



5 Years
01-19-2015, 03:54 PM
 He had spent a rather good amount of time away from home. Perhaps it was his nerves acting up yet again, or perhaps he just felt like he wasn’t doing his family any good being at the level he was. He was rather mature for his age, it seemed, and with it came the stress of emotions and the desire to do his family well. What he had done while he stayed so distant from his brothers and his parents, he wasn’t necessarily so sure. He had attempted to do some training, or at least the best he could do without really knowing what he could do to train exactly. He had run, a lot, and done a lot of strength training (at least, that’s what he assumed he was doing). It was to the point where his legs were tight with muscles and his chest was filling out. At his youthful age he held a sense of strength, a strength he hadn’t had before he created such a distance between him and his family.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, he knew his family needed him but he just could not be useful to them without his strength, and perhaps he was just embarrassed. With a gentle sigh, and a huff, he moved towards his home with his head bowed low. He hoped they would welcome him home, they would bring him into their arms with a happy smile. He approached the den and moved to clear his throat, a sound that was harsh to his ears as it came from him. Silence had gotten him into this little mess he made, and he would have to change that. "Ma?" He called so quietly, his voice foreign from lack of any use. She probably wouldn’t recognize his tones, but his scent was strong. "’m sorry…" He whimpered, hoping they would come to him, that they would welcome him home.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



7 Years
01-19-2015, 04:18 PM

Amalia was curled up within the den, chest slowly rising and falling in her restful state. She had been busy in her studies of herbs, diving head first into it to keep her busy. It wasn't often that she got some good rest, and at last she had a few moments of silent. But when a small voice called out, her blue eyes slowly blinked open. She didn't know that voice, but she knew that scent. Vitus. Ears pulled forward as her head rose off the ground, the shape of her son silhouetted before her. Did he just... speak? And say that he was sorry? Little rabbit tail wagged with vigor, her small form nearly launching off the ground as she pushed herself upwards and wrapped her neck around his own. "Vitus! I have missed you my baby, my precious baby," she said, nuzzling and nibbling at his scruff. He had been gone away for so long, and she missed his quiet attention. She loved all the kids with all her heart, and she disliked it when they were gone for so long. "You have nothing to be sorry for, I'm just glad you're home," Amalia didn't want to let him go, her right foreleg coming up and around Vitus, trying to pull him even closer to her pale body.

A small, happy whine left her throat as she held her son, but reluctantly she backed up to look at him. He had bulked up a lot in his time away, and looked like he had been working hard to make himself bigger. "Well well now, it looks like you have grown in more than just height! What have you been up to?" she asked, her eyes sparkling as she looked him up and down. He was turning into a very, very handsome young man, and she knew that it would only be a matter of time before she was chasing the ladies away from her baby.

"Talk" "You" Think

Athena I


9 Years
01-19-2015, 10:06 PM

The ever present snow crunched under her silver paws as she trotted back toward their den. She had left her dear Amalia sleeping this morning and had gone to get the both of them some breakfast. Amalia had been working so hard lately with all of her healing and learning her herbs and Athena just wanted to let her rest. She had two hares hanging from her jaws, plenty of food for her and her little lady. However, as she got closer to the den she realized they had found some company.

She caught her son's scent first and immediately her ears would perk up and her split-tone eyes would search up ahead of her. She hadn't seen Vitus for quite some time and had actually been worried that he had run off much like she herself had when she was his age. She picked up the pace, quickly spotting his slate-blue form just outside the den she and Amalia shared, seeing Amalia's small form already embracing their son. Her tail wagged furiously and she hurried toward the tow of them, dropping the hares off to the side before coming over to her son to press her nose into his scruff and nuzzle her quiet boy affectionately. "Vitus! You're home! I'm so happy you're here." Now if she could just find Aescheylus then all of her wondering sons would be home. She was never quite as exuberant as her wife, but her happiness at her son's return was just as real.

Athena had arrived just before Amalia asked about what he had been up to and commented on his growth to which Athena had to take a step back so she could look her boy over. Her sons were all certainly stunners and Athena was impressed to see that it looked like Vitus had bee training in his absence. Of course she hadn't been there to hear Vitus speak moments earlier so she did not expect him to explain himself. She smiled and pressed a lick to his cheek, her tail still wagging non stop.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
01-20-2015, 12:31 AM
 It was easy to say that Vitus had not been expecting such a welcome, but then he should have. He really must have, Amalia was not one to hold any sort of grudges that he knew of. With a gentle smile he moved to nuzzle into her, tucking his nose into the gentle furs along the back of her neck and breathing in her comforting scent. Oh how he missed the warmth of his mothers. With a gentle sigh he smiled as she pulled back, his dual toned eyes glistening.  He missed them all, but they were all the reasons he had moved to work so hard on himself. Why he wanted to become the best he can be so he could protect them and do what he was born to do. His grin faulted just slightly when he scented his mother on the wind, and he slowly turned around to look at her. A sheepish grin crossed his boyish features, his ears tipping back just so. But she seemed to welcome home just as well as Amalia did.

With a gentle sigh he turned to embrace his mother aswell, to tuck his nose into her furs and breathe in her scent aswell. It was comforting, it helped him hold his ground and keep determined. Yet he pulled away from them both and smiled at both of them. "Trainin'" He said softly, his deepening voice almost hoarse with lack of use and his throat hurting. Why did people talk? This hurt! He lifted a paw to his mother then, Athena, a grin on his lips. "Or attemptin' to..." He whispered, clearing his throat and shaking his head a little. With a small shrug of his shoulders he settled for those few words, which were more than he had ever spoken in his life. The words were choppy, short, and he only spoke them to get the information out, and that was all. He shifted back to Athena to nudge her just so, a gentle grin on his lips as he noticed the mark on her haunch. He didn't know completely what it meant, but it had to be something important.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]