
hello, little birdie (AW)



7 Years
01-15-2015, 01:36 PM

Kassander's siblings had left him standing at the border as they sought out their uncle. He'd followed from a distance for a short while, still hesitant to trust the Olympians with his siblings, but he stopped before he'd reached the edge of the steppe. Now he paced that familiar, though invisible and no longer scent marked, line delineated what had once been a territory of Ebony. Was it the right thing, to let them go alone? Shouldn't he or Solo be there to help protect them along the way? What if the Olympians had lied and were just going to snatch them up and lock them away?

He didn't know what his siblings' choices were; he hadn't asked them, or tried to pressure them at all this week though the wait to know had been excruciating. The thought that they might choose to stay in Pantheon and he might never see them again - after they'd finally been reunited, all four of them and him, Sindri, and Sigmarr - was a heartbreaking one, but it was their choice. He knew they would be gone for quite some time to journey there, and it would be some time before they even started back if they did at all, and he knew he should just go home and see to his pack. Organize a hunt, or medical training, or something. But he couldn't help but pace this border, fretting and worrying... and wondering.



01-18-2015, 03:19 AM
Solo had been left behind, Gaia had asked him to stay and so he had complied but that didn't mean he was happy about it. No.. Not in the least. For a time he had stayed at the tree he and Gaia had spent their winter beneath but then restlessness have overcome him and he has begun to move, slipping away from the lake and heading to Ebony's other territory. He followed her scent slowly, long legs pulling him forward at a pace that wasn't even worthy of the title walk. They had all met up eventually, it ease Solo's worries a bit to know that Nemesis was with his wife but he would have still felt better if he had been able to go with them... With her... Kassander's scent would merge with them after a while and Solo's heart would twist in his chest, Kass had escorted them to the boarders but they hadn't asked him?

Solo would find Gaia's brother pacing his pack territory line and for a moment the red boy would pause, head lifting to regard the boy. Kassander... Solo and him had never really met but he seemed to be worried. About his siblings? He would sigh heavily before letting out s soft woof to alert the boy to his presence. Solo set forward again before coming to stand at the boarder, staring out towards where the scent path lay. "Gaia and I would like to stay here with you... As part of your pack now that we are free." He said softly, still staring off into the distance before looking back to Kassander and flashing his a small smile. "Also, I proposed to her... She said yes. We would be honoured if you would marry us before your pack when she returns." He would add. When she returned... He had to keep reminding himself that she would be back.



7 Years
01-26-2015, 08:24 PM

Soft pawsteps shushed behind him, a gentle woof to alert him to the approach, and Kass turned his muzzle to see the much more red figure of Gaia's... whatever he was. Betrothed, he supposed, and while he was happy they were happy he was troubled by the thought that the only reason they were together was because their parents had decided they should be. Solo. He studied the larger male silently for a moment before turning his head back to the direction his siblings had taken. Not dismissively, just... concerned for them. But Solo's words drew his attention immediately back. He and Gaia wanted to be full members? "I'd be happy to have you both," he said quietly, trying to quash the fear that Helios would force them to stay in Pantheon rather than keep his word. He wanted to be happy for them that they were in love, that they wanted to marry even apart from their families, but there was still that worry... that fear that this love would be torn apart by more Olympus pride. Damn Virgil, and damn Helios anyway. He worked up a small smile for Solo, not wanting the Sovari to think his distraction, his upset was because of Solo and Gaia. "I am really honored, Solo. It means a lot that you guys would want me to do something that important to you. I... don't really know how to do that sort of thing... but I'm sure the girls would like to plan it or... whatever they do." He didn't think he'd ever actually seen a wedding at all - Raisa and Virgil hadn't married, and no one had actually gotten married in Ebony for as long as he could remember - but he latched onto the subject in an attempt to distract himself.




2 Years
01-26-2015, 11:20 PM

A grey, grizzled, female wolf made his way ponderously over some of the rocks in the background, not making a lot of noise, and dipping in and out of sight around a fallen column. This was the only object that interrupted his otherwise sternly straight trajectory.

He was a sullen creature, a brushy grey shag of hair atop stilt-like legs, broad feet all but goosestepping over stones, eyes and nose tilted towards the ground. It wasn't the most unusual thing about him: tightly in his jaws was the crotch of a Y-shaped stick, the end of which he held half a foot off of the ground. There was no joy in how he carried this object. It might as well have been the casket of a beloved friend or a king's last message to his heir. The two branches should've stretched his mouth out to at least an imitation smile, but somehow they didn't. The corners of his mouth drooped despite their uplifting angle. So intense was his focus on the ground that, even when he passed near the two others he didn't seem to notice them right away.

He hit something invisible and stopped, as still as the grave, inhaling slowly through his nose, eyes unblinking at a fixed spot on the ground. He snapped out of it all at once and looked around, a bewildered expression in his hueless eyes, made all the more lost-looking by the massive stick he still held. At length, his eyes fell on the two conversing and his brow furrowed, his frown deepening before he placed the wooden object carefully on the stony floor, looking at it as though it had disappointed him. His gaze then went back to the two speakers, and then back to the stick, then back to them, then back to the stick. He tilted his head to the side, as though pondering some pressing and perplexing puzzle.

And then he just sat. "No, it is not right... but how?" he murmured aloud in a low growl.