
Spot Light On Me & I'm Ready To Break!


01-21-2015, 11:22 PM

The day had slowly run its course, showing different things to the cobalt-coated girl. She had gone to Abaven early that morning and with the welcoming paw of Bass, dug into a hearty breakfast of deer, fish, and some berries. Pandora's body, which had been deprived of nutrition for a few weeks, was slowly starting to accept the food she had been taking in. She began to fill back out, her supple curves bouncing with each step she took. Her coat began to have its glossy looks and she was becoming more of herself after each visit to Bass's home. More often than not, she was starting to consider asking him if she should remain under his wing. After all, he was her best friend.

After spending most of her time admiring Bass's children play from afar, she left to head home. The sad prospect of being alone when she returned made her hesitant, however, so she set out to visit her mother and siblings. Then again, she was sidetracked with many thoughts and feelings, so she diverted the visit and planned to go another time. By the time she had reached the desert region of the West, she was cranky, troubled, and...restless. Ohhhh, god. When was the last time she got LAID?!

Her loins then began to burn, as did her paws when they began to walk across the heated sands. Groans slipped through her dark lips and by the time she was halfway in, halfway out, she felt screwed over. Why the hell did she go out this far? She didn't know when it ended and for all she knew, she could die out here! Oh, dear sweet baby Jesus, she needed something to DRINK!

When all hope seemed lost, she saw something to raise it for her. A palm tree, so green and tall, stood out among the numerous sand dunes. Pandora's lips began to get wet with whatever saliva she had left and her pace hurried from a depressed walk to a desperate run. Maybe there was water, food...omg, maybe even...a man! Her heart raced faster as she got closer when she noticed that there was green grass outlining the oasis. Hooray!

Her paws finally came across the soft grass and relief seeped through her legs. Turquoise eyes shimmered with newfound happiness as she got out of the heat and looked around at all the greenery and shade. Pandora sighed to herself and then smelled a water source nearby. Without thinking about it, she raced towards the pond that came to her sight and immediately she dunked her head in before slurping up as much as she could. She was saved!




5 Years
01-22-2015, 12:18 AM

She had finally pulled herself away from her precious volcano, and although she was glad it saddened her a bit to leave the heated stone. Naturally her flame coloured body was attracted towards the West, the dry and desert qualities calming her loud soul. Well, as much as it was possible. She had wandered with ease through the sandy terrain, not at all phased by the heat that pounded down on her red and black coat. Paws cut through the tiny grains as if it were solid ground as she easily picked her way towards the little lake. For one who knew the heat and lay of the land well, she could taste it in the dry air, the moisture that called to the ones who sought it. She shrugged her elegant shoulders, just thankful that not many other wolves seemed to venture here. It made it safe for her to wander around while this blasted season stole her sanity.

The woman's paws cooled on the grass, and she curved her way around the pool of water and settled herself in the shade. Ah, this seemed a good place as any to rest. Dropping her heated body towards the earth she rested her head of her flaming legs, ember eyes raking across the landscape. That is when she saw the flurry of sand, kicking off behind a rather frantic wolf. The golden marked female seemed to be too thirsty to even notice the girl sitting on the opposite side of the waters edge. The female plunged her face into the cool waves. Sere chuckled, a smile spread wide on her inky lips. She waited until the dame had brought her head back up until she said something, vocals smooth. "Thirsty?" she asked with a coo. Serefina didn't generally care much for strange wolves, and didn't often trust them. But with her being in heat, it made her long for the feeling of another beside her, or more like behind her. But she couldn't deny that this dame was beautiful, her golden markings even bringing the stars to shame. Easily she let her gaze roam across her luscious body, taking in her soft and delicate curves. The need to bite her fangs into the woman's rump suddenly coming over her, making her eyes lid with desire. Damn this stupid season...


01-22-2015, 12:34 AM

The water that ran down her throat was soothing and threatened to give her a brain freeze. However, her drinking slowed and when she had enough, she raised her head from the cold pond. Water dripped from her face, dousing the dark blue that adorned her entire body. Golden-tipped lids closed in relish at the mere relief she had spread across her curvaceous frame. She took a minute to enjoy it before catching the sweet scent of...a flower? Maybe a piece of meat that was in the beginning phases of decomposition? No...definitely something better.

Pandora's eyes snapped open when she heard the coo of a dove reach her ears. Slowly, she turned her gaze to the burning frame of a female, softly lounging on the opposite side of the pond. Despite the dripping fur on her face, Pandora's look of shock slipped into a sly grin as she looked over the female's vibrant body. Something about it made her want to simply slide up and around the woman, even though she was a complete stranger. Then, she recognized the scent that had struck her earlier: hormones. The woman was in heat and Pandora felt the pang of relief for her part. She had dealt with it the past season, but she hadn't been given the option of someone to douse her fire with the proper equipment.

Nevertheless, Pandora felt drawn to her. The grin remained on her face as she giggled and shied away from the woman's gaze. Her head lowered to her chest and she closed her eyes as she replied with a girly, "Maaaybe." Her right paw crisscrossed over her left leg, causing her right leg to rub against the left before flipping her tail around her curvy hips. "But only water can do so much." She spoke truthfully, the fact being that she was, indeed, still thirsty...but not in the physical sense where liquids were needed.




5 Years
01-23-2015, 02:00 AM
Oh darling my hearts on fire

Well I don’t know where and I don’t know when, but I know we’ll be lovers again. I’ll see you some day before the end, I don’t know where and I don’t know when. Oh darling my hearts on fire, you know those love songs will break your heart.

She watched the beautiful woman's eyes snap upwards to her, but her shock soon wore off and gave way to a charming smile. Her own smile grew, as if to call her forward. The stranger was nothing if not stunning, her golden markings putting her brother Volt's yellow to shame. As the woman grew bashful, the flame woman pulled herself up into a seated position as a chuckle slipped from her lips. "Playing coy now, are we?" she questioned, her own vocals heady. The woman seemed to work with her, her double meaning in her words was not lost on her. She continued to eye this being from across the water, the reflection of the surface making everything shimmer. And then, ever so slowly she rose to all fours, movements languid as she made her way towards the stranger. Her own heat drove her passionate feelings to an even higher level, so much more than she could have ever thought possible. But this stranger was playing right into her hands, and she couldn't resits those luscious curves. An admiring hum rumbled in her throat as she came closer to the cobalt and gold stranger, hardly believing that she was really here. "Now what brings a goddess like yourself to this plain land? Surly there is somewhere more suited for a woman like you,” she cooed, batting her lashes at the woman.

Flame coated body moved to rub against her flank as Sere curved her body around the woman, easily wrapping around her slim frame. She tisked her tongue as she felt a few bony protrusions from her frame, smile turning downward. "What a shame, have your devoted followers not been taking proper care of their deity?” she asked, ember gaze lazily gliding upwards to meet the strangers gaze. She wasn't kidding either, with markings and hips like these... she almost had half the mind to check behind to to see if a line of brutes were trailing after her paw prints. She laughed again softly, eyes fluttering closed as she inhaled the strangers delicate scent as she finished her tightly wound circle around the woman, standing to the left of her now. "My name is Serefina Elementas, pleasure to meet you,” her words were sly, like a well rehearsed play she knew her lines by heart. She didn't take after the element of fire for no reason, her passion burned like the hottest flame. And now that Spring was here, it grew into an inferno. Sere picked up her right foreleg, reaching out and drawing her claws down the length of the woman's own right foreleg, her gaze following the trail her claws were making through her fur. Oh how badly she wanted to sample this flowers delicate nectar...


01-25-2015, 07:08 PM

If she was in a daydream, she didn't want to be released from its hold. She watched the vibrant woman as she rose from her side of the pool, admired the way her fur danced as she waltzed towards her, playfulness and lust evident in her gaze. Pandora's heart silently hammered faster, desire for the other slowly building up inside of her. She hadn't been with another individual in a long time and to have the chance so willingly walk into her was too perfect!

The stranger walked up to her right side and then around her, taking in the physically appealing looks Pandora possessed. Words that sweetly coated the desire coming from the woman reached Pandora's ears and she felt goose bumps rise and fall across every inch of her. Curiosity rang true in her gaze as she watched the female assess her, taking her sweet time and clearly enjoying it. "Mmmm. I was looking for a miracle, something to change my course in life..." A warm smile rose on her lips as she quietly added, "Who knew that I would find it so soon."

The woman then mentioned her malnutrition and her smile faded. A sigh slipped from her lips and she met the woman's gaze as she came up to her other side. "Unfortunately not." Immediately, she thought of Fendar and she missed him. If only she had accepted his invitation to join him in Ebony, she would have properly been looked after...but alas, she had been too headstrong to submit to the idea. "I have yet to meet the wolf...or wolves...who could properly take care of me." Scorpion had filled her head with the possibilities, but it had never happened with him, either. Alas, her long stream of lovers had proved to be sort of disappointing.

At last, the woman had a name. Pandora's golden-backed ears perked to her title and her smile returned to brighten her features. "Pleasure, Serefina Elementas...Pandora Selene Artenie." She raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow to the woman as she felt the claws run down her foreleg, but did not object. Instead, she softly trembled beneath the touch, but the movement was not a great one. Her lips played with a smirk and she looked over Serefina with a glowing stare. "What brings you out here, of all places?" she quietly asked, luscious tail moving behind her to sweep a deserving breeze in her direction.

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