
echoes of a dream



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 01:16 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

Sorrow was beginning to fill the celestial titan, who wandered aimlessly along the eastern beaches in search of her lost brother. Now, she headed inland, hoping she might pick up traces of his scent somewhere there. So far, there had been nothing. Her tail drooped mournfully as she lumbered across the landscape, wondering why the gods insisted on this cruelty. The cosmic darling was worried, she was frantic, but now, she was tired. Shuffling into the relative darkness of a cavern that had just appeared, the early morning chill seemed to deepen. With a low sigh, she padded across the stone floor, absentmindedly seeking a good place to rest. She bumped into stone fangs frequently, her sides and spine scraped by granite teeth. This did provide something useful, however. Now she could scratch the many itches that she was growing accustomed to. Lining herself up with a stalactite, she rubbed her flanks against the gritty rock surface and took great pleasure in the soothing of sand and salt caused itches.

Never let it be said the ocean enjoyed her presence. A small groan escaped her as the colossal she wolf rid herself of even more of the ocean than she had before. Thank the gods, she was beginning to lose patience with it all. When she was finally sated, and her itches were gone, she shook out her plush coat with a contented sigh. That was much better.

It was then the soft voices began their serenades. Tall audits perked as she glanced about, seeking the owners of the vocals. None appeared, but the melodies did not fade. Brows would rise, and amethyst eyes would widen. Phantom sirens, they must be. Slowly the femme wandered further into the caves, wondering where the source of this magic might lay. There didn't appear to be anything special here, save for those voices. Slowly, a rhythm would establish itself, a method to the madness of the songs. The galactic behemoth would slowly begin to hum along to the tune, husky vocals strangely out of place amid all of the high, lilting lyrics of the invisible song weavers. She never thought her voice was anything admirable, singing was not her passion, but she quite enjoyed picking up a tune from time to time.

Once more she found herself in the main room of the caverns, where the singing was at it's loudest. The songs faded away, but she didn't mind. Dark form would slink towards the only source of light in the caves, the rising sun. It was early, and she enjoyed this time of the day. Mornings were often ethereal, sometimes shrouds of mist were broken by the sunlight, the birds would begin their daily trilling. Picking out a nice spot by the entrance, the cosmic darling decided she would watch the sunrise this morning.



2 Years
02-25-2015, 02:34 PM


Ah...the beach wasn't her favorite place to hang out. Especially with all this sand that gets tangled in with her fur. It was itchy! Arivae slumped her shoulders forward and made her way across the sand, her bright blue eyes turning to the slowly rising sun. She sighed and continued on. She wished Tiburtius was here to reassure her and comfort her. Or maybe enjoy the beach with her! The sun was setting, after all. But suddenly, the thought of her good friend swayed away, as the sound of singing quietly echoed from a nearby cavern. The young dame lifted a brow, her pace speeding up as her natural curiosity forced her forward.

Once she got to the entrance, the singing stopped abruptly, and emerging from the shadows was a starry-looking woman. Her fur looked like the night sky...or, even prettier! Purple and blues...swirling together. And her eyes were also very pretty! Could this be...a goddess?! Arivae stepped in a little, her head lowering and her ears falling back against her head. Of course, to look submissive. She didn't want any trouble from such a beautiful lady! Arivae smiled weakly and let her tail wag gently behind her.

"Hello..." She greeted quietly, her bright blue eyes continuing to examine the beautiful colors and markings that littered across this dame's body. But then, she looked her back in the eyes, backing up to hide herself a bit. Ah...maybe she was acting too shy for this girl's liking? Would she scare her off? "Your singing was beautiful. are also quite beautiful." She explained with a nervous smile, ears slowly perking forward as she awaited a reaction from the stranger lady.



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-27-2015, 05:50 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2015, 05:51 PM by Caia.)

"Speech" thoughts actions

ooc. crappy reply am sorry!

She wasn't sitting long, before a tiny ebony form appeared. There were no stars in her pelt, which was becoming decidedly unnerving to the celestial titan. There was a moment where the she wolf openly gawked, which was also quite disturbing. Though, to the natives of this land, who seemed to have rather bland pelts, she might seem like some sort of deity indeed. The girls eyes were quite lovely, an interesting shade of aqua that she found quite pretty herself. The lass lowered her head passively, audits falling back against her skull. The cosmic dame would cock her great skull to one side, watching the girl curiously. Finally, there was a hint of a friendly smile and a small wag of the girl's ebony tail. She would return a small grin, though she was far from a disarming female, and most likely she looked quite threatening to someone that small.

Now the female began to speak, using the common tongue quite gracefully. Damn it all, she really should have paid attention during fathers lessons. The girl backed away, watching her warily as she spoke. Okay, the greeting was easy enough. The rest of it, well, at least she got the gist of it all. It was a compliment, right? The dark pelted female perked up a little, which meant she expected the galactic femme to say something. She would stumble for a reply, frowning. "Thank.. you?" Husky lyrics would offer cautiously in reply, a heavy accent creating a burr in the words as she spoke them. Brows would knit together as she scrutinized the other girl, waiting for some sort of acknowledgment. "Excuse.." She continued after a moment, knowing full well she probably sounded like some kind of incapable. "Speak.. very small.. of common tongue." She finally stammered out, frown deepening. Good gods above, she must sound like some kind of idiot.