
If There Was A Plan Made


02-06-2015, 11:33 AM

The boy would be stirred from his mother leaving the den, probably to do a patrol around their new home. He would lay there a while, not knowing if he were the only one in the den or if she was the only one out. Eventually he would get up with droopy eyes and silently make his way out of the den.

Necrosis wasn't really scared of the world, unless Dione was there telling him what was bad and what was good. He had a lot of curiosity as a pup should, but he tried to restrain his explorations in the den site. He was still rather tiny and didn't want someone to accidentally squish him of think he was their meal. Little did he know that Dione was feeding them their own kind...

He would sit just outside the mouth of the den, he normally did on the days he was to first or the only one left in the den. It was rare if he ever went anywhere without his mother, he trusted his father just as much but it seemed that they weren't as close as they could be. Novaro had some sense of humor that Necro never got. He remembered one time when Dione "struck" him and he pretended to be dead. And even though the boy didn't understand, he didn't show much of a concern for his "lifeless" father. For now, he would just sit outside and look at the sky and listen to the morning insects until something or nothing happened.

Walk "Talk" Think



2 Years
02-10-2015, 12:53 PM

It seemed he rarely got any sleep. First, he had to adjust to sharing a den with three children, then, they moved and created Lydovne, which required him to patrol regularly. And if it was neither of them, he simply had to much on his mind. His red gaze would remain open as he stared at the roof of the den, listening to the quietness of the area, almost focusing on the sound of his families breathing. Though, boredom was quick to strike and as soon as he heard one of the children shifting to go outside, Novaro would also follow. as he looked to which one it was, he would see it was necrosis. He would often wonder if the boy wished to socialize more and develop his... communication. Though, Novaro loved them all for who they were. " Have you picked up any hobbie's yet? Ganja's taken a liking to plants, What about you?" He wished to know his children's interests. If they actually had any that is, they were still only young and developing.

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]


02-10-2015, 03:36 PM

Novaro didn't follow long after him, the boy didn't mind at all as he joined him and wanted to talk. Novaro was his father, if there wasn't a reason to be scared of him than Necro wouldn't mind if he wanted to spend more time with him. But his question brought confusion to the boy. Hobbies? Ganja liking plants was a hobby? Necro didn't do anything... besides sit out side the den, look at the sky, or stay in the den and sleep or stare at the wall. He would look forward until he spoke himself, innocent and oblivious that being a pup and not having any sort of fun was definitely down at the odd end. His nose was straight up into the air as he looked at his father.

"Well, mother told me to do whatever you and her told me to do."

That wasn't really what she said, but that was what he got out of it. She took him away one night when they were still living in Imperium and told him that they were ruled by someone. But no matter what that man said, her word and Novaro's word were final. So, do what mother and father say and then he wouldn't get in trouble.

Walk "Talk" Think



2 Years
02-18-2015, 08:52 AM

Novaro was not one to wear his heart on a sleeve, and it would seem he had failed to bond with his children, but he knew it was he who let them down. Though, now that they were beginning to grow he felt no need to baby and coddle them, he feared if he did they would be weak, and he needed them to be so much more. He would take a moment to circle his son, listening to his response, it would seem Dione was already drilling thoughts into there heads, perfect for them. A soft, short lasting smile would show upon his thin lips, " Is that so..." He would let a moment of silence slip between them, before going straight to the next subject. " I expect great things from you Necrosis, I want you to be strong... to be able to fend for yourself, you will not be young forever." Novaro would personally train him, though was he to young to truly learn? He would soon find out. Perhaps he should just start out with basic defenses. He would attempt to stand in front of his son, waiting for his response.

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]