
After the Night When I Wake Up [PACK HUNT]



2 Years
12-26-2014, 12:10 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2014, 12:15 PM by Drashiel.)

“What is important for a leader is that which makes him a leader. It is the needs of his people.” - Dune

Drashiel stirred as the morning broke in lavender and soft pink hues. The air was chilly, as it ever was in the north.  His dreams were quickly fading in the soft morning light and for the longest time he lay awake, perfectly still, just listening to the breathing of his wife and basking in the warmth of her body and the new life brewing within it.  New life... once again the thoughts of being a parent swirled within his head both excitement and dread.  What sorts of life were they about to bring into this world?

Well... either way... the King had a job to do.  Delicately he extracted himself from the den and strode into the chilly winter morning.  Snow lay heaped upon the ground as the sun slowly started to peer from the sky.  Hunting had been hit or miss and they were just barely getting by.  Regium was growing quickly and now with two expectant mothers as well as growing pups the population was rapidly outstripping their ability to provide for it.

Drashiel wandered to one of the trails he’d been tracking.  There was a group of musk oxen nearby and the recent storm had brought some early birthing.  If the calves survived they’d make excellent targets for a hunt, if not they could pilfer the carcasses.  When it came to providing for his pack Drashiel was not particular.  Lifting his head he let out a call.  Hunters of the pack were to report immediately as well as any other’s wishing to join.  Those that made a good showing would be safe for the time being.  In these desperate times with so many little ones on the way the King had no problem removing any wolves from Regium he felt were failing to pull their weight.

ooc: This is mandatory for hunters and strongly encouraged for able-bodied pack members. Deadline is 5:00 pm ala time Jan. 2



4 Years
12-26-2014, 07:32 PM

She had known his mother beneath the vague existence of seeking eyes; perhaps, one of the first ever women of Isardis, Euphrosyne was no unfamiliar to those who had discovered Glaciem in its earliest days. Though he did not wear the pale sallow of her skin, Drashiel’s flesh boasted of fine Armada-typical-steel accompanied by the gentle reminder of his mother’s genes – tanning beyond the stretches of his handsome points. She approaches cautiously;  shoulders lowered above bowed joints, submission evident within the under-coil of tawny tail and sewn ears. Silently she offers her brother ( and King ) her assistance, golden-paved gaze glancing if but momentarily beyond the emeralds of his gape. 



6 Years
12-27-2014, 05:12 PM

Quiet, forlorn even, Satu followed the sound of Drashiel's voice as he called for a pack hunt. Technically speaking she was a warrior, not a hunter, in rank but she'd spent most of her time in Ludicael hunting just to occupy her time. Ludicael... finding out about the imprisonment of her family had been a shock, enough of a shock to knock the impetuous girl to her haunches just to take it in. She was still unbalanced by it... still confused and quiescent in the wake of the revelation. But beneath that disquiet burned determination and that was what led her to answer her alpha's call today. That was what dragged her out of her stupor to join him despite the extra effort it seemed to take to get herself moving again. Her tail hung limp and unwagging today as she moved to greet him. "Hi, Drashiel. What're we hunting today?" Her voice was subdued, her natural exuberance buried for the moment, noticeable only in the slight ripple of her brown pelt, the hackles rising and falling as an inertia built that begged to be released just to do something.


Athena I


9 Years
12-28-2014, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2014, 12:15 PM by Athena I.)

Slowly but surely Vereux was beginning to slip from her every waking thought. Amalia's constant, loving presence had helped with that and slowly she was beginning to feel like she was behaving like a mother should. However, she still did not feel as though she was doing enough for her pack. Practically over night she had gone from ruling the pack, more or less, on her own to barely attending its meetings. When Drashiel's call met her ears she did not hesitate to rise and head toward it. She needed the distraction and the interaction with her pack mates. She wanted to prove that she still deserved to be the Heir. It wasn't fair to Regium, herself, or her children that she had let one wolf completely tear her down and now it was time for her to make amends.

She trotted up to where Drashiel, Satis, and one other were standing. It was shocking to her to not know every member of the pack, but when she saw the earthen-toned woman she realized this was exactly what had happened. She really didn't know Satis all that well either, but she did remember the uniquely marked woman in memories from her youth. Athena gave both of the other woman a polite nod before settling on her haunches and letting her split-tone gaze settle on Drash, eager to get their hunt started and wondering if any of her over-eager, curious children would appear.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
12-29-2014, 02:04 PM
Though she was not technically a hunter herself, Talvi still wouldn't fail to attend the pack hunt. It was hardly a good example to set to the rest of the pack to avoid it without any good reason and whilst she had gone about her duties rather quietly as of late, she still certainly intended on remaining within the pack and doing what she could to prove she deserved her rank. Those trials for the second Lord or Lady hadn't yet been held though both Drashiel and Roman certainly had a rather large distraction. She hadn't seen much of the Queen as of late and suspected that they would be getting closer and closer to the birth of the children. Silently the blue and silver girl joined the little gathering, a respectful nod of greeting cast in Drashiel's direction and an affectionate nudge against to Athena's shoulder as she sat down beside her. They'd spent too little time together as of late, her sister had been busy though with Vereux gone and children to raise.



2 Years
01-02-2015, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2015, 08:22 PM by Drashiel.)

First to arrive was the mysterious woman, Satis Armada.  A relative no doubt though Drashiel was uncertain of her exact lineage, not that it mattered terribly.  Drashiel dipped his head in greeting as the quiet femme took her place, feeling reassurance at her presence even if they weren't terribly close.  Especially as it seemed both of Regium's hunters were ill it was important for the rest of the pack to step up and make sure everyone was able to eat.  The next to approach was Satu, Drashiel grinned lightly expecting a flurry of movement and a boisterous laugh that would mark her the opposite in temperament to Satis.  

However, instead Satu would step quietly in, calm determination on her face but even so the distinct difference in her mood was something the King filed away to discuss with her at a later date.  Drashiel had the distinct feeling that something had happened.  "Good to see you again Satu, I'll explain everything in a moment."

Athena was the next to appear and he was pleased to see she was regaining some bounce to her step.  It wasn't all that long ago that Vereux disappeared, believed to be dead though a body had yet to be found.  

The last to join them was Talvi, a stout and faithful wolf if there ever was one.  Smiling he greeted her before moving to address the group.  "Thank you everyone for coming.  Last I checked both our hunters have fallen ill and with new life blooming in Regium and winter still strangling this land it's more important than ever for us to come together for the good of the pack.  I've beet scouting our territory frequently these past weeks and about a mile north of here there's a heard of musk oxen, a few of the cows birthed early after this most recent snowstorm.  I'm hoping we can slay one of the young." True, musk oxen weren't the standard prey that they were used to hunting but change would do them all good and there would be far more meat on a young ox than on a full grown deer.

"The herd is about seven strong with two calves.  They are massive animals, bold but not with out fear. When the herd is sighted we will stalk as close as we can, when I charge I want all of you to follow me. We are to run straight at them, snarling and snapping like rabid heathens. We need to get the oxen to panic and flee so that young will fall behind." There would be no need to have a separate group sneak up behind the beasts. Doing so could startle the adults back at the first group and injury would be imminent.  "Satis and I will run straight in and startle the herd, naturally the young will fall behind.  Satu, Athena it will be your duty to select one of the calves and separate it from the herd.  Trip it, snag the haunch do what you must to aid Talvi.  Talvi the killing blow is yours, end the calf's life however you see fit.  The rest of us will aid in holding the calf down while you see to it."  Drashiel paused for a moment to see if everyone seemed to agree with this plan.  Grinning he spoke, "Now we begin."

Turning Drashiel stalked toward the north, his movements graceful in the boldness of his stride. He wound effortlessly through the trees though he still lacked the serpentine movements of his father and probably always would be lacking. Isardis was built like wind, he was built like the mountain. Strong, solid, unbent? but he would yet learn flexibility, he would yet learn to shift with the earth when it moved without cracking under the sudden strain. 

Soon they arrived to the northern border of the sparse pines, a field of short, tundra grass stretching out before them and there in the distance lay the herd. Grazing, unaware. There was still no breeze but that would change when the sun rose higher and began to move the air. Drashiel's legs coiled, ears flat against his head as he gestured for the others to do the same. Then he slunk forward, pausing occasionally as a cow started to turn her head in their direction. Cover wasn't much of an option. Well? they did want to get the oxen running. Time to close the distance. Drashiel's legs coiled tight under his body. For a moment time seemed to shudder to a halt. Then the young male sprang with a viscious snarl as he pelted full speed toward the musk oxen. Jaws snapping at the nearest cow as the beasts scattered.


Next deadline:  Jan. 9 at noon ala time.   Last I checked Elli was sick but Elli if you're able to post go ahead just have Mordecai stroll in saying he feels better and you can either help in startling the herd or separating a calf wherever you pop in.



6 Years
01-09-2015, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2015, 07:37 PM by Satu.)

Quietly, Satu sat waiting with the rest, though it seemed not many would show. Wasn't Regium supposed to be a big pack or something? There were only a handful of wolves there. She glanced around at them with a vague, tired curiosity, but there wasn't really anyone there she hadn't already met at their recent meeting, and she couldn't muster then enthusiasm to chat at anyone right now.

Drashiel explained what they were going after - musk ox calves - and Satu cocked her head to the side to listen. Take the little guy down? Yeah ok she could do that. She stood as they all did, moved into a lope when they did to travel through the land for a time until the came upon the herd, and she watched as Drashiel and the antelope-girl sprinted off into the oxen. With her assigned partner, the silver Armada female Drashiel had called Athena, Satu loitered behind, watching carefully.

A calf was jostled to the outside of the herd and stumbled, bawling. And answering bawl came from the other side of the group. Satu changed direction and dove for the baby before the oxen could close ranks around it once more, or before Mommy Dearest cut her way through to come to its rescue. She snapped at the little creature's hip and it flailed in the other direction, the direction she was driving it, away from the herd. At first it kept trying to move back toward it's mother but she continued to snarl and snap and it took off at an awkward run. Now she just needed to bring it to a stop while her partner and the beta took it down... She continued to chase it the short distance before she sprinted, coming up alongside, and then flung herself at the calf's right foreleg. Her teeth fastened into it's knee, and she just let herself go limp.

Her weight dragging at the calf had it stumbling to a halt, nearly tumbling heels over head, bawling in pain and confusion, and Satu had to flatten her ears and close her eyes, numbing herself to the cries. If she was going to be a warrior...


Athena I


9 Years
01-10-2015, 09:23 PM

Athena smiled at Talvi when she appeared, pressing her nose affectionately to the side her blue sister's neck. She really needed to spend some time with Talvi and catch up on everything that had happened since Talvi had left to go explore. They had been given little time to do that as of late. Drashiel then began to speak and explain what they were going to be hunting today and what his plan for it was. It was certainly an interesting prey item anyway and her task in his plan was simple enough. Her split-tone gaze glanced toward the only wolf she didn't know here, apparently named Satu, who was now her partner for this hunt.

She followed Drashiel to where the oxen were grazing, quietly waiting until he and Satis had taken off to initiate the first level of the hunt. Her eyes immediately darted to the calf that got pushed out on its own and she wouldn't hesitate to run forward, ready to keep it separated from the heard. Athena took to the opposite side of the calf than her partner, watching both the calf and Satu closely, waiting for the perfect moment to make her move. Satu latched onto the calf's leg, sending it to a screeching halt, and Athena sprung. She leaped up to latch her teeth onto the calf's meaty neck, letting gravity be her assistant and pulling the calf down to the ground as she came back down to earth. One foreleg came to loop around the calf's shoulder and she kept a firm hold on its neck to keep it from getting away. The calf cried and struggled, but between Athena and Satu there was no getting away. Now she waited for Talvi to finish it off.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
01-11-2015, 03:47 PM
Once Talvi had settled herself, the gathered little group would not have long left to find out what would be the plan for today's hunt; what they would be hunting and who would be assigned which tasks. Her own, the final blow, seemed both small and large, it was her responsibility to end the hunt after all though seemed almost idle in comparison to the chase and challenge that the others would have depending upon which point of view you regarded the responsibility with.

She would remain silent though, nothing to add and no questions to ask and it wouldn't be long at all before the group were on the move. Talvi followed behind them, icy gaze watching as first Drashiel would leap into action, charging down upon the herd and the others soon following his lead. Now though the girl watched Athena and Satu as the pair set off after a calf, she would keep close enough to step in as soon as they were ready, watching carefully for the key moment to make her move.

At last they had taken the calf down, pinning it to the ground as best as they could. Talvi would waste no time, not wishing to leave them fighting for longer than was necessary. Moving closer she would be careful of the stray legs as she sought to move in, ripping and tearing for the kill until finally the calf was still.



2 Years
01-11-2015, 04:19 PM

Drashiel skittered sharply to the left just narrowly avoiding a kick from one of the oxen.  Dam, that was close.  These beasts would feed them for a good while but there were dangerous payoffs, they could easily be killed on this hunt if they weren't careful.  He heard the bawling call of a calf and knew that they'd succeeded in separating one from it's mother but the mother was coming back for it.  Shit!  He prayed that Talvi would hurry with the killing bite as he dove at the cow, fangs seizing into her back left haunch just behind the knee.  The cow cried out and with a mighty kick threw him off, the hoof just avoiding colliding with his chest.  Drashiel landed on his side with a thump but quickly got back to his feet and charged again at the lumber beast, this time fangs snapping at the creatures underbelly.  Come on, come on!  

Finally the strangled cry of the calf's last breath rang through the field, the cow slowed and Drashiel bolted ahead, turning to stare and snarl at the cow.  She stood forlornly, bellowing softly but when no cry returned she stamped her feet and charged half-heartedly at the King before turning to rejoin the herd.  

Drashiel joined the rest of the wolves at the kill.  "Good work, Satu, Athena, Talvi.  You three in particular were brilliant."  He let out a howl for his wife and the others to join them before me moved in to dig into the calf's gut, soaking his maw in blood as he started to eat.  Being the King did have it's perks after all.
