
There's no use crying



6 Years
02-04-2015, 07:05 PM

It was midnight now, this place was a lot more dangerous than it usually was. The moonlight the only thing outlining the cliff. Underneath was the smell of blood and all sorts of rotten things. Which figured for those who lost their footing there, he made sure to steer clear of it. Not wanting anyone to push him, specially in his condition. The harsh ground underneath him sparked droplets of blood from the wound on his shoulder that he accidentally reopened. It wasn't anything deadly, licking it with his tongue he would clean it and that would be that. Of course he was hungry too, his ribs stuck out like a sore thumb. He looked like a walking skeleton though at least it had gotten better since he had been able to concentrate on himself instead of Arian. He was just glad he had gotten her to safety.

Vereux made a slight turn, his body weight shifting as he wheezed. Living was painful and he honestly couldn't wait until he recovered. He would be reaching for the north and his homeland. It would give him some time to clear his head. After all, there was a lot of freedom he had, it felt funny. Even now though, he missed Athena and he still would for some time. It was a feeling that was needed. The male scoffed a bit, if only he could feel nothing, but he did care for others. Hopefully the pack who took his home would accept him.

“I speak”


02-09-2015, 12:18 AM

She had come a long way from the north, Regium having disbanded by Drashiel following the death of the Queen and his mate, Roman. The young female had to admit that it was annoying to have to move once more, her homes were either being claimed by some unknown wolf looking to cause trouble, or were being disbanded because the person couldn't handle ruling without their little lover by their side. The girl rolled her eyes with a huff as she walked along the ravine, displeasure clear within her voice and expression.

She came to a sudden stop however, her head raising and nose sniffing at the cool spring air of the night. Even if she had not really be around others much or for very long, she could clearly identify that the scent she was wiffing belonged to another of her kind. Turqoise eyes narrowed in curiosity, eas swiveling atop her skull as she looked around the area in an attempt to find where this stranger was. Was it just to keep an eye on it, him, so that she wouldn't put herself in a tricky situation? Or was it for that split moment her nose caught a metallicness to the air, blood?

Dark paws carried the female forward, her head lowering to become aligned with her spine, eyes scanning the growing vegetation and nose continuing to sniff at the air. It was growing stronger the more she walked along the edge, she could practically taste him. For the split moment she turned her head away to look across, then brought it back, she pretty much did. Isis ended up walking right into the man's rear end, her face smacking right into the base of his tail. "What the..." She grumbled, pulling back and giving a small shake of her head, lifting her gaze to see what she walked into.




6 Years
02-10-2015, 05:50 PM

If this had been before his kidnapping he probably would have snapped the girls head off. Though, Vereux was having enough trouble keeping his balance, pivoting on his paws to face her. More out of concern rather than any defensiveness he may have had. The weak man lowered his head below his spine, making sure that she hadn't injured herself in one way or another. She was shorter than he was, but looked around the same age. It made him curious for a moment, though his heart twisted into knots. He hadn't been around another female in some time, so it felt odd specially considering he was getting over a broken relationship. It made him sigh, tail flicking for a moment.

“Are you okay? I didn't mean to be in your way.” he wheezed, single eye keeping a close eye on her. Vereux wasn't in any condition to fight, but he could sure as hell run. The world wasn't a nice place he knew that, he wasn't in the mood to deal with hostility either. So he hoped that she was not one of those wolves who would go to cause him trouble. Once he was recovered maybe he'd be more tolerable. After all, he was trying to return to his birthplace.

“I speak”


02-10-2015, 06:36 PM

Turquoise orbs full of curiosity strained to focus on the object she had walked into, able to immediately identify that it was soft, warm, and furry. Was it the wolf she had been looking for, spreading the scent of blood around the area, drawing in the monster that lurked within the darkness. Watching it closely, the creature turned to face her, its, his head lowering to check her out. Did he think she was hurt? No way, a simple little bump was nothing compared to the horrible shape he was in. Indeed he was, the male wolf asked if she was okay, and that he didn't mean to be in her way. Really? She tried to search his expression for a clue that he was joking, but with a dark socket and green orb, it looked like he was serious.

Raising a brow and taking a step back, Isis would nod her head, taking in a breath. "Yeah, it's not like I ran into you." She said, voice calm, neutral in tone. Her gaze faltered from his own, running over the empty eye socket, down his neck and over the wound in his shoulder before trailing over his sides. This guy was thin as hell, and thought it didn't look like he was on the verge of death, he needed help, or at least some assistance. "I should have been watching where I was going, don't worry about it." She finally said after a few moments of silence on her part, looking back up to meet his gaze.

"You should really be worrying about yourself man." What some would identify as concern from her for this stranger was actually just her stating a fact after taking in his physical appearance. He was very thin, bones visible beneath the flesh and a deep gash in his shoulder, still fresh and filling the air. She was sure in no time something would come along and try to make a snack of him, or at least use him as a toothpick after her if she happened to still be around. "With your blood in the air and how vulnerable you look, predators will have a hay day with you." She didn't mean to be rude and calm him pathetic looking, buuuut, she had to let him know that he better do something real quick or else he will seriously get hurt next time somebody ran into him and wasn't her.




6 Years
02-11-2015, 12:41 AM

The male wouldn't care much for her words, he didn't mistake it as concern. After all, he wasn't one who was that oblivious. He was actually fairly observant. Though a brow would raise on his eyeless eye. She stated out the obvious congratulations, it wasn't like he was without a plan. It was the recovering part that was the most difficult. Vereux had found out how easy it was within one season to get sick, and how long it took to recover. Now he had goals of his own, after leaving a wife and his sons. It brought his heart back to the stinging sensation. Though his head turned towards the cliff. Curiously as the wind moved through his slate blue fur. Some time ago it used to be infamous. Armada's were like a memory in the wind now. Vereux knew that if his father returned, he would not be very happy with what happened with all of them. Heavens knew what Isardis' would have done to Athena. It made him snort at the thought.

Vereux attention turned back to the woman, dark ears pulled forward. “Yeah well I don't exactly have anywhere else to go. I'm heading north well aware of my situation. If it comes down to it I flee.” he said. “What brings you out here? Loner I'm guessing.” Vereux had never been a loner before now. In fact, Vereux had never left the north until he had been tugged away from it. He had been an entirely sheltered Armada who stayed in his homeland the entire time. Though his home no longer existed. Yet a pack called Glaciem took on the name of the pack he grew up in and was in the lands that he grew up in and was born into. He was hoping to be accepted there. He was no king as he had learned, but hopefully he could find a place there. Even as an Armada, Vereux was proud of his heritage no matter who may have been within that heritage.

“I speak”