
The Sky's Call



5 Years
02-22-2015, 01:04 AM

After she left the beach she ran, She ran all the way to Seerten's cliffs. She wanted to see him for whatever reason. She wanted to spend time with him in the light of the move. She did not want to live at sea level again, she wanted to be high in the sky close to the stars where she can feel the their power flow into her. But not only that she wanted to see the large spotted boy.

She raced up the incline and stopped at the spot they met, she lifted her head and called to him. She needed someone to calm her nerves. She didn't want to leave the volcano, but she also wanted to be with her family, they where everything to her. She sulked, she hated acting like a child but sometimes you just could not help it. She sat down, her eyes turning to the sky, it was dark now, and the stars blinked around a sliver of the moon. She whined softly. She knew she was going to go back to the beach and she would miss the closeness she felt at this moment. the low cliffs that lined the obsidian beach just wasn't high enough for her to feel the full power of them. But not only that Seerten's cliffs where so far away! She really did have to run the whole way and didn't even make it before sunset.

She felt sad, she liked her time with him. Little did her siblings know she went every other day to see the large spotted boy and now it was going to have to be longer in between. She whined again impatiently waiting for said boy.




4 Years
Extra large
02-22-2015, 01:34 AM

He was shuffling near the back of the cliffs, trying to find a cave that was large enough to hold his massive frame. There had been rain the last few days, and he didn't really like getting soaked. Because of his strange mix of both wolf and dog fur, he really wasn't that fluffy. Most of his body sported thin hair, the pinkness of his skin shining through. His belly was practically bald for goodness sake, he needed a dry place to rest. He was about to give up when a call sounded out for him. Astrea. He knew her voice well by now. Since their first visit she had been coming to these cliffs often, which he quickly made his home for now. Her voice sounded distressed though, which made it very easy to gallop over to where she had called. Concern glimmered bright in his chocolate eyes, and he heard her whine as he skidded to a stop before her. The long wolf fur on his neck stood on end, a rumble of a growl sounded in his throat. He glanced around before quickly circling her, looking for any injuries. It had been a few days since he had seen her, and he had to admit that he missed his starry goddess. Once he was satisfied that she was not hurt and there was no angry bear chasing after her, the large beast came to rest in front of her. His brows knit together as he leaned forward and nuzzled her cheek, obviously concerned for the gal. "What's wrong, Astrea?" he asked, his usual pause drawing on before he spoke.

Seerten was not a wolf that liked to fight, at all. Like at all. He would prefer to talk it out than to draw blood, but for some reason he felt the rare bite of anger nipping at his belly. If anyone had harmed her... well then he would have to seriously think about tossing rocks at someone. He searched her face, letting out a soft sigh. Glancing up at the sky slightly, he knew that it wasn't because it was a cloudy night. Last time it was cloudy though, they had had fun trying to spot any glimmer of a star shining through them. And that's when he picked up the slight scent of the ocean. Blinking, Seerten's head cocked towards the left. An ocean? He had thought that she lived on a volcano, so why did she smell like the salty ocean? Hmm, strange. But he bit back that question, his nose picking up the scent of more wolves. Slowly he rose to his paws, standing in front of Astrea as his larger frame nearly swallowed her form behind her. Lips curled back into a snarl, although his eyes were alert as he looked at the crest of the mount. There were others coming, and if they were here for Astrea, they better be prepared to handle his well worded argument on why they shouldn't.


Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



4 Years
02-22-2015, 03:30 AM
silently she's filled with pride
One day they'll know, she's got a heart of gold And she sings, I want to know what love is But it seems to come with so much pain If no one wants to show me It seems easier just to run away When I am gone it's just a penny for my soul But God he knows, I got a heart of gold but now change is clear

The vixen plodded impatiently after her sister, following the scent trail and blessing their lucky stars it had given up on raining… at least today. The moon winked in and out from behind a cover of clouds, shining only a thin light either tomorrow or the next night her celestial body would be gone, refusing to shine it’s light upon the world below. Damn if sometime Selíni didn’t envy her brother and sister, they all were dependant on their element’s time of each day and yet she was the only one who had to live with it disappearing. Even when it was cloudy they could draw comfort knowing it was there, doing it’s damndest to push through the grey cover.  

Still with each moment they rose in altitude the more she felt the draw of her element, putting new energy into tired muscles. The moon maiden glanced behind her, casting sympathetic gaze upon her brother. His time had passed and yet they still trekked on to bring home their missing sibling. She made a mental note to make it up to him at some point.

The scent of their missing triplet grew stronger and Selíni sighed, bounding up the hillside. "Dammit Astrea, look I know you’re not happy but that’s no reason to go running off like a child and-" A low rumbling reached her and the vixen found herself facing down, or rather staring up at, a large spotted brute. There was still some space between them but not enough that Selíni wasn’t convinced she was safe. No doubt the much larger male could close the gap easily.

She may have been more active than her siblings but the vixen was no firecracker and the idea of ending up on the receiving end of the brute’s strength did not appeal to her in the slightest. Tail tucked and her eyes widened. Instinctively Selíni backed away, drawing her ears flat. A whimper rose in her throat, doubling in volume as she realized she could smell her sister just beyond the spotted male. What if she had run off and been attacked? Or Captured? "Please," she whined pitifully, "my sister…"




8 Years
Athena I
02-22-2015, 04:43 AM

I think I've lost control

He followed along behind his moon dutifully, like how the sun chases the moon around the earth each day, setting as the moon rises. He had been helping pinpoint their triplet's scent, even taking over the hunt when Selini grew tired of searching. He felt like it was easy to say that their move to the beach didn't go as smoothly as they had planned or even hoped. Serefina blowing up and running off was bad enough, but Astrea slipped away without a word. He thought that saddened him the most of all. The fact that his triplet didn't even try to explain herself or say goodbye or anything... He sighed and trudged forward, just as determined as his moon to find their sister.

Finally he could smell her scent getting stronger and he listened to the beginnings of Selini's rant as they crested the hill, only to hear it go silent in her throat. Suddenly alarmed, Solaris hurried forward to come up beside her, looking up to see exactly what was the problem. It wasn't hard to miss. The growl that had startled his other half was coming from a large, spotted male. Solaris himself was a good bit larger than his sister, but this brute dwarfed even him. Solaris's anger was rare and fleeting, but at the sudden possibility of his triplets being threatened he rushed forward, his hackles rising and a growl rumbling in his throat. "Who are you and what are you doing with my sister?!" was all he could think to say. He hesitated, standing somewhere between Selini and where this male and Astrea were. As his firey gaze glanced between his star and this stranger he realized that his triplet didn't look afraid or harmed. Was this a friend?

please don't hold me back



5 Years
02-22-2015, 01:48 PM

When Seerten crested the rise she perked, her tail waged ad she stood.When he circled she smiled, she could almost feel the tension raising in his boady. She smiled at him as she finished his circle and nuzzled her cheek. She pulled in his scent of wind and night and calm rushed over her. She hummed when he asked his question. "I just wanted to see you." She felt like a child running to her daddy but she could not help it, she was allowed one day to sulk was she not? She was the youngest after all. She had already decided that once the sun rose she was going to make the long trip back and apologist for leaving to her siblings. "I donno... I guess I am just acting like a..." She stopped when Seerten jumped to attention. She huffed in the scent around her and blinked in a bit of shock. The sun and the moon fallowed her?

The big male moved in front of her blocking her sight. She tried to move around him but he kept himself firmly in front of her. "Seerten wait." She pushed against his side. "Ten those are my siblings." She moved past him quickly when Sol bounded forward, hair bristling.

"Sol stop, this is my friend." She moved forward, brushing her face against her older brothers. "Its okay Ten is a pacifist, he wouldn't hurt a fly." She blinked as the realization that not only did they fallow her they realized she was gone, she never knew they even payed much mind to there shadowed sister, she though she was just that the shadow of the celestial twins, the ever third wheel that was not wanted. Even though she still feels a little left out from the duo but still did not full feel apart of the triplets that the other siblings called them, it will always be the sun and moon twins flanked by the stars.

"Solaris and Selini this is Seerten, my best friend. Seerten this is Solaris and Selini my littermates, they are the sun and moon." She moved to Ten's side and nuzzled his cheek curling her tail about her paws. "Why did you both fallow me? You should have stayed I would have been back, I just needed time think, and to spend time with my friend." She smiled up at Seerten. Her eyes filled with admiration.




4 Years
Extra large
02-22-2015, 03:37 PM

All her previous words were forgotten when he smelled the wolves coming, unsure of who they were or if they were here for Astrea. She told him to wait, but he hardly heard her as the two wolves came up to him. The first was a much smaller woman, who seemed to be afraid of him. This made him hesitate, his growls stopping as his lips settled down again. She asked about her sister, which had him looking over his shoulder at the tiny black woman behind him. When he turned back around there was a male there, closer to him and snarling back at him. Ten huffed at him, and stood tall over the other man. He was still hesitating though, and was about to ask what this was all about until he heard that word again. Sister. Were these part of the Elemental siblings that his star goddess had spoken about before? But these thoughts were all answered by Astrea as she brushed along his side, telling him that they were indeed related. He looked down at his little star and smiled softly, chocolate brown gaze casting up to the other two. He said nothing, but reclined on to his haunches as he watched her rush up to her litter mates.

She told her brother to stop, saying that Seerten wouldn't hurt a fly. Well... it was mostly true. He really, really hated physical fights, but didn't mind wielding his powerful mind and tongue. When he was being introduced, he dipped his head towards the sun and the moon, completely calm now that he had a chance to mull everything over. Astrea came towards him again, nuzzling against his cheek. Seerten smiled at her even wider, rumbling as he pressed a soft lick to her ear. He considered her his closest friend as well, but it sounded very nice as it came from her lips. She told her siblings that she needed to spend time with him, and he let out a low chuckle. "You know that you are always welcome here, Astrea." Ten's words were soft, meant only for her ears.

Raising his massive, furry head the brute eyed the other too that had come. It concerned him that his little star dusted friend had been surprised that they had followed her here. Pausing for a moment to think things over, he didn't take his chocolate gaze off of the two. "First, I would like to apologize for being so rude when you first arrived. I saw that Astrea was distressed and was concerned that she was hiding from you. And second," with that he turned back to the purple marked girl, his chin tipping towards his chest to look all the way down at her. "why are you so surprised that they followed you here? I may not know what happened, but I do know that there is no bond stronger than family. No matter how they may feel towards you in that direct moment, family will always come for one another." His voice was soft and sweet, and he pressed his big black nose to her forehead. Ten looked back up at his siblings, another one of his usual silences passing. "Right?" What he hoped that they didn't detect was the slight pang of sadness in his speech. He no longer had his family, but he would still do anything for them, even if he didn't know if they were alive or dead. These siblings were lucky, to all have each other.


Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



4 Years
03-01-2015, 12:59 PM
silently she's filled with pride
One day they'll know, she's got a heart of gold And she sings, I want to know what love is But it seems to come with so much pain If no one wants to show me It seems easier just to run away When I am gone it's just a penny for my soul But God he knows, I got a heart of gold but now change is clear

It was pure chaos, words and growls drowning each other out. Her brother leaping forwards to snarl up at the speckled giant; then the appearance of her sister seemed to bring everything to focus. The spotted male backed off some and it seemed Astrea was doing her best to calm their brother. Pale yellows narrowed as the starry girl brushed against Solaris but not eager to aggravate things further. The vixen stood behind, listening and brooding slightly. As Astrea moved off to sit beside the speckled male Selíni pushed up beside her brother, midnight pelt against the sunlight of his coat.

She bristled at her sister’s question opening her jaws to answer when Seerten answered and her mouth snapped closed with an audible clicking, though her expression remained cold. In truth she was relieved to see that her sister wasn’t in any danger but now that it was clear there was no threat the frustration of her sister’s behavior was creeping back in.

"Right!" The vixen jumped on the question in the speckled male’s speech. "Look I don’t know what you’ve convinced yourself but there is no reason any of us wouldn’t come looking for you." She her words weren’t harsh but her tone was, making it obvious what she thought of this whole ordeal. "It was a selfish thing to do Astrea! Glacier and Voltage have worked hard to accommodate us and you walking out on us wasn’t just childish but hurtful! I expect this sort of behavior from Serefina but not you!" She let a hint of disappointment creep into her tone.
