
say a prayer and let the good times roll (KENO)



2 Years
01-05-2015, 08:28 PM

She had been under a large amount of stress to find this plant to save her mother's life and it was starting to wear down on her. Her eyes were filled with nervous tints as she considered giving up and starting a new life in these lands in which she was born. But where was she to begin in such an endeavor? She wandered around a violent mountain in search of some answers to keep her focused and clear. She needed a mission for she was a very task-oriented girl and while she had a task, she was beginning to lose faith in it thinking that it was just as her uncle Halgen had described: a myth. She had a desperate look on her face as the odd girl climbed up closer to the summit of the dangerous terrain.

"Gd'damit." The words were muttered and cursed under the tenor voices in her breathe. The more important question she needed to ask herself was if she was ready to give up. What if her mother still had time left and what if her mother wasn't gone yet? Could she really give up on all of them? Her mother and father raised a girl who never gave up. Sequoyah, what would he say if he had learned she had given up on the search? What would Aithusia and Kilgharrah say if they learned of such things as well? Would they all look down upon her despite herself doing her best. She closed her eyes, taking in the mountain air as she took a deep breathe to try and clear her mind so she could think. She didn't know what to do.


01-05-2015, 08:46 PM
The woman wanted to see this journey as a sort of healing. Paws lead her to the mountain once  spring came, mind shifting and turning to the day she first came here. Where she met that purple eyed male. Lost her right eye, her ears, her tail. Her face was scarred that day too, and for a while, she remembered, she had faltered. Akemi had threatened to break. But no, she would not give in. Come hell or high water the strong willed beast would not bend and give. She would rise to the challenges before her with open jaws.  Akemi knew she could no longer be afraid; she was strong. There were those who were stronger... but she would not waiver in their presence. The tiny wolfess would overcome until her last breath. She would not die an old creature... but upon the field of battle, with the world stained in the red color of strength.

A growl would rise in her throat as she continued up towards the summit. Up ahead was a wolf, the damaged fae to the stranger's left and about thirty degrees off center of her side. The last time she was here, seeing the bastard father of her children had been trying to protect someone. Something. Surely not that scrap of fur? The beast would move forward, closing the distance and giving a sharp bark.

"Hey! You!" If this was one of his adversaries she was going to tear this girl's tail off and shove it down her throat. Then she had a rematch to go through with that man.



2 Years
01-05-2015, 08:54 PM

Words would startle Laria as she turned to see a woman charging at her with a sharp bark that made Laria think she had done something wrong. Had she unknowingly passed the borders to a pack? She would have caught the scent by now surely? She had a confused look on her face, the desperation still hid in her eyes. "Ummh, hello? I'm Laria Dominique-Netonya." The tradition of giving a name when she met a new wolf had not died and had become instinct from her time as a leader. She tried to figure out why the other woman looked so tense while sniffing about the area. She really did not need an angry wolf attacking her right now since she was trying to focus.


01-05-2015, 11:27 PM
Akemi would slow, but only once she saw the confusion and desperation in the eyes of the younger woman. The spitfire would give a soft scoff, glaring at the other for a moment before heaving a sigh. No... there was no way that this fae was in league with that man. Akemi would breath in, verifying that his scent was not upon the other woman, and then she would dip her head -- if a bit awkwardly.

"Quite the mouthful of a name you have there." Of course who was she to speak? "Name's Akemi Miu Hróðvitnisdottir." The damaged woman would try to shift her focus for a moment... perhaps appear a little less of a git than she already made herself out to be. Akemi would motion towards the summit, single red orb sliding back to the girl.

"You seem to be pretty keen on looking for somethin'. Think it's up further?" Akemi felt awkward. Hell, she was being awkward. Paws would shift in the dirt. Why was there something... she could relate to in that gaze?



2 Years
01-06-2015, 10:43 AM

The woman seemed to relax when she got closer, saying her name was quite a mouthful and then the woman gave a very long name in return. Akemi Miu Hróðvitnisdottir. That was a long name in it's own. "Nice to meet you Akemi." She greeted with a dip of her head as the woman asked another. Laria shuffled her paws a little bit, not sure if she should explain her situation. She felt like she could trust this wolf despite the fact that they had just met. "I'm looking for a plant, an herb that might not even exist. My mother is on her deathbed and this flower is her last hope... I was hoping it would be up near the summit." She explained her situation to Akemi with desperation still present in her eyes. What was she going to do?

She wanted to give up, in fact, she felt like giving up all the time knowing that her mother was probably already dead but she couldn't give up that small glimmer of hope. "I feel like giving up, it's been months and my mother is probably already gne but I just can't." Why was she giving out her worries to a complete stranger? She had no idea.


01-20-2015, 12:11 AM

The girl had manners for certain, and she would give a small nod. Laria was shuffling up on her paws, seeming unsettled about telling her what was on her mind. Perhaps it was too personal? Akemi would wait, to see if the female would speak her tale, and finally she would. It was no joyous tale, certainly, and Akemi found herself a bit envious that the other would have a positive relationship with her mother... One enough to care about going on some journey to search for some flower to try and save her. Akemi would close her single eye, letting out a soft sigh.

Alright, so her aggression might have been really, really uncalled for. Feeling maybe just a little bad Akemi would shuffle her paws, deciding to try and reedm herself for appearing like an butt. “...What does this flower look like?” Heck, maybe she had seen it. There was no need to fault someone for being able to do something that she hadn’t been able to. Unlike this fae, who was hoping for her mother’s safety, well, Akemi was hoping that her dam was rotting somewhere.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno