
It Went By Like Dusk To Dawn


02-08-2015, 10:16 PM

She had never left the premises of the ship. But she wanted to prove, if not to anyone to herself, that she was able to make it by by herself. Of course she would always have Lian but if they were really going to go through with running away, what if he went out to hunt and she by herself? maybe she just wanted to make sure she could actually be by herself. She was always confined in the ship and now Armai was there to "keep her company."

She would just go past the woods of their den, an open snow plain ahead of her. She just had to make sure she didn't lose sight of the trees so that she wouldn't get lost. If anything, Lel or Lian would hear her cries if she were in trouble. But she was sure she could handle it.

Not having anything around her was especially weird... The open space was unbearable to her, she felt naked without having a wall around her. Even just a wall of trees would work. She would breathe deeply as she moved farther into the snow plain, looking back constantly to make sure the forest was still there. She thought she would be okay with getting out but her old fear of the outside world was still lingering. What was going to come by and swoop her away or kill her?

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
02-09-2015, 02:22 AM

He was only slightly better than before, of course still starving. Yet his energy had increased, Vereux no longer needed to stop often to rest. Being here in the north seemed to raise his spirits, specially since he grew up here. The memories were painful, but many of them were wonderful memories. Flicking his tail behind him, he tilted his head to one side the scar on it gleaming slightly as his single eye caught wind of a pup. His nose as well, what was a pup doing out here all alone. She looked to nearly be three seasons, so it was still dangerous. He wasn't one to talk, dying and starving and as a child he ran away from home multiple times probably just to get his fathers attention. When in the end, he never really did. He also, hated his mother, Vereux sighed softly. How did that wrecked relationship end, and now he was heartbroken as well having to leave his previous wife and all of his sons.

“Are you alright?” Vereux would step closer to her, yet keeping his distance in case he scared her. He would not hurt a child, nor would he hurt anyone unless they hurt him first. That was just how he worked, although he wasn't much of a fighter. He had tried and tried in his youth, but it just didn't work that way. Besides in his condition, starving, he couldn't and wouldn't fight. Which was why he needed to seek the protection of a pack soon. Hopefully one in his home in the north, no matter what it was, he only hoped it fit his needs.

“I speak”


02-09-2015, 02:35 AM

As Zola looked around at her surrounds, she obviously wasn't looking hard enough. There was more ways to look besides straight and she should have known that. But the stranger who's voice caught her off guard would make her stop with one front leg in the air to take her step. She then looked at the man, her eyes moving before her head and they showed nothing but fear. She was frozen in place as she thought... Was the sky falling? Was a pool of lava magically appearing under her feet? Was the world ending? It certainly was not.

"Umm... I guess... so."

She would relax and put her paw back to the ground. The man didn't seem to be some crazy evil monster, an bandersnatch even. She would just stand and look at him. She had never seen anyone else besides Callisto that was outside of their family. What was she supposed to do next? She was expecting something horrible to happen. But she seemed completely fine. Maybe he was slowly sucking away at her soul...

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
02-10-2015, 02:13 PM
Vereux was a little hurt that the small pup was showing fear, although it wasn't her fault. The world was a scary place, many others could hurt her so easily. Of course he knew he wouldn't but how did she know he wouldn't? She couldn't entirely trust his word since he was a stranger but he sure as hell would try to make her feel comfortable. Vereux hated to see others hurt, he had enough of it. Crouching so that he would be more of her level, he displayed body language of submission. Tail tucked slightly, ears pinned back and head lowered with a little bit of sad eyes. He crawled a little closer to her but kept his distance from her just in case that she indeed misunderstood his language.

"I won't hurt you, why are you out here without your family? It could be dangerous you know." Vereux mused in a rather soft voice. If she was missing than he could take her home. He didn't know her parents and quiet frankly he could care less of who they were. After all the starving man was recovering, at the moment it was all about getting 'home'. Maybe then he would reconsider starting up relationships again. After all, he couldn't entirely mend the broken one with the others. The best he had was Bacchus not hating him, and perhaps he could explain to the family of his actual circumstances. After all Bacchus wanted to see him again.


02-10-2015, 04:29 PM

She rose a brow to his stance, almost submitting to her it seemed. She was a tiny freaking pup! Shouldn't she be scared? She was definitely calmed by his state but extremely confused as well. He was trying to make her see that he was harmless, and she was pretty convinced even though it was the only outside wolf she had come across.

"I live-" Maybe he shouldn't know too much detail... "Around here... With my parents and my brother. And my younger siblings."

Her voice was broken up as she was still unsure on how to react, or at least how to speak. Zola and Lian had all the freedom in the world to go out and meet others, Lian had actually got in a fight with someone when Zola just stayed in the ship and slept. All the time.

She assured him in that way that she wasn't alone, and maybe that she knew where she was and that she wasn't lost. She probably couldn't make it much farther because once the forest far behind her was out of sight, she really would be lost.

"I can take care of myself fine." She would say rather arrogantly. She just wanted to believe she could at least. She didn't take not of his thin form because she wasn't used to seeing what was normal, her mother just came out of illness but she saw past those things.

"And what about you? Shouldn't you be living with your mom and dad and siblings?"

Never being a part of a pack Zola thought that living like this with a large-type family was what everyone did. Everyone had a mom and a dad and a brother and a sister. And they all lived happily ever after.

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
02-10-2015, 05:11 PM

This pup had no clue did she, well he couldn't be too harsh on her. Though it made Vereux smile a little, a small chuckle leaving his throat. He loved that kind of innocence, but she would learn something knew everyday wouldn't she. “Oh no dear, I'm far too old to be living with my parents. Young ones like you usually leave their parents at four seasons and sometimes eight.”Vereux explained to her. She was smart though, not telling him where he lived. She obviously did have a sense of danger, he decided to relax himself next to her. Unfolding his tail a little, his single green eye looked at the girl softly. “My name is Vereux, what's yours?” Maybe this was the heavens just giving him a taste of something he'd never have with his sons, it wouldn't surprise him otherwise.

“I am going to the place where my mother birthed me, there's a thing called a pack there it's where a giant group of wolves live and connect with each other. Kinda like, a ton of families working together. Not everyone has siblings and sometimes wolves have tons of them. My family, I have many brothers and sisters but they come from different mothers however have the same father that I do.” He wagged his tail mildly at the little girl. Waiting all the questions, the confusion or perhaps even the accusation that he was lying. Even though he was not, perhaps he should have moved on. This wasn't entirely his child if the parents showed up all hell could break loose.

“I speak”


02-10-2015, 05:51 PM

The girl would think for a moment as the man spoke of how pups normally leave their parents between one and two years. She would be turning one year old soon... Her and Lian can make their run for it then. She could be rid of the demon children...

Zola would sit as he did, answering with her name since he asked. "I'm Zola... Leone?" Was that part of her name? Yes, it was with all of her family, including her mother. She was aware that Lel and Jian were brother and sister, but they were her parents, and she felt just like every other young pup did about there parents. And of course their reaction influenced her relationship with her brother.

She would listen to his explanation on where he was going and what this thing called a pack was, and even how he had many siblings that were from different mothers but from the same father. "Like my dad..." She said almost disappointed. It was very obvious to everyone around her, besides her sister of course, that she did not take well to her younger siblings. Why, if she knew that she had older siblings she would probably hold it against her father for the rest of his life.

"My family is like a... pack." It sounded weird to her, but it was true. Lian helped Lel a lot and Zola and Jian did their own kind of help when they weren't inside the ship. "But my brother and dad do most of the work. Calder and Armai do nothing." Her eyes shifted away from him, but then came back up as he probably didn't know who they were. "Uh, my younger... siblings." She hated to call them her brother and sister, she hated them. But she would be leaving soon enough.

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
02-11-2015, 12:48 AM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2015, 10:48 AM by Vereux.)

She seemed interested enough, and he listened to her carefully. Vereux wasn't going to let her words just fly past him after all. Tail curling around himself, it felt nice to be able to relax. He was home here in the north he knew that. It was funny, he just came from the ship after running into his ex wife and sister sadly enough. He had no clue that Zola lived there with her family. A small smile crept on his face. “I suppose it is, just packs claim territories that other wolves cannot challenge. Many have different customs and cultures as well.” It made him think of the old Glaciem. The one he came from, the empire that Isardis created. Yet eventually it died down, into nothing but a whisper and story in the wind of the albino tyranist king. The rivalry between adravendi's and Armada's. And now the family was connected by marriage on many levels.

“I hate my mother sadly, she had children with my brother and didn't say a word to my family about it. My father was a scary man, he was white as snow with pink eyes and nose, an image of perfection. He was a kings king, but he soon faded away as I grew older trying to grab his attention.” he sighed mildly. “Not everyone can have a loving relationship with their family.” it made it more difficult for him but it was true. A feeling an orphan would never be able to understand was having a family and then losing it. “Do you have any questions?” he asked the girl.

“I speak”


02-11-2015, 01:55 AM

The young girl was pretty interested in what the stranger had to say, though she truely had no interest in the matter at all. It was so weird hearing someone else's voice, seeing a different face. Lel and Lian always chased them off before she got to have any fun...

"We have our own land." She stated trying to make him understand, or maybe just make herself understand that they had their own little pack. Their family pack. Though he understood that fine, she didn't truly understand what else a pack could be. "Lel brought a woman home but she left after she birthed my siblings." HA, "culture". Sometimes she couldn't even call Lel her father. But other times she couldn't not call him such. She couldn't forgive him not because he stole and raped an innocent woman, but because he let her leave the children behind. Better yet, he wanted the children.

After he stated how he wanted his father's attention and how family can't always be friendly, instantly she thought of Armai and Calder. "I hate my younger siblings." She could tell Lian all this day after day and night after night, but it felt different talking to someone else. Someone who didn't know her problems. Someone who wasn't expecting what her next sentence or next complaint was. Lian never whined about it but she knew he knew what she was going to say next. This man didn't.

He asked her if she had any questions and she didn't. Her life was pretty much summed up besides her recovering mother and her undying love for her brother. Hate the dad, hate the little babies. Hate, hate, hate; it was all that was coming out of her mouth.

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
02-13-2015, 10:53 AM

Yes perhaps they did, but if they were not fully established another pack could just stomp right into their lands and tell them get out. Though, he kept this to himself as he sat with her, single eye crossing over her. “I had to kill my uncle once. And I hate my mother, and my father, well I don't know and never will know how I felt about him. He was a famous king that everyone used to talk about, but just up and left after some time. So it's normal to feel hate towards those who are related to you.” he shuffled slightly. Vereux looked at the ground for a moment. “Those who you do like though, you have to be kind and treat them with respect.”

The male would stand again, it was best he get going. It was a nice chat but he had things to do, recovery to go through. That was going to be the hardest part too, if he found this northern pack was not what he needed he would have to move. “I should go, but it was a pleasure meeting you Zola.” he grinned at her tilting his head to one side for a small moment.

“I speak”