
Blame it on the Night


01-15-2015, 11:49 PM

The full moon was high in the sky, the cool light keeping the Plains lit up in a pale, glowing silver. It was almost mystical in a way, although the beauty of it and the stars that glittered in the sky were mostly ignored by the gold and slate blue man. He had stretched himself out on his back among the tall grasses, his green gaze staring up at the stars, but somehow not really seeing them. His mind was buzzing and was much too busy to pay attention to stars. His paws were itching to carry him away from here, but he made himself stay. He made a promise, mostly to himself, to make a real go at this whole pack thing and the rational side of him knew he hadn't done that yet.

He sighed and let his eyes close and pondered going back to his den to sleep, but decided against it. He didn't particularly feel like sleeping or going to his den. It all felt so monotonous. Wake up lay around, hunt, lay around some more, go back to sleep. He was bored and he was irritated at his boredom. Another sigh passed his lips and he opened his eyes, rolling over onto his paws and shaking out his thick fur. He needed something to do. Anything really.

Talk You Think


01-16-2015, 05:32 PM

It was another restless night for the girl. She was out and about, wandering her home, moving through the shadows silently. She had been an only child in her litter, and she often wished there was another around that was her age. A sigh rolled off her tongue as she moved, soft grass tickling her legs as she moved. Hips swayed, movements fluid, easy. Night enveloped her in silence, a gentle breeze toying with her pelt. A shift in the breeze would bring the scent of another, just to her left. Crown would swing around, eyes surveying the plains, gently illuminated by the moon. It wasnt hard to pick him out amongst the grasses. He laid on his back, legs in the air, peering up at the sky. A brow would lift, though her legs would carry her closer on their own accord. Niketas. She had been surprised when he joined the pack, showing up at the training session, but then his mother was part of the pack, so maybe it shouldn't have been surprising. However, he did not seem the type ready to jump into battle at the whims of her mother. He didnt appear to be the type to fight in.

You're still here. She would coo, lips twitching in a smirk. If she were honest, she would have admitted that she was surprised he stuck around this long. The pack had fallen into a rather boring lull. Though he seemed far to kind She would stop a few feet away, her resting easily on his face. She had pitied him at the training, he had been paired with Ekko, and the pathetic excuse of a woman refused to spar, leaving him without a real partner to test his skills against. She had been mildly disappointed with her own partner, the boy had been too kind, too soft, though he had at least caught on quickly and fought back with more vigor. Toes flexed against the earth with the urge to spar with someone who actually posed a challenge.



02-18-2015, 06:01 PM

ooc: so sorry for huge delay! My Nike muse died x_x

A scent would catch his attention first, followed by the soft sound of paws moving through the tall grasses. His gaze would turn from the sky toward the sound and his acidic green gaze would land on Basanti's approaching form. A small smile would tug at his muzzle and he would quickly roll onto all fours again so that he could turn to face her, giving his fur a small shake to get rid of any dirt or grass that might be clinging there. He returned her smirk at her comment, giving a small nod of agreement. "I am indeed still here. I don't give up that easily." He had certainly thought about it, especially in these last few days, but he was as stubborn as his mother. It must run in the family.

His irritation and boredom were easily swept away by Basanti's appearance and it occured to him that maybe what he needed was to simply make himself interact with some of his pack mates. However he was sure no interaction with anyone else would be as entertaining as ones with beautiful ladies like herself. He smirked as he thought back to the last time he had seen her. The training he had been paired with Ekko. "I was very disappointed that we didn't paired together to spar at that last training. I bet you are a very worthy opponent." His deep bass tones rumbled with a bit of humor, but he meant every word he said. She had been his opponent of choice.

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