


11-30-2014, 03:40 PM

With Drashiel and Greek at her sides, she'd left Regium's lands and head eastward. Rumors had been flying that her father's sun had challenged for a pack- and   w o n.  Curiosity pulled at her- and she spoke to her pair as they traveled. "From what I know of Jupiter- she was allied with Father. She was present at the siege meeting." She noted casually. The party moved at an easy pace- a pace she didn't doubt that had been set by her mate. She hadn't mentioned to him- her pregnancy, a fact that she was now certain of but she had little doubt that he somehow knew, even if it was only his instincts that told him something was different about her. She'd step closer to him, trying to brush against his shoulder, both to comfort herself- and to perhaps ease any worries he could feeling. They'd be alright. She was sure of it. 

Greek grumbled at her other side and she glanced down at him. She wasn't sure how well her companion and her mate got along- but she'd asked Greek to come. Sometimes his smart ass humor made situations at little less tense. 

As the trio arrived at the borders of the pack-lands, Roman halted a respectful distance from it. Tilting her head back she let out a call for the Queen, and waited for Jupiter to make her appearance. She sank back to her own haunches, resting against the ground, a pleasant expression on her face. At the very least, she hoped this meeting would shed some light on who this "sun" of her father's was- and what her pack was like. 
Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 

for miss. jup and any other wolves whom appear? c; Roman would like to get to know Jup. 



2 Years
11-30-2014, 03:49 PM

Leaving the pack in the care of the beta's Drashiel and his Queen took to the task of diplomacy.  Their pack was moving along rather sluggishly, something the new King hoped to rectify in the coming months but at the moment it was imperitave to learn where Regium stood with other packs as well as if any allies could be made.  In particular was… well… the fact that Drashiel wanted to start a family.  Having pups to care for and protect had him nervous.  He could not stop imagining threats and was playing things far more cautiously than he'd ever had before.  Did Isardis feel this way at all when he'd had his first litter?  Hmm… some how Drashiel rather doubted that.

Emerald eyes turned to Roman as she spoke.  Jupiter, the Queen of Ludicael and the wolf they sought was a potential ally and one Roman apparently knew.  Drashiel tried to trace his memory back but without a visual he wasn't sure if he'd seen the woman or not.  

Roman brushed lightly against his shoulder and he leaned slightly into the touch, to deepen it even if it was only for a moment.  Roman howled the call and moved to lie down but Drashiel insisted on standing.  His stance was relaxed, tail down and non-threatening but the male felt more secure on his feet.  It put him in a better position to defend Roman in case any of Ludicael's pack members were bite-happy.



Jupiter I


7 Years
12-01-2014, 06:01 PM
Border patrol has always appealed to Jupiter. Many a night had been spent roaming the scent-marked lines in the older days. Something about the rhythm of her paws on a set path soothed her along with the knowledge of the going-ons in her beloved territory. She proves conveniently near to the two when one calls and, interest piqued, she heads with a professional swiftness towards her arrivals.

The Mangrove's busyness proves a source of relief for the woman. She looks forward to replacing her unwilling prisoners, one-by-one, with thriving and committed members. Audit flicks as she picks her way through the white mangroves and into view, stance affable but reflective of her elevated stature on her own territory. Orbs draw in the pair, recognizing neither of them as far as she can recall.

"Greetings," comes her affable rumble. Neither smell of rogues and she wonders, idly, what wayward set of diplomats have knocked upon her doors today. "Jupiter Illiadis, Sol of Ludicael. Your business?" No negativity reflects in her tone--only a professional firmness and will to cut to the point.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


12-02-2014, 03:43 PM

 It isn't long to wait, not that any time really matters to her. She's comfortable where she rests. Her king gives her more comfort as he poses a watchful eye over her- and Greek is close to her side. She pushes herself to a sitting position as a bright colored wolf approaches, one that she recognizes as she draws nearer. The Queen or Sol as the lady introduces herself and her rank. Roman inclines her head slightly, a sign of respect- as she treads dangerously close to the other Queen's borders. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Illiadis. I am Roman Armada, Queen of Regium- and this is my King- Drashiel Armada." She introduces her party- pausing to give her king a slight smile. She admires the Sol's desire to get to the point- and she speaks again. "We're traveling around hoping to establish whom the leaders of other packs are- as well as any potential relationships with them." She explained with a slight smile, her voice relaxed. Greek moves at her feet- letting out a slightly annoyed grumble. "Aye- rumor has it you claimed this pack- and made prisoners of the wolves that lived here?" Greek prattles as he scuttled forward. Roman flashes her paw out- warningly placing it on her companions tail- and she presses it against the ground. Rolling her eyes, she addresses the Sol. "Though my companion is  bit brash- I'm also curious to know if those rumors are true?" 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 

Jupiter I


7 Years
12-04-2014, 05:07 PM
Interest ascends beyond previously-known heights at those carefully-formed syllables of introduction as she latches onto that desired surname. Little do they know that they have forever doomed themselves to expectations soaring skyward for that last name. "A pleasure." She finds eyes for Roman and Roman alone, figuring that she is the one who bears the greatest of his genes--the other is either a child who inherited none of his looks or an adopted one--and sees the albino beast filling her paws. Soft smirk crawls across taut lips and she merely chuckles lightly when the small creature bursts with curiosity and she shakes her head with empathy.

"No worries," comes her affable rumble as she spares a distantly fond smile. "My friend was just as curious when he was younger--but grumpier, fatter, and with more of a temper." Idly, Jupiter wonders where he is today. Near, no doubt, but likely occupied. Gaze returns to the pale femme, sparing only a glance at the male at her side.

"You hear correctly," she responds, voice even and betraying little emotion. "They are free to leave," she says slowly, almost a bit craftily, a scorn-edged amusement trickling into her tone, "if they attempt to fight for their freedom." A shrug rolls her shoulder. "But none of them are willing. A pity." Soft snort huffs from nares. "So if they don't value their freedom, I'm happy to keep track of it for them." Smirk returns and, casually, she concludes her explanation with, "I have returned the pack I founded to its rightful home and place--I feel as if it'll be nostalgic to have the Destruction family back in the place I guarded them for years."

There's something obviously twisted about it all--malicious, almost, but she speaks with the tone of someone discussing average weather patterns. Beyond her current words, she feels no need to explain herself to them and it's obvious that no guilt weighs upon her mind at their imprisonment. One day, they would learn that fighting for something you love is not villainy. Their pacifism and lack of action will condemn them, she is certain. Life will give them ultimatums and things to sacrifice to save something else and their indecision will take everything from them. But, hey--at least they could say they were the "good guys" about it, right?

Ear flicks. "What does Regium value, if I may inquire?"

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


12-06-2014, 01:58 PM

Roman Armada was no stranger to being in the spotlight when it came to other rulers. She'd ruled alone long enough- that she learned to stand alone. When Jupiter spoke, she didn't miss a beat in realizing that the words were for her more than her companions- and she found it interesting. What drove the sunset colored Sol? With her paw on Greek's tail, she regrets bringing him along for a moment. Normally she'd appreciate his brash words and curiosity- for he saw things in a different light than she did. The Sol didn't seem phased, in fact it seemed that her expression softened some as she spoke. Roman let out a light chuckle, releasing her hold on her friend- as Jupiter spoke. She wondered what kind of companion the Sol had. It seemed companions said a lot about their wolf friends. "He's as curious as they come." Roman says with a warm look at her friend. Greek nods slightly, sparing a slightly disdainful look at his tail, and he stares up- his eyes round and fixated on the Sol when she speaks again. 

Roman listens, and is surprised with how much like her father that Jupiter seems. She would picture Isardis keeping 'track of others freedoms'- Gods, they're quite alike. It's a fact she states, as Jupiter's tale comes to a close. "You remind me of my father, Isardis- in that feat. It's admirable, Miss Illidias." She says simply. She isn't trying to suck up- Roman doesn't need too. She's just appreciative that in the moment, she can remember her dad's sheer power. 

A silence fills the air- and Jupiter speaks. Asking what Regium's values are. These are the questions in which Roman shines. They are emotionally charged so to speak, and she can't stumble on her lack of social skills. "Regium values power and ambition. First and fore-most. We make decisions that are in the best interest of staying in power, and keeping our pack respected and feared. I like wolves who seek to be powerful- not lazy fiends. " She pauses. "I recently took over from my sister, Athena- who is a bit softer than I am in her rule, and then took my King.  Needless to say- we've had our work cut out from us. Building an empire out of ashes... Well we like a challenge." She's careful with what she says, and is aware that she nearly throws her sister under a bear so to speak. However, she utters the truth- Athena was nicer than Roman. Roman lived purely for power, and Athena gave up that power to be a Mom. It was... an interesting way to describe the sisters. Regium was small- but it was steadily growing, perhaps more with pups than anything else but finding wolves up to the standards they needed... had proven to be a wee difficult.  She would glance at Drashiel, to see if he had anything to add, before turning her attention back to the Sol. "What does Ludiceal value?" 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 



2 Years
12-06-2014, 04:15 PM

Drashiel stood still as stone, allowing the cool winter breeze flow through his coat.  They did not have to wait long for an answer as the alphess of Ludicael, Jupiter Illiadis appeared.  Drashiel let Roman take the lead.  He'd never really spoken with this woman and knew next to nothing about her.  The King dipped his head in greeting as he was introduced but stood back and let the women work out the details as it certainly seemed they had a bit in common.

Drashiel chuckled at Jupiter's comment about the cowards being to afraid to even try for their freedom.  How pathetic.  He surely would've thought freedom was something worth fighting for.  At least the pack was now in more capable paws.

Roman spoke of Regium's values and he nodded as she glanced at him.  "Indeed, our goal is gain the respect of Alacritis, through fear if it comes to that.  We value hard-work and ambition.  We seek self-motivated members and allies.  Respect is very important to the health of Regium, to higher-ranked members and to allies alike."

The question turned to the Ludicael Queen and Drashiel listened intently for her response.


Jupiter I


7 Years
12-09-2014, 08:05 PM
As if summoned the companion soon arrives as soon as Roman speaks. The dark form releases no utterance as he slips to her side like a shadow, the tasmanian devil settling on his haunches with his side pressed firmly against her left foreleg. Warily, he gazes at the two, and Jupiter spares him but an acknowledging flick of the tail, all other attentions still remaining on her visitors. Mercury's vision is soon captured by the small creature clinging to Roman and his beady black eyes make an attempt to stare intimidatingly into its soul. Note: attempt.

Soft smirk touches her visage. "Your father is a great man. I'm flattered." There's something about her demeanor that signifies that she wasn't one of his stands--perhaps it is the quality of the fondness in her tone, more neutral than adoring, more professional than swooning. Politely, quietly, like a true queen versed in politics by experience, she harks as to Regium's values and draws satisfaction from the explanation. Gaze turns to Drashiel, having admittedly nearly forgotten about his existence--such was the extent to which the Armadian daughter had captured her mischievous intention. She offers a nod to him before addressing them both.

"Ludicael values those willing to fight for what they believe in, for who they love--not petty dogs sitting on thrones, preaching peace and sacrificing what they care about for their own reputation as a pacifist." Soft snort bursts from her. "I don't have to worry about power--power comes naturally to those willing to fight." This is not meant as a condescending comment; it proves as merely a confident one, even a complimentary one that says that Roman doesn't need to worry about striving for that power--it will come. Wicked smile finds her features. "We will get along well, I think."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


12-11-2014, 02:41 PM

Greek's pale green eyes widen as a creature approaches, and he stares at him. He wasn't as pretty as Greek was- he had beady black eyes, but Greek was at a loss in knowing what exactly the creature was. He stared, rather unafraid of the creature, his eyes hard and wide. Sitting back on his hind legs, he stood up slightly on his paws, his head tilted to the left as he studied the companion. His tail twitched behind him, back and forth, finally released from the grasp of his mistress. Letting out a slightly disdainful snort, he stares at the creature, baring his gums to reveal his teeth in a nearly teasing gesture. His attention is captured again as the mistress of Ludicael speaks-- and his attention quickly goes back to the creature by the Ludiceal Sol. "Your name?" He inquires. "I am Greek." He goes on to introduce himself, then waits to see if the beast will speak. He found this talk of politics boring- and was more curious to who this creature before him was. 

Roman nods at the Sol's words about her father. It is a repetition of facts that Roman is very aware of- it is his reputation that she is determined to live up too. As Roman talks about Regium, and then lets Drashiel add his piece, she watches the Sol with a studious look. Her ivory eye-lids flutter over her violet eyes, as the Sol speaks again, answering Roman's earlier question about her own empire's values. A slight smile pulls and builds over her jaws as Jupiter speaks. Truly she would have been attracted to the woman's empire if she wasn't so determined to lead. Her ear flicks, as the Sol snorts and Roman nods slightly. She listens intently to her words, unsure if they are a compliment or simply a statement of fact, but she takes them- she will dwell on them later. Jupiter speaks, saying she thinks they would get along, and a soft chuckle bubbles in Roman's throat. The tone is a melody that spills forth into serious laughter. "I have no doubts." Roman said, accepting the values of Ludicael with a solemn nod. She is confident that their values nearly compliment one another. 

But what of their packs- would they simply be neutral or would they grow to alliances? It was true that Roman would only seek alliances with the stronger packs in the lands- it wouldn't do her well to ally with someone who was weak. "What kind of relationships with other packs, do you seek?" Roman inquires curiously. Would this ruler only want to remain neutral with these other packs until such a reason is given to be an enemy? 
Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 

Jupiter I


7 Years
12-20-2014, 01:46 PM
The beast broods even after the other creature speaks, lips curled upwards to reveal yellowed ivories. Small round ears tip slowly against his skull, still wary of the other's teasing gesture. Jupiter notices the exchange from her peripherals and uses the side of her paw to gently give the brute a minute and pointed push before putting her attention back on Roman.

"Mercury," she responds grudgingly, sending a slight glare up to his beloved companion. Nostrils flare and his neck cranes as he seeks to take in the other's scent from afar once more. Nose wrinkles. "Whadd'are'ya, anyway?" he inquires unceremoniously, lowly.

Jupiter listens to her potential ally's question with intrigue and interest. Her answer is instant. "With Regium, complete and utter sisterhood." Wicked grin crawls across her features. That much she is sure of. She ponders for a moment. "I will not negotiate with packs not willing to fight for what they believe in. What are your relations with other packs?"

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


01-10-2015, 06:31 PM


Greek's right eat flicked slightly as he heard the name of the funny looking creature. Mercury.... what a curious name. The other creature's voice seemed gruff, not at all like his own eloquent speech. Greek's tail flicked with distaste. How did this creature not know what he was?! "I am a Fossa." He spoke clearly, in his dignified manner. "What are you?" He slightly resembled a wully badger, but he didn't have the long nose nor the right colors. He also resembled a bear cub. How odd. Greek's grayish-brown color was typical of his breed, but his dark green eyes were not. Surely any socialized wolf would recognize a Fossa! 

At Jupiter's words and smile, Roman feels a bubbling sense of pride. She'd accomplished what she'd hope too. "I foresee a bright future ahead of us." She nodded, accepting Jupiter's words, and pondered her question for only a moment. "We have no standing allies nor enemies. The former Covari leader, Viridiana is the only wolf I profess as an enemy- for now at least. Surely... I'll get bored and make another." She spoke, a wicked smirk lighting her jaws. "I am a bit picky as to whom I will take as an ally." She added as an afterthought. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak  

Jupiter I


7 Years
01-10-2015, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2015, 08:09 PM by Jupiter I.)
The companion's nose wrinkles until it can't scrunch with distaste any further. How could she not know of one of the most fearful creatures in the animal kingdom? No other beast could get the most biting pressure out of his side like he could. He's probably eaten little shits like this 'Fossa' for breakfast in the past and this little rat doesn't even know what he is? Unbelievable! "Tasmanian devil." His response is curt and condescending as he shifts his weight. "You look like an otter kicked out of the water for being kinda ugly." The small creature is fortunate that Jupiter is not paying attention--he's sure that she would have given him a good smack upside the head. So as long as she isn't paying attention, he has free reign to be an absolute brat, which doesn't happen often. He's enjoying it.

Oh, how she enjoys this woman's company. Her grin is uncontrollable. "Agreed." A pause. "Were you too part of the siege that was ruined by cowardice?" she inquires in an amused purr. How interesting it'd be if they'd already seen each other once before. "I'm pleased that I meet your picky requirements." Tone proves playful.

The Sol heaves herself to her paws, hiding the slight pain in her joints as she does so, inflicted by sitting for so long. She finds it difficult to sit or lay for long now--only in sleep can she manage to comfortably rest for prolonged periods of time, and soon she figures that too will be impossible. Fortunately, none of her movement has yet been hindered by age. Until then, she'll act as if she is timeless despite the two or three gray hairs beginning to crop up around her orifices. "Come," she offers. "I'll give you a tour of the other great kingdom of Alacritia." She looks towards Drashiel, whom she'd nearly forgotten the presence of, with but a soft smile. "You too are invited."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.