
One Last Visit


06-05-2013, 01:50 PM

Near perfect paw prints where left in the sand following the ebony shadow. She had visited the delta many times, she enjoyed the feeling of oean air on her face, the salty smell had grown on her. Dropping her haunches to the soft ground, she looked one last time out at the vast expanse of blue. Somewhere inside she knew it would be her last time traveling out of the lands of her home. She was old, anything trek farther than the land of Tortuga was hard on her.

Winter had settled in, making the delta colder than usual, but still enjoyable. Eyes fluttered shut as she simply sat, without a care in the world. To think so much had happened here. Memories flooded her mind, a frown creasing her face, ears laying flat against her skull at her inner turmoil. Blood. Stillborn. Kaios. Kylar. A soft sigh slipped from her lips. Thankfully she wouldn't have to see one of those brutes ever again, not that the other was on her good side at the moment.

Her silent reverie wouldn't last long. A soft noise over the sound of crashing waves alerted her. Sapphire eyes snapped open, ears twitching."It's rude to lurk." Lyrics were spoken in a blunt manner, addressing whoever it was. Whether they stayed or even answered was up to them, she didn't care.

OOC: most likely the last open thread I'll have with her:(

"Talk here."

Rune I


5 Years
06-08-2013, 01:54 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

It had been a while since the youth had spent time with his mother, even longer since that time had been alone. The distracted she-wolf had always been attentive to the trio of pups when they had been young, wobbly, and defenseless, but as they had grown she let their independence take on a life of its own. She gave them more free room than many mothers did, letting them figure things out in their own time and work their troubles out by themselves. It was liberating, but to say the grey youngster in particular did not notice the absence of the dark colored wolf of late would have been a lie. She may not have been present at every milestone her children made, but her scent was typically still there, hinting that she remained while staying unseen. It was only recently, within the past months, that even that scent had started to disappear.

So it surprised the youthful Tortugan wolf when he at last noticed her scent lingering around the territory. Curious, and possibly a bit concerned, he followed it, testing his ability to trail after her while trying to move at a respectable speed and not let her get too far ahead. It was not often that he could do both at the same time, his skills still rusty, but as he crossed the border of his home and exited with the sound of a river following his progress he was happy to note the scent still remained. Further he traveled until eventually the river drew nearer, appearing and crossing paths with another.

And not far off, through the crossing rivers and foliage, he spotted her. The small dark wolf sat amid the damp sands of the delta, seemingly lost in thought while she stared away, looking perfectly content. Rune's lips drew into a small smile at the sight of her, his black streaked tail swaying gently, and quietly his black dipped paws carried him forward. He tried to be stealthy, to catch his mother off guard, but of course Secret called him out before he could get too close. Smile turning sheepish, the youth lost all pretense of secrecy and padded openly forward. "Never could sneak up on you," he greeted, frosty blue eyes warming in her presence. He stopped beside her, his lanky frame folding and his tail curling at his side while his pale gaze followed hers outward and away. "It's been a while, Mother." There was no contempt in his voice for her absence, no hurt that she should have found her attention drawn elsewhere, only a content pleasantness to have her company for the time being.


06-09-2013, 06:42 PM

The sound of her sons voice reached her ears, bringing a soft smile to her face. Gaze shifted from the vast expanse of water to the frosty baby blues of her son. "Far to long." She leaned toward him, nuzzling his cheek affectionately. "What trouble and have your and your brother and sister been up to?" She asked, head tilting slightly to the left, eyes looking at him knowingly. They had been so mischievous, keeping her on her toes constantly. "And how did you find me?" Rune had always been the most observant of the trio, taking in the small details around him and learning from his siblings mistakes. It was rare that she got alone time with just one of them, usually finding them all together or at least two together. However she noticed that Maia had been drifting in and out of the territory quite often, probably assuming her mother wouldn't know.

For the remainder of their stay the delta, she would give her lightly colored son her full attention. "I have missed you all." Tones where soft, loving fill her eyes. She had always adored her three children, whether or not she was present for all their milestones in life. Perhaps her and Kylar didn't do such a bad job raising them after all. "Have you seen your father lately?" She kept her words neutral, not wanting her alarm him, but she knew he'd be to wise to let it slide.

"Talk here."

Rune I


5 Years
06-10-2013, 12:13 AM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

Rune only drew his gaze from the water long enough to meet the self same eyes of his mother, a similar blue to his own, and returned her gentle nuzzle to his cheek with one to her own. They were not necessarily a cuddly bunch - probably part of the independence they seemed so ready to give their children - but that was fine with him. It only made the small physical reassurances that they received all the more strong for the time between. And this was no exception. For some reason, it felt even more special this time, perhaps because there was no one around to fight him for it.

His smile turned mischievous at the mention of those siblings he thought of, not at all surprised that Secret should bring them up. He was only slightly disappointed not to have some big, extravagant tale to tell her of, and wasn't quite quick enough to devise one on the spot. "Nothing too worrisome, I promise," he assured her, trying not to smile as widely as his face wished to express. Her second question was easier. "I followed your trail," he answered plainly though the hint of pride that he felt at his accomplishment still shone through despite his best efforts to remain indifferent and modest. "You do leave a scent, you know," he teased.

It warmed his typically indifferent heart to hear that the quiet dame missed her children. Truth be told, the feeling was mutual, but the youngsters would likely never have bothered her with it though they probably had a right to. "We've missed you too." The young grey wolf wanted to speak up for them all so that there was no question, so that she knew how much her family cared for her even if they each didn't get to tell her so individually. Rune felt as if he had been given a special privilege to tell her everything in this moment, though he wished there was more to tell and in greater detail.

At the mention of the pup's father, an ear turned slightly atop his head, curiously lilting to one side. Kylar? It had been some time since the youth had spent time with his father, his scent only somewhat more consistent than their mother's had been. "Not recently, no," he answered in all honesty, glancing sidelong at Secret as his ears perked forward attentively. "Have you?"


06-12-2013, 07:47 AM

A soft laugh drifted from her jaws. They were always up to something, but she took her sons word for it. Her gaze turned proud as Rune said he had followed her trail, they had been taught to hunt, but not to follow a specific wolf's trail. "Very good." She praised him for his efforts. She listened to him answer her questions, no doubt they were all used to her listing off questions in bunches. They had missed her as well. She would be in the territory more after they returned from the delta, she didn't have any plans to venture out anymore, or at least not very far. It was far to tiresome.

She caught his sidelong glance as he asked of his father. Out of the three it seemed as though Maia was the closest to him, next to Vixe. She shook her head, "No." Her answer was short, she wouldn't expand on it, she was aware of what he was going, why though? She wasn't sure. All she knew was she wanted to speak to him at some point. She wouldn't worry her kids with it though, he had been at the Tournament meeting so he must be sticking around more. "He should be around somewhere though." Lyrics where spoken idly.

She had no more questions for him, having never been a talkative wolf, but it wouldn't surprise her if he had questions for her, that she answer as much as she could. She hadn't seen them in forever, certainly he would want to know where she had been, even though it appeared as though he held no hard feelings toward her for not being around. She knew they would be okay without her, they had grown to be quite independent.

ooc- such a crappy post -_-

"Talk here."

Rune I


5 Years
06-19-2013, 01:10 AM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

With his mother's answer in the negative regarding the last time either of them had seen his father, Rune wasn't quite sure how he felt about the subject. He knew, more or less, the fact his parents' relationship was unlike others, lacking the typical bonds that joined to wolves together in an unbreakable link. It made sense then that neither of them would keep close tabs on each other. Why bother when there was no jealousy involved? No desire to be controlling or domineering or possessive? But neither were their parents this way with them. The strange sense of independence, so foreign to some, was custom to him, and while he felt mostly indifference, he did worry slightly about the male, curious to know where he had gone and what he had been getting up to these lost days.

A silence settled over them, one that might have bored or bothered any other being aside from Rune. Rather than fill the space with pointless conversation, he simply stared outward toward the waters, frosty blue eyes lazily half lidded as he let the faint breezes rustle his light grey fur. It was peaceful out here, enjoyable for a day to be spent in thought. No doubt his siblings would have gone gallivanting off, unable to let the silence be and to cherish its lack of noise. He was so unlike them sometimes, when he gave it thought. Where they were bold and brazen and daring and self-assured, Rune was quiet, reserved, watchful, and outwardly modest. And where they were presently was still lost to him. Possibly somewhere slinking across Mount Volkan within Tortugan borders, or doing as he did and venturing off on their own. It was strange, sometimes, for him to think of how much they had changed over the year...and how much they hadn't.

All this slid through his mind, slow and unguided, thoughts moving as they would through his conscience. It was not an uncommon process, but slowly he began to draw himself from it, to become more aware of the present and the company he kept. As much as he was willing to enjoy the quiet and share a moment of peace with his mother, he still held many curiosities to her, the distance that she kept turning the motherly, protective figure he had known since youth into an unfamiliar mystery. Gently, so as not to shake her from her solitude too abruptly, he addressed her again with a quiet, casual inquiry, a hunch telling him that whatever answer she gave was probably just the barest of truths, "How have you been?"


06-26-2013, 09:04 PM

Her sons quiet voice shook her from her thoughts, bring her gaze slowly back to him, audits pushing forward to listen. His inquiry as to how she was didn't come as surprise. What did surprise her was that he hadn't rattled off a bunch of questions already. But she knew that wasn't him, he had always been more reserved, not quite as bold as his siblings. "I've been well enough, though being old is hard." her last few words took on a teasing note, amusing glittering lightly in her eyes. She wouldn't tell him the entire truth, he didn't need to know that she was raped, had a still born, watched her rapist eat said child. She would protect him from that as much as she could. Him and the rest of her children. they would find out soon enough how cruel the world could be.

Their silence didn't bother her. She rather enjoyed just being around her son. She hadn't seen much of him, he had always been the one to keep to himself. Though it made sense, she and Kylar weren't much different. "Is this the first time you've left Tortuga?" She wasn't just making idle conversation, she was curious. How far had he ventured out? What did he think? Had he encountered anyone? She still wanted to know what went on in her kids lives, even if she wasn't there for every little thing they did or experienced.

OOC- short post is short :(

"Talk here."

Rune I


5 Years
07-01-2013, 07:49 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

His mother's response came back light, teasing, meant to ease worries and distract from any real complications or dangers that may have been a part of her life without her children's knowledge. Rune smiled at her humorous response, knowing that his mother was not as young as she once was but also certain that this was not entirely the case. He had heard worry voiced by his brother before, had harbored that worry himself as his parents continued to distance themselves. Something continued to trouble him about his mother but try as he might he couldn't place it. Maybe it's just her age, he wondered, though it was a difficult thought to admit. She was his mother, after all, a figure that, alongside his father, was supposed to be near invincible. How strange to realize those he had looked up to we're really no more than mortal like himself.

He hadn't expected her to ask about his own traveling habits and so was forced to answer honestly and somewhat embarrassedly, "Yeah." With Vixe and Maia both being busily independent, he had had no one to follow outside the safety of the Tortugan lands. It was really only the scent of his mother now that had drawn him away, knowing that she was near and desiring to spend some overdue time with her. "I need to get out more." Only half a joke, he did spend more time than necessary at home. It was high time that he venture out and learn more while he still could. "What's your favorite place to go to?" he asked, trying to get an idea of where he might travel to next.


07-05-2013, 03:07 PM

She listened to her sons answers. His words spoken with embarrassment. He wanted to get out more, but it seemed as thought Maia and Vixe often left him behind. His question had her turning her gaze out towards the waters. The waves that broke against the sand, the calm noise. "Here, this is my favorite place, or the Sunset Falls." She didn't know why. She just liked the sound of running water, the sounds it made when it crashed against the earth. It was soothe, lulled her into a deep sleep. She rose up on her paws, stretching her stiffening muscles. "Come, I'll show you." A smile light up her face as she turned away from the beach, patiently waiting for her son to follow. Steps were unhurried, paws touching the earth as quietly as ever, tail swaying gently at her hocks. She would journey back to the falls. It was the first place she had encountered when after the volcano. "After the volcano erupted, all the packs fled to this land, and I stumbled upon the falls first, I haven't been back there in awhile." She spoke idly, explaining a bit of her history. She hadn't ever really gone into detail about the volcano with her kids, there was no need to, they hadn't been born yet, and she survived, that was all that matter. The pair walked side by side, quiet and unhurried, weaving a path to the falls.

-exit Secret with Rune-

OOC- Trying to wrap up all my Secret threads, in the future if Rune visits the falls, feel free to pp their "visit" there however you want:)

"Talk here."

Rune I


5 Years
07-07-2013, 02:06 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

Here. The youthful grey and black wolf smirked, his frosty blue eyes dazzled by humor. He shouldn't have found that so surprising. After all, she had led him here without quite knowing it, and it made sense that of all places for his mother to just rest her favorite would be among them. "It is very nice here," he offered, his own gaze following hers out toward the water once more. And surely after this date he would return to seek comfort from them just as she did, to remember the moment he shared with her here, though he didn't yet realize it.

Secret spoke of one other place, a location known as Sunset Falls, and with a little word of direction she rose to her feet ready to lead him there. Rune rose without hesitation, his black striped tail wagging with a little more eagerness than he wished to share. Another trip somewhere away from Mount Volkan. How could he say no? Instead he was silent, merely smiling, as he followed after her, watching her and the direction they traveled in to ensure that he could find his way there and back again once their visit was through. She spoke more, divulging a little more about her journey here, the journey they all had made unknowingly within her womb. It was strange to think that his family had started somewhere that was not here, somewhere strange and foreign.

But too curious about the story Secret seemed suddenly willing to tell, he held his tongue and patiently let her lead them so that he might not miss a moment of it for inattention.

-Exit Rune-