
I know not where I should begin



7 Years
02-15-2015, 05:14 PM
Archelaus wasn't exactly the most exciting of boys. He had no interest in helping the adults and wouldn't even attempt to follow them on some sort of hunting excursion or mimic the spars to convince himself and anyone else that he could fight. When he was ready to attempt those things, when the need arose for them he would do well he was an Armada.

Instead his days were full of rather dull events that didn't really bear the need for any mention at all. Here in particular the days passed by so dull that even Archie was growing a little bored. He missed the North, the wonderful life he'd had in Regium. So it hadn't been perfect really, there had been plenty of troubles there but it had been home, this place was still strange to him.

Truth be told he of course shared the pain the rest of his family felt for the matter. Their Aunt had died and the pack and family they knew had all suddenly dispersed. It was nice to think it meant that the Armadas were spreading throughout Alacritis, everyone would soon know of them but he still much preferred the idea of them all being together in the Northern lands he had been born in. He wouldn't admit this sadness, this homesickness and instead would continue on yet another walk around the lands hiding any such emotions from anyone.
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



4 Years
02-15-2015, 07:20 PM

She was fairing well honestly, a lot better than she had been previously. Of all the pain, and the things she could sense in her very core, she was finally physically feeling a little better. Her ribs were filling out, but still the thin outlines classified her as too underweight to hunt on her own or do anything for that matter. Luckily enough her wounds didn't need herbs no more, they were scabbed over. Arian thanked the heavens that they wouldn't leave any scars. She could barely handle and accept the ones that she bore right now. An ugly face, a crippled leg. The healer wasn't entirely confident in herself, specially with her experience with..... things. Otherwise, her mental state was the same. She had a disorder yes, but this disorder did not have her. However, it was difficult to deal with when wolves around here didn't know how to handle her. Arian herself wasn't even sure how she was supposed to even get better. As if, she was now subject to some mental damage. Though she was still intelligent beyond her years.

The skinny lethargic woman would stop she she saw the young one. Suddenly her heart filled with pain, this was one of Vereux's children. By marriage he was her nephew, she wasn't quiet sure how to even act around a child. But she had a feeling maybe he would be more comfortable company than anyone else had. For once, she felt like, a pup couldn't exactly hate her off the bat. She limped forward ears pulled back a little. "Hi there, I'm Arian Adravendi amalia's sister you must be Athena's son. That makes me your aunt by marriage." she smiled slightly despite her submissive posture. The stinging of her last name was like acid on the back of her tongue now. She was only tempted to change it back to that of her heritage. But then, that also held some regard of pain as well for her.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-15-2015, 07:41 PM
Archelaus of course knew the Armada family was powerful and rather large. He didn't quite know the half of it of course, there were many others some even more famed than his aunt Roman and mother. Before leaving the North however, what Archie hadn't known about was his adopted family. He loved Amalia deeply of course, she was his mother just as much as Athena was as far as he was concerned but he had never thought about any family she might have had beyond them. She bore a different surname but for some reason it had never hit him as being strange; his aunt Talvi had a different surname after all.

What he had come to learn however was that Amalia had a whole family of her own. He hadn't really met them all properly, though there had been vague introductions in some instances. Arian had not been one of the wolves listed in the Adravendi family, there were many many more he didn't know about. Where they stood in line with the Armadas he wasn't quite sure, though they were evidently important too, his grandmother having her own pack and of course if Amalia was part of the family it said a lot as well.

Lifting his head the silver boy would cast his attention to the female now speaking to him; she was another aunt, one from the Adravendi line. Rather frail looking, even his tiny mother Amalia looked strong in comparison. The woman was fairly tall, though Archie was certain he would be able to push her over if he tried. Archie hadn't quite gotten the hang on introductions yet to be honest and whilst it was perhaps a little rude, the boy would frown softly as he eyed the thin, scabbed woman. Fortunately he hadn't seen her at her worst. "You look awful." He declared simply, he was somewhat concerned about her though, if she was family she certainly deserved help. "Have you seen my mother? She can help you."
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



4 Years
02-15-2015, 07:52 PM

Arian knew she wasn't looking good, but she didn't need more help she was recovering just fine with everyones help. Though it made her step back a bit in surprise, a small child was even showing a bit of concern to her. It made her a little insecure about herself, she wanted to forget about her wounds and all her downfalls if even for a moment. Maybe spend a nice conversation about likes and dislikes with someone. Just forget about the world and its problems if even for a moment. So she settled herself down to relax and looked calmly at him, maybe her face was hard to look at with that scar on her left side near her white eye patch. "I know I look terrible, I'm fine really, I've been recovering and I'm almost all better so there's no need to call for help. This is just what happens to you when you don't eat. So make sure you eat everything that's given to you." she teased lightly flicking her head at him a bit.

"Don't worry about me, just sit a while you can talk to me about your worries if you'd like." her tail thumped a little bit. Her crippled leg sitting off to the side. The healer wouldn't let anyone worry about her anymore or at least she would attempt to not let them. She wasn't worth worrying over, useless in all her aspects. She could see herself being any worth even if she could heal, or talk well, or even converse with almost anyone. Just, things got in her way so easily, and she hadn't come to terms with what had happened to herself anyway. She was so used to losing homes and family and having them vanish on her, it had become the normal and she didn't expect anything of anyone.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-16-2015, 04:52 AM
The scars Archelaus could most certainly get used to he had seen scars and the results of fights before. They weren't the most flattering features of course but it wasn't unbearable to look at anyone with them. Whatever Arian thought he would be concerned, she was family and shouldn't be allowed to suffer in anyway. That care would be pushed aside however, Arian poorly attempting to reassure him that she was ok and that he ought to eat all his food.

The growing boy was fairing rather well though. He wasn't the tallest of his brothers though still far from being considered short. The rapid rate at which his limbs stretched had left him a little gangly looking though still healthy, nothing at all wrong with his weight. If anyone needed to pay attention to that little tip it seemed it was Arian herself. "Then maybe you should follow your own advice and eat more." He pointed out.

She would try to push away his concern for her once more, instead offering to speak about his worries. He had none! Well there were a few things upon his mind though none of them were things that he would openly speak about. It meant that he certainly would speak about them to someone he had only just met, aunt or not. He would allow a scoff to sound at the implication he was worried. "Then there is nothing to talk about." He declared.
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



4 Years
02-17-2015, 02:41 AM

If it was one thing she did forget to do, it was how to connect with others in a positive way. Her tail flicking back and forth he seemed uninterested in her, it made her expression change to slightly amused. Though as soon as she realized this, she thought the dark was going to creep up on her again. She stopped looking at him blankly, but after his last sentence she figured it was because he was slightly too old to trust a stranger family or not. She finally let out a breath of air that would be similar to a laugh, giggling at the boy. He had an air of supremacy, confidence and cuteness all at the same time. "Sorry for asking, most young boys are eager to speak about their problems." she said a little. "Well, what do you want to talk about then, or am I boring?" Arian would tease slightly.

It felt nice, to be comfortable at least, though she knew if she got out of control she had to hide in a hole. Arian lost touch with herself, generally so because of the trauma in her past which couldn't even be considered trauma? People leaving her as soon as she thought they were going to stick around, it had become the norm for her. She wondered who else felt like that, nobody? She did watch her uncle get slain by these boys grandfather. The sudden thought made her shiver. They didn't even know about the farce between their two mothers family did they? It was far behind them, even if the scars remained.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-18-2015, 12:00 PM
Archelaus probably wasn't the greatest choice for beginning any sort of reconnection into the world. So he wasn't a horrible individual but if it was a heart-to-heart, soppy, spill your sorrows sort of conversation that Arian was after she had most definitely come to the wrong person. It wasn't a lack of trust but somewhere down the line had become built into his personality, his mothers or brothers would likely have just as little success at trying to get him to open up about any sort of problem.

"I don't think they are." He chose to correct her upon that assumption. Looking at his own litter you had Archelaus who locked it all up, Vitus who barely said a word about anything, Bacchus may had said more but even he was pretty quiet and could you get Tiburtius to sit still for long enough for him to admit to any problems? To be fair Archie had never tried, they may have been a little more open but he still thought Arian was wrong on this matter.

She would offer to talk about anything else that he may have wanted to though truthfully he wasn't sure what to say. It wasn't that she was boring, he didn't know her after all he couldn't judge her that quickly and the number of scars and wounds upon her body she probably had some pretty action-packed stories, not that the idea of action inspired the boy either. "I don't know." He responded unhelpfully with a small shrug.
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



4 Years
03-06-2015, 08:19 AM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2015, 08:21 AM by Arian.)

With her experience, young pups were eager to tell strangers everything; especially once they figured out they were related. Just from watching her brothers and sisters, well perhaps generations changed then. It wouldn't surprise her though, they had lost a part of their family more than once. In a way they were just like she was, only a little less broken, and dealing with it a lot more than she could ever do. Arian had lost her home a thousand times over now, why should this one be any different. As her chest heaved in a heavy breath, oh how sometimes she wished she would just stop breathing. "Not much of a talker then." her ear would flick; bringing her to make herself sit up though mangled leg off to the side. "Why did you come here? Was it on a whim or for a reason?" her head would tilt, blue eyes almost turning empty towards him.

Though her own trauma wasn't to be pushed on anyone else, it was for her to bear and for her to bear alone. As she placed her head back in it's origonal place across her spine, a low grumble released in her throat from fascination. Her tail curled around her haunches skipping the crippled leg. She noticed how hard it was for her to hold a conversation now, she used to be excellent at these kinds of things. Then again it was all talk no bite, and Ixionn and his siblings were far more damaged losing both their parents at such a young age.

"Talk" "You" Think