrinx. Epiphron. His heart fell into his stomach. Why did he have to think about her every day of his life? Hadn't they ended things? He was marrying her sister and that was that. His father would not change his mind. There would be no miracles. Life was over.

Maverick's nostrils would twitch restlessly as a foreign scent drifted toward him. In a flash he was off, weaving through the trees like an acrobat. He knew this land like the back of his paw. Immediately he would stiffen, his head taking position well above the line of his spine and his tail flagging upward in a display of dominance. His face held no inkling of charisma or joy, but instead remained stoic and unreadable. "State your business with Seracia." The stranger had not called out and announced herself, and therefore was assumed to be a threat. The Prince watched, wary of her presence and the fact that he was very much alone. On impulse his head would tilt upward a few degrees to offer a beckoning bark, hoping someone might be nearby and could back him up.



05-29-2013, 03:29 PM

carnal passion resides within her very frame, flooding the wine of her life, pulsating across each vein of hers. From fire she was born and so the babe burns.. Beauifully and freely. It was the joy of the foreign smells that made Siobhan wandering more. The sight of another soon interested the firey pelted woman alot, oh who could it be. "Ooo look who it is.. The young prince" She would hiss in the twisted mind the serpetines sliding across the thoughts, oh how interesting. No no, siobhan isnt brutal or in the seductive feeling; shed never dare touch a hair on that masculine frame. It was lust, hate and even love; the sheer existance that brought the brute of a woman here. The hate would thrive on the aching heart and the love would claw away to the womans souless life. She's returned for her daughter and damn right wont let her fall out of the grasp so easily.. not again, not after being separated by the fire. " My buisness is to only join the pack.. You must be the prince ive heard so kindly about? The names Siobhan." Sultry italian sweep the lobes; poised to perfection. The devil has risen.



3 Years
06-01-2013, 12:46 PM

The gray and faded red wolf had found herself wandering near the borders more and more often as of late. She wasn't entirely sure why; perhaps it was the tempting new opportunities that the lands outside of Seracia offered, or perhaps it was simply that she liked those areas. Their new homeland was a strange place compared to the Delta that had once been their home before the drought had hit. It was still taking Kamala time to get used to it, this strange land.

But when the sound of her brother's bark echoed in Kamala's ears, Kamala adjusted her path immediately, breaking into a lope as she crossed the distance between herself and the source of that call. As she moved swiftly forward, the scent of another wolf, a stranger, reached her nose. Her nostrils twitched as she felt her muzzle wrinkling up slightly, but her expression was smoothed by the time that she reached her brother and the strange red wolf.

"Maverick, Madam." Kamala greeted her brother smoothly, glancing at him curiously, a questioning expression on her features as she flicked her gaze meaningfully towards the red wolf. What was going on? Why had this wolf come to their borders? To join, perhaps? But if that was the case, why had Kamala not heard a howl to summon someone to the edge of their lands? Whatever was going on, Kamala would back her brother up for sure.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


06-01-2013, 02:00 PM

The high octive of another would trace the visage before twisting its way into the lobes of the devil. What an interesting looking wolf. Its as if she has the markings of a deer on one of the hind legs. But is her personality as interesting as she looks? silence, some would say, is the most precious song for one?s soul to feel. And yet for this femme, it would seem to be far, far from it. Ever since the departation from her beloved pup shes never quite felt the same, but who could blame her.
A smile, so soft it would stay on the foreprint of the mind, innocently. But is it really? The Hell fire would bow to the two tucking in one ligement to the madonnas breasts. " Kamala..." The words would be reborn from parted more the sweet italian so seething, twisted to strive towards the two. Most would wonder how Siobhan would know the womans name.. But its simply by listening to newcomers she simply finds out. Getting back up to the regular stance the woman would watch the two, keeping a respectable distance.



06-03-2013, 08:15 PM

Maverick was unnerved, mostly by the fact that the woman had not announced her presence. Still, his inner self told him that a woman was less of a threat. He knew that women were easily as much of a threat - if not more so, but it was often quite difficult to convince himself of such knowledge. He wondered if any would come, and stood silently as the russet she-wolf explained her reason for being there. She meant to join. Immediately he relaxed, though some part of him remained on guard. That part had been awakened since his spar with Frino, and he doubted it would slumber anytime soon. He liked it, this new found side of himself. "I am the Prince," he would say with an ounce of pride slathered on top. There were many perks that came with the rank of Prince, but equal to those perks - or perhaps even outweighing them - were the disadvantages, one of which being his upcoming wedding.

Kamala would come then, and show herself graciously. Lime eyes shot to her with a smile. Along with the smile he would offer a rather uncertain word, hoping to hint at the feeling he was getting during this meeting. "Sister," He sidestepped toward her casually, hoping to both promote their united front and keep his sister nearby. He loved her more than anything in the world, and would never wish to see harm come to her. "Tell us a little about yourself, Siobhan." The Prince intended to find out a little bit more about this woman and why she was giving off uncertain vibes.




3 Years
06-07-2013, 06:59 PM

Maverick's greeting was a comfort, uncertain though it was. Something about this meeting was a little . . . off. "Mav," Kamala would mutter, pressing herself against her brother. The two would present a solid front to this strange female, hopefully. Together, they would be able to handle this female, though she made Kamala feel a little . . . twitchy, almost. She was a far cry from Fenrir, the wolf that Kamala had only recently welcomed at the border. But Kamala wasn't entirely sure what it was that made her feel on edge. Maybe it was just that Maverick seemed on edge, and that was rubbing off on her. He was her brother, after all.

The sound of her name being spoken by such a foreign figure made Kamala twitch, her ears flicking as she turned her gaze towards the other wolf, inclining her head slightly even as she turned towards the other. However on edge that made her feel, that this stranger knew her name, she would do her best not to let onto it. "Greetings," Kamala spoke lightly, "I am Kamala, you are correct." There, she fell silent, allowing Maverick to speak.

His words were strong, leaving Kamala with little to say, but she nodded all the same, pressing close to her brother. She had missed spending time with him. He was her best friend, after all. And especially now that she hadn't seen Valkis in a little while, she had missed Maverick.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.