
Sindri vs Maximous



2 Years
01-18-2015, 08:10 PM

Pacing away from the small gathering, Sindri turned in an attempt to face her opponent head on. When Kass had been assigned as her sparring partner, the little fae's heart had leapt up into her throat. Fighting her brother was a scary idea. She didn't want to hurt him and she didn't want to be hurt by him. Luckily for her, the tardy healer had managed to save the day. With his arrival, Fendar had decided to reassign some of the fighters and Sindri had found herself paired with the late guy, Maximous.

Her features expressionless, she regarded her opponent before nodding to him and parting with the query, "Ready?" She began to focus on her breathing, willing herself not to shy away from the fight. She needed this, not only for herself, but for her family. What good would she be in times of strife if she ran from the fight?





8 Years
01-18-2015, 08:41 PM

The man would follow Sindri away from the group. So far all he had received for punishment was to me made to spar anyway, he had a feeling that they werent done with him yet. None the less he was here so at least all they could be mad about was his late arival. The only one who hadn't been activated at the sight of him was his opponent.

A sigh would escape him as Sindri turned to face him. To begin head on and to ask if he was ready. "As ready as ill ever be Miss Xanilov." he would reply trying to keep the grumbling and hatred of fighting and sparing. He wasnt sure he had managed but would take his stance anyway. A widened base and held out tail for balance and preparing to take any hits. Even his ears would pin to his skull to make them harder to grab hold of and his head would lower to protect his throat.

Sindri vs Maximous for spar
Round 0/?

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



2 Years
01-22-2015, 09:25 PM

In response to the brute's statement, Sindri nodded. She understood that feeling. Preparing for the fight, the small fae began to set her defenses. Her ears fell flat and her eyes narrowed, hackles rising along her back as her head lowered and her tail rose to bring her spine into alignment. She widened her stance, splayed her toes and bent her knees, her weight centering as she did so. To complete her defenses she tensed (which wasn't hard, considering her already on edge state) and rolled her shoulders forward while tucking her chin.

Kicking forward, Sindri attempted to rapidly close the distance between herself and Maximous in the hopes of maintaining their head on positioning. Suddenly she feinted to her left before dodging quickly to her right in the hopes of faking her opponent out. If successful, this move would line the front of Max's left foreleg up with the forward facing part of Sindri's left shoulder.

Jutting her left shoulder forward, Sindri attempted to drive it into the forward facing crease of Maximous' left elbow with the intention of forcing it to bend - a move that would hopefully throw his balance off. Simultaneously her left forepaw would rise - her weight redistributing across her other three limbs - and attempt to rocket earthward in the hopes of smashing the toes of her opponent's left forepaw. She hoped to not only inflict a fair amount of pain and severely bruise the toes, but further upset his balance.

To complete her attack, Sindri tipped her crown to her right - her chin remaining tucked as it rose to her left - and attempted to sink her teeth into her opponent's left elbow. If successful, her lower teeth would drive into the left facing (Max's left) side of his elbow and her upper teeth would sink into the back of it, just to the right (Max's right) of the rear facing point of his left elbow. She sought a firm grip on his elbow, her reasoning being that if she could control the leg, she could control the fight.




8 Years
01-23-2015, 08:27 AM

He would watch her carefully though he would not move from where he had planted himself, not yet anyway. As she readied her stance his bace remained wide his tail held strait out. Hes head stayed low and his ears remained pinned.

Within seconds of setting her body, Sindri would dart forward and fake to her left, his right. Thankfully he hadnt moved much so fallowing her back the other direction hadnt been too difficult, unfortunately by the time he got turned she had rammed her shoulder into the elbow of his left front leg. In doing so his left fore paw would raise of the ground and his left shoulder would drop. When she stomped down she had barely missed his toes and in an attempt for his elbow she got his lowered shoulder.

Though his elbow was now a tad bit sore and his shoulder was throbbing where Sindri's teath sank into his flesh, Max would force his paw back down to the ground in an attempt to smash her toes as she had done to him, the he would use it to keep her from pulling to far away from him should he not miss. The attempt would be painful butt he would do so anyway.

Immediately after his paw was down Max would angle his his head so that his now opened jaws were aimed to his left and the right side of Sindri's neck, he would force his head down in an attemt to grab hold of her neck. Being nine inches taller and around a hundred pounds heavier he could, if he had ever taken any fight training before, probably toss her around like a rag doll should he ever be able to catch her smaller and faster form. Should he land a good hold on her neck he would deffinitelly try.

Defense: His base is wide and his tail his held out for balance. His head is held low to protect his throat and his ears are layed flat againced his head.

Damage: His elbow is bruised from taking her shoulder to it and he has a bite wound to the shoulder leaving it bloody.

Attack: he forced his paw back down to the grownd (despite the pain in his shoulder and elbow) in an attempt to crush her paw and hold her in place. Next heangled his head and forced his jaws towared the right side of Sindri's neck.

Maximous vs Sindri for Spar
Round 1/?

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



2 Years
01-24-2015, 07:33 PM

Blood burst around the puncture wounds her teeth made in the meaty outer side of Maximous' left shoulder. Given that he'd simply lowered himself instead of trying move out of the way, the bite wound was directly above the place where she'd attempted to bite into his elbow. Her lower teeth sank into the center of (the meaty outer side of) his shoulder and her top teeth dug into the crease that separated his shoulder from his ribs. Finding this hold to be valuable, Sindri attempted to keep it,  aiming to not only tighten her grip on the flesh she'd managed to grab, but to shake her head vigorously from side to side in the hopes of furthering the damage and forcing her opponent to submit.

Her shoulder throw was successful and for her efforts, Sindri would later have a mild bruise across the forward facing part of her left shoulder to deal with. For now it simply stung, something that, given the adrenaline coursing through her, barely registered.

Teeth came from above; the brute's jaws managing to ensnare a large portion of the scruff on the left side** of her neck just below her spine and centered horizontally between the base of her skull and the start of her shoulders. Given that her chin was tucked and her shoulders rolled forward (a combination that loosened the skin of her neck), Maximous only managed to grasp loose skin and fur, and create moderate puncture wounds.

As soon as Sindri's left forepaw hit dirt she attempted to lift it again in the hopes of trying a second time. In doing so her paw met Maximous' left forepaw mid air, the brute's toes smacking the tips of her toes harmlessly. The contact stung, but that was the extent of the damage. A split second later she attempted to slam her left forepaw down on top of Maximous' left forepaw. If she could sandwich it between her paw and the ground, she was hoping that his toes would pop and pain would flood his senses, hopefully blinding him to what was happening. Through this her weight stayed distributed among her other three limbs.

To complete her attack, Sindri attempted to shove forward again, seeking to drive the bony front of her left shoulder into Maximous' newly lowered left shoulder. The aim was to strike the forward facing part of it - bone against bone - and cause a fair amount of pain.

Through this her defenses remained rock solid. Her stance was wide and her knees bent, each limb (minus the attacking left forepaw) ending in splayed toes. Sindri's head stayed low and her tail stayed stiffly out behind her, a combination that kept her spine in ridged alignment. Along her back her hackles stood tall. While she hoped her face was out of reach, the fae kept her eyes narrowed and her ears flattened just in case. To keep her scruff loose and useless between her opponent's teeth, Sindri was careful to make sure her shoulders stayed rolled forward and her chin stayed tucked.

Round TWO of TWO

OOC: Confirmed with Secret that she meant the left side of Sindri's neck, not the right.



8 Years
01-25-2015, 08:00 AM

Blood ran down his left leg annd with ever jerk of her head Sindri had ripped the flesh on his shoulder a bit more each time making het hold slightly less valuble. The more her teath ripped through flesh the less flesh there was to hold though his shoulder blade would go no where making her assault quite painful. In all the pain in his shoulder, his elbow would be forgotten.

His paw hadnt missed hers but he had caused no damage to her either as he had just clipped her toes with his in mid air. His mouth however filled with blood as he grasped the looser skin on her throat...sure he could toss her around with it but he had come up with another plan.

She would force her paw down once more and he would attempt to move his paw out of the way but he hadn't been fast enough as two of his toes had been smashed. Max would let out a half growl half yelp and push himself back up to pull his toes free. Imeadiately after that she would push herself into him and he would push back though her shoulder would hit him in the elbow again his would hit a bit higher should everything go to plan he hopped it would hit her in the base of her throat.

To complete his atrack max woulld pull his head back, effectively letting go of the loose skin and aiming for the side of her head/face. Here, should he get a decent hold. Could rip ears or crush the bones, where her bottom jaw meats her skull togeather to cause severe pain or even break the lower jaw. But this was a spar not a battle for his life so he wouldnt break it even if he got that good of a grip.

Defense: he moved his paws and raised himself back up to attempt to keep her from stomping on his toes andd hitting his shoulder again (in doing so his elbow got his and only two toes got smashed) his ears are still flat and his tail is still being used for palance

Damage: Round 1: His elbow is bruised from taking her shoulder to it and he has a bite wound to the shoulder leaving it bloody. Round 2: the wound on his shoulder has been ripped further, the two outer toes on his left front paw are throbbing and bruised and his elbow has been his again.

Attack: he stood up and forced himself into Sindri at the same time she did. She his his elbow brining him down again so he should hit her at the base of her throat. He also released the hold he had to bite down on the left side of her head/face.

Maximous vs Sindri for spar
Round 2/2

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)

The Judge


02-06-2015, 10:01 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2015, 10:02 PM by The Judge.)

8 for clarity- -1: Starting distance between the two?  -1: Some of your clarifications were a bit hard to understand (ironically enough) and required a bit of re-reading to get the proper feel of things.
8 for powerplaying. -2 “If successful, this move would...” is conditional. Your following attacks are based as if this would be successful.
10  for defenses. Ears flat, eyes narrowed, head lowered, spine aligned, stance set, toes splayed, knees bent, weight centered, tensed, chin tucked.
4 for attack. +1 Shoulder attack, +1 toe slam, +2 Elbow bite < br>
10 for injuries.First round

Round one SINDRI Total: 40/50

3 for clarity- -1: Positions of their bodies after her attack? -2: Sindri's attack was meant to bite and hold, no mention of this in your post, nor did he rip his shoulder away from clamped jaws. -1 Directional incongruity with bite attack. -1: Where on her neck is he aiming his bite attack? -2: Unclear statement “Should he land a good hold on her neck he would definitely try.” Is this a true attempt or simply his musing?
10 for powerplaying. None seen
3 for defenses. Wide stance, tail aligned, ears pinned.
3 for attack. +1 Toe slam, +2 Bite< br>
10 for injuries.First round

Round one MAXIMOUS Total: 29/50

Round 2

8 for clarity- -2: How is she maintaining her grip on his shoulder while trying to ram her shoulder into his? That seems a bit extreme as far as flexibility goes. Is her positioning changing?
10 for powerplaying. None seen
9 for defenses. Tucked chin, shoulders rolled forwards, weight distribution, stance wide, knees bent, splayed toes, head low, tail aligned, eyes narrowed.
5 for attack. +1 Intensifying bite, +2 Shaking bite, +1 Toe slam, +1 Shoulder slam< br>
7 for injuries. -1 Minor bruising, -2 Moderate puncture wounds,

Round two SINDRI Total: 39/50

5 for clarity- -2 Pretty difficult to understand some of the sentences, mostly due to punctuation. A bit of re-reading was necessary to get the proper idea. -1 He's moving around a bit in this post, what is his new position? -1 Where on her throat is he aiming? Left-right span, up and down? -1 Where on her face is he aiming?
8 for powerplaying. -2: Attempting to attack her with an extremely injured shoulder with no mention of it's effect.
0 for defenses. None seen (avoiding an attack does not count as a defense, and unfortunately your pinned ears and tail alignment were not reset in this post)
2 for attack. +2 face bite < br>
6 for injuries. -1 Damaged toes, -1 bruised elbow, -3 Severe wounds from intense bite and lashing.

Round two MAXIMOUS Total: 21/50


Sindri: 79/100
Maximous: 50/100

And the winner is...

Sindri! Maximous must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Sindri:  Minor bruising and moderate puncture wounds, 1 OOC week to heal.

Maximous: Minor bruises will fade in 1 OOC week, Severe damage to left shoulder will take 3 OOC weeks to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Lazuli

Your posts are really good in the clarity aspect! Very easy to read, but in this fight I had some trouble understanding your clarifications, as they got a little wordy and tangled.

For Secret

Keep an eye on your clarity, make sure reading your post is smooth sailing or that score can tank pretty fast. Also, make sure you're piling on your defenses wherever you can, you lost a fair bit of points there as well.

- By [Fox]