
Getting Acquainted



1 Year
01-11-2015, 02:10 AM
Walk | Talk | Think 

Because it was the area she had been accepted in, or at least upon the border of it, Bera took to wandering the Red Forest. Compared to the prairies and open landscapes of the south, this place was about as different as it could get. While snow was not so uncommon where she had come from for her to be startled by it, the thickness of it here was surprising. It was everywhere, on the ground, in the trees, clinging to every little place it could wedge itself onto. And it was already spring! It should have been melting away, but here it was resilient. And the forest... Oh, if she got started talking about the forest! The trees were massive, stretching so far up into the sky that it hurt her neck to peer all the way up toward the topmost peaks. The awestruck warrior-in-training was sure she would never get over the sight of them. 

As if it would help, she walked through them, navigating in wide circles around their bases as she created a path for herself through the thick snow. Her brown coat, she was grateful to note, had grown in more thickly since her arrival, combating against the cold successfully and to her great pleasure. Still, her large paws, not quite grown into yet, felt awkward as she moved, graceless and uneven. But that was no matter. For the time being, she had the forest to herself. Nothing but the tall, sightless trees around her for company. Maybe eventually she would change that - after all, there were other young wolves here around her age, even if the thought of them made her miss her own sisters something terrible - but for right now just getting to know her new home, acquainting herself with the terrain, felt like a good decision. 

OOC: Bera's not on the ranks yet, but she was accepted in her thread so kind of assuming she's good to post here. xD 



2 Years
Extra large
01-14-2015, 12:51 AM
Bacchus knew the forest incredibly well, he preferred to be in this part of Regium and had come to know the trees and trails well. He enjoyed the quiet the tall trees usually brought, and would bring himself to an even more desolate corner. Though the fresh scent of another wolf would catch his attention. For a quick moment he seriously debated going the other way so his peace would continue, but curiosity would beg him on if only just to catch a glimpse of her. The scent was new to him, but obviously now belonged in Regium.

His large paws would make quick work of the snow, his eyes were bright and his expression alert as he spied the girl curiously from another large tree. He wouldn't attempt to hide his marked form and would take obvious interest in her actions. Though would give obvious space to indicate she could invite him over, or send him on his way. He knew not all wolves wished the presence of someone his age. Maybe he'd get a chance to talk to her though, he was more than a little curious about her nubbed ears.



1 Year
01-18-2015, 03:41 PM
Walk | Talk | Think 

The yearling girl's green eyes alternated between looking down at the snow and where she was placing her paws to scanning around her through the trees and the emptiness between them. Though it was cold here, much colder than the southern region which she had been wandering for a good part of her first year, Bera was becoming more and more convinced that she could make these new accommodations work for her. They might not have been her first choice - though in all honest she did not know what environment she would have preferred most - but there was still something nice about it that she could take pleasure from. And knowing here she would work to better herself, to become the warrior that she knew she was destined to be, made it all the more worthwhile. 

Her relaxed, thoughtful expression remained so until a dark spot amidst the red of the trees and white of the snow suddenly crossed her vision, her green eyes quickly shifting back as her gangly legs finally ceased their trudging through the snow. Oh! It was another youth like herself. She had known there were others, but until now they had only been a thought in the back of her mind. Getting her training as a warrior was first and foremost at the front of her mind...but now faced with one of the other children of the pack she felt the stirrings of loneliness calling out to her. She missed her sisters terribly, needed that contact from others her age, and though duty picked at her, urging her to keep going on her walk of the border, her need for socialization won out in the end. 

With a friendly wag of her tail and a growing smile, the ear-less Bearcub offered a friendly reception for the boy, green eyes traveling with a quick, curious glance over him as she called out an easy greeting. "Hey there. You from Regium?" The question might have seemed odd, especially if he did happen to be from the pack, but there were so few others out here that she supposed he could have sneakily slipped past the border if he wanted to. Maybe she could even make herself useful by keeping an eye on this quiet area when she was not training. 



2 Years
Extra large
01-18-2015, 04:22 PM
Eager to grow up Bacchus had taken to patrolling the borders himself while he had not much else to focus on. Now older than six months old the boy had only started his first hunting lessons and already he thought himself an expert. Of course those thoughts were far from the truth, but that didn't hinder the boy's confidence in the least. He wanted so desperately to be an adult, much more time would need to pass before he got his wish but he was already well on his way. His height was really starting to develop, and though he was still obviously very young his long legs seemed to go on forever. The size he would take on when he reached his full height would be impressive to say the least.

The marked boy would watch as the she wolf took notice of him, his form straightening itself as her green gaze found him. Slate lips would pull up slightly as she smiled and wagged her tail in pleasure obviously friendly enough to accept his presence. He would take a few steps forward as she called out to him, a greeting and an inquiry. Long limbs would pull him forward so as to reduce the need to yell to his pack mate. "Hello," He would offer back, mismatched ears perked and eager to take in her words. "I am," he would answer the question, an easy one really. Bacchus had never been part of anything other than Regium. "You just joined?" He'd finish with his own question. Obviously she had, as he'd never seen her before. Though his aunt Roman had a lot of friends he'd never met that seemed to pop up occasionally. His weariness of strangers had been diluted quite a bit because of that.