
Take you wonder by wonder



6 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2015, 04:16 PM by Glacier.)

A few hours had passed and it was late afternoon when he stood outside the main cave at the beach, but the heat of the day was still about him and the sand was pleasantly warm beneath his feet. The sun burnt orange and glittered fantastically against the water, and it looked as through the sky was burning. With all the sights around him he let his eyes wonder about their new home for a moment, having let them settle in on their own for a  few hours, or come to terms with it however the case may be he now wanted to be there for them and guide them and try to find things for all of them to love. It was still day, but the light was starting to fade and already you could see the faint twinkle of starlight beginning to shine, and the moon was out already, hanging clear and brilliant in the cloudless sky above them, winking mysteriously at the fading sun by reflecting brilliantly of the sea just down below him. He knew it was going to be a perfect night for star gazing and he hoped that this might if even a little, soothe and calm the third litter of his beloved family. As for the second, he hoped showing the caves might intrigue Terrae, and there where some pools of water within that looks outright breathtaking with the glow of fireflies suspended in the air above them, and perhaps this would take her breath away just as it had him. At some parts in the cave where there where slight cracks to the daylight world you could hear faint whistles of wind that made strange and curious noises – through this happened only in some and small parts of the cave and wasn't likely to disturb the sleep of his other siblings.

He hoped Sere might come along as well, there where some wonders his hot headed sister could enjoy about the beach, like the way the sun seemed brighter and hotter here, how the beach burned brilliantly under its terrible gaze, and perhaps deep in the cave she might find some things that interested her also.

He took his wondering gaze off the ocean and lifting his head he howled to any of his siblings that might be interested in a tour, even as he considered how to show them all a piece of the cave they might just love.

Ooc: I've put in a little something that hopefully every Elementas can like - from a brillient view of the stars, a heated beach, and whistling winds in certain parts of the cave, ect, ect xD




6 Years
02-23-2015, 05:02 PM

Voltage stretched as he emerged from the seperate den he and Serefina had chosen to protect him from the stormy nights, his back cracking as he yawned. Stormy eyes blinked through the sleepy haze as he tried to shake off his nap, breathing in the clear coastal night. He wasn't sure what had woken him, but Voltage was always one that had scattered sleep. He just couldn't stay still for too long, and that included sleep. It wasn't that he minded, it meant that he could both bask in the morning sun with Solaris, and watch the stars with Astrea, and moon bath with Selini. It allowed him to dance in the burning summer sun with Serefina, and enjoy the night coastal breeze with Gale. With scattered sleep he was able to be there nearly the whole day with his family, and he enjoyed it dearly. He blinked slightly when he saw movement by the main cave, not too far from the little one he was currently stepping from. Grinning a toothy grin he smiled at his brother, dipping his head. It was time to start exploring, it seemed, to fully settle in with his family in his new home.

Shaking out the sand from his fur he trotted towards his brother, tilting his head up at him. "Thank the heavens we get to do this without a thunderstorm." He said in greeting, grinning at his brother as he moved to nuzzle into his neck. He glanced around then, taking in the breath taking view of their coastal home. "I dont think even the island could have nearly a gorgeous night as this." He said gently, feeling the winds comb through his fur. With a content sigh he closed his eyes and moved to lean against the wall that was his icy brother. "It feels nice to finally relax" He said softly before he straightened himself, waiting for the rest of their family to make their way towards the tour. He was excited to see the things that Glacier had found.
