
Nothing in This World


06-02-2013, 04:33 PM

Solitude was becoming a constant companion in Felicitas? life. The two shared a bittersweet relationship, constantly at odds with one another and yet coexisting without complaint. The ghostly she-wolf longed for the company of her own kind, this was true, but at the same time being alone meant no attachments, no fear of losing another loved one to the wheel of fate. She often wondered if the eternal silence was worth the safety it ensured her heart. But even if she decided one morning to break the habit of traveling alone, she couldn?t exactly just waltz up to any old wolf and expect them to accompany her. No, life just didn?t work that way, especially in this day and age. So for now she would simply keep moving forward; it was all she could bring herself to do these days.

A thunderous roar gradually came into her hearing range as she picked her way through the dense snowdrifts. She?d been through this area earlier in the year and couldn?t recall there being any waterfalls or rivers nearby. Mayhap some early snowmelt had birthed a new flow? Doubtful, seeing as how the temperature was rapidly dropping with each passing day. It wouldn?t be long before the entire region was frozen solid. So what was the source of the noise, then?

Her question was answered a good deal of time later when her weak blue eyes finally managed to bring into focus the constant jet of water shooting towards the sky. She could faintly recall her mother once describing such a thing to her in her youth?a geyser, if memory served her true. It was magnificent, in its own special sort of way. Its flow was never faltering, roaring proudly as it soared to the heavens only to return back to earth in a hazy mist. Even from her respectful distance Felicitas could appreciate the heat the water was giving off, easily chasing away the chill that had set into her petite bones and tired muscles.

A grateful sigh escaped her maw as she settled down onto the warm patch of ground, mercifully free of any snow or frost. The idea of having found an oasis of sorts crossed her mind?a warm haven in the middle of winter. The perfect place to rest after traveling for so long. Now if only she had someone to share it with. 'Beggars can?t be choosers.'

"Speech" 'Thought'

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
06-03-2013, 08:47 PM

It was rare for Basilisk to stray far from his mother's side, but lately she seemed to be enjoying even more private time with his father than usual. Feeling vaguely unwanted, the boy had wandered from Amenti territory, somewhat surprised to not see his siblings trailing behind him. Truthfully, it was a good thing -- if he ran into danger, he didn't want his brother and sister to get caught up in it too. So with a quick decision, Basilisk Saxe left home for the first time, letting his paw take him wherever they pleased. He was far too young to think of the consequences of wandering off on his own, but had decided he was old enough for it. In all reality, it was unwise for a six month old pup to go exploring during a storm, but he was convinced he was ready.

The snow was something new to the rapidly growing boy, and he loved every second of it. Over-sized paws tread through the steadily accumulating snow, tail whipping out behind him as he went. Rarely did he express such obvious joy, but he reveled in the sensation of the cold substance crunching between the pads of his feet. Eyes blinked, lashes batting away snowflakes as he gazed at the sky.

His journey took quite some time. The boy was lost in his thoughts, enjoying the alone time, when a gradually increasing roar reached his ears. Was it another wolf? Ears perked atop his head, curiosity taking over him. If the sound was coming from someone else, they sure were big, he thought silently. Slowly the geyser came into view, seeming to reach high above the treetops. Purple eyes grew wide with wonder at the phenomenon.

It took Basilisk a long moment to realize that there was a wolf standing near the spraying water. He was unaware what a strange sight he must look, his stark black coat standing out like a sore thumb against the white of the snow; vibrant purple eyes staring at her in wonder as he padded closer. But he was no idiot, and he approached carefully. Mom had taught him that some wolves wanted to hurt others, and that he needed to be careful. But curiosity was growing strong within him, and he nodded towards the water as he drew close to her. "Did you do that?" His question might seem stupid, but he was young and naive and had never seen or heard of anything like this in his short life. He'd never talked to someone outside of Amenti, and was normally rather quiet, but he needed to know what this was so he could tell his siblings about it.



06-04-2013, 08:38 PM

Home was far from here. Killian had been wandering on his own since he had been kicked out of the pack half a year ago, never settling, never making friends. He was convinced at this point that he was better off on his own no matter where he was. At home, closeness had only gotten him into trouble. He'd be damned to see that happen again so he never stopped moving, just kept exploring.

He had come into Alacritis only a few days ago and had been wandering through the barren, snowy north through the whole of those days. It had been empty and cold, Just like me... Killian's negativity had dominated his thoughts ever since he left the pack - he had been so sweet and good-hearted before the incident. His thoughts strayed back to that final moment, the chaos that surrounded him, the hatred in the faces of the alphas...

Throbbing in his paw brought him back to reality. He realized he had been mindlessly holding the weight of his whole self on his right side, and growl in frustration and he lifted the foot from the ground and shifted his weight to the other side. His good limbs propelled him forward, away from the weakening cold toward the south. His audits picked up the sound of the geyser long before he saw it or smelled the presence of the wolves that had already planted themselves around it.

Killian quietly picked his way over the landscape, stopping several yards away to take in the scene. Ruby optics fell on an alabaster female who looked around his age, and a younger ebony pup. He carefully deduced that they were not a threat and carried himself forward again, coming to a halt on the opposite edge of the geyser and settling back on his haunches, making a point not to look at the others. While the self he believed in told him he didn't want company, the kind Killian he thought he had left behind at his pack longed for attention and companionship. He could not acknowledge them, nor could he ignore them.


06-04-2013, 10:28 PM

Coincidence was a funny thing. While only moments before she had been alone, longing for the presence of another, Felicitas suddenly found herself in the company of a tiny stranger. The crunch of chubby paws through snow was the first giveaway?pups were notoriously loud, no matter how careful they might try to be. Their little bodies simply weren?t in the right proportions to achieve proper stealth. Add on top of that a foreign scent mixed thickly with the aroma of countless other wolves melded into one, and she was able to add the label ?pack wolf? on top of the youths list of abnormalities for one so far into neutral territory.

"Did you do that?"

Oh, bless his itty bitty heart. Felicitas could hardly suppress the croon that tried in vain to fill her chest as she turned to gaze upon the tyke. The she-wolf had always had a weakness for children, no matter the species. There was just something about their awkward bodies, innocent eyes, and thirst for adventure that turned her into putty; this little guy was no exception. He was quite the sight to see, his dark pelt standing out in stark contrast to the wonderland of white that surrounded them. Curious indigo eyes stared up at her with an air of anticipation, as if her answer would give him all he wanted from life. For now, that is.

"No, little one," she mused, her voice holding its usual warmth with a healthy dose of affection thrown in for good measure. "You see, that right there is called a geyser. They shoot water that?s trapped in the ground up into the air during certain times of the year. Wonderful, isn?t it?" She couldn?t have stopped the words spilling from her mouth even if she wanted to, nor could she deny the pup anything as she lowered her head to his level, flashing a kind smile.

What could such a young pup be doing in a place like this? He certainly smelled of a pack, though which one she was no sure. He seemed well fed, healthy, and in no form of distress. Perhaps he had simply wandered off? It was a common occurrence amongst pups; her own brothers had been quite the hellions in their time. The insistent pull to inquire on the subject was nearly overpowering, but for now she held it at bay. She felt it best to befriend the pup first before whipping out the big guns, no need to scare him off or worse.

So consumed was she with the bundle of fur before her that she didn?t notice the presence of yet another newcomer until he had already settled on the opposite side of the geyser. A small gasp was the only indication she gave to just how much his sudden appearance had startled her. From there on, her expression melted back into one of serene contentment, blue eyes practically glowing in a silent welcome. "Good day to you, stranger." Her words were polite and laced with just a hint of amusement. Thus far the brute had yet to look directly at either of them, seemingly refusing to turn from his closed off position. Was he really so opposed to interacting with the mismatched duo, or was he simply being a bit moody? It was hard for her to tell, but either way she would remain seated with the same constant smile upon her muzzle, the picture of friendliness.

'Are the gods? truly so good as to give me not one, but two acquaintances this day?'

"Speech" 'Thought'

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
06-05-2013, 06:50 AM

Basilisk very much tended to keep to himself, never quite as sociable as either of his siblings. But he had never wandered so far on his own, and his curiosity of this strange flowing water far exceeded his desire to keep to himself. The young pup's brows furrowed as he watched the geyser, shooting as high as the sky, or so it seemed. A serious look overtook the violet-tinted boy, his mind struggling to make sense of the phenomenon.

He was far too naive to realize how terribly he stood out, his dark pelt against the pure white snow, his glowing purple eyes far more vivid than he would ever know. And his scent, heavy with the scent of others; of his mother and father and two siblings. His eyes remained fixated on the geyser as he crept a bit closer to her, his poise lacking in apprehension. He had no reason to fear anything. Fear was not an emotion he'd experienced before.

She quickly spoke, her voice warm and welcoming. Not entirely unlike his mother's, but it was a bit sweeter, higher-pitched. Head cocked to the side, ears perking as he took in her answer. "Geyser?" he repeated, finding the word strange on his tongue. Tail wagged behind his slightly over-sized frame. He was certainly larger than most pups his age; it would likely seem that he was a bit older, save for his curiously puppy-like demeanor. As he grew, he would be nearly as big as his mother, but never quite reach her mammoth size.

He drew briefly closer to the water, but the spray of the water was warm, and he was unsure whether it was safe. Once again he scampered closer to the female, his face void of the smile hers had, despite his wagging tail. Instead, serious inquisitiveness had overtaken him.

Before he could ask anything else of her, she looked away from her. Basilisk followed her gaze, finding another male sitting across from them at the geyser. Instinctively he raised his hackles, somewhat startled as well by his appearance -- and truth be told, he often found the presence of males irritating. He was not particularly close to Kaios -- if anything, his father made him wary -- and his brother, Salamander, was more like a girl than anything else. A tiny little snarl appeared on his lips, growl bubbling up from the boy's throat. But the older female greeted him warmly, and so he relaxed, backing up slightly towards Felicitas.

"So who are you, lady?" He asked curiously, only glancing at her briefly before letting his gaze return to the newcomer.



06-05-2013, 10:51 AM

Evidently this pup had quite the imagination. Killian had arrived just in time to catch enough of the conversation to realize that the young one had thought the female caused the water to come up from the ground. A smirk played on the brute's maw. He listened, amused, as the she-wolf explained what a geyser was to the awe-struck child, and silently was glad that she hadn't been the type to play it up and pretend magic coursed through her veins. He hated those dishonest wolves, and the suckers that believed them. Anyway, if magic was real it would be a dark, evil thing - much darker than himself. Not something for wolves to toy with, something he would despise due to the lies others had told him in childhood.

Suddenly woken out of his reverie, Killian realized that the female had acknowledged him. His ears pricked in her direction before his garnet gaze followed. He observed the pup for a moment, noting that it was seemingly hostile and attempting to ignore his presence. The pup's reaction encouraged Killian's smirk to grow slightly. The child clearly had a lot to learn, but he was still young with time left to do so. From the scent on the air he became aware that the runt had a pack that would train him and stand behind him. One day, he would certainly be a formidable force. For now, he was only an amusement.

After analyzing the pup, he settled his stare on the alabaster vixen who had greeted him. With pure white fur and shining blue eyes, she was his polar opposite. He found it both beautiful and offending at the same time. Nothing in this world could be so pure, even if it appeared so. And yet, despite his cold approach to their meeting and devilish appearance the girl had greeted him as a friend, as someone who's company she might enjoy. His heart told him that it might be nice to have a kind acquaintance, and his weaker brain gave up protesting and obeyed.

Killian's voice rang out, clear and deep. Afternoon, ma'am and child. He stood and walked a few feet closer, still maintaining the cushion between them, and carefully replaced his smirk with a smile. I take it he isn't yours though. Sarcasm laced his words, but in a friendly manner. Hopefully the pup would lighten up soon.


06-06-2013, 12:58 AM

The ghostly she-wolf was finding it difficult to give the newest stranger the proper attention she felt he deserved, while at the same time keeping an eye on the pup as he wandered precariously closer to the geyser?s reach. Luckily, just as she was about to call out a warning to him, the youth seemed to sense the danger and took it upon himself to scurry back to a safe distance. She was about to turn to the brute across the way once again, only to snap her azure eyes back to the dark youth at the sound of his growl. For the second time that day, the fae had to suppress a sound of endearment at the very idea of the pup attempting to seem intimidating. He was simply too cute for words! Or maybe she was just too far gone with her affection towards the young to take his attempt seriously. Either way, she found his display adorable.

?Afternoon, ma'am and child. I take it he isn't yours though.? The strangers voice was deep, masculine. It reminded her so much of her male kin that for just the briefest of moments, her heart felt like it was ripping in half. But that minor slip up was quickly composed and covered up with her usual sunny demeanor, vanishing just as quickly as it had arrived. Only when she had her emotions back under control was she able to decipher the meaning behind the male?s words. If wolves could blush, Felicitas? face would surely be glowing a violent crimson. Never in her life had she been in a relationship with a male, let alone courted by one. So for the stranger to imply that the pup was hers was simply too much of an embarrassment for her to handle.

"I-I? Oh goodness, no, I?m not his mother," she managed to blurt out, blue eyes downcast as she shuffled her forepaws bashfully. His sly smile and sarcastic tone did little to ease the heat rushing to her face. Joking he may be, but she had always been the poster child for the stereotypical blushing bride.

The pup was next to speak, directing his words to her as well now that he had seemed to calm down some. "So who are you, lady?" Not exactly the most polite way of speaking, but she readily forgave him. "How rude of me. My name is Felicitas, but you may call me as you like." Her answer was swift, her embarrassment rapidly fading as her prowess with manners came into play. An inclination on her head towards the still unknown brute implied that her words had been meant for him just as much as they had been for the pup. "And who, if I may ask, might you both be?" She remained sitting, white tail set neatly beside her paws and eyes curious as she eagerly awaited their responses.

"Speech" 'Thought'

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
06-06-2013, 04:32 PM

Truthfully, Basilisk's upbringing thus far had never really included manners. He knew how he talked to his mother and father, and his siblings -- but was unsure how to interact with others. And so he asked this woman rather bluntly who she was, but his tones were not rude or condescending, simply curious. But he grew somewhat startled by the appearance of the other male.

"Afternoon, ma'am and child. I take it he isn't yours though." The male noted aloud, and Basilisk shook his head, not wanting him to get any ideas. This woman looked much different than his mom. Much smaller, and... more.... he didn't know what. Violet eyes widened as he watched for her reaction, not at all disinterested by her pure white fur. All of his siblings were dark, like him, with strange violet tints to the ebony fur. He'd never seen a creature so white. Her fur looked just like the snow he'd walked through to get here.

She seemed flustered, but spoke up again. The boy crept a bit closer, liking the sound of her voice. It was much higher pitched than his mom's. It pleased him, and a few more quick steps were taken. He trusted her a whole lot more than the young man that had snuck up on that.

She gave her name -- Felicitas -- and he nodded. "I'm Basilisk. Basilisk Saxe. My mother's Newt Saxe, the Queen of Amenti, and my daddy is Kaios." His tail wagged as he shared his knowledge readily, proud of who he was and where he was from -- though he could never justify why. He wasn't that mentally advanced yet.



06-06-2013, 06:17 PM

For still being an adolescent, barely out of his phases as a pup, his voice had already developed into the deep and powerful note of a full adult. When he spoke, he commanded the attention of any and all around him. Killian enjoyed attenion, both negative and positive, though he would never outwardly admit it.

The female's reaction to his comment cause a hearty chuckle to escape him. She seemed very nerve-wracked for a moment as she responded to his whimsical inquiry, but quickly regained composure. The pup just looked annoyed, and continued to move closer to the girl. It was a shame he was so cowardly, but he was young yet. Perhaps he needed a young role model outside his family to teach him to toughen up a bit... Killian was hoping to join a pack anyway, maybe he would question this child about his home.

Felicitas. The girl had the voice of an angel and the name of one too, to match with her appearance. A beautiful name for a beautiful lady. His voice entirely lacked sarcasm at this point and was instead smooth and subdued. He gave a brief bow of his head an winked flirtatiously. He loved this stuff. Killian's attention quickly turned to the pup, as he announced that he was the child of the alpha pair in his pack. The situation had become far more interesting than he anticipated. Perhaps he wouldn't have to question this child after all, and could simply be led to his parents. If anyone had information about a pack, it would be the leaders. I would be honored to meet with your parents later on, little one. They would probably appreciate you being escorted home anyway. It isn't exactly safe for smaller wolves to be wandering alone.

After addressing Basilisk individually, he moved so that he could speak to both of his companions simultaneously. My name is Killian. It's a pleasure to meet you both. He smiled and shifted his weight to relieve his damaged paw. He wasn't fond of showing weaknesses to strangers, but these two clearly weren't a threat.


06-12-2013, 06:58 PM

The pup was the first to introduce himself, his chest puffing up in obvious pride as he spoke of his pedigree. "I'm Basilisk. Basilisk Saxe. My mother's Newt Saxe, the Queen of Amenti, and my daddy is Kaios." Once more, a stab of pain pierced her heart. He was a little prince, just as her brothers had been. And what grand princes they had been; noble, courageous, dutiful? And they had called her princess, once upon a time. But such titles had come and gone with the passing of her father?s dynasty. She was the only thing left of Imperium?alone, so alone. But now was not the time to burden her newfound acquaintances with such needless dramatics. Swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat, Felicitas made a show of sitting up straighter and widening her smile, though it didn?t reach her eyes, which were still clouded over with reminiscing?s of the past.

"Is that so? You must be very proud of them, Basilisk." Her words were smooth as honey, her iron resolve masking the strain of just how forced they had been. She wanted nothing more than to spirit this child away to some place safe, far away from the political diversity of his pack. Being the offspring of an alpha pair was never easy, and always dangerous. Certain things were expected of you, and more things than not were forbidden. And the seat of power was a perilous thing? The balance so easily swayed. She would know, having lived through it all herself, and witnessed just how ugly the fall of leadership could be.

Nevertheless, she responded to Basilisk?s efforts to be closer to her with a welcoming dip of her head before lying down with her forepaws before her, lowering herself down to his level. She could do nothing to change this youngster?s fate; it was not in her power to do so. All she could do was offer him all her compassionate personality had to offer and silently hope that his future would be a bright one.

?A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.? And there went the stranger again, making her face hot and her tongue tied. ? I would be honored to meet with your parents later on, little one. They would probably appreciate you being escorted home anyway. It isn't exactly safe for smaller wolves to be wandering alone.? Felicitas couldn?t agree more. She had been thinking the same thing in the depths of her mind, but had been waiting to get to know Basilisk more before broaching the subject of returning him home. It would seem the deed had been done for her. ? My name is Killian. It's a pleasure to meet you both.?

"Likewise, Killian." His smile was returned in kind as her blue eyes zeroed in on his source of discomfort. Was something wrong with his paw? She sent him a questioning look, not wanting to intrude upon his pride by voicing her concerns. She?d found over the years that most males would much prefer to suffer in silence than accept the sympathy of others. Turning back to look at Basilisk, her eyes softened, as did her tone of voice. "I agree with Killian, little one. You are far from home. I for one would rest easier knowing that you are safe back amongst your kin." She refrained from stating that his family must surely be worried for him. She didn?t have it in her to say something so criticizing when the pup had been nothing but a pleasant distraction from the daily grind. Hopefully his packmates, his parents especially, wouldn?t be too disgruntled upon his return.

"Speech" 'Thought'

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
06-12-2013, 08:50 PM

Truth be told, he was rather large for a pup. He was approaching the size of a small adult, but his awkward paws and slightly large head gave away his age easily. Even his voice was not quite fully developed. Despite his obvious lack of age, he was a rather large child, already growing far to be far bulkier than his brother.

Feli then spoke. Her voice really was quite nice, much smoother than his mom's -- and though he preferred hers, a new voice was a welcome thing for the curious boy. "You must be very proud of them, Basilisk," she said, and all he replied was, "Yup," though he lifted his head an inch or so higher. He was beginning to realize the kind of power his parents had, even if only vaguely. His father, unbeknownst to him thus far, was a cold-blooded killer, a merciless rapist. Was he, too, inherently evil, simply by virtue of his upbringing? The possibility was certainly there, evident in the strange, empty way he began to stare at Killian. But the moment was short-lived, and he brightened a bit as he began to speak, blinking a few times.

Basilisk was blind to the purpose of the wink given to Felicitas, coming to the conclusion that the wolf simply had something in his eye. He was merely six months old, not at all mature enough to understand romance and all that went with it. "I would be honored to meet with your parents later on, little one. They would probably appreciate you being escorted home anyway." Hm. Basilisk shrugged his shoulders, unsure why it was such a big deal. "I'm allowed to be on my own," he said simply.

He then announced himself as Killian. Basilisk's purple eyes were serious, growing slightly wider as he shifted and lifted a paw up, as though he was injured. Felicitas had reclined to the earth, and his tail flicked behind him in pleasure. "I'm okay. I can stay out for a little while." Home was not terribly far away, and though he had begun to go cold, he found that inching a bit closer to the geyser, and Felicitas in turn, eased the unpleasant feeling considerably. "Is your paw 'kay, Killian?" He said abruptly, no empathy hidden in his tones, merely mild curiosity and a desire for an explanation.



06-12-2013, 09:43 PM

The child did indeed seem proud of his parents' status. Killian noted the slight inclination of his head as he offered his short reply to Feli, Yup. The brute chuckled, amused. He remembered being proud of his parents as a child. Though they weren't the head honchos, he couldn't help boasting about their skill in everything they did, especially hunting. When the pack needed food, his parents found it and brought it home. He had learned to navigate and hunt from the very best, in his opinion. He would never change his mind, no matter how much he resented them now.

A smirk remained plastered on Killian's maw as he watched the girl. She was certainly kind and welcoming, especially to the pup, but she was also clearly very innocent still. She seemed to react again to his flirtation as he noticed a slight, brief stiffening of her body. As before, though, Felicitas recovered quickly.

Well I wasn't suggesting we bring you back now, Basilisk, Killian pointed out in a relaxed tone. I'm not that cruel. He smiled with his joke. He remembered what it was like to be out exploring away from the family as a younger wolf. It was exhilarating, and going home was the worst idea in the world. He wouldn't rush the kid back just yet, understanding how much he must be enjoying himself. He found himself glad that the girl would accompany them as well, however, and he wasn't sure why.

Just as he was noticing the look the female shot at his paw, the ebony pup spoke for both of them. Of course they would want to know now, but was he really willing to share? He glanced down at it, his smile fading a bit. The semi-pathetic look that crossed his features said plenty to make up for his few words. Yes and no. It had its issues, but he put up with them just fine.


06-12-2013, 10:24 PM

"I'm allowed to be on my own. I'm okay. I can stay out for a little while.?

Her initial concern for Basilisk being returned home ebbed some when the pup treated the topic with calm indifference. Her own parents had forbade her from leaving the safety of their group until she had reached a prime age, though they had been given plenty of reason to do so; she had never been the healthiest of pups, easily falling ill at the slightest change in the weather. While she wasn?t nearly so frail as an adult, some of the problems had still carried over?her eyesight wasn?t up to par, she caught illnesses easily and her body was so petite, breakable. Basilisk, on the other hand, seemed to be quite the picture of health. With that reasoning in mind, it didn?t seem so far-fetched for him to be out exploring any longer. The lucky little scamp.

?Well I wasn't suggesting we bring you back now, Basilisk. I'm not that cruel.?

A soft peal of laughter filled Felicitas? throat at Killian?s words. From the looks of him, the male was fresh out of puphood himself. If she were to give an educated guess, she?d say he was nearing the threshold of two years, full adulthood. It only made sense that Killian would be able to joke about such a thing as where he should and shouldn?t be, he had more than likely gone through the same treatment only seasons before. The porcelain she-wolf felt old in comparison to the two youths despite the fact that she was only on her third year of life. "No, we wouldn?t dream of doing such a thing so soon." Her tone still contained a chuckle or two, her blue eyes alight with mirth as she gazed at Basilisk fondly and gave his shoulder a playful bump. There was no rush to return him home just yet, not when there was still time for an adventure or two.

"Is your paw 'kay, Killian?"

Almost instantly, her face went from amused to slightly concerned, her head swinging to gaze up at Killian. She knew Basilisk had meant nothing by the inquiry, he was simply curious, as any pup would be. She herself was rather eager to know the cause for his discomfort as well, though that was mostly in part to her deep rooted instinct to mother anyone and anything within reach. She could only hope the darkly hued brute didn?t see it as a stab to his pride. ?Yes and no,? was the only answer he gave, his posture obviously giving off a sense of discomfort and uncertainty. The need to go to him and smother him with reassurance that all would be well, that his paw would be just fine, and that no one was judging him, was almost suffocating. But she remained right where she was, resigning herself to simply giving him a compassionate look, eyes glowing and lips tilting up in the ghost of a knowing smile. The story of how misfortune befell his appendage was his alone to give or keep. She felt no offence for his reluctance to elaborate?they had only just met, after all. "I hope that it begins to feel better in the near future, Killian," came her condolences, smothered in maternal affection and blunt honesty.

"So, Basilisk, what brings you so far out into this big wild world?" Her question was meant to change the flow of conversation, as she was reluctant to see if further prompting on the topic of Killion?s paw would result in tension or not. But that was Felicitas for you; ever the peace maker, ever the diplomat.

"Speech" 'Thought'

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
06-14-2013, 08:15 PM

Killian laughed, but it was a gentle one, not like he was making fun of him. Even if he was being teased, he probably wouldn't have noticed -- his parents were both strange creatures, far from typical, and he certainly wouldn't let his siblings pick on him. He watched the male again, brows furrowing as he looked him over. He wasn't very old, no ... but certainly older than himself.

"Well I wasn't suggesting we bring you back now, Basilisk." Killian said, and the violet-tinted boy seemed to relax instantaneously whatever muscles had been tensed. Tail wagged behind his frame as he lowered himself to sit near Felicitas. For some reason, she seemed like she could be trusted, even if he didn't know her well. All that Killian said to his question was, "Yes and no."

He opened his mouth to question further, but the white-furred woman spoke, almost cutting him off with a question. What had brought him out here? Again he shrugged; it seemed like a common gesture for him to make. "Just 'splorin'," he explained, as though it were the most obvious fact in the world. He knew little of the concept of small talk, never really partaking in such formalities at home. "Kinda wanted to get away from my sister for a little bit." She could be overbearing at times -- but never Sal, who seemed keen to keep to himself and stay away from the inseparable duo. "Do you guys have brothers or sisters?"



06-16-2013, 06:32 PM

The fact that Felicitas had shared the same humor about returning Basilisk lightened Killian's mood a little, but he noticed something different in her tone than his. The difference was echoed in the look she shot at him when the pup asked about his paw. It seemed almost motherly. The idea caused a grin to form on his maw. The girl wasn't much older than himself - maybe a year and a half at most - but she seemed to look on him as a child. While Killian was still young, he had lived through more than some older wolves had and had grown mature beyond his years, though he tried not to show it. Showing his maturity would show that he was different and would beg more questions. That wasn't something he needed.

Despite his slight irritation at the parental look she gave him, he was thankful that she changed the subject and drew Basilisk's attention from his injury. He didn't feel comfortable elaborating just yet, not while they were still strangers, but perhaps another day. He focused on the child's reply, interested to see if there was a compelling reason for him being here. At the mention of his sister, Killian stiffened. His thoughts wandered to his own sister and a multitude of feelings coursed through him.

Could he really force out the words to answer the child's question? He had never attempted to speak about her before. The idea pained him greatly, but he knew he needed to put a stronger front on. He straightened up and forced a smile. Yes, I had a sister back home. He couldn't bring himself to say anything else, so he patiently waited for Felicitas to speak and hopefully change the subject again.