
Strike Me Down, But Don't Strike My Heart


01-27-2015, 09:21 PM

A small breath left him. Today he rose early, to clear his mind. He spoke with Nalyda, his beloved, yesterday about what all occurred. They made their promise, their plane of a second litter... now all that was left was for him to meet with the viking woman who had tried to claim his daughter. No, not tried. She had... but today... Kar was to meet with her. Attempt to set things right. The man would take a breath as he arrived upon the battlefield. There was no meeting place set, but this, this was the most likely place to reach the woman by howl. He would tilt his head back, his call ringing across the land for her. The viking. The one who stole his little girl.

Head would lower then, his lime green eyes shining with a sense of pain. If he lost... he could very well be claimed as well. If he won Mystic would be free... but... no matter what the outcome... he would try. He'd be damned if he wouldn't fight for what he believed, and he wouldn't stoop to the low levels of the viking sort. Siri give him strength, Siri aid him in every way, today this would have to end. "...and should I fail, great Siri, please keep her safe. Please watch over my daughter, and protect her heart, her soul, even if her body must succumb to the wishes of others." Kar would pray, his head dipped dowards his chest and eyes closed. He wasn't sure how long he would have to wait... but Kar knew one thing.

These matters were strictly business from here on out.
Speech, Thought

Katja the First


8 Years
01-29-2015, 08:55 AM

The day between claiming her thrall and her meeting with the child's father had been... necessary. She had half supported, half dragged Kapra's increasingly delirious form far enough away to be somewhat safe before stopping for what battlefield medic's knowledge she had acquired over years of battle - enough to stop the bleeding and, gods willing, keep him alive to venture into battle again. Anything more would need to wait until they were able to find a capable healer willing to treat the wound.

Katja displayed no guilt, no timidity as she tracked the male to the place he called, though she recognized the chosen place for what it was - a threat. Certainly, the land was one of the more central locations in the northern continent not taken by a pack, but the stench of blood and death and fear was a distinct unspoken ultimatum. Release my daughter or else. If only he knew that Katja had no fear of or else... this was her element, not his. She lived and breathed blood and death like a fish breathes water, where this male would drown in it.

She ghosted silently through the otherwise-still field, trailed by her wounded cousin and the thrall, coming to a halt a short distance in front of the male. She wasted no time on pleasantries - they had no place in this business. "Your decision, Savvil?" Her voice, her eyes, her every mannerism was cold steel. No guilt, no sympathy, just readiness.




10 Years
01-29-2015, 12:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2015, 12:50 PM by Kaprasíus.)
His spirits had been dampened, but only slightly. The tawny brute knew he had done what he'd had to, and though he had not defeated the silver bitch as he had wanted, he had undoubtedly pleased the gods he served. His suffering was for them, and he would not complain, despite the fact that he had not yet fully healed. Slowly delirium would fade and he found himself falling unconscious, his wounds nursed by his cousin as he slept, his body needing time to recover and to fight infection. Perhaps a real healer might be useful, if they were to find one...

Only when he awoke did the painful realization hit him. He'd lost his tail. He figured there were worse things to lose, and he was still alive, which he silently thanked the gods for.

They still had the girl, too; the slave that Katja had obtained so easily. She'd offered a bargain for her and today they were to attempt to strike a deal. As for the outcome, he had no idea -- but he knew they would not be leaving without something today. Uncharacteristically quiet, Kapra follows her, knowing very well that it time for business and not for fun... though it is often hard to see differences between the two. Slitted green eyes examine the male at a distance as they approach, finally coming to rest at Katja's side, eager to hear what this man had to offer them; and even more eager to see if the offering pleases Katja. The faintest hints of a smirk tugs at his lips as he reclines to his haunches, eying Kar with amusement.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


01-31-2015, 09:15 PM

They came, as was agreed. The viking woman, in all her dark furred glory, the wounded male who had been with her before and, of course, his daughter. Kar would breathe in, feeling his fur stand on end. Vikings understood blood, battle. They were a fierce sort, not so "spineless" as the woman dared put it. The gray male's gaze would towards his daughter, just a mere moment to ensure she was intact, before his lime green eyes shifted back to the woman who approached. He would breathe in, standing tall. There was no time for pleasantries, but he would try, one last vain attempt, to avoid a fight if possible. Fighting could still lead to negative repercussions, and he could not afford to jeopardize his whole family if it could be avoided.

"Will you not consider something other than another slave, viking?" The man hadn't realized he misunderstood the viking in the first place, but he would not give quarter. "If not, then there is only one decision to make. With blood. I will fight for my daughter if I must. I am not spineless, and I am more than ready to spill your blood if I must, viking." Kar's gaze was hardened, giving not a straightforward answer, but a suggestion with his word. Body was tensed, ready to throw up defenses at a moment's notice if he must. It was time now, do or die.

Speech, Thought

Art by:: Otackoon On DA



4 Years
01-31-2015, 10:06 PM
Mystic would follow the so-called "Vikings" over to where her father would be located. She had been afraid ever since she had been stolen from her family, and she was afraid to do anything. She may have been spirited, but she missed her parents and siblings dearly. Tears had streamed down her face whenever she thought about them while she was sleeping that night with the foreigners whom she had never witnessed before until they dragged her off and into a new life. Hopefully, her father would be able to win her back. Without them was like dying inside, and even if she died from her captures paws, being without her family was even worse than death itself.

"Daddy! Please, I don't want to be with them! I miss you!" She cried, hanging her head low as tears dropped upon the ground, sadness was the only emotion that she was feeling at the moment. She was regretting of ever wandering off, and if her father managed to win her back, she would not care about the punishment she received, she just wished for her parents: to feel their warmth and to be happy with them once again. She even missed her siblings, a look of sadness still lingering in her eyes.

Katja the First


8 Years
02-01-2015, 06:03 PM

The male spoke, and Katja's brow furrowed just the slightest bit. These soft Alacratians really did know nothing. Had he assumed all along that her price for a slave would be another slave? Verdammt, if she were paid in slaves for every slave she sold she'd never have anything to show for her live but an endless loop of whining, crying thralls to train. She was a warrior, not a nursemaid. "The ransom," she said slowly, for the male's benefit, "was - is - not for another slave... though we would be accepting of a slave of greater value. The ransom would be expected to be paid in the form of fresh, unspoiled kill, a favor owed with no questions asked, or other things of greater value than we could receive from a pack." She had it in her mind to somehow acquire some trinket, some bauble for Kapra, or something pretty to gift Raisa... but perhaps another time when need did not press so desperately upon the small band of raiders.

She made no response to his threats, however, past quirking one skeptical brow at him. If he felt he must verbalize that he was not spineless perhaps he was not so ready to offer his life in battle as he thought. You either were, or you were not. Well, they would see. "What is your decision, Savvil?" she instead repeated. Slowly, as one might a small child.

OOC: Sorry for the crap reply. Dropped Trav off and fell asleep, still trying to wake up.


02-01-2015, 09:41 PM

Kar wanted to curse. So it turned out he had misunderstood the viking from the start, but perhaps that meant a fight could be avoided all together. Kar was an honorable man, but taking unnecessary risk in fighting a skilled warrior would get him nowhere fast. He would breathe in and then out, heaving a sigh. Gaze flicked to his daughter for a moment before he straightened his posture once more, looking Katja in the eyes. "I will pay your ransom in form of fresh kill and favor. Know, however, that I am a man of honor. I will not kill or steal without just cause." Kar would grit his teeth. He didn't like this at all.

"...and if you keep your word, and not harm my daughter, or any of my other family members, my mate is a healer. She can take a look at your cousin and help him through the process." No... this situation sucked. But perhaps it was Siri's will that no additional blood be shed today. Perhaps. He would not let his gaze leave the viking. "...and if you break your word, next time there will be no bargaining. There will be blood." He added that on for emphasis. It felt more like bartering the terms of his daughter's release than anything... a life to precious to play with.


Table by:: Eldarwen



10 Years
02-09-2015, 08:26 PM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2015, 08:27 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Kaprasíus watches the scene with bated breath, eager as to what will unfold here. Instantly Kar begins to speak, his tones dripping with self-righteousness. He would fight for his daughter.. oh, what a foolish mistake that would be. The brute's smirk grows as he eyes him, what was left of his tail twitching idly behind him. He and Katja had nothing to lose, while he had everything.

The whimpering of the child they had taken captive was only mildly distracted. He eyed her dismissively, making a soft 'tsk' sound. "Naughty little girl," he grunted under his breath, irritated by the weakness of the blubbering girl. "Good slave girls keep their mouth shut if they want to keep their tongues." It was an empty threat at best -- he knew this girl's value would go down drastically if she couldn't speak -- but he figured it might shut her up, if nothing else, for she seemed easily influenced.

His focus would quickly redirect to Katja, interested in what she had to say. Kar had assumed all they wanted was a slave in return, but there were things far more valuable than bodies. His own brows furrowed, muzzle wrinkling as he turned his nose down to consider. "How much kill do you offer us?" came his question, a quite important one at that. "And though the offer of healing sounds tempting, I do not trust you or your mate to touch an injury of mine." Neither he nor Katja were experts in healing; he wondered how easily Kar might worsen an infection, or somehow poison him, and it wasn't worth taking a chance. "Katja, the decision is yours," he said finally, under his breath as he tilted his head to her ear, meaning the words for her alone. "I am merely along for the ride, cousin."

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Katja the First


8 Years
02-12-2015, 12:58 PM

Katja watched the father while Kapra dealt succinctly with the daughter before adding his input into the negotiations. Katja didn't take her eyes off the other male but she did swivel her ears toward Kapra in polite attention. He had, as she would not have doubted, made significant points to consider, and she nodded once sharply in acknowledgement. "Specifics, Savvil. We do not accept vagaries and possibilities as payment of ransom. Clearly defined this transaction will be, and you will be bound by honor to discharge it without compunction when called upon, or we will take our thrall elsewhere to make a profit."

OOC: Sorry for the crap reply. Dropped Trav off and fell asleep, still trying to wake up.


02-18-2015, 07:08 PM

The male would tense, as first the brute spoke. His words to his daughter had Kar on edge, a growl threatening to rise from his chest. They wouldn't hurt her. Siri give him strength, he would fight before he let them hurt her! The question came from both; how much is offered? Specifics. Though his offer at having his wife heal him was shot down. He would resist the urge to snort, to evoke further wrath of these two vikings. If a fight could be avoided that was best. To not spill the blood of any, innocent or otherwise. Kar would breath in with frustration, his lime green eyes fixed on the dark woman.

"Tch. You speak as if I know the specifics to give. This type of trade is foreign to me." The male would utter. He was fighting a losing battle, wasn't he? If he didn't offer enough his daughter would be at their mercy... dammit! "Three large kills, a season of smaller game, and one favor. It can be called upon as errand, fighting, what have you, as long as the reason for the fight is with reason. I will not shed the blood of another simply because you choose you do not like them." He was tense, ready to move again if they dared to decide that wasn't enough. He knew Nalyda and Naoise could help him with the large game, possibly more, though it would leave his family a bit worn. Still... they would be together. They had to be.


Table by:: Eldarwen



10 Years
03-07-2015, 08:59 PM

Through narrowed eyes he would regard the man they were dealing with, wondering if he might clarify his offer. He was unimpressed with the vagueness of the offer they were presented with, as was Katja. She quickly asked for specifics, devoid of any pleasantries in her manner of speaking. His own speech was typically more pleasant, though he was wary from the recent battle, and tired of the sniveling child they had been dragging around.

The words of the child's father were growing more annoyed.  "I don't appreciate the attitude," the brute would snap sharply, his lips flaring into a sneer at the sudden, albeit subtle annoyance in his words.  "Though I'd urge you to get used to such trades if you teach your children to wander off and get into trouble." Came his words of warning. Lone children were easy targets for slave trading, and having a parent who let their children wander off unattended only made such things easier.

He finally offered specifics. Three large kills, a season of smaller game, AND a favor. Though it had to be within reason. Who knew what sort of thing he might consider reasonable?  Though, he seemed far too honorable for his own good, and it seemed unlikely he would go back on his promise. And if he did... he'd be lucky to still be standing after denying them. "This sounds fair," he said finally, looking to Katja for her input.  Truthfully, he was growing tired of the girl and he was ready to trade her, even if the result was less than ideal. "Though if you go back on your word to us, we won't hesitate to find you and cause you more harm than you could ever imagine. What do you say, Katja?"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Katja the First


8 Years
03-12-2015, 08:48 AM

The male spoke in annoyance about being unused to such trades, and Katja simply fixed him with a cold stare. It would be far more surprise to her if he were, coming as he did from the uncultured background he had. This backwater land... tcha. It made her long for the days when even her pack's enemies had been of her culture. At least the northmen who'd kidnapped Auora as a child had been vikings. These Alacratians... they were far better off slaves.

Kapra snapped at the male and though her own expression remained neutral, she approved of his words. It was good to have him beside her, truly. Had she been alone right now, with only the gods as comfort, she may have indeed faltered in her quest. But surely with Kapra beside her the Finnvi would come once more to the glory she had cost them - starting with this trade.

She mulled over the offer for the moment. They could possibly get a better one from a pack but it was highly unlikely. The child was weak and sullen, not the kind of slave a pack would vie for, and whoever struck a bargain with the Finnvi to take her would be disinclined to deal with her whinging and tears. Kapra put forth his assertion that it was a fair price, along with a warning to the male, and she inclined her head. "A decent price," she allowed coolly. "You have your deal." May you choke on it for your arrogance and foolishness. "You will live up to your end of the bargain regardless of what the favor does be, or the deal will be paid in blood. Yours, or your family's." Fangs shone briefly in threat, though her expression remained cold. "You are a fool if you think we would call on a favor for so small as us... not liking them. You can expect it to be more useful to us than such a thing." Contempt gleamed through her words, cool as they were. The Finnvi were not weak Alacratians, to get others to fight their battles for them. And she would not choose such a wolf to champion them anyway - surely the gods would laugh to see such a thing. Mercury gaze turned upon the coward-pup, and she jerked her head to gesture the child to her father. "Go then. We will find you when it comes time."



03-13-2015, 12:01 PM

Kar would bristle some as the man said that he didn’t appreciate the attitude. What did he expect!? The threat that seemed to loom in his words too made Kar worry. Would these two try to take another of his children? Were there more people like them out there!? He didn’t want to think about such things, really. Finally the male would speak, giving his opinion on the matter, though he would leave a threat as his final words to the man. His green eyes would shift to the female, remaining hardened.

The male would resist the urge to growl. Blood... Yes, there would certainly be blood if things got out of control. Though Kar had no plans to go against his words. “Very well. You’ll find us past the Bifrost in the southern lands. Come collect your dues.” He would speak no more on the matter, turning his gaze to his daughter. It was a hard price... Not knowing the favor that he would be called upon to give. What dangers could lurk with it.

“Mystic hun, come on. It’s time to go home.” The man would turn, making his leave, hopefully with his daughter behind him.

-Exit Kar.-


Table by:: Eldarwen