
I Walk Alone...


06-19-2013, 05:27 PM
Dust blew across the ground in front of the Males path. The afternoon sun beat down on him since he left the shade of the forest some time ago. He knew not where he was going, or where he was. He had no sole purpose right now...not since the disappearance of Ellone some time ago. Step after step he trudged on, grim expression always adorning his face. Not a friend to be found, not one to be made. Nothing new to him though. Others always treated him differently, like an outcast. A loner. Never accepted even as a kid among other boys his age. An orphan at just a couple months old. It was winter then, just as it was now. His tracks followed him everywhere he went. The Lone Wolf no longer had anyone to care for, and nobody to care about him. That's how it always was. That's how it always would be. His heart had closed itself off from the world, from feelings. He was who he is now. Thanks to the corruptions of his past.

Dust swirled around the warrior, bringing with it the scent of blood. Narrowing his eyes, he pressed his nose to the ground and scented the stained dirt. Blood. Lots of it. Looking around, he noticed the ground was stained here and there with bleached patches of flattened grass, and faded hues of what was once the fresh blood of another being. Rocks had dark cherry stains of the metallic liquid, and every other bush and nook held a tuft of fur...if it wasn't rolling across the ground like a tumbleweed in this wasteland. Narrowing his eyes against the dust that blew, he continued to investigate the stained plains. Each time a new discovery of a bone, or carrion, or even a torn piece of flesh that had long been rotted by the sun. He stopped near a large swath of boulders that dripped with blood...fresher this time then what he had previously seen.
"What the Hell is this place?"

Pontifex I


06-19-2013, 06:15 PM

His first time in the battlefield since having arrived in Alacritis and what a sight it was to behold. Blood-stained grounds, chunks of rotting flesh, desecrated carcasses and skulls of fallen victims and warriors alike. This wasn't a place that any wolf would like to visit, especially if the circumstances surrounded life or death. Why was Pontifex here then if he wasn't going to duel anyone? He wasn't too sure. He'd been wandering again, exploring his new home and the area surrounding it. Though the battlefield was the farthest place he'd gone from Seracia since having joined. It was empty, eerily so, or so he thought until he caught a whiff of another brute in the area. The esquire tracked the scent until his golden gaze came across the stranger. He seemed to be looking for someone, or something, he wasn't too sure. Are you looking for something? he called out to the stranger, frame tense with uneasiness. This new man could be a threat and he had to stay on his paws.

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06-19-2013, 06:45 PM
Chocolate brown head rose as he scented something on the wind. He cocked his ears when he caught a voice calling from somewhere behind him. Where did he come from? The scent of blood intermingled with that of death, along with the tenseness of this stranger. Eyes narrowed, he stalked his way closer for a better look at this intruder. Nostrils flared as he drank in the scent of this new male. He seemed to be about the same age, muscular, and looked like he could deal a vicious bite...this could be good. What was a whelp like him doing out here? And where did he come from? He hadn't seen anyone out on this landscape for a while. The last time he had spotted a wolf who challenged him, well it hadn't ended pretty for the last stranger. Dust kicked up around his legs, adding a thin layer of dust to his white chest and underbelly as he stalked closer. He slowed his stride when he was about a yard or so away. Silvery blue eyes bored into the stranger.

"What I am looking for is not your business. So I advise you to turn around before you get hurt."He tensed his muscles, his tail held low and stiff just above the ground. His gaze remained cold and calculating on the Gray mass before him. His stance did not waver, nor did he feel intimidated in anyway. He had no connections with anyone, so why should he start now?

Pontifex I


06-19-2013, 10:05 PM

The brute before him didn't smell of pack, or like he was traveling with any kind of companion. He was a rogue through and through, clearly having just arrived in Alacritis. He didn't seem to know just where he was. Many who hit the battlefield first usually didn't. He took a moment to asses the stranger, noticing that they were both relatively the same height, body mass and muscle bulk nearly identical. They were two evenly matched. But just because Pontifex could take him if things got bad didn't make him feel any more comfortable about the brute before him. There was just something about him that didn't sit with the seracian esquire, something that made his nape bristle with uneasiness. Golden gaze met a silvery blue one as the stranger turned to address him, stating that it was none of his business he was looking for and that he could get hurt.

He almost laughed. Get hurt? Was this fool threatening him? Is that a threat? Came his growl of answer, muscles coiling in response to the stranger's offensive stance. A sudden bout of anger sprouted in his chest and he could feel himself begin to get irritated. He had simply asked the man a question and now he was threatening him. This was not how he'd wanted things to go, but apparently how they were going to go.

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06-19-2013, 11:44 PM

[Image: 85e.png]

Squall snorted, sizing up the gray pup before him. Though they were roughly the same age, that didn't matter to him. He had spent too much time hardening himself physically, mentally, and emotionally. He held no ties to nothing, no bonds shared with anyone. Not anymore...not since she disappeared. His feature always bore the same hard lines for the past years. He couldn't even remember the last time he smiled, yet this brute amused him. Of course it was a threat, be it sarcastic, serious, or any other shape or form. He didn't joke. He didn't know HOW to joke. He didn't even know what it felt like to be compassionate anymore.

The Loner bored his gaze into the eyes of the stranger. He smelled like pack wolf. He didn't have the scent of a loner, no. He belonged somewhere. Unlike himself, the tri-colored male belonged nowhere. He had no home, no family, no pack, nothing. He simply wandered around, challenging those who challenged him. Defaming those who simply couldn't compete...and this would be the next target. The male had decided to question him instead of heeding his warning. Fair enough, he was game enough for it. Never did he back down from a challenge, and this wouldn't be the first. Stalking closer, he held his head at mid chest. Audits parallel to his skull as he made a half circle towards him.

"Do I look like the joking type?"He replied in a low tone neither vicious nor humorous but more of a monotone. He sensed a fight would happen, and soon. He would not be the one to back down. He watched the other male tense his muscles, and underneath his own pelt, Squall flexed his own. Muscle and sinew pulsed under his hide, itching for a fight. He would show this whelp who was boss in this barren landscape. Nostrils flared as the scent of blood and tensity thickened the air around him. He waited, slowly closing in.


Pontifex I


06-20-2013, 12:27 AM

Pontifex wasn't really the type of man to throw himself in ridiculous battles for no reason. At least not anymore. He might have done that in his younger years, back when he had been under the control of his father and still living in the land of his birth. But that had been long ago. He'd left that place in order to try and become a better man, someone who could walk beside his siblings without them cowering in fear or rejecting him. But look at him now, in the middle of the battlefield, being threatened by some random stranger who was apparently just looking for a fight. Only he would run into others looking for trouble.

The tri-colored brute began to approach the esquire, beginning to circle him. He could see the tenseness of his muscles beneath his oddly colored pelt and Pontifex responded accordingly. Nape bristled, crown lowering into a defensive position, chin tucked against his chest, audits pinned flat against his skull. He could feel the tenseness in the air. In any moment the brute could decide to initiate a fight, but did he really want to fight? What would Gerhardt think if he found out that his esquire was out fighting pointless battles with strangers? Certainly that wouldn't sit well with his king. I'm not sure what you look like stranger. he rumbled, his own pillars shifting into motion as he began to mimic the man's movements, circling the other as he watched him, hyper aware of each of his movements.

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06-20-2013, 11:26 PM

[Image: 85e.png]

The scarred warrior narrowed his eyes. Was this boy taunting him? Or just being smart? He squared his shoulders, either way he'd get a smack for that. Squall didn't like to be trifled with, and this boy was no exception. He didn't always need a reason to fight, sometimes he did it just to take his anger out on something other then an unlucky branch or tree. This would be a good battle, he could tell just by observing this guys manner and the way his muscles bunched under his coat. The loner rolled his shoulders, loosening his muscles in preparation for what would come next. He'd show this kid, he wasn't to be messed with. The scar across his face was indication enough of what he had been through. Not to mention his closed off heart and feelings...just hiding from the world.

Refocusing on the gray kid in front of him, he circled closer still. Just a little more...perhaps he'd distract him a bit. Not that he needed to, Squall was a seasoned fighter after all. He fought for his life once as a yearling, so this was nothing. His eyes betrayed nothing to this stranger, ice cold eyes simply bore through him. Piercing gaze more like. A corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk as he finally decided to make his move. He had stopped just a little to the left of this male, so he made his move and leaped. Black claws struck the side of the male as he attempted to knock him over. Teeth sought the scruff of his neck so that he could get him down as quickly as possible. With his long limbs, he towered over him. His lithe body full of agility...he'd show this brat. A bout of snarls blasted from him as the fight begun.


Pontifex I


06-20-2013, 11:58 PM

This was absolutely ridiculous. He shouldn't be fighting outside of his packlands with some random stranger for absolutely no reason. The king would not approve of that. He was on a probation period where he was trying to prove to Gerhardt that he was worthy of holding the position that his now deceased brother Octavian used to hold. Octavian. His brother. The brother he no longer had. Anger began to well up inside the grey brute, adrenaline beginning to course through his frame, the organ inside his chest speeding up. This brute was looking for a fight without provocation. At another point in time, he might have turned it down, been the bigger person, but right this moment, he saw it as the perfect outlet for all his pent up emotions. He needed to let them out and what a better way than in a fight.

Golden gaze watched the tri-colored brute as he began to near. Pontifex kept up the constant pacing, muscles gliding smoothly beneath his pelt as he maintained the distance between himself and his adversary, inky lips pulling back into a snarl, audits pinning themselves back against his crown, chin dipping towards his neck in protection for his neck, shoulders rolling to add a scrunching of the nape as added protection. If this fool wanted to fight, then by all damned he was going to get a fight. The esquire was no fool, allowing the second man to make the first move in order to better his chances for a proper reaction. He didn't have to wait long, for the attacker stopped, leaping towards his left shoulder, talons raking shallow scratches from the bottom of his neck to the curve of his shoulder. Snarling, Pontifex threw himself up on his haunches, muscles bunching together in response. Forelimbs were thrown up to come down on the knight's face, jaws agape as, ready to snap down on the first piece of flesh they could find.

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06-21-2013, 12:13 AM
Muscles ready. Heart racing. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, this dog was fired up. He had made the first strike, which normally he didn't do but decided to risk it anyway. He was tired of waiting and wanted to vent out his anger as quickly as possible. Claws scored flesh, but just barely. His teeth had sought his target, but his grip was released when his opponent reared. The grey warrior pushed him aside with raised forelegs, and from the corner of his eye saw where he'd attempt to strike. Squall let himself be pushed, and in turn he struck the boys head with his own powerful swipe, causing his teeth to stray away from meeting flesh. With vicious snarls, Squall fell on his paws. His icy gaze never leaving his opponent.

"Tch! Is that all you've got, mongrel?!" Squall shook his head and offered a teasing grin. He'd have fun with this one. He wasn't gonna lose, he had no intention of that happening at all. A hardened bark escaped his sleek form, challenging his opponent further. With flattened ears he prepared himself. The warrior closed in as quick as a flash, limber movements skimming across the ground. His large paws sent dust clouds up behind him, a trail following his attack. He leaped again towards the man, crashing full force into his side to knock him down.

Pontifex I


06-21-2013, 12:35 AM

He was getting much more pissed now. Not only was the idiot trying to claw at him, but he'd been trying to get him down on the ground. That was just not going to happen. Pontifex wouldn't allow it. If anyone was going to be on the ground, it was going it be the hot head in front of him. The esquire had risen to his paws, successfully deflecting the reach towards his scruff. His raised forelimbs rained down on the brute, slashing across his muzzle, drawing a shallow mark just as his claws swiped Ponti's jaw, another shallow scratch to join the ones on his shoulder. The brute dropped back down his paws, lips curled back away from his dentures in a continuous snarl. Who the hell do you think you're calling a mongrel you idiot!

And then the challenger was charging towards the esquire once again, looking to ram himself into his side. Instead of rearing up or meeting the charge head on, Pontifex stood his ground, legs squaring, knees bending for extra balance, talons gripping the earth, muscles tensing in preparation for the impact.

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06-21-2013, 01:17 AM
Snarling erupted from his maw as he charged at the man. His long legs carrying him like a locomotive into his target. The Knight barreled into him, full force. He had closed his eyes momentarily, turning his head to the side and crashing into him full force with his chest. The pair of adrenaline junkies tumbled to the ground, snow flying everywhere as each sought to catch a grip on each other. Squall's teeth snapped, trying to seek a target as snow blocked his view every other time. "Who're you calling an idiot, you stupid dog!"

The barking of the two beasts carried on. The two tailed whirlwind bit and scratched as each fought for a position above the other. The snow not allowing neither to get a grasp on the earth. All of Squall's senses were zeroed in on his opponent, and he would not allow him any leeway to get a grasp. Echoes resounded off the rocks around them. Fury fueled his body right now. Every bite and scratch he received was masked with the adrenaline coursing through his body. Muscles rippled with fury. Snow flew every which way, which to an onlooker it would seem like naught but a cyclone of snow.



06-21-2013, 01:51 AM

Winter was the worst time of the year for healers. You had to store your herbs carefully for them to last longer than usual, and if you ran out of something then you had to wait for the snow to clear or go digging around and hope to find something. Most of the time though, that didn't work.

That's what Loccian was doing, searching for herbs. She had been low on a few because of her absence, something that annoyed her every time. Why did she have to be so selfish, put the pack in danger like that?

Stop it, I did nothing wrong. She hissed, silencing the voices in her head. The woman had finally come to a stop, in lands she was not quite familiar with. She had seen this land before, but she was only passing through, so she didn't really look around. Something caught her attention though, the fresh scent of Pontifex.

What is he doing out here by himself? She wondered, head tilting to the side in curiosity as paws carried her body in the direction his scent went. And off she went, trotting through the frozen fields, snow crunching beneath her small paws, tail swaying behind her.

Within minutes she finally reached where her brother's scent was the strongest, but on the way here she found another wolf's scent mixed into it, a male. Worry washed over the small shewolf, causing her to break out into a run, coming upon the scene before her. Two wolves were on the ground wrestling in the snow, snarling and barking errupting from the two along with name calling.

What do you think your doing?! She barked, her tone holding anger and fear on a whole new level that was unlike herself. The Contessa was usually gentle and her voice soft, but now her fur bristling ad her tone held hostility. Lips pulled back to reveal her fangs, for the first time in aggression.

The small wolf jumped forward, jaws parting a second before lunging forward and snapping them shut on the male. She was aiming to get his flesh between her fangs, to get him off and away from her brother.



06-21-2013, 02:08 AM
In the thick of the fight, Squall nearly had this boy in his teeth. He was about to snap down on his leg when he felt a pain rise up in his own. With a yelp, he leaped away from the writhing gray mass and scrambled away in confusion. The whelp had summoned help!? He turned and faced the newcomer, a growl snaring his feature until he noticed it was a smaller female. Ears pricked, he cut off his hostile mocking and glared at her. "Who the hell are you!?" He questioned, muscles tensed. The whelp was lucky that another had come to his rescue. Otherwise, Squall would have given him a nasty scar to remember him by. He eyed this grey dame, her silver eyes infuriated. With a huff, he kept his stance. If they chose to double team him, then he'd have to use speed and agility instead of strength. Though the smaller one might not be much of a problem, save for her size.

Squall's feature was replaced with his usual grim expression. He turned his head away, cutting eye contact with her. He didn't like to fight she-wolves...he always avoided it if he could, and if ever came a time he couldn't avoid it, then he ended it as quickly as possible and went on his way. Not many understood why he disliked it. To him, it was because of Ellone. She had been his only friend during his childhood, and had always been nice to him. He preserved and cherished those memories, and so he didn't want to taint them by spilling the blood of a female. He huffed, his stance as stiff as board. He would avoid fighting with her if he could...but that stare. So intent on him..for once, it made him feel like a pup that got into trouble.

Pontifex I


06-21-2013, 02:34 AM

You should be one to talk you moronic mutt! came his ice-laden reply before his opponent managed to barrel into him. Despite having braced himself for the impact, the other's momentum had been too great for the esquire and so the duo had tumbled into the snow, rolling head over heels with each other, all the while snapping and snarling as they fought to grab some kind of grasp on the other. So much for not ending up on the ground. To Pontifex's irritation, somehow he'd ended up beneath his opponent, the frozen snow digging into his flesh, chilling his spine but allowing a numbing to overtake his nerves, numbing the pain that was throbbing from his fresh cuts. Right then, it wasn't about winning. It was about getting this idiot off of him and tearing into him in order to send him to wherever the hell he came from with his tail between his legs. He would regret coming after the seracian esquire!

Just as the two were going to get a hold on the other, a familiar voice breaking through their squabble. He recognized that voice. Loccian. What the hell was she doing out here, so far from their home? And then there was a yelp from his attacker the tri-colored brute leaped off the grey and black knight, eyeing his sister, snarling at her, demanding to know who she was. Pontifex returned to his feet in the blink of an eye, his larger mass coming to stand in front of his sister, lips curling back over ivory daggers, a snarl erupting from his agape jaws. Stay. Away. From. My. Sister. His voice was a rumbling timber, audits pinned back as he warned the other man to keep his distance. If he tried touching Loccian he would have no problem ripping his throat out.

Talk like this


06-22-2013, 11:42 PM
Black ears perked up as the boy on the verge of a young brute heard snarls off in the distance. He stopped for a moment realizing that he had followed Loccian's scent to the battlefield. Ever since he had ran into her recently; Augustus felt like he wanted to be by her a lot. Maybe it was the fact that she was related to his father and him. But it was also because he knew his father must have lived his dear sister so; so Augustus wanted to make sure she would be alright..odd enough, for a young brute. Augustus knew his Aunt Loccian could take care if herself but he needed her and she needed him. His white gaze settled on three wolves not too far ahead. His Aunt sounded angry while she snapped at a male. Then a brute who looked like his Aunt told hi to stay away from his sister. Could this be his Uncle Pontifex his Aunt Loccian had told him about? With a flick of his black tail the young brute ran closer to the three.

As Augustus arrived he looked back and forth between his Aunt and his Uncle. Then his white gaze settled on the brute before them who seemed to have been in a scuffle with his uncle.

"We seem to get off on the wrong foot then provoke one another...and what does this lead to? It leads to this. Would you both rather fight than work whatever this is out in a civilized manner?" he said as the same white gaze of his father went from the other brute to Pontifex then settled lightly on Loccian.

Sure maybe this was stupid but Auggie knew what he was doing. The young brute stood there wondering what his Uncle and Aunt would think of him. And what would the other brute think as well? Augustus knew he was one to avoid bloodshed unless there was no choice. Why hurt one another if the problem can be fixed or settled in another manner? With the words, voice, and attitude of his father Octavian; the boy knew he had a point. Perhaps this random male wouldn't give a badgers arse about what he had to say but it still had meaning and reason to it.

Perhaps his words may keep this thing from going further or anywhere else. With a confident stance and his piercing white gaze, Augustus portrayed a serious look. Such a bold look on a young brute. Perhaps he had his father to blame on that part but the stars bless his soul on that. Ever since the news of his father's death had reached his ears from his aunt's tongue; Auggie took on a responsibility he wasn't quite sure of. What was that responsibility anyway? Was it the fact that his father was gone and Augustus was alive? Was it for him to try to fit into the spot where his father once stood? Could the young brute aspire to such a man who he would have called father?

....Maybe so...but Augustus did know in the stories of the old Octavian became Augustus before becoming the first emperor of so many wolves. Maybe Augustus wanted to live up to his father...he could try but he knew he wouldn't match exactly...but he would try his best to live up to his old man.

So with a swish of his tail, Auggie looked back at his Uncle then to the other brute waiting for an answer, reaction, or reply.


06-23-2013, 04:44 PM

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"stay. away. from. my. sister. His sister? That guy is her brother...? Huh, so I guess siblings stick together. Not that I would know... The tri-colored warrior stared at the two wolves in front of him. The pair did seem to have similarities, of what? Well he wasn't sure except for color. He didn't care either, just that she was much smaller then the uptight kid. He huffed, sitting down with ears pinned back, cold gaze never leaving his attacker or his opponent. He shook himself, removing what dirt and bits of foliage that had collected on his coat, the white remained dirty, however. Grunting, he decided he'd speak to the two kids. "So you pair are brother and sister huh? I can see the resemblance. You're both hot headed annoyances." He replied curtly. He still felt strange under the dark gray gaze of the smaller she-wolf. He tried to avoid it, but he didn't want to seem like it bothered him. Sure, he was looking for a fight even if it was unprovoked, but he wouldn't stand for someone trying to best him or talk to him that way either. He debated whether or not to introduce himself, until he scented something else on the wind.

Ears perked up when he saw another creature come over the rise. It was another wolf, slightly similar to these two but more different. Ears flattened to his head and a growl left his maw as the other one joined the gray pair.

"I swear if this is an ambush, all three of you will not leave here without serious injury!"
He snarled. IF it came to him having to fight all three of these strangers, he would definitely give them something to remember him by. It wouldn't be the first time he had fought a band of wolves. rogues mostly but still dangerous nonetheless. His hackles rose, along with the fur along his spine and neck. He pulled his lips back to reveal dagger like fangs, a little longer then a regular wolves. His jutted out an inch or two below his lips. Maw wrinkled into a fearsome and dangerous looking creature, he stood in a threatening stance towards these new people. The man would not fall, not here. Not until he found out the truth. His eyes swept over the three, observing them. Waiting for an attack...then the newer wolf spoke.[/font]

"We seem to get off on the wrong foot then provoke one another...and what does this lead to? It leads to this. Would you both rather fight than work whatever this is out in a civilized manner?"Squall continued to eye them...though now it seemed perhaps a fight wouldn't ensue. His menacing snarls died down to a low rumble in his chest. He slowly began to relax, though still kept a ready stance in case it was a trick. After hearing the third wolfs words, he scoffed. "That mangy mutt started it! If he hadn't shown up to bully the stranger then none of this would've happened in the first place." The warrior turned around to lick the bite on his leg as it started to throb. She hadn't gotten him too bad, but her teeth were still sharp and had still managed to meet muscle. Not to mention his fur wasn't as thick around his legs to begin with, not with his lack of food. He was a skinny sight, especially after that fight it had shown. His ribs were visible under his now patchy pelt with some fur clumps falling here and there. He glanced at them, waiting for someone to speak.




06-24-2013, 12:22 PM
ooc: Posting order in place. xD Squall, Loccian, Pontifex, Augustus

She managed to get his flesh between her teeth, lucky. The moment she felt it the shewolf gave a pull as hard as she could and once the male had jumped back she released her grip and moved to her brother quickly. Her tail was up and lashing behind her, along with bristling along with the fur around her neck and back, lips pulling back to reveal her fangs as the male turned and snarled. He seemed to stop though when he saw who she was, only glaring at her and being an ass.

Loccian didn't appreciate his attitude. A growl rumbled in the back of her throat, grey orbs narrowing on him. Shut your foul mouth! She snapped, even if he broke his gaze she wouldn't. She wanted to know what was going on, why these two were wrestling in the snow like children. But then Pontifex was up, placing himself in front of her, warning the brute to stay away from her. It was annoying, these attitudes would just cause another fight to break out and she didn't want that. She could already see they gave each other a few cuts, and she didn't want them to turn into serious wounds.

Taking a step to the side the woman raised her head, about to speak but another voice spoke up that was way different from her brother and this stranger. It was higher, shaky with age. And after a moment she realized who it was that was speaking. Augustus! She barked, ears laying flat against her head, grey orbs falling upon the male nearby. Quickly she moved out from behind her brother, running to put herself between Augustus and the other brute. She turned her body, stiff, head turned to him and tail still lashing behind her with fangs shown.

Hot headed annoyances? I just prevented you two from ripping each other up! If anything you two are hot heads. She growled. Upon seeing his reaction to the arrival of Augustus she immediately grew aggressive. How dare he act in such a manner towards a child with two others just feet away! And his comment, blaming Pontifex for the fight. That was it.

Loccian moved, paws carrying her forward. Her fur was still bristling, lips pulled back, tail lashing behind her. The male had turned his head to lick where she had grabbed him, and so she came right up to him and so when his head came back up it his nose would be brushing right against hers. Eye to eye. Watch your mouth rogue, it would be best for you when in the presence of three pack wolves. Her lips rose in disgust as she ran her eyes down him, down to his toes then back to meet his gaze. Must feel like a big tough guy huh? Picking a fight, threatening someone who was trying to help, being hostile towards a child. And still, you blame my brother, saying he provoked this. From the looks of it you started this.

She didn't care if he would push her or harm her in any way. This guy was name calling and threatening not only her brother, but Augustus. She didn't care about herself, but picking on her family, the moment he laid a single tooth or claw on her she would latch onto him.


Awesome table by Lu <3

Pontifex I


06-26-2013, 12:18 AM

Now that Loccian was here, it made the situation that much more volatile. She was his only family, the last living relative he had, and he was going to protect her with his life until his last dying breath. And that's he was doing now, against the idiot that had attacked him and was now being threatening towards his sister. As he was getting up to stand in front of her, she retaliated verbally, telling him to shut that trap of his. Once in front of her a, low rumbling snarl erupted from his agape jaws, golden gaze ablaze with fury as he stared down the brute. It was fine had attacked him, Pontifex could take it. But if the bastard tried putting a paw on his sister, he was going to wish he had never set a paw on Alacritis and had continued on his merry way.

The esquire turned his head towards his sister, leaving his gaze trained on the tri-pelted brute as she stepped forward, jaws parting as if to speak but another voice cut her off. Unable to help it, the knight allowed his gaze to focus on the owner of the new voice. It was like looking into a reflection. The boy was nearly the spitting image of Octavian, his deceased brother. But how could that be? Had his brother started a family he had been unaware of? Who was the mother of the young man before them? A million questions fired in his head simultaneously as the youth spoke, asking them if they couldn't work this out civilly. Pontifex was in utter shock. He had a nephew. Octavian's son. Did the boy have siblings? Or was he the only child? But a growl from his attack snapped him from his shocked state as he realized the fool was threatening his nephew, the newest addition to his family. A snarl ripped from his jaws as he rushed to put himself in front of Loccian once again, who was body blocking Augustus from the other man. Now, things were even more tense with his nephew in the picture.

Hot headed annoyances? I just prevented you two from ripping each other up! If anything you two are hot heads. Watch your mouth rogue, it would be best for you when in the presence of three pack wolves. Must feel like a big tough guy huh? Picking a fight, threatening someone who was trying to help, being hostile towards a child. And still, you blame my brother, saying he provoked this. From the looks of it you started this. Loccian! But no sooner had her name left his inky lips that she was stalking up to the man, putting herself face to face with him as she warned him about threatening three pack wolves. Nape bristled, frame shifting so that it obscured his nephew from view, golden gaze locked on his sister's figure, watching the tri-colored idiot, ready to jump at him again if he made a move against his sister.

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06-26-2013, 11:01 AM
The boy shifted in his place as his aunt put herself in front of him He watched with his white gaze as she talked back to the stranger and then put her face very close to his. Then his Incle put himself in front of her which was in front of him as well. No growl escaped Augustus' maw as he stood there. He wasn't in a defensive mode nor cautious of the situation. Just....calm and collected. The new yearling stepped forward around his Aunt and around his Uncle. He had no idea what he was doing but was improvising as he went. His mother had told him what his father was like. She told him he was brave and calm and one to avoid an unnecessary fight...this is what Augustus wanted to do. He wanted to aspire to be like his father; he wanted to show that his father wasn't dead like his Aunt Loccian had told him. Octavian wasn't dead....he was here with them as they all stood here.

A small breeze passed through the land and the boy stood there as it blew through his fur. A small smile appeared on his maw. But then how could he smile at a moment like this...he could, he just could. His mother told him no matter what Octavian kept strong and had a strong heart...he was always one to smile...but when he didn't smile...well...that rarely happened didn't it. His white gaze looked at his pelt once more...a fresh new coat, his yearling coat. But what still peeked out around his body in tufts of fur was puppy fur. It was almost as if he looked like a shedding bird with it's chick feathers still in clumps. Augustus turned back to the three before him. He pushed his way in between Loccian and Pontifex and the stranger. His white gaze narrowed as he looked at his family then at the stranger.

" You do not blame this on my Uncle as a pup would for an incident. It does not matter who started what or what caused what. We are all at fault...can't you take what has happened and drop it? And you two, I'm capable of myself in a situation such as this...we send out threats in return them get more back. It's never ending! Why can't we all drop this?!? You see the fur of my puphood peek out in tufts..mine are visible while yours are not. We aren't all completely mature are we? We haven't even learned the man's name! So what may your name be sir?" he said calmly with his black ears perked up waiting for an answer or response.

The boy knew he could never exactly replace his father's space but he could live up to him. In a way he was an extent if his father yes? Maybe so or maybe he was just so grief stricken that he denied Octavian's entire death. Yes he was dead but that didn't mean he was entirely gone...


06-27-2013, 05:29 AM
Squall had just lifted his head when he met the gray girl nose to nose. Taken aback by her angry voice, and with surprise he flinched back a fraction of an inch, though it was still slightly noticeable. His ears pinned flat to his head, eyes widened. He wasn't afraid of her, just surprised at the she-wolfs fury. In a way, it scared the poor guy in a different way. He felt her nose touch his, causing his muzzle to wrinkle slightly with the sudden pressure. He pulled back a bit, so that their noses were only an inch apart. He knew she was pissed, and so was her brother. And with the arrival of the new kid, how was he supposed to react? The loner knew no kindness upon him. Most hated him on sight, why? He never really understood. Most just turned a cold shoulder on him, and in turn, he had closed himself off to the world. His heart not knowing a single inkling of love, kindness, or friendship. Not since Ellone. But here, he was faced with three strangers.

The first, a male who came to him in unknown territory. This man new to the land and questioned? What was he to do when the other was somewhat unkind? Squall was simply acting as he would to anyone else. He was who he was, it was all he knew to be. He replied with equal attitude. Sure the male had a hot headed problem, its just how he grew up. To lash with his tongue against those that sought to lash at him. He wasn't a people person, far from it. But in time, with patience...a LOT of patience...he would begin to open up. For now, he would force himself to calm his attitude, no matter how badly he wanted to speak sharply to the gray brother. His gaze returned to the female, the sister whom he just learned was Loccian. She had a fierce air about her, one he didn't want to see lashed at him again. And if it happened, then his mistake. He would not fight a female, unless absolutely necessary. And for some reason, this female in particular he did not want to fight. Ever. He couldn't quite figure out baffled him. It was indeed rare for Squall to think that there was a wolf whom he wouldn't fight, and she was it. Her brother on the other that, was a different story. Squall then looked past her to rest his gaze on the boy. The child who had intervened. So young, yet he seemed to have words wiser then his age. He spoke calmly, with no fear. He approached the man with little regard as to what would happen to him. The two older ones, brother and sister, putting themselves between him and the child. As if he would dare harm a child...those who did were evil, vile, heartless creatures. And he, was not that. From the she-wolf, he learned that this kids name was Augustus. And for this kid to carry himself the way he did, and speak the way he did...well, Squall found himself admiring the pup for his bravery.

His ears twitched in the slightest movement as the boy spoke. Glancing for a moment at Loccian, then back at the boy, he stood. The tri-colored man perked forward his ears, held his tail parallel to the ground, and stood straight. Though he kept his toes light should either of the two attack him...Dipping his head respectfully to the boy, he spoke.
"My name is Squall Leonhart. A Soldier of a special forces called SeeD. But, I suppose that isn't important anymore since it no longer exists. Along with the rest of what I called home a long time ago. I am a loner hailing from the far regions of the West. A loner because my pack and family were wiped out...I'm the only descendant of the Leonhart Clan that remains. I apologize for my brash actions against your brother," He turned his gaze towards Loccian, "And I am also sorry for offending you. But I would never harm a kid, it's against my personal code. Only heartless bastards would think of doing that! And I am sorry for greeting your brother in combat. I'm not what you would So do with me what you will. Chase me out. Kill me. Or have others judge me for my actions. My paws carried me as far away from my past as I could get. So do with me what you will." He finished. His eyes betrayed nothing to the brute and the child, but when he turned to the girl, a flicker of something flashed for a brief second as he finished his sentence. His tone was cool and collected, the apologies to him were unnatural. But he didn't want to make enemies, so he told them as sincerely as he could. He waited then, for the responses. Would they chase him out now? Or bring him to their Alpha for judgment? He wasn't sure where in this world he belonged...he had traveled far and wide. All he wanted, deep inside his heart, was a place where he would be accepted.

Speech, Thought, You