
weathered souls

Bronze i


12 Years
05-10-2013, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2013, 07:17 PM by Bronze i.)

After cleaning her wounds and finding a secluded area for her to rest, Bronze was content with Loccian's state. While she was still rather thin and unkempt, she looked much more healthy than before -- the woman had cleaned the dried blood from her fur, with Bronze's help, and had gotten some food in her stomach. He found some soft vegetation and had torn it from the earth, carrying it to the makeshift den he'd found for her between his jaws and placing it down as a sort of bedding. He had sat, urging her to rest, as she certainly needed it. He lingered nearby as she drifted to sleep, wanting to make sure she would not awaken suddenly and grow distressed that he was gone.

He wasn't sure how long it was, but when the male slid from the small cavern, the sun was shining brightly overhead. He'd found her early morning, and now the position of the sun told him that the day was nearing its peak. A barely audible huff escaped his throat as he stretched. His mind wandered aimlessly as he padded forward. He knew Loccian was worried that Gerhardt might be upset, or even disappointed in her sudden disappearance.

Perhaps he ought to speak with him. The male padded away from the enclosure in which Loccian slept, unwilling to disturb her. She certainly needed to rest her tired body if she ever expected to heal fully. With some hesitance, once a good distance away from his sleeping friend, Bronze lifted his cranium to the sky, letting loose a soft howl. Hopefully Gerhardt would be nearby.


05-10-2013, 07:47 PM

The wind buffeted him, ironically on the one side that was not protected by the lean-to. The King groaned in displeasure as the autumn breeze chilled him. He'd gotten used to summer's warmth, it was hard to believe that anything could be this cool and crisp. He wasn't complaining, but his winter coat had only just begun to come in, and the King hoped that he wouldn't freeze to the bone before it did. A smirk played across his lips. He really ought to be getting up, he'd slept in far too late. This was no way for a King to behave. He stood to all four paws, grunting as he did so. When had he gotten so stiff? Shaking his bodice abruptly, the King would set off in the direction of a howl. He'd been hoping to hear from Bronze. Thankfully, he wasn't all that far off from where Bronze had called. The man was near the brook that jutted off from the lake. It only just touched Seracia's land before skirting off into the territory of the vagabonds. Bronze was awfully near the border, had he gone out and just returned? Or was he intending to leave? He had mentioned that he might not want to stick with pack life, was this a goodbye? No, it couldn't be. Bronze had gotten rather cozy with Loccian as of late ( or so the rumor mill told ) why would he leave her?

"Bronze, it's good to see you," he would remark with every ounce of sincerity that was due. It was good to see the man. "I've been meaning to catch up with you, if you have a moment?" The King dipped his head to the water's edge, drawing in a few droughts of the liquid before returning his crown to its original height. Tail swayed behind him gently, as if driven by the wind. Of course, Gerhardt assumed that he would have a moment, seeing as it had been Bronze who had called. Nevertheless, courtesies demanded that he ask before proceeding in conversation. The King would recline to a sitting position, allowing his previously waving tail to curl comfortably about his hips. He knew Bronze must have something on his mind, and so he would let the man speak first.


Bronze i


12 Years
05-10-2013, 08:30 PM

As he reclined on his haunches, hoping that the King would arrive soon. He felt vaguely uncomfortable leaving Loccian for so long, though he knew she would be sound asleep for quite some time, unless disturbed. Instinctively he shifted to gaze behind him, half-expecting to see someone heading to the small cave in the distance. But he saw nothing abnormal, and so he focused his attention towards the center of Seracia's territory.

Bronze wasn't surprised at Gerhardt's quick arrival. As the male approached, he rose to all fours, dipping his head in a slow nod. A polite smile graced his features, and while it was slightly forced, it was nothing less than genuine. "Likewise, Gerhardt," he replied easily, deep tones spilling from his tongue with little effort. "And I, the same. I have all the time in the world, as long as you do." Bronze wasn't expecting much beyond a quick chat, but he wanted to make sure Loccian's worries were not founded in reality. While Gerhardt had seemed like nothing less than an honorable male, and a truly decent leader, Loccian surely knew the beast better than he.

"I... ran into Loccian this morning," he began, brows furrowing slightly. He was sure Gerhardt had been considered with her well-being, and would want to know that she was okay. "She has been mourning quite unhealthily. It looked as though she hadn't eaten in weeks. Also, she had numerous wounds that appeared to me to be self-inflicted. I've helped her clean up and get something to eat. She's resting nearby, but I think she is ashamed to have disappeared for so long. I think she could use a few days to heal and regain herself; I'm not sure if she's ready to face her packmates quite yet." Hopefully he would grant her that, and not feel the overwhelming need to see her immediately. Bronze was certainly Loccian would be ashamed of herself, especially in front of her King. Even though the state of mourning was a natural one, and even though guilty was a natural stage of grieving, he knew she still felt silly and ashamed.


05-10-2013, 09:43 PM

Gerhardt noted the serious glean in Bronze's eyes, and knew that something serious was lingering on his mind. What was it, that plagued him so? Was he searching for the words to explain that he was leaving? Was it something even worse than that? The King hoped it was neither, though he knew something was going on. The King forced a half-smile, for the original had long since faded in the silence that came between them. Though he longed to fidget, the King sat rather statuesque and placid, though his tail flitted restlessly as an outlet. "My time is yours," he would remark, feeling the need to say something.. anything. Then the news came. He'd run into Loccian. Gerhardt had been looking for the female the past few weeks. The healer had been missing in action, not that Gerhardt didn't understand. She'd suffered a great loss and it was only right for her to be able to take some time off to collect herself. Still, he hadn't expected her to be gone quite this long.

More news, this bit was rather unsatisfactory. She'd been starving herself, and hurting herself. The King should have known better than to let her go off on her own. It seemed, though, that Bronze had come to the rescue just in the nick of time. The urge to go to her immediately burned in his chest, but the King resisted. "I would like to go to her now, but it seems you have things quite under control. Would you do me this favor, and let her know that I am available to her at any time?" It seemed like it wasn't enough, but it was all the monarch could offer at this time. "Is she in need of anything at all? I can see to it that food is brought to you both, if you wish to stay with her - and I should hope that you would. I think she will need the support." Yes, that's what she needed, support. Gerhardt had a feeling Bronze was just the man for the job.

Kamala would be able to hunt for them, or any number of the others. Loccian had served Seracia faithfully, it was time they gave back to her. The King nodded, as if he'd already agreed to the plan before Bronze had a chance to object. The man would more than likely offer to help, but Gerhardt wanted him to stay with Loccian as much as possible, and hunting took time and effort.


Bronze i


12 Years
05-18-2013, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2013, 10:09 PM by Bronze i.)

His words had left his tongue somewhat quickly, and he hoped Gerhardt would excuse the suddenness. Loccian's poor state had shaken the male slightly. He had never been good at being sympathetic. His entire being was slightly aloof at times, withdrawn and detached. Even with his own mate, at the loss of their son, he had been unable to console her. Instead he had retreated into the depths of his mind, drowning himself in sorrow and slowly becoming consumed with hatred and darkness. It was for this reason, and his obvious affection towards Loccian, that he wanted to help her. He couldn't bear to see her deteriorate any further. And yet he doubted that he alone could bring her back to reality, but he would try his hardest.

"I understand your concern, but I do request you give her a bit more time," he spoke with the utmost respect, though concern shone fiercely in his brown eyes. "When she wakes up, I'll assure her that you're not upset and let her know you are ready if she needs anything." No smile of gratitude was given, but Bronze was never one for forced displays of emotion; a simple nod would suffice, expressing his gratitude. Tail flicked briefly behind him, seriousness visible on his features. "She seems to blame herself for her brother's death, but I suppose guilt is a natural stage of grieving.." The brute's mind seemed to wander briefly, but he sighed a bit, breaking his train of thought. "If you could see to it that a meal is brought for her, I would be grateful. The poor thing is starved. Don't worry about me, though." One thing that he had learned over the years was humility. He wondered if he would ever overcome that, even as he grew older and actually required help. For now, the man was intent on maintaining his stark independence.

"But it seems as though you had something to discuss with me, as well -- may I inquire as to what that might be?" Head cocked a bit as he lifted his muzzle to gaze at Gerhardt. The man had consistently proved himself to be a fair and good leader, and Bronze was not at all uncomfortable with addressing him as something like an equal, with little inhibition albeit a polite sense of respect towards him.


05-20-2013, 08:05 PM

Gerhardt could hardly imagine the pain and suffering Loccian must be going through. To lose a loved one had to be the worst pain a wolf could endure, but that wasn't all she had gone through. Because of her suffering she had been starving herself and inflicting pain upon her body. Gerhardt could hardly imagine that would help the situation at all. He heaved a sigh, distraught over his friend. He felt as if he was failing his members. He was offering them everything he could, but it still didn't seem like enough - at least not to him. But Gerhardt knew he was being foolish, he knew he was only blaming himself for things out of his control. Bronze seemed to be handling this well, and idly the King wondered if he'd been faced with situations like this before. He requested a meal for Loccian, but not for himself. Gerhardt smiled, but inwardly planned to bring enough food for both of them. Bronze would likely be with Loccian for much of the day and didn't need to have to worry about eating. It was the least the King could do.

"I'll see to it she is fed." It was a solemn promise, with a brief nod of his head in agreement. Then, Bronze would offer up a question. Ah yes, Gerhardt had nearly forgotten what he'd been looking for Bronze for! "Ah, yes. There is a rogue bull terrorizing wolves. He recently managed to inflict an injury on one of our females, and I can't have him running around harming anyone else. I was wondering if you would be willing to join in on a hunting party to put the beast down?" Of course, if Bronze would rather not get involved it would be understandable, though Gerhardt sincerely hoped that he would. The King needed strong wolves on his side if they were to kill the beast, and Bronze was definitely a strong wolf.

OOC, shortpost is short :c


Bronze i


12 Years
05-22-2013, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2013, 09:00 PM by Bronze i.)

Bronze's own eyes welled with concern as he explained Loccian's condition; he felt for his friend, understood the suffering that she was going through, and oh how strongly he empathized with her grief. A slow nod was offered to Gerhardt as he graciously offered to bring Loccian a meal. He was thankful for that -- he dreaded leaving her for long in this condition. Her moods seemed so unpredictable, he wasn't quite sure whether she would be in a pleasant mood when she awoke or not. And if not, he certainly preferred he be with her. Still unstable, he was hesitant to see how she could deteriorate if left alone again, even for a short period of time.

Luckily, for the tone had grown rather dismal. But Gerhardt brought up what he had initially wanted to speak to him about. Apparently there is a rogue bull wandering around their territory, terrorizing the members of Seracia. And one had been injured. A very delicate frown graced his features, turning the corners of his lips downward ever so slightly. When the male before him grew silent, he nodded eagerly, more than willing to join. It sounded like a challenge, one that he was willing to step up to. "I'd be thrilled to join," he said with a slightly forced grin, yet his lyrics were genuine, although serious. "I haven't been on a good hunt in longer than I can remember." The thought was pleasing to his mind, and he shifted slightly, as though already growing anxious for the upcoming hunt.

"I also wanted to find you for another reason -- I'd like to stay a warrior, perhaps a sentry. I'd be willing to put my energy towards fighting for Seracia's safety, if the time ever comes." He offered with a slow bow of his head. His respect for Gerhardt was obvious, and more than he had offered another creature in some time -- and yet his slight humility around the King was probably commonplace in Seracia. While such a small action was often expected among a leader's subordinates, for Bronze, it was a great step -- though he wondered why it felt so much like he was reverting to his younger self, when he ought to be moving forward, evolving.


06-04-2013, 04:52 PM

Blind fury boiled in his chest as he thought of the bull plaguing his lands. The beast had injured a treasured member of Seracia and had no rights to live another day. However, the King knew that he could not arrange a suitable party in that amount of time, nor could they launch a successful attack as quickly as he liked. Therefore, he would bide his time and prepare a faithful group to annihilate the beast one and for all. They would strike quickly and accurately, they only had one shot for success or the beast would certainly harm someone else. Bronze would agree to join with fervor, and the King's smile grew on his lips. "Neither have I. I intend to secure a few more wolves for the hunt, I want to ensure that we finish the job quickly. Be sure and listen for my howl." He knew Bronze would be nearby and would come when called, so there wasn't much of a problem there.

Bronze then mentioned another reason for their encounter. He wished to remain a warrior, a sentry even. He wanted to fight for the safety of the Kingdom. So, he had decided to stay? The smile grew on the king's face a second time. "Seracia is grateful for your willing service, Bronze. I know she's in good hands with you as a warrior." Compliments flowed naturally by way of the King's tongue as his tail swept the earth carefully. "I should be letting you get back to Loccian, I'm sure she would enjoy a bit of company." The king would stand and pause, ready to leave should there be nothing else that Bronze wished to discuss, but ready to stay if there happened to be another matter.


Bronze i


12 Years
06-07-2013, 06:56 AM

Gerhardt agreed that it had been some time since he'd been on a good hunt. Bronze smiled, bowing his head for a moment as though in deep thought. He had subsisted for a good time on small game -- hares, rodents of various sorts, fish, birds -- only occasionally managing to take down a fawn or an injured doe. The fat bull he'd seen from a good distance, prowling about their lands, looked like it would feed the entire pack for some time. Something they needed to think about, as winter was rapidly approaching.

"I'll be eagerly waiting for it," he replied with genuine interest, regarding Gerhardt's call to arms. A good hunt would be satisfying; he could only hope it would occur soon. Some of his fondest moments in his former pack revolved around massive group hunts. He remembered so fondly his father -- adoptive father, Aradcor -- teaching him to hunt. Him and Scudge. He shook his head, as though the motion might clear his head of memories. It didn't this time; it never did.

"Thank you, again," he said, tail flicking briefly behind him at the King's compliments. His power was obvious, despite his age -- he was glad it did not go unnoticed. "I will be seeing you soon, then." Gerhardt had promised he would bring food for the both of them. A piercing gust of wind made Bronze even more anxious to return to Loccian, the pressure to keep her warm growing strong within him. A final nod was given, his gratitude obvious. But he turned to leave quickly, anxious to return to the woman's side.

- exit Bronze -