
this bitch is gonna burn


01-22-2015, 12:18 PM
Well it was about time she got here... Dione would sigh heavily, inhaling the well marked pack boarders before slowly coiling her haunches and lowering her hips to the ground. Ringed, bushy tail would flip and tip, draping easily over her toes as tiny head would turn around to gaze at her surroundings. It was pretty here... Why hasn't she decided to join this pack? Ah well. What was done was done, and now she could start a little fire... After a moment she would tip her head back, howling for Cat. She had only met the woman once but she had made a good impression on the minuscule woman when she had beat the white woman from another pack into the ground. She had been delightful infact. Maybe it was time for them to have a proper meeting and introduction. Head would lower as massive ears swivelled atop her head in an attempt to catch the sounds of any who might approach. Who knew, maybe a boarder patrol party would greet her before the queen...


01-22-2015, 01:26 PM

A call would resonate just for her. Silver limbs would pull her away from her den and towards the border. Coral pools would soon rest on the face of a woman she had seen before. But who could possibly forget her face. A vibrant shade of green clashed with ebony, an excess amount of fur dangling before her fiery eyes. It had gone unnoticed before, but horns protruded from her skull. She was an interesting creature. But it was because of her unique looks that the silver woman desired to possess her. But unfortunately, the woman already belonged to her son. "You a little ways from home." She would state, nostrils inhaling the still strong scent of her sons kingdom on the womans emerald pelt. Coral gaze would lazily inspect every inch of her, subtle appreciation settling in her gaze. Silver ears tipped towards the woman, interested to know what brought her to Arcanum. From her cool demeanor, her son was not in any trouble. Perhaps a political visit? No matter the cause, the emerald woman held her attention.



01-22-2015, 01:43 PM
The silver queen would not disappoint, arrive in a timely manor, posture one of nobility and one that demanded respect. Something that Dione would gladly give. Upon the first site of her Dione would stand, bushy tail lowering to lick at her heels and head lowering to be held parallel to her spine. Massive ears would fold and tip backwards to lay closer to her mop of neon green hair, head tipping so she could watch the queen approach. Cataleya. When she was near Dione would dip her head quickly, nose touching the ground in a quick bow of respect. Cat would speak easily, commenting on Dione's distance from her home. Ah yes this was true... "The walked seemed worth it, I felt like we should get to know each other more after the little show at the battlefield" Dione would say easily, brow tipping as she slowly reclined onto her haunches and smiled slightly at the massive woman before her. "I didn't realize you were so... tall... I'm Dione Lydia by the way." She would say easily.


01-22-2015, 04:52 PM

The woman would dip into a bow, her nose nearly touching the plains before rising back up once more. Well, it was certainly good to see that her sons pack was respectful. Easy words fell from green lips, pulling her own charcoal lips back into a small smirk. It certainly had been an interesting when she first met the woman. But why this woman felt they needed to get to know each other now, so long after the event, was still unknown. The was small, incredibly so, her crown having to tip back to be able to meet her own coral gaze. She would even comment on her height, pulling a brief chuckle from her lips. "My dear, you do not know tall." She spoke of Aster. Already her son had to be nearly as tall as this woman, and he was only about 2 months of age. He was going to be a giant, probably surpassing his father.

Dione. The woman would give her name, yet the Queen did not feel so inclined, surely the woman knew who she was by now. "What can do you for?" Her silver crown tipped fractionally to the left, a brow lifting in question. "Its not everyday I meet a member of my sons pack who simply wants to get to know me." Haunches would fold beneath her, till curling around her hips. Something told her that this would not be a brief visit.



01-30-2015, 01:48 PM
Cataleya would make a quip at Dione's tall joke and Dione would smile, she had after all lived in Cat's son's pack and seen her husband so did know what tall was her her mind. It didn't mean that Dione didn't know what 'tall' was just that she still classified Cat in this category.  Cat would get right to the point, asking why she was here and Dione's gaze would immediately harden and she would snort slightly. "Unfortunately I am no longer apart of your son's pack. I am here for my gain I suppose you could say." Dione would say, shoulders lifting and falling in a lazy shrug before she would sigh and shake her pelt out, how how did one go about telling a mom that her son was useless. "I come with news and possibly a proposition. Your son and I left on mutual terms, I was too cold and secretive for him and he was too open and… Soft for me. But we agreed should we ever require each others assistance we would help each other. I would like to extend this offer to you as well great queen. I am starting a pack of my own soon, mostly for hoodlums and weirdos like myself who are sick of getting judged and mocked and just want to wreak havoc upon this sad hell hole we call life." Dione would speak, her words eloquent and easy as she frowned and pursed her lips. Did she want to say more? Yes… Yes she did… "Before I left a red woman named Sibelle came to the boarders saying Valentine was her nephew and that she didn't want to cause trouble between him and his mother… He offered to let her stay…" Yeah fuck it she liked him but not that much and he was the one who had bitched and complained that she had kept too many secrets and how it harboured distrust.


02-01-2015, 10:32 PM

The womans gaze would harden immediately, spiking the queens interest. When the tiny woman would state that she was no longer part of her sons pack, a brow would raise in question, though no words left her lips. Dione would continue, stating that she had both news and a proposition. The woman had her sole attention, especially when the words she chose to describe Valentine, were not what she had expected. Eyes narrowed immediately. However, it appeared that they indeed had left on good terms, a proposition hanging between her son and Dione, one that she extedned to the queen. But she was not interested in speaking of politics right now. Her interested was how soft her son was. But the verdant woman did not stop there. News of Sibelle spilled from her lips, causing her own dark lips to peel back in a silent snarl. "Those are some bold allegations about my son. Please do explain." Her words were clipped, her posture stiff and unmoving.



02-04-2015, 10:33 AM
The queen was straight down to buisness, her gaze hardening as Dione would speak of her son's softness. Dione didn't blame her, if someone came to her with news such as this the green woman would have probably taken their life or at least tried to maim them but instead Cataleya would ask Dione to explain herself. For a moment the green woman would pause before sighing as if she didn't intend to totally screw her old boss over. But mostly it was gut feelings that ached in her stomach, looks or body language she had picked up on as of late. "The good queen is one to take whatshe desires despite the conciquences. Her son is not. He hides behind neutrality, not wishing to stir the pot or upset anyone. He does not boast his alliance with you like a true ally should, instead he avoids the topic. He does not want slaves, he not only took the rank of slave master from but but wiped it from the ranks completely. Instead of seeking greatness he slums around with weak women, playing with puppies rather then training..." Dione would say, her list flowing easily off her tongue. If the queen wanted more she could give more, speak of the fact that Dione wanted to raise her children one way only to have him desire to not to raise them alone. Bastard... And yet. After this, after she went home she would go back to Valentines boarders to speak to Mercy, to play nice with Valentine and preach peace. Yes. She would be the serpent here...