
The days closing in and im dying out



05-19-2013, 07:39 AM
Thunderous paws Stamp the virgin soil in the glory of the blood that seeped down the gullet an hour before. The victorious feeling after puncturing those ivory fangs into the neck of the tranquilized prey. It was just a little piercing he thought. Shaking the large cranium the russet leaf would fall slowly onto the hard floors; a crimpled little thing; dread the days when you become an old brute, the only good thing you'll be rewarded with is the knoweledge of experience. Damn that can make you feel old.

Exhaling the oxygen into the solitude air the forms of whisps race out in search of another; before deceasing into the other land of immortality. What would it be like on that other side. Is it like all say? alone in the hells of your nightmare afraid of your own shadows? Nothing but a chuckle would escape the large maw of the huge brute. Echoing through the silence of the atmosphere. Was there anyone spying on this Siarvon? checking out his dominant posture and the way he moves?

Icy hues scan the area covering relentless distance of nothing. Nothing at all. But thats the thing. This muscular creature knows someones here; waiting to seak him out and evaluate his weaknesses and strengths. He was here. In the lands of Ludicael. Oh the satisfaction that would bolt across the skeletal spine reaching this place. Its time. All he had to do is wait. Siarvon knew that someones scented him out.. his alluring musky scent would trail behind as he tread forth. Inches away from stepping into there territory he tensed. no, he's not a stupid man; he knows what he has to do and just simply wait for a lucky soul to seek him out.

Aria I


05-19-2013, 12:45 PM

Aria Corvi

Patrolling the borders, Aria was checking for any trespassers, sniffing the borders for others. She would go over the lines, straying from the pack's lands to look for anything outside the borders then come back and sniff along the inside.

She didn't linger on the borders too long in one spot, paws carried her on, wanting to get most of the borders checked out before she went on some other duty. Aria was trying to do as much as she could, taking more work so that the Sol could relax and not stress herself or the pups. She needed to be well fed and keep her strength up if she wanted to bare strong and healthy pups.

A few minutes of this seemed to pass in boredom until something caused her to come to a stop, she sniffed the air carefully, the breeze bringing the scent of a stranger into her nose. Emerald orbs narrowed as she scanned the terrain, following the direction of the wind. From this she determined that the wolf did not pass the borders and was trespassing. Good, less trouble for him.

She moved quickly, paws skimming over the earth, moving between the trees. His scent was getting stronger, and as she got closer to the point where she could see his dark body appearing, she slowed down into a walk. She held her head p, ears pointed forward. Even though she held a high rank she wasn't the type to throw it out there, just show some small signs of it.

Greetings sir, how may I help you on this fine day? She asked in a kind tone, shaking her head briefly to dismiss a leaf that landed between her ears. Aria had come up just a few feet to the male before stopping, stump of a tail wiggling behind her as she watched the male in curiousity.




05-19-2013, 01:45 PM
The scent of a female swiped the flares of the titan before appearing before his icy orbs. Observing her every feature and structure. Wasnt she a bonny thing. Oh how it reminded Siarvon when he was younger having seductive females around him as amusement. The boy was on fire. Letting his mind run free for just a moment could cause many things to go wrong and thats the last thing he wants infront of another.
The woman spoke her request so it was only polite to answer. The thing with this large brute is that his manners can be.. well.. of. Parting the ebony lips carbon dioxide filled the air in the grasp of freedom. " greetings m'lady. The names Siavon. Im here to start fresh.. to be part of something more.. perhaps you could help me?" The deep tones of the mans voice echoed the area in a satisfying quench. The hint of Italian tops it all of; being a rouge gets you places, learns you things. And italian for this guy was one of them.

Looking over this woman was.. interesting. For starters her tails been ripped of, not just the end of it, i mean ripped of.. by a fight perhaps? Two scars are also formatted on the womans delicate visage; slitting over her Emerald hues. A lot would think its not a very attractive thing to look at but to him its pretty god damn unique. This woman did not specify her name so the handsome man could just simply nod in respect. Oh how the look of her triggered something in his brain. So many memorys. But the face is not exactly known. Not clear enough. The woman was on heat; its a good thing that Siarvon can control his actions instead of creating a sin. Women need to be careful. Theres so many that would take to the oppurtunity before fleeing. His posture remains strong. Not moving any closer to the woman keeping a respectable distance between the two. Those eyes. Those eys beam towards him as if giving sign. A sign he can not understand. no yet.


05-19-2013, 03:10 PM
The dame would walk from the shadows, her bright silver eyes consuming as they took in the pair before her. She saw the heavily scarred woman that stood before a titanic male, but the woman took her focus at the time. Bright emerald orbs stood out from her face, though one was crisscrossed with scars. She was missing her tail, though it did not affect her beauty in any way. She dipped her cranium respectfully towards the woman, and turned her attention to the male. Bright cyan eyes, like icy orbs, captured her moonlit gaze. Heavily muscled limbs rippled as they moved beneath his coat, though at the moment they stood still as he stared at the scarred woman.

The angelic woman stepped with fluid grace towards the pair, her lithe muscles moving one paw before the other, feminine hips swaying sensually until she stood within plain view. Her beautiful face held her angular cheekbones and dainty maw in a way that stopped men short and entranced them. Her long tail swept through the air slowly, brushing against her tall heels and setting the pair of raven's feathers dancing in the created breeze. She waited there, for acknowledgement of presence, an angel walking the earth. Her scent was heavenly, lavendar and ginger. It would move throughout the air towards the others, and alert them to the presence of the beautiful maiden.

Aria I


05-19-2013, 04:36 PM

Aria Corvi

Aria took in the male, emerald orbs running over his body. Some would have thought she was checking him out, taking in his handsome appearance. Any other time she would have most likely been doing that but right now she was just looking at what she had on her paws. This male, he was large, his coat a mixture of different shades of brown. Then his eyes, an icy blue.

Her head tilted to the side as she stood there taking him in, something about him felt oddly familiar, as if she had seen him before. She could not figure it out though and in those few moments of thought a serious look replaced her friendliness. His voice broke her thoughts, blinking her eyes a few times before refocusing on him. Greetings m'lady. The names Siavon. I'm here to start fresh.. to be part of something more.. perhaps you could help me? Her brow raised at his deep voice hinted with a familiar language she had heard from another wolf. She did not know the language but she did not how it affected ones speech.

Clearing her throat Aria shook her head before smiling at the male, she would try thinking about who he was in a moment, right now she needed to introduce herself and Ludicael's way to this male, Siarvon. Hello Siarvon, I am Aria. I am the Borealis of Ludicael, its Beta female. I am happy to hear that your interested in starting a new life with us.

The Borealis was about to ask the male a question but the appearance of another shifted her attention, falling upon a female walking up to them. She held her head high, dipping it when the female had done so respectfully. Greetings ma'am, I am Aria, the Borealis or Beta of the Ludicael pack. Are you also seeking to start a new life here? She asked curiously yet holding a friendly tone, she spoke as if she was a friend, not thinking herself higher than this woman.

She could not help but let her gaze stray from the woman and back onto Siarvon, there was something about him, tugging at her insides. It feels as though I know him, but, I just can't remember how. She thought, a sigh escaping her lips as she turned her gaze back onto the female, waiting for a response.




05-20-2013, 10:52 AM
How could the masters of the devils give The brute the chance of a new beginning wrapping its lithe fingers around the form of a melicious beast. Maybe it was there plan; to set a sinner onto Ludicael and destroy whats left. But Siarvon's changed. Something smacked him right across the face, something big. It couldnt be. it was.. Aria. the Aria? the one he met two years ago and then wished not to ever see him again? that Aria. Siarvon had to keep his thoughts quiet, the last thing he needs is embarrassment if she doesnt remember. Oh the times they used to have; especially by the one at the lake when it was only the two. The laughters joining themselves bewitching the air with the hisses of the night.

Exhaling the bitter chills the ribcage expanded making him look bigger then he actually was. A giant almost. "Aria..." hmm the words where a splendid sound to reveal from the parted maw once again after the years. Shaking the large cranium the brute would flicker the icys blue gaze to the albino mistress stepping into view and out of the grasp of the sinister shadows. A nod with acknoweledgement would be presented in respect of this womans appearance.
But the thoughts came flooding back in so suddenly crushing against the skull with many mystery's. Siarvon lost his memory. He lost EVERY bit of it. How could he remember an old friend? The large paws hit the ground once before waiting. Waiting for anything at all.


05-20-2013, 02:03 PM
The she wolf watched the two, intruiged by the way they studied each other. Her eerie moonlit orbs held within them mystery, yet her lean body held beauty. At the woman's words, she would dare to part her dainty maw and speak. In fact, that is true. I am Aurora Porcelain Anima Lunashka, but everyone just calls me Aurora. She told the woman, her silky voice low, almost a whisper, yet the tinge of Russian was obvious. Her pleasant voice held an otherworldly tone to it, and was dripping with mystery. She smiled at the she wolf in a friendly manner, her elegant face graced with the gesture as her lips curled to reveal her pearl razors.

Her attention was turned towards the brute of a male, fur a riot of browns and eyes like the spring sky. He reminded her much of someone back home, but it did not matter, that someone was dead now. Once again, she opened her mouth to introduce herself, and greet the man politely. Ah, an Italian I find. Native tongue, or something picked up on the run? The dame chuckled, the tinkling sound like a thousand tiny bells and the song of a mockingbird. Might I ask thine name? As you already know mine. She asked, a smile on her face once more. She took a few steps to be within equal distance between the two, and moved swiftly onto her haunches. Curling her long, thick tail over her powerful paws, she lifted one of the ivory pedestals from it's embrace to caress the raven feathers lovingly. They were the only thing she had left, a pair of feathers from a bird that was only so common. She sighed, and cast her depthless, consuming gaze onto the other wolves. She waited there, keeping the sorrow from her eyes as best she could as she awaited what was to occur next.

Aria I


05-21-2013, 03:52 PM

Aria Corvi

Ears perked up as the female spoke, her voice silky and low, holding a hint of a foreign language. She confirmed Aria's question, looking to join Ludicael and start a new life. But then she gave her name and the sandy-brown shewolf had a slightly puzzled look upon her face. It was long and unusual but beautiful, she liked it. Aurora Porcelain Anima Lunashka, mainly going by Aurora. She gave a nod of her head to this, keeping the full name in her head but more so focusing on her first.

Before the Borealis could chime in the shewolf had turned her attention to Siarvon, noting his accent and then asking for his name. She would allow them to exchange names before he popped back in to tell them about the laws and expectations of Ludicael. For now though she would think about this male, try to figure out why his name sounded familiar.

Aria went through her memories, trying to pick out which ones might lead to her knowing this male. Her becoming Borealis, meeting new wolves here and there, joining Ludicael, being a loner... meeting a male and female. Those two, they must have something to do with this guy. She wondered but continued on through her memories, going back to when she was a with her family, her parents and Halis. Eyes narrowed when she reached this part, somewhere during that time she had run into a male pup a few times, same muddy coat as Siarvon. Could this be...?

Focusing hard on these memories she carefully picked through them, going every moment she could possibly remember. That pup, she had played with him a few times but could not quite remember his name. Jump forward, she is older and still meeting up with the boy, going farther from her home to play with him and explore. Forward, there is a female following him, obviously doesn't like Aria. Then it hit her, the female, trying to scare her off, threatening the sandy-brown female to leave the male alone or else.

That bit... She silenced her thoughts as she remember the female tearing off most of Aria's tail and giving her the scars on her face for not leaving the guy alone, Siarvon. Remembering when she had to take care of her mother who suddenly got ill, then when she finally passed the male and female had left the lands.

Well I'll be damned. She finally chuckled, shaking her head at this sudden realization. Siarvon, it's good to see you again! I can't believe I almost forgot you! She barked, moving close to the male and giving him a playful shove with her shoulder, lips pulling back in a large toothy grin. It was really great to see him again, she never imagined she would run into him again, especially like this. Immediately she began to go through the memories, the good times they had together when they were younger.




05-22-2013, 10:31 AM
The tones of those who spoke circle around like a puzzle waiting to be opened. To be thought about and completed. To fit all together to make it whole. Siarvon was the riddler, disiver and charmer. The look on his face was simple. Just simply thinking.What thinking could do to others, make them go insane for one." The name Siarvon Carilimos. yes ma'am being a rouge you pick up accents, and mine would have to be italian." deep baritones fulfill the space with there wanting need. The icy gaze looking her over to specify what she might be worth in the future. She was young, petite, strong looking, good with agility it seemed. i think this Aurora has it all covered.

It was then another chime would bewitch the air; chanting the air with the words Siarvon was dying to hear." Ah so you do still remember me! its about time i see a familiar face around these parts. This area is.. strange. It must be if you've made yourself at home here, ay? is your mother doing well?" A laugh would escape at the end of his speech, how could it be, the possibility's of finding her? Aria.

Doesnt she look different? so much more..feminine.Even with the unique scaring and the loss of the long silken tail. What had happened for her to recieve these? Siarvon never got the chance to ask before he left. Maybe it was just at a bad days hunting. The twin pools switched to the two females in curiosity.

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-22-2013, 11:12 AM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

celestial eyes of brilliant, saturated lavender sought the voices of aria and individuals she knew not, paws carrying her along the usual path of the border through the clumped mangroves of ludicael's edges. head was low and nostrils flared about the scents that were present, audits tipped forth to drink in the mostly-inaudible mumble of intelligible conversation. it seemed as if the lack of creatures waiting for acceptance or a home upon the ludicael borders that they'd experienced in the early stages of the pack were being made up for. deteste, laxago, liste, harlequinn, allaire... they were all noble creatures that she was pleased to have stumbled upon. the activity that was beginning to bloom in the lands was enlightening for the first-time alpha, and at points it was difficult to believe she was here now; it was almost as if it were a dream.

reality swept in to clear such thoughts as they came into her view and as she came into theirs. her posture straightened; her chin lifted and her neck drew into a sharper upwards diagonal, holding herself with the relative authority of an alpha, though the degree in which it was displayed was toned down quite a bit. despite her rounded stomach, swollen with the signs of being halfway through a pregnancy, she still managed to somehow shine with something that had always been... well, just jupiter.

with a delighted smile she offered her beloved beta a nod, the upturn of her lips faltering only slightly to assume a professional level as she turned her gaze and direction of her dial upon the two strangers that were present her. after a moment she settled carefully upon her haunches, planetary-marked pelt shifting as the weight of her unborn pups offset itself into a position more comfortable for her. to jupiter, it seemed as if she'd interrupted some kind of reunion between aria and the male, and dipped her dial apologetically. "my apologies, i didn't mean to intrude," she remarked passively, and after a moment's pause went on. in all honesty she didn't wish to take from their time, and though she trusted her, the old habits of dealing with such matters herself had yet to completely die hard. "jupiter illiadis, alphaess of ludicael, at your service." the fiery-pelted lady dipped her head to both the other woman and the brute affably.

jupiter glanced at aria, and gave a warm, slight chuckle. "would you like to introduce your friend to me? or, maybe, your friends, rather?"

? toolazytocheck words ?

[ o o c ; ]
hai guiz. c:

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-22-2013, 09:44 PM

The dame smiled at the male, who had introduced himself in such a gentlemanly way, dipping her elegant head respectfully. Stepping back slowly, she sat on her haunches in the shade provided by the trees around her. The long, thick ivory swatter wrapped around her powerful paws absentmindedly, her infinite mind wandering through the usual thoughts of a wolf on the edge of acceptance; what would her life be like if she were accepted? How would she be treated? All common thoughts that filled a rogues mind when in the territory of another pack, when a wolf of that pack is willing to bring her in, when they run the possibility of having a home. The twin raven's feathers danced in the faint breeze, dancing a ballet in perfect synchronization with the grasses, the leaves, and the long silky strands of crystalline fur that covered her lean frame. Her head was tilted up to the sky, her eerie silver orbs reflecting the clouds that scuttled across the cyan expanse above her. She was lost in thought, and almost didn't notice when the woman walked into the clearing, belly swollen with unborn pups. If it weren't for her unnaturally sensitive ears, she would still be staring distantly into the sky.

Her deceptively delicate cranium snapped downwards, otherworldly pools focussing on the woman who introduced herself as Alphess Jupiter Illidais. With a smile and a respectful dip of her elegant ivory tiara, she bowed to the Queen in a single, fluidly graceful movement. Her chest contacted the ground lightly, barely brushing the dust with her thick angelic coat. One front paw was tucked beneath her feminine chest, and the other was thrown out towards the superior dame. The giantess held this pose for a few breaths before standing once again and returning to her sitting position in the faint shadows. Moonstone eyes analyzed the scene before her, the friendly pair of Siarvon and Aria, catching up after years of not seeing each other. Jupiter, the beautiful woman with a pelt like the fifth planet and shone like metals of every kind, eyes like crushed violets that glowed like the maiden's own. She preffered not to speak, instead to listen, wait, observe. Call her strange, but speaking wasn't something she preffered to do. Although some considered her voice to be beautiful, longed to hear it, to sate their cravings for it's melodic sound, she found that remaining mute could keep her heart from being broken again. So many things had happened in her past that wouldn't have if she had kept her jaws shut and refrained from speaking her opinions. Then maybe her family would still be alive, amybe the humans wouldn't have found their safe haven, maybe she would still be happy and at home. A sigh escaped her dainty maw as she watched the group, waiting for what would happen next.

Tagged: name | Word Count: ###

Aria I


05-24-2013, 12:30 PM

Aria Corvi

She chuckled at his voice, giving a nod of her head she she bounced backwards. He was here, he was back. It seemed crazy that they would meet in such a way, she thought he would have made a place for himself and the girl with him but here is was seeking acceptance into Ludicael where Aria had become the beta of. Her ears perked up as he commented on the area being strange, and even seemed to joke about it being strange if she made it her home. Watch yourself Sia. She growled playfully, using an old nick name she had given him back when they spent most of their time together.

But when he asked about her mother she seemed to calm down a bit, he did not know what happened to her. That was the time after Orlaya had scarred her and slashed off her tail, the sandy-brown shewolf had to tend to her mother who had suddenly grown ill and not long after died because of it. She passed away... She spoke softly, some pain in her voice but she still held a small smile with forest green eyes looking to him. No was not the time to talk about it, she needed to inform him and Aurora about the laws here in Ludicael, then she would take him away so they could catch up.

Lips parted, about to form words but suddenly snapped shut when she caught the female's head turn. Immediately Aria followed her movement, her gaze falling upon Jupiter approaching them. She dipped her head respectively to the pregnant shewolf, lips pulled back in a smile and stepped to the side to give her room as she placed herself and got comfortable. She apologized for interrupting, earning her a shake of Aria's head. She might have come in when the Borealis was realizing the male was an old friend, but this was fine, Jupiter could jump in whenever she liked.

Her attention was fully on the Sol, ears perking up as she introduced herself to the two wolves before turning to Aria and chuckling, asking her to introduce herself to the two wolves, or her friends. With a nod of her head the shewolf turned to the two, smiling at the both of them before stepping towards Aurora. This lovely woman is Aurora. She motioned towards the female with a smile, then took a few steps back to stand beside Siarvon, giving him a slight nudge. And this handsome beast is Siarvon, he is an old friend.

The shewolf chuckled as she moved back to take her place beside the Sol, sitting back on her haunches also and holding her head level. They are both seeking acceptance into Ludicael, I was about to go over our laws and rank system to them. She spoke calmly, that friendly and good mooded tone in her voice.



05-24-2013, 02:18 PM

The dame watched the sandy pelted woman, how she interacted with this Siarvon like they were the greatest of friends, still pups even. It made her long for the days when she had friends such as these, when she didn't have to worry about her next meal, or how ominous the clouds looked. When all she had to worry about were getting to her lessons on time and keeping her skills honed, when she simply lived. Shaking her deceptively delicate ivory cranium, she continued to listen to the conversations between the two, the sorrow in the dust pigmented she wolf's voice when she spoke of her mother's passing, until Aria took notice of the Alphess sitting calmly and immediately went into action. It brought a smile to the beautiul maiden's face, seeing how well the lady served her Queen. When she was introduced, as lovely, Aurora was taken aback. She had never been described as lovely, not by her own family. A woman so unique as this, possessing such a one of a kind beauty, was calling the angelic furred damsel as lovely? She took the compliment to heart, locking it in a box to take out when she was feeling especially miserable. Looking at the superior woman with her otherworldly silver gaze, she smiled at her, lips curving gently to reveal her perfect pearl razors as she dipped her head respectfully once more, moonlit pools and their consuming gaze focussed on the Queen as she curled her long ivory tail around her powerful, yet still ladylike paws. She womdered what the Alphess thought of her, what the powerful gladatrix saw when she looked at the woman with the pure white fur that shone like the lights with which Aurora shared a name, what went through her mind when her violet gaze paused to absorb her face, with it's high angular cheekbones and dainty maw, soulsucking, depthless moonstone orbs gazing out from that perfect face. She could only wonder though, since she highly doubted such a woman would share those secrets. As the dust pelted female introduced the brute with fur a riot of browns, she witnessed the way she was so familiar with him, even though a life as a rogue could have turned him to a cold blooded killer. She had nothing against the two, she simply found their easy relationship something she wished for. She wished that she would one day know someone who she could be like this with. Her infinite mind wandered, but soon returned to the scene before her. With a sigh, her body fell into a natural pose of elegance, her spine straight and her cranium held high, petite shoulders squared and thick angelic pelt flowing like a waterfall over her lean, feminine frame. Smooth, lithe muscles rippled a swift undertow beneath her fur when she moved, calling to attention the fact that she was no mere lady, she had survived things that would kill the average wolf within minutes. There she waited, a statue of elegance, while she watched the Alphess for her response to Aria's introductions and accompanied explainations.

Word Count: 518



05-26-2013, 09:14 AM
The brute of a man would switch the icy gaze to each wolf one by one; singling out there differences. It must of been a bad habit. But it could still be useful. For now anyway. Siarvon would let out a laugh at his old friends joking ways. But the question after it.. dounted him. Her mother was dead? The last time he remembered she was the healthiest of them all or so he thought; a spirited woman. The sandstoned male found it best to just keep it quiet. The approach of another woman would come into view.. ah the names jupiter. The queen; how interesting, She looks like she could take on a planet. Rolling over the shoulder blades the large brute would arch his slender back into a bow. The tip of the leathered nose almost touching the floor like dripping poison. Keeping to that charming position he slowly rose back up to his regular hight. The icys hues locking her own. " its a pleasure to meet you ma'am" deep baritones unsettle the chilled air into the lobes of others. The fur on the muscular frame rippling like tidle waves as they colide. He would wait for whats to come.

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-28-2013, 01:12 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

"it's a pleasure to meet you both," she responded, smiling lightly at the male's show of respect in the form of a deep bow. the sol turned her eyes fondly upon her borealis, nodding to her. "go ahead, if you wish," she cued, beaming. she wished to give the lady some freedom to do what she wished, and to not feel like she wasn't trusted or was being baby-sat by jupiter. she shifted her weight upon her haunches, working into a more comfortable position once more. it seemed like such relaxing stances only held such a positive effect for a few moments before they annoyed her.

ooc - sorry for the wait. I've been busy and lacking muse.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



06-01-2013, 02:28 PM


occ: i thought i should post as Azzy hasnt>.<

It was a surprise to see how relaxed this pack was, there still close together and chilled? Well how the unexpected should be expected in the lands of Alacrtis. " the rules are?..." the moments of silence didnt go unnoticed, so Siarvon decided to fill in the gap, like two peas in a pod. The ribcage would expand and at the same time tighten. Its always the strange things he never understood. Call him stupid but why does your body need to move to stay alive. Thinking to much gets him frustrated. The icy gaze would look Aria's for a moment waiting to her a bookful of rules. Hopefully he's not exagerating. The distant hum of the birds would drill into the lobes, a peaceful tune, yet no where to be seen.

Aria I


06-02-2013, 01:51 PM
ooc: I apologize for this late & crappy post, have been busy the last few days and had low muse.

[Image: YwXyIOG.png]

Without even realizing it, until Siarvon had spoke, Aria had zoned out. She shook her head quickly with a light laugh, feeling slightly embarrassed but wasn't really bothered by it. Ah yes, our laws. She correctly him, rules just made it seem more strict, laws would fit better since she saw them more as common sense.

The shewolf cleared her throat, glancing at each wolf for a few seconds with a friendly smile, stump of a tail wiggling behind her. Let me just start off telling you two, we may not be large like other packs but because of the small group we are close, kind of like a family. We are kind to each other, and respect each individual, even youngsters. That was how she viewed Ludicael, and she hoped that Jupiter would not dislike anything she had said about it because she really did mean to speak positively about it. It was her home after all.

Now for the laws. You too seem like good people, so I assume these won't be hard at all to follow. She chuckled. First up, the Sol, She motioned towards Jupiter. Should be obeyed at all times when involving pack members. She will not care if you take a mate, as long as you give her a heads up on if your expecting pups. In that case, the mother, if she is a Ludicael member, will be requested to raise the children here. When it comes to your individual lives, she won't interfere, just don't compromise the pack. She paused, letting these easy and short laws sink into their heads before continuing on. You two understand this, correct?



06-02-2013, 03:28 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

The brilliant orbs of the ivory she wolf glittered with mirth as she listened, body remaining still as a statue. These laws were obvious ones, things that no pack should ever be without, so Aurora took them without a single complaint. She watched the unique and beautiful dust pigmented woman as she spoke of her pack, the uncontrollable joy in her voice, written all over her face, coursing through her body and making her entire frame glow with an aura of happiness that attracted the unseen creatures; the lost souls, the forgotten fantasies of youth. She smiled, just a faint gesture that crinkled the corners of her large moonstone optics in a way that was charming, beautiful. Such joy that buzzed in the air, she couldn't help it, it was just something one has to do. Her waterfall of thick angelic silk rippled with her undertow of her lithe muscles as she adjusted her pose to one that took pressure from her sore paws. She laid herself out in a ladylike manner, body curled to the side and front paws facing the group. Her deceptively delicate, snowy cranium remained erect and her eerie gaze fixated on the wolf who spoke. With that, she gave a slow, firm nod of her head, tail tucked beneath it beating the ground in synchronization. Ebony raven's feathers dancing in the created breeze, she awaited the next rules.



06-08-2013, 02:40 PM


Listening carefully to Aria's rules he actually beginned to wonder if he'd enjoy a pack like this, oh yes he would! it sounds so relaxing, yet giving the respect others rightfully deserve. The large brute would blink twice before parting his sealed ebony lips to release his italian accent. " Then Aria.. Sol, i accept the rules ad conditions if you'd be willing to take me on." The deep bartinones tickle the fine hairs in the lobes before closing in on the nerve. A nod to the large cranium would be considered as he thinks, it was time to belong somewhere, and it should be here. Aria. The girl he met when they where young, when they went of and did there own thing with orlaya. It never occured to him how he'd miss it until now. A sigh would escape the gullet as Siarvon would look to the ground; the lips seeling and twisting into a smile.

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-10-2013, 10:48 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2013, 10:49 PM by Jupiter I.)
Jupiter watched the two carefully, approval upon her features as her beta diligently explained the laws without hesitation. After she concluded her speech on them, she nodded to the both of them as they accepted.

"Then, welcome to Ludicael, the both of you," she replied. Her gaze traveled to Aria and her smile widened, mind considering that she had probably interrupted a reunion. She gazed back out at everyone else and then took a step back. "Feel free to make a den or do whatever in the lands with the rules in mind. Near the heart of the territory there is a meadow, but please refrain from over-hunting the hares--we're trying to allow for them to breed. Help yourself to everything else, though. Fish are abundant in the rivers and there are plenty of lizards about, as well. With that in mind, I will depart."

True to her words, Jupiter left them to her own devices, but would remind herself to keep an eye on the new pair when she could.

[ o o c ; ] sorry for the wait. Anyway, PM me and tell me if you would like your wolf to be a hunter, healer, or a warrior. Warriors are subjected to being tested in their fighting skill, so keep that in mind.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.