
i need your love



10 Years
02-17-2015, 11:05 AM
The change from spring to summer would bring Novel to find herself confined in her den once more. The uncomfortable feeling of her heat was back, and with it brought only memories of pain and shame. Though Lel's horrible act had brought her two wonderful sons the thought of that day was too much to think about. She felt herself withdrawing again, reverting back to when she'd first been attacked. She didn't want to move or speak and the thought of wasting away with the season was more than pleasant.

She wasn't sure if Ara had noticed her change in behavior yet, only the day after the start of spring wouldn't be very alarming. She knew if she stayed here long enough though her mate would seek answers. Novel had no wish to keep anything from the woman she loved, but it was so hard to talk of those feelings she still harbored.

The den was empty but for Novel, bright summer's sunlight spilled into the den along with the vibrant warm colors of the season. She'd almost feel a soft smile touch her lips as she welcomed the beauty os summer. Still she'd hold herself back, her small features laying flat against the earthen den, paws strewn beside her like she'd only just fallen there.
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10 Years
02-19-2015, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2015, 10:02 PM by Ara.)
Novel's rapidly declining presence was growing worrisome. While their sons were enjoying their new freedom, her wife had seemed to pull away slightly, retracting into her den and into the shadows once again. Though she herself wanted to try to integrate with the pack, to contribute as much as she could to keep their place in the pack secure, she knew Novel was suffering once again and needed her support to make it through this painful season.

She'd found something for Novel again today, hoping the gift would cheer her up. A gentle smile tickled her features as she made her way to the den they shared today, in her mouth a bundle of flowers -- blue hydrangeas to be exact. Though they had no apparent use to her, they were quite pretty and the color of the flowers was too unique to ignore. With a slight wag to her tail she would make her way into their den, beaming at her as she gently dropped the small bundle of flowers at her forepaws. "Hi, my love," she greeted her warmly, blue eyes sparkling as she gazed at her. "I hope you like them." She'd never known love like this, and it was apparent in every one of her movement as she leaned down to nuzzle the side of Novel's neck gently.



10 Years
02-19-2015, 10:28 PM
She knew that she had to be worrying her mate, though she could hardly bring herself to leave the den her behavior had not gone unnoticed. She did smile when she was around her love, and she still couldn't believe some of the gifts she brought with her. She felt spoiled, but so incredibly loved.

Ara knew how to cheer her up, even from her lowest points. The sun would catch the other girl's fur and streak her form perfectly as she found her way back to Novel's side. Her features would brighten as she lifted her head from the earthen floor and smiled easily. Her marked tail wagged in excitement at the gift that was offered to her, a beautiful bundle of flowers just for her. A pleased whine would leave her lips as Ara greeted her, offering her gift and an affectionate nuzzle that Novel couldn't help but lean into and return. "Hello dearest one, they're beautiful." She'd answer in adoration as she let her mate's scent wash over her.

She'd heave a relieved sigh, she never felt completely safe with out her by her side. "Not as beautiful as you though," She'd whisper, kissing the gold and black fur presented to her. "Did you have a good morning." She'd ask softly, pulling away slightly, hoping she might come sit closer to her.
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10 Years
02-20-2015, 09:08 AM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2015, 09:09 AM by Ara.)
She had never known love so deeply before meeting Novel, and knew she would never feel this way about another creature in her entire lifetime. Only her love for healing elicited such similar passion from her, other than the love she had for her sons and for her parents and siblings. Ara had always been a serious, diligent creature, though Novel brought out a much softer side of her herself that she hadn't known existed.

The scent of Novel's heat was strong, as she had hardly left the den today and though Ara wouldn't deny that it excited her, she knew that it also brought back painful memories for her wife. The woman felt her tail wag gently behind her, and she smiled as she thanked her for the flowers. At the very least, they would add a nice floral scent to their den and she had tried quite hard to find such unique flowers for her. "I'm glad you like them," she said softly, her grin growing.

Their relationship was a simple one, for neither of them asked for much of anything and she found herself appreciating and longing for the simplest things with Novel. A sunny day, a warm smile, and time spent with their sons -- this was what she lived for, and little else. Her wife's compliment brought a rush of heat to her face as her smile grew more bashful as she leaned to nuzzle Novel's neck again, inhaling her scent deeply as she lowered herself to sit by her side. "I did," she answered quietly. "It's beautiful out today." It would've been better had the woman at her side joined her, but she could make do without spending every moment with her, knowing time alone was good for a couple even if it felt anything but. "And what about you? How has your morning been?"



10 Years
02-20-2015, 09:53 PM
Her family had always shown her more than enough love, but after everything that had happened last year she knew that she could love no one more than the beautiful woman beside her. Always knowing Ara as a kind of quiet woman she hardly imagined her soft loving demeanor and devotion. She didn't ever want anyone besides her. Novel used to be trusting, a lot like Psalm. He worried her more than anything, and she feared what might happen to him if he continued to run headlong into life without caution.

She couldn't help but smile eagerly at her presence, living with her was easy. Loving her way easy, and really there wasn't much else in the world that she wanted. Though safety for her boys was probably her highest concern, and biggest source of anxiety. Though now she felt fear for herself, though it was irrational. She enjoyed hearing that Ara had a good morning as she lowered herself by her side. "It looks like it," She whispered softly, also wishing she'd been with her. Novel really did spend too much time in their den, that fact obvious by the strong aroma that had built.

Ara wouldn't linger on her day though, turning the question and asking of her morning. She'd lean into Ara's side, smiling softly and feeling more relaxed than she had the whole morning. "Mostly uneventful." She'd answer lazily, nuzzling closer as she pushed her head under Ara's chin. "But much better now that you're here." she couldn't help but giggle lightly.
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10 Years
02-22-2015, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2015, 01:07 AM by Ara.)
Though she had never really imagined a life like this, she wouldn't trade it for the world; Ara had never pictured having a mate, let alone children, though she was grateful for it all. She'd never really related well enough to others to anticipate being so close to someone in all her life, though things had happened quickly -- and she was still glad she hadn't questioned her feelings when they had begun to blossom. "It feels so good to stretch my limbs," she commented with a gentle smile. There was nothing more refreshing for her to travel, to find new herbs to bring home to her wife, even if Novel wasn't always comfortable to leave their home with her. "I've missed this weather so badly." Though she enjoyed such exploration, there was nothing as rewarding as coming home to her family.

The compliment brought a bigger smile to Ara's face. Her tail waved where it lay behind their resting forms, seeking to curl around her own, longing to touch more of her. It was hard to ignore the alluring scent of her wife's heat and she found herself pressing a bit tighter against her. "I was thinking we go somewhere together soon," she offered after a moment of silence, simply enjoying lying next to her and breathing in her sweet scent. "I'd really like to spend some time alone with you. And find my parents, and Steel." Where they had gone, she wasn't sure -- and it was beginning to worry her that she hadn't seen anything of them, though it wasn't surprising if they had fled far from these lands, not wanting Steel to become a prisoner as the rest of them had. "I'm sure we can find someone to watch Psalm and Hymn, or bring them to stay in Threar for a bit." If Novel didn't fully trust anyone here to watch their sons, she'd understand. Though they were likely old enough to fend for themselves for a short while, she knew it would still worry Novel to leave them fully unattended and truth be told, she wouldn't feel entirely comfortable with it either.



10 Years
02-24-2015, 11:32 AM
Novel had never been particularly interested in the prospect of a mate and family, though she knew very well couples could be happy and stay together their whole lives that was not her experience. The men in her life were always disappointing her, hurting her or leaving her, and in the end Ara was all she ever wanted and needed. Again her mate would tell her of the good that came from leaving her hole, and for a moment she'd fight away the shame that played on her features. She wanted to go, especially now that she didn't need to have any fear. She still felt herself hold back though. Why couldn't she just break through this? What was holding her back so ferociously? Novel would try to cover her emotions with a relieved grin about the weather, she too had missed the warmth and life that summer brought.

Ara's affection would help make the moment pass, and she'd feel at ease again with the touch. Even the words she brought would bring her hope, they did need to go somewhere together. She'd left her mate to enjoy her freedom alone and that was not right. Novel was holding her back, and she felt terrible for it. She'd nod into the dark fur of her neck, yes. She needed to get out. Get some new sights, she needed a place to enjoy her wife and forget about that which plagued her. Spend some time alone. That sounded better than anything she'd said so far, and the eagerness in Novel was apparent by the quick wag of her tail and the thumps it made on the earth behind them. They'd go on a search for her family, just the two of them while their boys were.. hmm.

She didn't trust them by themselves even though they'd reached their first birthday. They were still so innocent of the world and she had no desire to take that from them. A stay in Threar might do them good, being able to socialize with their family would certainly be a nice change of pace or them. "I really like this plan." She'd whisper, nuzzling into Ara's neck. "Be fore we go though," She'd just thought of an amazing idea. "Ara, I've taken you as my mate, and to be my companion for the rest of my life, but.." She didn't know why she was so nervous, they'd already committed themselves to one another. "Ara, will you be wed to me. Will you be my wife and.." She stuttered at this a bit, unsure how it might come out. "You could take my last name.. if you wanted." By the ed of her speech she'd gone a little quiet, but with their intimate moment a strong voice was hardly needed.
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10 Years
03-01-2015, 01:06 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2015, 01:08 AM by Ara.)
To be here, with Novel... it truly felt like home. Even if Novel was more fearful than she once had been, and even if she was often afraid to even leave the safety of their den... there was nothing that Ara wouldn't do for her. The moment of peace lingered as she breathed in her wife's welcome scent, treasuring it as though it was air itself. In time, she knew Novel would find her strength again -- and she would stand by her through each minute of it, even if it took seasons, or even years. The smile lingered on her features for a long while as she let her eyes flutter closed, treasuring the quiet moment they shared.

And yet she had more on her mind than just this moment. Ara spoke of her idea, and -- somewhat to her surprise -- Novel agreed. She felt her smile grow larger now. It would be hard to leave Psalm and Hymn, even if for a short while, but she couldn't help but wonder where her parents and Steel had gone, and spending some time away would surely be good for them. She wondered, though, what their new alpha would think, and hoped she might understand what they needed to do.

Her next idea was more surprising. She wanted to be her wife -- truly, publicly, not just something private between the two of them. Ara's tail began to wag behind her, feeling heat rise to her face, a giddy sort of excitement coming to her suddenly. "I would love that," she agreed with no hesitation. If there was anything she'd ever been certain of, it was the love she had in her heart for Novel, and it seemed to only grow with time. "And I'd love to take your last name, too." Her own parents had never been in a family with a custom of surnames and she couldn't imagine denying the possibility of being known as Novel's wife officially. She wished suddenly that Song was still here, wishing she could ask for permission... and yet if her sons were Destructions, she wanted no more to be known as one beside them.

"I will see if we can do a small ceremony," she told her quietly, leaning to lap tenderly at Novel's cheek, wondering who might come. Even if it was just their sons, she would be content. "I love you, Novel Destruction." Despite the softness of her tones, there was a sureness and vigor to her voice that could not be denied; a strength that was rarely portrayed from the woman, but always felt for her mate and their children.



10 Years
03-01-2015, 06:43 PM
All thoughts of travel were shuffled away for later, maybe a nice honeymoon type setting? She felt nervous about leaving the pack lands, but at the same time to go with Ara out into the world to experience its wonders and see her parents and brother again.. she couldn't deny her wife something like that. Ara was her courage, as long as the other girl was with her Novel knew she could do anything.

She wouldn't miss the flush of Ara's features or the wag of her tail, her pleasure in the idea ever so evident as she explained. The answer would light up Novel's features as the acceptance was quick, and the love of the plan mutual. She would even agree with the very last request, something she hadn't honestly expected. "Oh, really!" she couldn't help but exclaim, her mismatched ears would perk forward and her features would bury themselves deeper into Ara's dark fur. The happiness in her breast was almost to much, she could easily say Ara had made her the most happy wolf in all of Alacritia.

Though they'd always been rather quiet about their relationship Novel found herself looking forward to showing how much she loved the woman who held her. She'd smile largely as she pulled away from her neck, taking in the bright smile and obvious love that her mate showed her. "I love you, Ara soon to be Destruction." She'd whisper as she accepted the kiss and returned one, her tongue caressing Ara's lips tenderly as she expressed her immense love. She knew that she would be nothing with out her soul mate.
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10 Years
03-02-2015, 05:44 PM
Ara wouldn't admit it now, but she was afraid of what she might find when she found her parents and Steel. How were they doing? Obviously they were far enough away that they hadn't heard their new alpha's call, or they would've come to see what was happening here. Had they left this land entirely? How long might it take to find them? Whatever she might find, she knew she needed and wanted Novel to be by her side through it all. Only briefness would sadness and uncertainty touch her as she breathed in her mate's sweet scent.

Still, her tail wagged gleefully behind her. They lived a quiet life, without much excitement, but she preferred it that way... this would likely be one of the biggest things they'd done together. "Of course!" she replied quickly, her grin growing as excitement washed over her. She didn't know what all such a thing might entail, but she'd be happy to ask regardless. She'd never felt shame in their love, though they'd never been extremely open with it, as they were both very private and reserved. She could only hope that the rest of Novel's family -- the few that remained, in Threar -- would be as accepting of their love as she hoped, and willing to welcome her into their family.

"I can't wait," she told her eagerly, a soft giggle escaping her lips as she returned the affection tenfold, covering Novel's face in gentle kisses. A content sigh escaped her throat as she embraced her, more tightly, feeling overwhelmed with desire and love. For now she would be content to lay here with her, thinking of how she might ask for a wedding from their new alpha, thinking of how Psalm and Hymn might take their absence, and wondering what their journey might bring them.

- end thread? -