
A change in scenery


01-21-2015, 12:51 PM
OOC :: This takes place before Ichoth's approach to Arc and is his first post entering Alacritis c:

Large paws brought the brawny form forward, brow furrowed in disgust as the soft coast-land mushed between their pads. He didn't fit well in this land, it felt too... gentle. Ichoth was anything but at ease. The slate male moved to ascend a small nearby slope, barely letting tongue slip from mouth in a pant. He wasn't certain why on earth he'd come out this way, but he needed to find somewhere else to settle. Setting his jaw in a grimace, the large male let himself drop down and placed his head on his paws. He hated to admit it, but he missed home. Gently chiseled ears leaned forward, catching the far-off sounds of other nomads who had wandered here. A scoff parted rusted lips, hopefully none would be foolish enough to approach him. He didn't want nor need friends.



5 Years
01-21-2015, 01:07 PM

It is unusual for the carmine beauty to leave the deep confines of the den she shares with her paramour, but today she is on a special mission- she is looking for something rare she cannot find within the soulless forest. Fish. Ody hasn't gotten the opportunity to try fish yet, and so the nymph figures it would be a good idea to introduce him to the succulent treat. The coastline in the southern region of Alacritis only had a few good fishing spots, and she knew that within the sea's plain was a shallow area where she could hunt easily. It's not too far from the soulless forest either, so she can bring her catch back fairly fresh for Ody to enjoy.

Ebony dipped paws beat against the sandy shore as she make a direct b line toward the waters edge, Marco, her wolverine companion, falling in step behind his master. The silent duo is unaware of the presence of another canine for the time being, their senses set on the enticing smell the ocean's dancing waves leak into the air. She enjoyed coming to the beach, there were so many opportunities here that the misty forest she lived in could not deliver.

ooc- I figure your character can see her and her companion walking along the shore a short distance away.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


01-21-2015, 01:19 PM
The nearby sound of the light pattering of paws awoke the male from his slumber. I fell asleep? Damnit! He jolted awake and to his feet, pads splaying to support the sudden weight. Silvery eyes fell upon the female crossing below him and he lifted his paw to rub away the remnants of sleep from his face. "What the..." Her pelt was splattered with bright hues and the slate male couldn't keep the confused expression from his face. Eyebrows furrowed as he studied, and eventually he became aware of the... thing... that was following her.

"Ma'am!" Long legs carried him down the slope towards her, gaze still fixed on her luminous pelt. "There's... there's something following you." He didn't care about the creature, really, he was simply taking advantage of it's stalking to get to see her odd coloring close up.



5 Years
01-21-2015, 01:31 PM

The blood-colored babe is just about to reach the waters edge when the symphony of heavy paws crashing against the earth infiltrates her senses, and instantly her body turns itself to face the intruder. To her suprise it is a male, his large form bounding down the slope of a hill and directly aligned in her direction. Was he.. approaching her or something? After a few more seconds of watching him bound toward her, it is obvious that he is approaching her. Her pelt bristles, the fur along her nape and spine standing straight up like a porcupines spikes. Marco, the black wolverine at her side, lifts his lips in a threataning snarl. If this man wanted a fight, he would get one... But when he stops a few yards away from her, and instead makes a comment about Marco, she is surprised. A humorless bark seeps from slackened jaws, the right corner of her lips creasing slightly to morph into a smirk. Hasn't he ever seen a companion before? "If he didn't follow me, he would be in hell's cross-hairs." She responds sarcastically, the tip of her tail flicking behind her feminine curves (hips). "Who are you, and what do you want." She does not have time to make friends, nor does she have the desire to do so. Her volcanic orbs narrow to glare at the male, her mind pondering his true intentions.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


01-21-2015, 01:42 PM
Ah, she's a bitch.

Ichoth's jaw tightened and he lifted his head, arching his neck to look down on the weird creature and then back at her. "I am Ichoth, and I don't come from here." Tone grew gruff. "I have not seen a canine who makes a slave of their prey, nor one of your odd coloring." Paws stamped uncomfortably at the ground. Damnit, I've approached too eagerly and made a fool of myself. He stood in silence for a moment, contemplating his next move. "You wolves are different." He conceded quietly. Unfortunately, it seemed he had resort to honestly. "I figure it'd be best for me to learn as much as I can about your unusual ways so I can best survive here." There, that wasn't too pathetic, was it?



5 Years
01-21-2015, 01:56 PM

The male glances at Marco again before introducing himself, and the babe responds silently with a nod. So, he was new around here eh? He has so much to learn. He speaks again, reffering to Marco as prey and commenting on her alluring pelt. Another humorless laugh falls from her jaws, her eyes glaring daggers at the male as she replies. “You say a wolverine is prey?” Her gaze falls from his to stare at Marco's razor sharp claws and teeth. “Try to take him down, and tell me if you still think a wolverine is a prey animal.” Her glare lifts from her companion to stare into the grey hues of the males gaze, her right brow cocking in interest to see if he will take up her offer. Any sane wolf wouldn't dare to mingle with a savage wolverine. Her interest in this male slightly inclines as he stomps his paw on the ground, frustration evident in his sudden out lash. He is silent for a moment before speaking again, and Fiamette attempts to take a daring step toward him, an attempt to begin closing the distance that separates them. “You know nothing of Alacritis.” She spits venomously, her words drenched in rancor. “And you will never survive here unless you learn to adjust quickly.” She leaves her statement at that, since she knows this male will bombard her with questions shortly.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


01-21-2015, 02:12 PM
"Wolverine." Ichoth repeats the word carefully, feeling it's sound upon his tongue. Silver gaze studies the mammal, lingering upon it's razor claws and teeth as she suggests he try his luck. The slate beast shakes his head, decisive. "I don't feel that such a small animal is worth my time to challenge." Eyes dart back up to the female, as she speaks again, the words dripping from her maw like poison. A bored expression crosses the grey male's face. "Yes, I'm aware I know nothing of Alacritis, I just admitted that. Are all the wolves here stupid, or is it just you?" He refused to grovel at this bitch's feet for information as he knew she expected of him.

Ichoth took a step back and shook himself out, muscles rippling beneath slate pelt. He needed to relax, he could feel himself getting worked up. He didn't stand a chance against a fight with these beasts unless he learned more; if this female could be such strange colors and enchant a small mammal to follow behind her, who says she didn't have some odd magic to pull the air from his lungs before he could leap?

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm hungry and irritable. It's been many moons since I saw another canine, and I fear I've lost many of my manners." He forced himself to drag his glare off her face and towards her feet.



5 Years
01-21-2015, 03:06 PM

She waits for the male to say something, curiosity worming its way into the folds of her brain. She wonders if he has enough balls to attack her companion- but when he speaks, it is obvious that he does not know who he is dealing with. She does not grace him with words in response to his statement. If he wishes to insult not only her, but her companion as well, he will pay with his blood. Defenses fall into place as she stands there and stares at him, her eyes carefully trained on his movement as he goes on with what he is doing. Volcanic orbs narrow into slits, her ears fold flat against her skull, her lips curl to fully reveal her fangs, her muzzle scrunches into a vicious snarl, and her nostrils quiver as the tension between the male and herself intensifies. Hackles raise along her nape and spine, her chin tucks to protect her precious throat, her head drops to align with her spine, and her knees bend slightly to better center her gravity. Her shoulders roll forward, her neck scrunches to better protect the sides of her neck, her weight evenly distributes between her four limbs, her tail raises to align with her spine, and all of her toes splay and flex to get a good grip on the earth. She is done listening to this male talk- he will pay for his mistakes.

Without warning, she aims to launch herself from her standing position by coiling her strength into her back legs and pushing off the ground with her hinds. (back legs) She aims to lunge directly at the male (head on, facing each other), her jaws splayed wide open as her fangs are eager to clamp down on flesh.  She aims to jut her left shoulder outward and slam it into the crease that separates the mans chest (right side) from his right shoulder. She aims to use the momentum she has built up (by lunging at him) to dislocate the shoulder by popping it out of its socket, and also aims to push him back by slamming herself directly into him. Despite what outcome could come from her lunge, she aims to have all four paws return to the earth after her attempted slam. (to redistribute her balance) In sync with her attempted slam, her head cocks toward her right, and her ears remain flat against her skull to keep them away from snapping jaws. With her jaw still open, she attempts to open mouth bite the inner left portion of the mans throat, her top teeth aiming to sink into the area just below his jawline, and her bottom fangs aiming to sink into the center portion of his throat. (she is much shorter than him, note she is 29 inches, and he is 36). Marco, her companion, waits for his opportunity to jump in and grab the piece of flesh he deserves, his dark form attempting to circle the duo as they fight.



Round: 1/2

Attacks: Attempting to lunge at him and use her momentum to slam her left shoulder into the crease that separates his right shoulder and right sided chest. Hoping to dislocate the shoulder/push him back. Attempting to open mouth bite the left side of his throat, top fangs going for the area below his jaw line, bottom fangs going for the center of his throat. (her head is titled toward the right) Note that Marco has not attacked yet, he is attempting to circle them until he sees an opportunity.

Defenses: First para, little bit in the second too

Injuries: None, first round.

OOC note- Me and Dimi concluded that fia was close enough to be able to lunge at him and reach him. They are facing each other head on as well.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


01-21-2015, 03:56 PM
The female was quiet as she listened, though the air around the two bristled with unspent aggression. He watched as her body subtly shifted in preparation to attack, and before he knew it she had leapt at him. It was all instinct, the great slate beast had been doing this for many moons now, since his paws had tumbled out of the birth canal he had been a fighter. Intellect and strength were his mediums- the male was not quick, nor was his endurance good -He did well in short, all-out battles, contests of strength.

He noted her shorter stature, perhaps he could overpower the female with brute strength and gain the upper hand. The beast let out a screech of pain as she made contact. His silver eyes narrowed to a slit and pupils dilated as his cry became a shallow growl. She had hit his shoulder with force and he pulled his upper body back in a half rear and leaned slightly to the left to protect the precious crease, preventing full dislocation but sacrificing his stability. The slate male refocused himself and pulled his torso back downwards- throwing the entirety of his weight into the movement -tucking his head into his neck and turning his skull to instead aim to make contact with the top side of her muzzle as she reached to bite, hoping to throw her head down and away from him so he may resettle himself.

Upon his feet once again touching the ground, he stared at his opponents focused eyes, lowering his body into a stocky position to distribute his weight evenly. He was heavier then her, but she was faster. His best shot was to simply wait and counter her with whatever he could, as any attacks he launched would likely be dodged without much effort. His pawpads splayed and claws dug into the ground, bracing himself for the worst, and ready to spring away at a second's notice.

Round: 1/2
Attacks: Attempting to bash his skull down into the top of her muzzle as she bites.
Defenses: Pulling back from the chest hit as to not completely disable his foreleg, lowering center of gravity, pawpads splayed, claws embedded in earth for stability.
Injuries: Shoulder separation/sprain (Less so then a dislocation)

OOC :: First battle, man this is difficult.



5 Years
01-21-2015, 04:57 PM

Adrenaline courses through the nymph's veins as the battle between the duo proceeds, her first attempt seeming to reign successful as she feels the painful impact of bodies slamming against each other. Her shoulder jut seems to have an affect on the male, his movement changing as he rears up slightly to bring himself back from her slam. He cannot escape her though, and she knows she has done a decent amount of damage by the painful wail the male releases. Her own shoulder will suffer minor bruising because of the slam, but she is willing to take the damage in exchange for a win she hopes she will attain. Before Fiamette can snake her jaws beneath his jawline and bite him, he comes back down with full force, his neck scrunched against his throat, giving her less access to her previous target. (his throat) Before she can backtrack and step away from the man, his skull slams into the top of her muzzle with an admirable amount of force, causing her jaws to snap shut with an audible click before she can grasp his flesh. A venomous snarl bubbles from within her throat, and the babe snorts in protest as she tries to ignore the throbbing pain on her muzzle. Her muzzle will surly bruise after this battle, but not enough to severely hurt her. Her jaw begins to grow sore due to being suddenly slammed shut, but she ignores it.

She knows now she cannot easily strike his throat, so she seeks a new target to attack- his right forelimb. She is much shorter than him, and she will use this to her advantage. As the male drops his body slightly into a stocky position, the carmine viper attempts to mimic his movement and drops herself lower as well. Her knees bend so she can lower herself lower than she is already standing, and she attempts to use her hind legs to launch herself forward and directly into the male. With her head cocked toward her right, her jaws unhinge as she attempts to open mouth bite the mans left ankle on his front left limb, her intentions being to grab and pull back to jerk the limb out from under him. She aims to bite him hard enough to severely damage the ankle, her intentions being to break the precious bones that lay beneath the skin so he cannot use this limb in the fight. In sync with her attempted bite, her left shoulder juts out again as she lunges forward, and she attempts to slam it into the same area she had just injured. (the crease between his right sided chest and right shoulder) She aims to damage the area more, hoping to fully dislocate the shoulder by attack the same spot again.

Fiamette's defenses are only slightly faltered as she attempts her attacks, but she does her best to keep the same defenses she has started with. Her volcanic orbs are narrowed into slits, her ears are folded flat against her skull, her lips are curled to fully reveal her fangs, and her muzzle is scrunched into a vicious snarl. Hackles are raised along her nape and spine, her chin is tucked to her best ability to protect her precious throat, her head is dropped to align with her spine, and her knees are bent to better center her gravity while attacking. Her shoulders are rolled forward, her neck is scrunched to better protect the sides of her neck, her weight is evenly distributed between her four limbs, her tail is raised to align with her spine, and all of her toes splay and flex to get a good grip on the earth as she attempts to launch herself forward.

As his master makes her moves, Marco decides it is his turn to step in and assist. He watches the male carefully with his beady black eyes, his own defenses raising as he waits for his turn. Then, he sees it- the prefect opportunity. He notes the males sudden change of movement (when icthoth lowers himself) and bases his attack on it. As the males drops himself lower toward the earth, Marco attempts to sprint at the male to build momentum. (attempting to approach from icthoth's right side, between his ribs and neck) Once he is in striking range (should he get there), he attempts to launch himself into the air using the strength in his hind limbs, hoping that he will be able to jump high enough to latch onto the right side of the males neck. His front limbs extend outward and his toes hook forward as he attempts to latch himself onto the male, his left paw aiming to grasp the flesh on the man's right shoulder, and his right paw aiming to grasp the flesh on the right center potion of the man's throat. Razor sharp claws aim to dig deeply into the males skin, an attempt at getting a good grip so he can hold on should this brute start a bucking frenzy. With jaws splayed wide open, the wolverine attempts to open mouth bite the brute's right ear, his intentions being to fully bite the ear at the base of his skull, and pull his head back in a swift motion to completely sever the ear from his opponents skull.

FIAMETTE vs ICTHOTH for DOMINANCE / MAIM (Marco's attempt)

Round 2/2

Attacks: Fiamette- Attempting to slam her shoulder into the same area she previously attacked. Attempting to bite and severely damage his left ankle, aiming to pull back to pull the limb out from under him. Marco- Attempting to latch himself onto the right side of Icthoth's neck, wanting to dig his claws into flesh to get a good grip. Attempting to bite his right ear clean off and rip it off his skull.

Defenses: Scattered around in there lol

Injuries: Fiamette- Moderately bruised left shoulder, moderate bruising to the top of her muzzle, slight pain in jaw from her jaw slamming shut.

Walk "Talk" Think

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


01-21-2015, 05:43 PM
The she-beast recoiled quickly from his skull-bash and crouched down to mimic him, her smaller form carrying closer to the ground than he. Ichoth studies his opponent hard, careful gaze pointed upon her coiling hind limbs. She was to jump at him again, but this time he expected it. With a sudden shift in weight, the male was forced to the left (as his right was still too injured to lean on) and narrowly missed the deadly female's jaws. Oversized paws steadied him as he saw her next move on his already injured shoulder. Not again, bitch. He instead tucked and jutted out his own shoulder, turning his large frame and launching himself to hopefully overpower the female and bash against her own body, at the crevice between her neck and shoulder. (top of clavicle-ish region)

The male's focus was so limited to the she-beast that he hadn't noticed her circling fiend until tearing claws were embedded into his neck and climbing. He leaped back from the woman and shook himself desperately, more confused then in serious pain until he felt his ear tear. Head tossed violently and blood began to splatter. In a violent rage (no longer caring what damage it would cause) the male began to slam his head down against the ground on the side of the overgrown rat, trying to dislodge it. "YOU STUPID BITCH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?"

FIAMETTE vs ICTHOTH for DOMINANCE / MAIM (Marco's attempt)
Round 2/2
Attacks: Countering her shoulder slam with his own, larger shoulder. Frantic beating of Marco with his head to the ground ;P
Defenses: Not many, he's in so much of a rage from Marco that he's lost the restraint to be defensive.
Injuries: Sprained/Separated right shoulder, torn off right ear, minor scratches on neck.

The Judge


01-24-2015, 11:03 AM

Fiamette v Ichoth for Dominance

Round 1

6 for clarity- -2 after slamming her shoulder, how where does she slam her body into him? -1 she is 7" shorter, does she try to lift her upper portion up to get better access just below his jaw? -1 how close are they? It's hard to determine severity of shove without knowing.
10 for powerplaying. All clear
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
6 for attack. +2 for shove +3 for bite to neck +1 for vital area
10 for injuries.First round

Round one Fiamette Total: 42/50

6 for clarity- -1 his head attack wasn't very clear in what he was trying to achieve. I had to reread this a few times. -1 what injury to fia's shove cause? Bruising? -1 what damage did he hope to achieve with his attack? -1 overall you played it of as he was moving a lot, i don't think you meant it but it came of like that with your wording
9 for powerplaying. -1 must attempt to move back and away from her.
2 for defenses. Notes
2 for attack. +2 for headbutt
10 for injuries.First round

Round one Ichoth Total: 29/50

Round 2

10 for clarity- Notes
8 for powerplaying. -2 'she aims to bite him hard enough' seems like she's already got him. You should say 'if successful'
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
6 for attack. +3 for attempting to bite ankle +1 for maim attempt +1 for shoulder shove [seems highly unlikely to dislocate due to their close proximities.] +1 for companion attack [points deducted for changing this to a maim fight rather then dominance.]
6 for injuries. -2 for bruising to muzzle -2 for injury to jaw

Round two Fiamette Total: 40/50

6 for clarity- -1 how far away did he aim to go to miss her bite? -1 where did he turn his body? -1 which shoulder did he seek to bash? -1 so did Fia's shove make no effect to him
8 for powerplaying. -1 must attempt to move to left. -1 must attempt to leap back
0 for defenses. Notes
2 for attack. +2 for shove
5 for injuries. -2 for bashing own head to ground. -1 to scratches on neck -2 for torn ear.

Round two Ichoth Total: 24/50


Fiamette: 82/100
Ichoth: 53/100

And the winner is...

Fiamette! Ichoth must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Fiamette- jaw will take 1 ic week to heal. bruising will take a few ic days to heal

Ichoth- bruising will take a few ic days to heal. head injuries will take 2 ic weeks to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Fiamette

NOTE: Once starting a fight you may NOT turn it into a maim fight. Overall good performance though! feel free to pm me for questions

For Ichoth

make sure to include atleast 8 defenses and 2 attacks! feel free to pm me for questions

- By [Luisiana]