
Celebration [pack meeting]

Rune I


5 Years
01-15-2015, 04:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

One year. Rune could hardly believe it. Secretua had been around for an entire year already. It hardly felt like so much time had passed, though as he reflected he knew enough had happened to show for it. They had gained members, they had lost some, they had thrived and fallen short. It had been like racing up and down over hills from the start, but Rune was proud. They might have had few members, but he recognized that they were strong and self-reliant as he was. They wanted to do good by each other, by the pack, and that those who remained were diligent about their tasks. They needed more, needed to become more, but for now their smaller successes needed to be recognized. He was nothing without them - Secretua was nothing without them - and that was an appreciation he needed to make clear. 

The idea to do something other than work had been in the back of his mind for a while. He placed so much stress on completing tasks, sticking to their duties, that he wondered how many of them were even able to socialize with each other on terms that were not solely duty-bound. If they were to work cohesively together they needed to understand one another inherently, they needed to become friends, become family. He had lost some already due to neglect of a personal nature, and as the season brought about the freshness and revival of spring, he felt it overdue that he do something festive to promote those feelings within the pack. 

His dark paws carried him down into the Gulley, away from the prying eyes of the rogues who walked passed their borders and into the safety and security of the pack's most remote and protected location. He smelled their scents, knew they were all going about their business as usual - a fact that he was happy to note with pride - but he was eager to draw them from their work. No sooner had he stepped into the small, open space hidden away within the Gulley, where his own den rested and where his last meeting had taken place over half a year go, he howled for them, a low, commanding sound to draw them away from their daily responsibilities and toward him for a moment of their time. Allowing his voice to fade out, Rune moved to sit within his chosen space, his blue eyes uncharacteristically bright and almost cheerful despite a straight face, allowing enough room for the others to gather and waiting for them to answer his call. 

OOC: I know Rune plans to wait to express everything IC when everyone gets there, but I wanted to give all of you a head's up before then. Rune is hosting a Spring Anniversary Festival in honor of the pack turning one year old, which will last presumably one IC month (15 OOC days) and is closed to the pack only. He has three activities planned - a pack potluck feast, a "keep-away" sort of game (with a prize!), and moonlight tag - which will be spaced out over the course of the IC month to keep opportunities open. Participation is mandatory in at least one event (I'll be watching!) and pack socialization (meeting pack members, open threads, etc.) is encouraged. The details of each event will be written out in more detail in their respective threads as they are posted, and if any of you have other ideas or suggestions for activities by all means PM me so they can be worked into the plan. Replies for this thread will be due in four days, 1/19, at which point the first of the activities - most likely the "keep away" game - will be posted as well. In the meantime, respond here and, if you're up for it, get some pack socialization going on! 



4 Years
01-18-2015, 06:45 PM

It should come to no surprise to the brute that his daughter would be the first to arrive. Her high regard for punctuality aside, Warja lived in the Gulley. If not exploring Alacritia, she was likely to be found roaming Fern Gulley, tending to her plants and searching for hidden treasures. The plains were nice, but not nearly as enticing or as interesting as the healer's paradise.

Grinning up at her dad, Warja didn't miss the slight upturn to his usually solemn features. Sure, it wasn't an outright jovial expression, but he looked like he was barely containing his excitement over something...and Warja was dying to find out. She whispered up to him, "Careful now, if you smile outright Kismet might lose his fear of you..."


Eirik I


3 Years
01-19-2015, 09:32 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

He was trying, in his own way, to make himself better in the pack, and that included showing up promptly for pack events. Not that Secretua had that many of them - Rune was one for the daily activities to command the structure of things rather than needless gatherings just to repeat himself over again from the last time - but Eirik had already made a horrible habit of showing up late that it was practically expected of him now. It was not something that painted him in a good light, especially since he had those he was trying to impress, and the only way it was going to get better was if he made it so.

He just had not anticipated showing up before so many others. Man, even Kismet was not there yet, though of course Warja was. No surprise there. Though what was surprising was the look on his father's face. It could not have been labeled smiling since it was as straight faced as it ever was, but there was a certain brightness there that was rarely seen, something that made the young wolf both curious and a little apprehensive. What in the world did Rune get excited over? "Hey Dad," he greeted the man, turning his rosy eyes over to his sister, "Hey Warja." There was something skeptical about the look he offered them, watchful and puzzled. But rather than ask questions - it was all going to come out into the open here in a minute anyway - the pale grey Guard took a seat and decided to wait it out.



6 Years
01-19-2015, 10:14 PM

They moved within her, not much but just enough to be obvious. She had told him, had shared the expansion of their family with her mate and it excited her… again. She knew that soon there would be a meeting, it was simply time enough and she was excited to get to share her news with a pack. One she had started to really see as a close group, despite how little she had spent with many of them. It was a pack she was proud of, one she was proud her children would grow up in.

The tiny snowy woman was lounging happily in the mouth of her den when Rune’s call reached her. Without any word the branches of a nearby tree rustled as the familiar shape of her friend took to the air no doubt looking for her daughter. With a single smooth movement she rolled onto her paws and trotted off to find her mate… her husband.

Rose orbs landed upon… her son? Her smile broadened as she drew in the form of her usually tardy child and she gently nudged him on her way towards Rune; giving him a playful wink. Alamea gently nosed the grey man, licking at his cheek before settling upon her haunches beside him.  




4 Years
01-19-2015, 10:47 PM

In what was becoming an easily traceable pattern the fluttering of wings in Keiki’s peripherals signaled the approach of her mother’s curious companion. A signal that she was being summoned, something she couldn’t know for herself; so with a small yip of acknowledgement the grey and white girl chased after the flying fox. Bursting out from the forest she stumbled over her own paws as she attempted to slow herself and face planted gloriously.

A gentle nosing against her shoulder made her finally lift herself from her position and the girl grinned sheepishly down at her mother. The white woman’s shoulders bounced with laughter and a salmon tongue lashed across her cheek before her mother returned to her position at her father’s side.

Keiki seated herself, smiling at each of her siblings but curious as to where the rest of the pack was.

[Image: VAzkBpg.png]


01-20-2015, 12:14 AM

A call, a cheerful call was what summoned them. Akemi would emerge from the den with her sons, the pygmy jerboa on her head and the boy, large enough to stand taller than even she was at his age, coming beside her. Einarr was huge... A mammoth of a man. He would surely surpass his father, though that was part of what she was worried about. Coaxing him out of the den was no easy task, and he wore the grumpiest face of any creature she even saw. Heck, the face of a prey animal aftet it died looked happier. With a small sigh she’d walk on, coming to a stop. Warja was there, Eirik and Rune, some others. Oh goodie, they running late. With a small, careful dip of her head Akemi would address them both. “Rune...” She’d say, greeting the alpha.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno


01-20-2015, 12:23 AM
Einarr was silent, as he was often times now. His mother walked alongside him, or rather, he alongside her. He was growing tall, strong. But he was hiding away from the world. He didn’t trust this pack. Didn’t trust strangers. Akemi had tried to explain about his uncles but he didn’t want to listen. He would eye the females and males that were standing near his mother, but he said not a word, subconsciously shifting closer to her. He didn’t want them to look at her. To see her there. She was his mother, his and Tiny’s. They were the only ones he needed in this world... And everyone else, well, he didn’t care where they went.



10 Years
01-20-2015, 12:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2015, 12:37 PM by Priti.)

The weather was warming up and with it she faced down another year of life. It seemed, for now at least, she had still managed to outpace death and though a part of her was glad for that it would be a lie to deny that she was tired.  Still she was not out of the game yet. And so she refused to simply let herself fester, though there was only a little to do in the small pack.

So when she heard her alpha calling for her she wouldn’t hesitate to answer it. Even if old bones made the going slow. There were only a few wolves there once she meandered into the meeting. The old woman was certain there were more wolves in the pack and she most certainly didn’t walk fast enough to out race most of them… Shrugging the white elder settled upon her haunches with an audible sigh of relief.




3 Years
Extra large
01-20-2015, 02:35 PM
It had been a while since the pack had been summoned for anything, though Kismet certainly preferred it already to the last time that Rune had requested his presence anywhere. Admittedly it hadn't been quite as bad as he had been expecting though the one-on-one time with the Guardian had been far from comfortable and there were surely far better ways he could have found to spend his afternoon. He would of course refrain from being rude and pointing that fact out however. As Warja had pointed out in jest moments before, he was still somewhat fearful of Rune, honestly though he couldn't quite understand why.

Of course he still didn't know every member in the pack though judging from the size of the gathering present, Kismet assumed he was at least one of the last to arrive to the meeting. Though he didn't wish to highlight this fact by making his way forwards to find Warja who he was certain had one of the front row seats right before her father, the idea of sitting alone appealed far less to him. And so, quietly he would find his way to Warja's side, sitting silently next to her to wait and find out what the meeting was for today.

Saga I


3 Years
01-20-2015, 06:29 PM

Having missed the last pack meeting, Saga figured it was best that she attend this one. Eirik's father call was unmistakable and rang out loudly and clearly across the lands. Though she moved soon after, fully intending to be present, she didn't move as quickly as most might. Quiet as a mouse she crept, finding herself soothed by the familiar vegetation of the gulley that had once again begun to sprout all around her. Though she preferred solitude, she felt guilty for not going to see Eirik sooner -- he seemed to genuinely enjoy her company, a trait that she rarely found in others, and she felt she ought to speak with him more often.

Although she had wanted to get to the meeting early, she had trailed off slightly -- and as she moved forward to the group, she noticed the entire pack was already there, or so it seemed. The woman was silent as ever as she moved forward, movement precise and graceful as the tiny thing moved to find Eirik, the most familiar face here for her, sitting down near him with little more than a passing glance.

Rune I


5 Years
01-20-2015, 06:31 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

They arrived one by one, his family first and then the others. His daughter, the clever and observant girl, was the first on the scene and immediately teased him for his good mood. His only response was to smile outright, a rare treat for them both, and offer her a soft nuzzle against her cheek. Oh, if only she knew what he had in store. Eirik was more apprehensive - which only added to Rune's amusement - and Alamea was as beautiful and brilliant as ever. His grin softened upon seeing her, his tail making two quick thumps upon the ground as he considered the particularly special news he was going to get to share on their behalf. It delighted him to no end, and he leaned down to press his muzzle into her neck with a sigh. Such wonderful news all around.

Keiki arrived in her own grand way, courtesy of Elliot Rune knew, as well as Akemi and her growing child. Rune's gaze traveled from one to the other momentarily, surprised that Einarr was shooting up like a weed so quickly. At least he was timid, or rather guarded, and not throwing that size around carelessly. To the Guardian, things could have been worse. The Elder Priti arrived, earning a not of respect from the grey wolf, as did Kismet who promptly seated himself beside Warja as expected. Saga, too, showed herself, quiet as ever, and with everyone gathered - they were an awfully small group, he noticed - he finally addressed them.

"I'm glad you all could make it," he remarked, and truly meant it. A full meeting was more than he had bargained for. "I've much to discuss with you, and it's important you all be here to listen. To start, I wanted to remind you all of the Advisory positions I had spoken of in our last meeting. One of those volunteers has since left us, but," - here Rune paused, turning his frosty eyes on Akemi - "if you would consider it, I would actually like for you to become Secretua's Huntress in his place." The grey Guardian hoped not to offend the proud little woman by offering her a title that she had not asked for, but he knew she was still smarting over the scuffle at the border and hoped a change in pace entirely might set her to rights again. "And as for you," he added, now turning his gaze upon his own little healer with the edges of his lips upturned in a small smile, "you will be Secretua's Healer." There, one part down.

On to the next. "There is one more announcement I have for you before I get into the true details of this meeting." Rune paused, just a little nervously, as his eyes skimmed not over the members of the pack but his own children. Was this the proper time? Should he have chosen somewhere a little less public to tell them? Possibly. But he had already started it. He glanced down at his little mate beside him, seeking reassurance before he looked amongst the pack again and stated almost on a sigh, "Alamea and I are expecting another litter of pups. They won't be here until summer, so we'll have plenty of time to prepare. And hopefully we'll be ready." He spoke not only to his wife, but everyone as a whole. More pups meant more mouths to feed, more minds to mold. And more siblings for his older litter. He watched them in particular, hoping the news was going to be received well. It was too late for them to refuse it now.

"As for the true purpose of this meeting," he went on, rounding the conversation back on his initial news, "Secretua has reached its first year here in the Gulley and on the Prairie. And to commemorate that, I would like us to have a festival among ourselves. For the next month, I want our focus not to be on the pack, but on each other. Reach out to your fellow pack members, make friends, play," he added, particular emphasis placed on the last as he glanced at his own children and the other young wolves of the pack. "I'll be offering my own encouragement during the month, and I'd like for all of you to participate in some way. I don't just want us to work well together as one functional unit," he explained, "I want us all to understand just how important each of us is to the whole."

He watched them, his pack, and felt pride at the small group who followed him. They had stayed, they were strong; they needed to know their worth. "I'm truly grateful to have each of you here. I want you to know that. And now I want you all to enjoy yourselves because you've earned it." With everything he had wanted to say spoken, Rune fell quiet, watching them for a moment before he turned to offer a nuzzle against Alamea's cheek. "I'll be back. I have something to get the festivities started," he whispered to her with a gentle smile. Leaving the pack to mingle, to socialize, to begin the fun, Rune stepped away to find the token he had tucked away in his den, one that he hoped might spark a good game between the members of his pack.

-Exit Rune-

OOC: Just sort of made sense for Rune to walk off like he did, but if anyone has questions for him I'm totally available for solo threads with him if you'd like. Going on a limb and assuming there won't be any complaints about the promotions and the baby news, hopefully, so just wanted to keep things rolling. xD Might not be until later when I get the first game thread up, but I hope everyone's ready! Be merry, be social, and have fun, Secretua! -throws confetti-


01-25-2015, 08:07 PM

Sitting with her son, Akemi listened, waiting for Rune to start the meeting. A couple others trickled in after she and her son, and soon Rune would begin to speak. There first matter of business, however, caught the female off guard. The advisory positions and... Rune wanted her to become Secretua's lead huntress? The female would lift her head with a bit of pride, her single orb shining with pride. She would dip her head deeply with gratitude, her voice spoken clearly. "Thank you Rune. I humbly accept the position." The she-wolf felt as though her world was slowly righting itself. This was twice now she earned herself a high rank in a pack, both times the position of head hunter, or Huntress as it was called here. There was also Warja, who was more than worthy of becoming Secretua's Healer. The female would shift her gaze to Warja, giving an approving nod.

There was another bit of news too. Exciting news. Alamea and Rune were expecting a litter? She felt ironically happy at this news. Perhaps the children and Einarr and Tiny could be friends? The female would smile warmly. Having her own children truly changed her view on them.

To get to the real purpose things, however, was a celebration of the pack's thriving nature. A celebration of unity. Akemi found excited about this too. The chance to get closer to her packmates... maybe even help her son open up as well! This was perfect. Head would turn to her son, giving a gentle nod. "I want you to participate too."

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



6 Years
01-27-2015, 12:44 AM

Slowly the rest would trickle in, her own daughter taking at spectacular pratfall right in front of them. The woman padded up to the girl and gently assured the girl was all right, unable to hold back the laughter at such a dramatic display. A woman she recognized but did not know by name led in a pup who didn’t seem at all comfortable with being here.

An elderly wolf followed soon after and then two of her children’s friends made their presences known. That was all of the pack, and without much more waiting her husband began to speak. Ranks were handed out and she beamed at her daughter, proud of how dedicated the small girl really was. Then the big news she was excited for, a grin plastered across her face as Rune announced that there would soon be additions to the family.

Had it really been a year? It felt like so much longer and yet not quite so long ago that the little family had moved here, had claimed the lands as their own and begun their little pack. How very strange and yet exciting it all was. Her mate would get up to leave and without any words so too would the tiny white woman follow him, as she had always done.
