
I Want To Breathe Again

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
01-10-2015, 07:34 PM

Left front leg swirled lazily in the warm, delicious water of the hot spring.  Winter had receded and spring had broken out in patches around the land.  Ludicael had been quiet and gatherings were rarely held, meetings, hunts, trainings, Birna had half a mind to start one herself but for the moment she was content to languish at the edge of the hot spring.  There'd been no sign of any other Xanilovs.  The bear woman debated the merits of continuing the search or starting her life fully here.  

Flicking some of the hot water onto the rocks she rested her head on her right foreleg, back legs tucked comfortably under her belly.  It was not her place to call a meeting but perhaps a hunt would be welcome.  Birna made note to begin tracking.  There would be young born after the winter, weak and tender meat ripe for the taking.  Perhaps it would be a good opportunity to get to know her packmates.


[Image: 262ny8g.png]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-18-2015, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2015, 08:42 PM by Epiphron.)

Ludicael was a quiet place, especially during winter. The prisoners were still here, but elusive at best -- they seemed content to hide in the shadows, shackled down by chains they didn't even have the courage to try to break free from. To be so afraid was foreign to her. She was not exactly a fighter, and yet for her life? Her freedom? She couldn't imagine sitting back and doing nothing. The Adravendi children had never been raised to be so spineless.

Silence engulfed her as she made her way from the mangroves. This place was slowly growing familiar to her, and though she knew she could easily grow to consider it home it would never give her the same warm feeling as the plains in the west did, nor the painful nostalgia that thoughts of the range gave her.

There were few wolves here that she knew, and being appointed not just to harbinger -- but also to heir, a thing that still surprised her -- she figured she needed to speak to some of the wolves. She knew there were a few non-prisoners here, though she knew virtually nothing of them. Graceful paws carried her to the welcome warmth of the spring, her eyes dancing across the horizon as he nose sniffed at the crisp spring air, searching for anyone who dared show their face today.

A massive grey creature stood at the edge of the spring. A slight smirk tugged at her features. This was no prisoner, she was certain of it; she was a giant bitch and it was laughable to imagine her sitting by passively, and not fighting for her own freedom. Her gait was relaxed as she moved to approach her, tail curling instinctively over her back, her face decorated with a gentle but reserved smile.

"Good afternoon, miss...?" she'd begin, head tilting curiously as she came to rest near her.

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
01-23-2015, 08:03 PM

How easy it was to get lost in thought here, it seemed to be a more frequent occurrence here in Alacritis than it had been back home. Birna's thoughts were numerous and varied. However, what teased her mind the most was searching for a goal and for a purpose. At the time of entering Alacritia it had been to find any surviving Xanilov's but now that purpose seemed far removed from her mind. Though at least it was certain. It was a goal, a direction. Something far more pleasing than not having a direction at all.

Birna heard footsteps approaching but they did not seem to be threatening and when the woman spoke Birna turned her head to dip a greeting to her. "Birna… Birna Xanilov. Who might you be? Are you new to the pack or are you a member I simply haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet?"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-31-2015, 08:56 PM
The lands of Ludicael seemed far too quiet, given the number of wolves that lurked in the shadows; often she couldn't help but wonder if she was being watched secretly from the sidelines, by the prisoners that Jupiter had claimed as her own. It was a strange pack structure for her, something she had never experienced when she'd been Queen of Seracia -- and though she wondered if it would ever work for her Sol she had no reason to question her authority.

It was refreshing to see the face of another, and her smile widened graciously as the woman greeted her. "It's a pleasure, Birna," she said, dipping her own muzzle in greeting. "My name is Epiphron Adravendi." It was still strange to her to not call herself by her ex-husband's surname.. for she had once worn the title almost as proudly as her own. "I've been in Ludicael for awhile now, but it is a quiet place. Often feels more like I'm a rogue than a pack member." Perhaps their leader was simply waiting, planning.. for what, she did not know. Her words were free from annoyance, merely honest as she dared speak openly to her fellow packmate.

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-01-2015, 12:47 PM

The woman introduced herself as Epiphron Adravendi, a regal name and a polite fae. Birna smiled softly, appreciative of the good company. Perhaps things were finally turning around for the quiet little pack. This was certainly good for Birna. She casually found herself wondering what sort of woman this Epiphron was, was she of a warrior mindset like Birna? A diplomat? A healer?

Birna chuckled and nodded. "I know the feeing. To be honest I was debating the merits of staying but I'm glad that I've met you. My brother and I were hoping to make a new home." Birna shifted lightly so she could dip both front legs in the water. Ahhh…. "Feel free to join me in taking in the warmth these springs offer. Would you care to tell me more about yourself miss Adravendi?"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-05-2015, 10:19 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2015, 10:20 AM by Epiphron.)
Though this woman's size was admittedly intimidating, the aura she gave off was a pleasant one. Epiphron found herself wondering why this woman had chosen to stay here, in a pack full of slaves; though she was far from judgmental, as she herself had made herself at home in this strange pack.

Birnna admitted openly she was debating about staying at all, but it seemed meeting her had helped her decision -- even if not completely, it was a step in the right direction. "I have not been entirely sure of my decision either," she offered with only the slightest bit of hesitation. "Though Jupiter has recently offered me the position of heiress, strangely enough." She found herself trusting Jupiter simply because their packs had been allies, once, before Epiphron had been in power; for they reminded one another of days that they could never return to, that were lost eternally, and there was comfort in the nostalgia that they brought to one another.

Birna seemed interested to continue to speak, and she moved forward to settle near Birna. The warmth of the spring was comforting and she felt herself relaxing as she let a single, rusty-hued paw slip into the warmth of the pool. "I ruled a Kingdom named Seracia, once," she began somewhat lazily, glad to simply sit and converse with another with little inhibition. "Before I came into rule, Jupiter was an ally of Seracia's. I remember her from those days." Her own rule had been short-lived, and she hadn't needed to use her alliance with Ludicael, and so she had never truly gotten to know her. "And what about you, Birna? Where do you come from?"

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-08-2015, 11:57 AM

The swirling eddies of the hot springs were almost as soothing as the warmth itself. Though the larger woman was starting to get a bit warm. Her thick winter coat keeping her plenty insulated. Pulling one of the limbs from the water she tucked it neatly under herself as she listened to the other woman speak. Ears perked at the mention of 'heiress'. The position was certainly not something Birna would ever want. She was a soldieress through and through and was more comfortable taking orders than giving them. She assumed that Epiphron and Jupiter must've known each other previously.

Birna felt new respect for the woman as she continued to speak, stating that she'd once been ruler of the kingdom of Seracia. She had not realized she was lounging in the presence of a Queen. "It's a greater honor then, miss Epiphron. Did something that you had to leave your kingdom?" She was all to familiar with the many ways a change of power could occur and she wondered if this woman was content now with her lower station or if she would seek to regain her kingdom.

"Me? Oh, there is not much to tell. My brother and I are warriors of a distant land. Our kingdom suffered a coup and everything fell into chaos and disarray. Our family was split up and we came here in search of that family…. although we were not close. More than anything we were looking for a home and home that this pack might become it…. but whose to say. Hopefully it will liven up."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-20-2015, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2015, 09:23 AM by Epiphron.)
These lands kept her here, rooting her in some vague nostalgia that she didn't know why she even craved so badly. The mere thought of Jupiter brought her back to far easier days; to her rule of Seracia, to her ex-husband and to her sister, when Valhalla had stood strong and when she knew her family was safe and well. Time had changed so many things and she found herself drifting away briefly as she watched the springs, following Birna's gaze as she watched the steam rise from the hot pool of water into the cooler air. Only Birna's question would pull her from the abyss of her own mind as she tilted her head as she gazed at her companion's reflection in the water. "It was taken from me," she explained with the faintest bit of weariness in her voice. "Actually -- I sort of just stopped being a Queen. I was distracted and busy taking care of two litters of children." She hadn't planned to have either litter, and she hadn't been terribly excited to be a mother, and yet she had slid effortlessly into the role and it had consumed her. Family came before everything, and it had distracted both herself and Maverick entirely from their duties as Queen and King. A quiet sigh slid unconsciously from her lips as she grew momentarily silent. "Perhaps I was not the greatest Queen, but I bore my title with pride. I was simply more proud to be a mother, I guess." Her slightly tired expression tilted upward in a small smile at the mention of her children. They were her blood; her heart and soul, and she had nothing in this world without them, though she knew her words sounded cliche at best.

Birna went on to speak of her own history, and her ears would flick as she turned to face her again, regarding her with genuine curiosity. She had a brother here as well, and they considered themselves warriors. Interesting. Were they to be warriors here too, in Jupiter's pack? "Chaos seems to be what fuels us," she noted, turning to let her head drop to her forepaws, enjoying the warmth of the steam as it tickled her whiskers. "Without it, things would be awfully dull." A slight smile turned the corners of her lips upward. Chaos seemed to follow her, springing up to and fro when she least expected it -- she couldn't help but wonder what might happen to liven this Ludicael up, if anything.